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PopGAF |OT4| asdfjkl;asdfjkl;

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Hey Hey - I made fun of the song at first along with everyone else. Until I heard it on the radio a week later and surprised myself by knowing all the words.

Even today that song can come on in the club and the entire club will start laughing, dancing, and singing along.

Say what you want, but I bet all you hoes know the words too.

Friday just goes beyond its own utter ridiculousness and captures that SOMETHING that makes bubblegum Pop so infectious and magical. It's the new "Baby Got Back".


Stefan™;45853518 said:
And here I thought Roy's taste couldn't get any worse.


Considering your use of Digimon gifs, I didn't think your taste could get any more boring.
Rebecca's songs are my guilt pleasure. I don't love them, but they are fun little ditties.

They are better than anything on RED, tbqfhwy.


irresponsible vagina leak
Kingdom Hearts is just un-draggable.

Bitch please, Kingdom hearts writing its as good as M Night Shamalayan movies after signs. Pure nonsense and nothing else. The only thing that keeps the game alive its Utada repeated dreaded song and Disney characters. Birth By Sleep wanna be Star Wars Mess and DDD which should have been called ADD. Oh right there is that document online that explains the story because otherwise it wouldnt make sense. Kiiiiiii

*Goes to play Xenoblade and Persona 4*


Card captors a mystic adventure I couldn't get into it but the intro was cool!

Gaming question Okami or nights/jet grind radio I got 20 dollars psn mooonayy


Bitch please, Kingdom hearts writing its as good as M Night Shamalayan movies after signs. Pure nonsense and nothing else. The only thing that keeps the game alive its Utada repeated dreaded song and Disney characters. Birth By Sleep wanna be Star Wars Mess and DDD which should have been called ADD. Oh right there is that document online that explains the story because otherwise it wouldnt make sense. Kiiiiiii

*Goes to play Xenoblade and Persona 4*



irresponsible vagina leak

Learn the Dwarven Vows gurls

Tales of Symphoniasus said:
The known Dwarven Vows are as follows:

1 Let's all work together for a peaceful world.
2 Never abandon someone in need.
4 Don't depend on others. Walk on your own two legs.
5 The more you add, the worse it gets.
7 Justice and love will always win. (Battle) // Goodness and love will always win. (Story)
9 Fall down seven times, stand up eight.
10 Play hard, play often.
11 Lying is the first step down the path of thievery.
14 Even a small star shines in the darkness.
16 You can do anything if you try.
18 It's better to be deceived than to deceive.
24 Never let your feet run faster than your shoes.
32 Cross even a stone bridge after you've tested it.
41 It's better to begin in the evening than not at all. (ToS) // Haste makes waste. (TotW:RM)
43 Never forget the basics.
55 A bad workman blames his tools.
108 Let sleeping dogs lie.
134 Compassion benefits all men.


Bitch please, Kingdom hearts writing its as good as M Night Shamalayan movies after signs. Pure nonsense and nothing else. The only thing that keeps the game alive its Utada repeated dreaded song and Disney characters. Birth By Sleep wanna be Star Wars Mess and DDD which should have been called ADD. Oh right there is that document online that explains the story because otherwise it wouldnt make sense. Kiiiiiii

*Goes to play Xenoblade and Persona 4*



Bitch please, Kingdom hearts writing its as good as M Night Shamalayan movies after signs. Pure nonsense and nothing else. The only thing that keeps the game alive its Utada repeated dreaded song and Disney characters. Birth By Sleep wanna be Star Wars Mess and DDD which should have been called ADD. Oh right there is that document online that explains the story because otherwise it wouldnt make sense. Kiiiiiii

*Goes to play Xenoblade and Persona 4*

I am donE.



"Oooooohhh, they know they wrong for that cover."

-Friend's mother after seeing the Cosmopolitan with Carly Rae Jepson on the cover.



Bitch please, Kingdom hearts writing its as good as M Night Shamalayan movies after signs. Pure nonsense and nothing else. The only thing that keeps the game alive its Utada repeated dreaded song and Disney characters. Birth By Sleep wanna be Star Wars Mess and DDD which should have been called ADD. Oh right there is that document online that explains the story because otherwise it wouldnt make sense. Kiiiiiii

*Goes to play Xenoblade and Persona 4*

Yes its story is a mess, but its not like Xenobland is much better with its slow ass battle system. Its probably the better RPG on the Wii, but thats not saying much since its pretty much the only one relevant enough to even be remembered.


irresponsible vagina leak
Time to drag FF XIII A.K.A One Direction: The Game A.K.A The Beautiful Straight Line A.K.A No Towns. The ingredients of this cunterpiece its Female Cloud, Hope the hopeless, Vagisille the multiple personality girl, A Black dude with a bird nest, Snow the hot arrogant prick and Fang hew. (almost forgot Sarah hew too) The storytelling its as good as Pong in otherwords nothing. The character Vagisil (Vanille) speaks in 3 different accents. Ask me what the story was about and I'll tell you all was Vagisil fault because in her LSD trip she fucked up the balance and the rest of the cast besides Lighting Thief its irrelevant an unusable. Lets add the poorly designed DLC of outfits and Extra quests which were a waste of money and better watched on youtube.

Yes its story is a mess, but its not like Xenobland is much better with its slow ass battle system. Its probably the better RPG on the Wii, but thats not saying much since its pretty much the only one relevant enough to even be remembered.


When will your fave Lighting Thief?

Xenoblade 91%


FF XIII-2 79%

Answer: Never

You tried tho.

EDIT: I know it hurts, but did I lie?
Get out with this, Digimon shits on all that sailor moon crap yall post


bye. digimon
series 1 and 2

Mhm. Digimon is completely unbothered by trashy sailor moon gifs.

Stefan™;45852754 said:
That explains why her albums sells 3x more than the likes of 1dgaf and justin-e. Get out with this uninformed tea.


Late....but what kind of blatant LIES. One Direction has outsold Taylor WW every week since release.....while she may have the overall edge, that ratio you used is 100% total and complete flop. Taylor stans should know better.



irresponsible vagina leak
Dont associate King Zayn and his backup singers with whatever that game is


Its just using the name to represent the One direction the game has. It fitted to the dragging. I rather listen them than play FF13 and 13-2

FF12 shits on 13 and 13-2


Bitch please, Kingdom hearts writing its as good as M Night Shamalayan movies after signs. Pure nonsense and nothing else. The only thing that keeps the game alive its Utada repeated dreaded song and Disney characters. Birth By Sleep wanna be Star Wars Mess and DDD which should have been called ADD. Oh right there is that document online that explains the story because otherwise it wouldnt make sense. Kiiiiiii

*Goes to play Xenoblade and Persona 4*

Now wait a minute...

Kingdom Hearts has set the utmost standard in terms of crossover games, and given the companies being merged (Square and Disney), I think Nomura did a damn well job with the story from BbS through Kingdom Hearts 2. A series which consist of more than 5 games. Not many series have tried to do what Kingdom Hearts has done, while maintaing a strong fan following. Now most people can appreciate at least 2 stories out of the 7 games so far(not counting remakes), and the gameplay is still highly acclaimed. We're talking about one of the best selling franchises here, and not a series that struggles to get localized like Xenoblade.

And you really can't come for Utada's songs, when they are far more recognizable and iconic than any audio diarrhea that will ever come from Persona 4 and Xenoblade. Sanctuary still shits, and is attached to one of the greatest video game openings ever. Period.

So please go back to running around for hours in your last gen quality games, as everyone remains perched for Kingdom Hearts 3.



Now wait a minute...

Kingdom Hearts has set the utmost standard in terms of crossover games, and given the companies being merged (Square and Disney), I think Nomura did a damn well job with the story from BbS through Kingdom Hearts 2. A series which consist of more than 5 games. Not many series have tried to do what Kingdom Hearts has done, while maintaing a strong fan following. Now most people can appreciate at least 2 stories out of the 7 games so far(not counting remakes), and the gameplay is still highly acclaimed. We're talking about one of the best selling franchises here, and not a series that struggles to get localized like Xenoblade.

And you really can't come for Utada's songs, when they are far more recognizable and iconic than any audio diarrhea that will ever come from Persona 4 and Xenoblade. Sanctuary still shits, and is attached to one of the greatest video game openings ever. Period.

So please go back to running around for hours in your last gen quality games, as everyone remains perched for Kingdom Hearts 3.


Let him stan for a game that will never be remembered or have the impact of FF or KH.


A game that sold like shit, graphically reminds of PSX and had to be begged to come out of Japan doesn't even deserve to be compared to such iconic franchises.

The day Xenobland manages to have 13 sequels or even reach half the sales of FF or KH we can start talking...


irresponsible vagina leak
Now wait a minute...

Kingdom Hearts has set the utmost standard in terms of crossover games, and given the companies being merged (Square and Disney), I think Nomura did a damn well job with the story from BbS through Kingdom Hearts 2. A series which consist of more than 5 games. Not many series have tried to do what Kingdom Hearts has done, while maintaing a strong fan following. Now most people can appreciate at least 2 stories out of the 7 games so far(not counting remakes), and the gameplay is still highly acclaimed. We're talking about one of the best selling franchises here, and not a series that struggles to get localized like Xenoblade.

And you really can't come for Utada's songs, when they are far more recognizable and iconic than any audio diarrhea that will ever come from Persona 4 and Xenoblade. Sanctuary still shits, and is attached to one of the greatest video game openings ever. Period.

So please go back to running around for hours in your last gen quality games, as everyone remains perched for Kingdom Hearts 3.


Look the scores, read the reactions. They speak themselves

If youlike lazy 4X4 Box sized Level design, Shitty characters with litterally barely an ounce of Development to it, Then so be it. If they like watching some Disney cartoons with stories that have at least some ounce of Decency and integrity be distilled and treated like they're some Nelly Furtado Like Flop stories then good for you l

Pressed much?

Let me make it into a bigger Pop Gaf explanation designed for your Floptina Vitalera taste and add salt on the wound. KH Stories are like Christina Aguilera Bionic Filler. Ouch its that bad soooooooo sorry.

Utada songs are iconic cause they vomit them at each game with no shame of recycling the songs. Its a brainwashing song if you keep repeating it because you dont wanna spend budget making new music. Lazy company and poor quality at showing quality. Xenoblade the last gen game does more things right than KH ever did. Stay pressed.

Nomura its a hack

Let him stan for a game that will never be remembered or have the impact of FF or KH.


A game that sold like shit, graphically reminds of PSX and had to be begged to come out of Japan doesn't even deserve to be compared to such iconic franchises.

The day Xenobland manages to have 13 sequels or even reach half the sales of FF or KH we can start talking...

This applies for FF as it applies to Rihanna Quality>>>> Quantity. Learn it.
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