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POPGAF |OT2| Oops!... We Did It Again

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Calvin Harris is basic as fuck.

Like shit. The only songs I like of his are WFL and Sweet Nothing. The rest sound the fucking same and have the same structure. I was listening to the Ellie collab from the Halcyon snippets and the song is the same fucking thing as Sweet Nothing but with a more basic beat.

Go away.

I, on the other hand, can never get enough of Mr. Harris.


I'm hoping it's true that she's passing the torch to someone more Pop minded. I love Got2BReal, and I'd love to see more artists included in the shade-throwing eleganza. That would be fierce.

And seriously, That Necki Menij shit is so not funny it makes me judge all of your tastes.


Calvin Harris is basic as fuck.

Like shit. The only songs I like of his are WFL and Sweet Nothing. The rest sound the fucking same and have the same structure. I was listening to the Ellie collab from the Halcyon snippets and the song is the same fucking thing as Sweet Nothing but with a more basic beat.

Go away.

He's way better than David Guetta these days...but I agree overall...
although I secretly and shamefully enjoyed "Feel So Close" ;________________________;


And seriously, That Necki Menij shit is so not funny it makes me judge all of your tastes.

He's way better than David Guetta these days...but I agree overall...
although I secretly and shamefully enjoyed "Feel So Close" ;________________________;


I thought I was the only one. Never found it funny at all.

RE Calvin Harris: Feel So Close is a great driving song on the weekend coming home from the mall and stuff. So chill. Calvin Harris is like bread: very basic on his own, but he's great when collaborating with a good artist.


I was just trolling and you know it.

However, I wish I could say the same about you not knowing who Alanis Morissette, Fleetwood Mac, or Joni Mitchell are.


Honey boo boo I'm sorry I was still a developing fetus when they were in their respective peaks


Oh cut the condescension and give me a bit more credit than that, sis.

The argument has never been whether or not Christina lipsyncs at all. I'm not naive; the sky is blue, Santa doesn't exist, and Xtina has lip-synced some performances. Most pop singers who are expected to perform and/or keep rigorous promotional schedules have lip-synced performances at one era or another. Mariah has, Beyonce has, Christina has, and yes...even Rihanna has. So you're not really shedding light on a subject more than stating the obvious.

My point has always been that I don't necessarily believe that the run in the Burlesque performance specifically is lipped. If it is, then I don't know why she would have to lip-sync that note. Why? Well, simply put, if you have Xtina's range (even with the questionable technique) nothing about that run should have been difficult. Technically speaking, it's not extremely impressive
Hush Mumei
. She hits an F#5 at the top of it, yes - but it's not like she's hitting a clean, supported F#5 that's sustained over several seconds. She is, for all intents and purposes, barking that note out
hush Mumei
and quickly descending. Yes, it sounds good
Mumei seriously stop laughing
but again, not difficult with her range. Granted, I am a man with a male voice and a baritone's range, so I can't say for certain what was going on with Xtina at that time that would cause her to need to lip-sync that part. But I watch the entire performance, and listen to how her voice is holding up throughout and note where she's pausing to breathe, and it just doesn't make sense to me that she would need to lip-sync that part.

Same with the Hurt performances you linked to. You say she's lip-syncing in the beginning, but she's also hitting some, frankly, bum notes in those videos. I cringe whenever she gets to the chorus (that "for EVERYTHING..." is A-Cup as fuck). One of the main points of lip-syncing is to cover up the fact that you, for whatever reason, are unable to sing your song properly at that time. So considering that, I don't really see the sense in an artist using a prerecorded track of themselves singing a song improperly to cover up their inability to sing said song properly. I mean, unless the goal is to have the performance be as authentic as possible
Mumei stop
, but then if that's the case I'd say Christina has a hell of a lot of integrity to purposely insert bum notes into her prerecorded tracks.

I dunno at the end of the day, and frankly I don't feel like combing over every performance (and footage shot on someone's camera phone with quality so shitty you can barely hear her) trying to spot insignificant parts where she might be lip-syncing. She's still my queen and she's still one of the best in the biz.


I'd say it's still too early to call. The Britney/Gaga/Taylor Swift explosive debuts are the exceptions. Lots of songs debut high on the iTunes charts, fall a bit, and then climb back up once the promotion starts.

If it continues dropped even after she's full-on promoted it, like NMT, then I'll admit it's a flop and go cry in a corner. Your Body is such a damn good song, it deserves better than that. ;______;

You can't apply logic to why she's lipping, sis. No one really knows the reason why but her. What you can do is look at the provided evidence and determine that she is. You can supply the reason yourself.

As for the theory that a lipped track is meant to give the appearance that the singer can still hit those notes, you forget to realize its primary purpose is to be deceptive. In those Hurt tour performances, they're all exactly the same, with lipped bad notes, and yes, even lipped incorrect lyrics on the second verse.

So, the question is not how illogical it is for her to do it. The evidence is there, you just have to listen. You can come to your own conclusions.

I don't know about you, but I'm a fan of vocals first, artists second - so yeah, I Stan for mind blowing vocals when I hear them. I'm not here for lipped.


I don't know about you, but I'm a fan of vocals first, artists second - so yeah, I Stan for mind blowing vocals when I hear them. I'm not here for lipped.

1) Christina still makes vocally impressive studio albums. Not even counting her range, Her raw vocal skills and interpretive ability make her one of the best modern pop singers to come along after the Vocal Trinity.

2) She doesn't lip-sync enough for it to become an asterisk next to her name. She is still capable of excellent vocal performances. So it looks like I'm in the clear.

3) If you really believe that the primary purpose of lipped vocals is to be deceptive, then I'd say you have a very pessimistic view of Pop singers.


3) If you really believe that the primary purpose of lipped vocals is to be deceptive, then I'd say you have a very pessimistic view of Pop singers.

wow, I never really thought about lipping vocals in this way.

There's a lot of work and risk that can go into reaching those notes on a daily basis, so proper measures should be taken to maintain the voice.


Music is so diverse that I could never limit myself to just vocal "perfection" only. Although, it's a good thing my fave does have a great voice.



Music is so diverse that I could never limit myself to just vocal "perfection" only. Although, it's a good thing my fave does have a great voice.


Controversial opinion:

I don't see why the ability to write or ability to sing even matters for music. The idea that Britney Spears' or any other basic pop gerl's music is bad because she can't write or sing is an incredibly flawed argument. The enjoyment of music doesn't rely on the knowledge of the people behind it or their talents.


irresponsible vagina leak
Controversial opinion:

I don't see why the ability to write or ability to sing even matters for music. The idea that Britney Spears' or any other basic pop gerl's music is bad because she can't write or sing is an incredibly flawed argument. The enjoyment of music doesn't rely on the knowledge of the people behind it or their talents.

But surely writing and composing the music adds more value to the artist


wow, I never really thought about lipping vocals in this way.

There's a lot of work and risk that can go into reaching those notes on a daily basis, so proper measures should be taken to maintain the voice.

There really is.

I mean, a lot of vocal purists like to point to the greats like Whitney and Mariah when it comes to pop music, but don't really take into account that artists of that caliber don't come along everyday. Primeriah Carey and Whitney Primeston were above-exceptional talents in the pop sector, and I almost think it's unfair to expect vocalists to meet that standard in order to be considered "good."

And I feel it's just sad, because even with her bad habits live I think Christina is a truly gifted singer AND pop personality. I mean, I still listen to Stripped - to songs like "Impossible" and "Loving Me 4 Me" and "Walk Away" - and I think to myself "DAMN, Christina was only 20-fucking-years-old when she recorded these songs..."

Music is so diverse that I could never limit myself to just vocal "perfection" only. Although, it's a good thing my fave does have a great voice.





You can't apply logic to why she's lipping, sis. No one really knows the reason why but her. What you can do is look at the provided evidence and determine that she is. You can supply the reason yourself.

As for the theory that a lipped track is meant to give the appearance that the singer can still hit those notes, you forget to realize its primary purpose is to be deceptive. In those Hurt tour performances, they're all exactly the same, with lipped bad notes, and yes, even lipped incorrect lyrics on the second verse.

So, the question is not how illogical it is for her to do it. The evidence is there, you just have to listen. You can come to your own conclusions.

I don't know about you, but I'm a fan of vocals first, artists second - so yeah, I Stan for mind blowing vocals when I hear them. I'm not here for lipped.

you.are.a.mess. I mean are you seriously using youtube videos w/ (generally) bad audio-sync as evidence that Christina lipses on tour/in general? Girl, boom.


i honestly can't @ how Christina STILL has peeps grasping at anything to come for ha. She has 'em mad, sad, pressed, obsessed, depressed, and incensed.


Pupi and Arte do y'all want me to pull the receipts of all the songs and albums Britney has produced and written herself? Ch.... That took me hours to make. Do not put Godney under the category of someone who doesn't write or have input in her work. K Fanks.

Maybe Rihanna tho but she's done some of her own stuff... So... Idk who to put under that category not that it even matters


Pupi and Arte do y'all want me to pull the receipts of all the songs and albums Britney has produced and written herself? Ch.... That took me hours to make. Do not put Godney under the category of someone who doesn't write or have input in her work. K Fanks.

Maybe Rihanna tho but she's done some of her own stuff... So... Idk who to put under that category not that it even matters

That list was the hottest tea ever served in the last pop thread.


Pupi and Arte do y'all want me to pull the receipts of all the songs and albums Britney has produced and written herself? Ch.... That took me hours to make. Do not put Godney under the category of someone who doesn't write or have input in her work. K Fanks.

Notice me
Take my hand
Why are we
Strangers when
Our love is strong

Roy's post made me go rip my
copy of Stripped to my iPod.


On a totally unrelated note.

Mad Men was nominated for 17 Emmys.

And won



I mean, a lot of vocal purists like to point to the greats like Whitney and Mariah when it comes to pop music, but don't really take into account that artists of that caliber don't come along everyday. Primeriah Carey and Whitney Primeston were above-exceptional talents in the pop sector, and I almost think it's unfair to expect vocalists to meet that standard in order to be considered "good."

I was originally going to go with something cute and pithy here, but I'll just say that I don't think that a singer needs to be as good as Mariah or Whitney in their prime to be good. I think that plenty of other singers are good enough to be called good, even in spite of sometimes (... or often) flawed technique (e.g. Celine, Beyonce, Kelly, and yes, Christina). Even a non-vocalist singer like Lady Gaga has a pretty good basic instrument and is surprisingly good through the midbelt for someone who is not known as a vocalist. I at least think of her as competent, despite not being anywhere near the same league.

But you don't really talk about Christina as good; you talk her up as the most talented singer in her generation, and extol her interpretive abilities, musical sensibilities, and so on and so forth. I frankly agree that Stripped as an album is very impressive especially for her age. I even think she can be impressive live with those songs when she sticks to the studio. But her improvisations or musical sensibilities / instincts when singing live? I'm still not buying that swampland in Florida that you're selling.


sputum-flecked apoplexy

Calvin Harris is basic as fuck.

Like shit. The only songs I like of his are WFL and Sweet Nothing. The rest sound the fucking same and have the same structure. I was listening to the Ellie collab from the Halcyon snippets and the song is the same fucking thing as Sweet Nothing but with a more basic beat.

Go away.
Bounce slays and you will deal.


I think it's strange that you think I'm funny
Cause he never did
I've been spending the last 8 months
Thinking all love ever does is break, burn, and end
But on a Wednesday, in a cafe, I watched it begin again

Y'all will call the song basic but I don't care, debut Taylor makes a return.

A journalist who listened to Glassheart in full tweeted:

Paul Roberts ‏@Paul_Robertsss
Unlove me >> Favourite Scar >> FireFlies >>>>>>>>> GlassHeart

OH GOD, I need this album in my veins NOW. Album of the year, folks.

Also, dat VEVO promo. Check the top listed video on the right :p

EDIT: I love this man's loose lips.





















Mau ®

I can see why people would think the Diamonds cover references drug-use... however diamonds trafficking also exists and they're placed in similar packages that are similar to joint paper.

The more you know folks!

Mau ®

Rihanna's new album theme will revolve around the 7 ancient world-wonders

With confirmation that her upcoming 'new album' will be released in November, Rihanna launched the album's teaser website http://www.Rihanna7.com last week, with the number '7' in the domain name assumed to be referring to it being her seventh studio album, but... is there more to it? We found out there is!

The Directlyrics team found substantial clues, giving away the possible complete album title. By going through domain ownership records, we found out that on the same day Rihanna's label Universal Music (the parent company of Def Jam) bought Rihanna7.com, they also took ownership of the following domains:


Sure, I buy this.



It got today's biggest update ;_____;

CHRISTINA AGUILERA - Your Body: 16.798 (+ 2.319)



Not only is Christina "YES I am Latina!" Aguilera getting ready to defy hater expectations AGAIN with her generation-defining album LOTUS (In stores November 13), but it seems that one of her primary collaborators is getting ready to join in on the WIG SNATCHING.

SIA FURLER has announced via her twitter that she will be releasing a new album of her own early next year. You know what that means:

Emeli Sande HEW?

WUTS a Frank Ocean?

Your singer-songwriter faves have been put on NOTICE. The new queen of songwriting is coming to SLAY. NO WIG WILL BE SPARED.


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