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Dr. Malik

Escaped from the family a bit to do some tallying

nnnnnnng the snubbing


irresponsible vagina leak
Merry Xmas to everyone and may your wishes come true. I hope you enjoy your day with your families, your lovers, anyone or alone. Hope to see you on PopGAF even if its 1 post or 2. Thanks for accepting me here and make me feel like I belong. Keep bringing the laughs and the good music around and may the next year brings us more good music. (And a few flops to Shade and Drag)



I join my fellow Lana Stans to wish a merry Christmas to BESTGAF!. Hope you had a lovely night and got a lot of presents :D I ate 3 plates of turkey and I can barely move #fatass #forevershamu #soontobebulimic











Merry christmas, popgaf!!

and happy Kwanzaa, satch~

lmao happy kwanzaa to you too bitch xoxoxo <3
Merry Xmas everyone!


A lttp review. I have wanted to do one for a while, but I don't like reviewing albums I don't personally own. Amazon fixed that so here is my full review. My overall thoughts on the album are very similar to those that I had on her previous albums. It is a solid group of songs with a very distinct style which has become Taylor’s trademark. Nice variety in tempo's and types. However, the only songs I feel that I will be listening to in six months are “All Too Well” and possibly “The Lucky One”. I gave high scores to several of her uptempo tracks on RED yet I simply don't feel the urge to listen to them despite their quality. This is a stark contrast to her previous albums where I had four or five tracks that I fell in love with. I think this is a result of some of the new directions she went in musically that seem to be half hearted, as if she was afraid to commit to a new style.

Length is also a persistent issue. While I don't mind 4/5+ minute AMAZING tracks..... I think that some mediocre or poor tracks had all their problems amplified by the fact that they are a half a minute or so longer than they need to be. When you don't like a track to begin with the extra time is a killer.

All that said I still think it is a quality album and well worth a purchase. There are very few real duds to speak of and only one track that I actively disliked. The quality of Taylor's writing is very apparent and she is starting to get her craft down to a science. I think most music fans will be able to find SOMETHING that they like in the album. I have always had a weakness for a well written ballad and “All Too Well” really scratches that itch for me. I do not regret my purchase at all.

State of Grace: 3/5

Solid song, I especially enjoyed the opening portion. Its pretty much what you would expect from a track opening up a Taylor Swift album. In the long run however it failed at keeping me interested, and the track has no business being 5 minutes long. The song really doesn't have the lyrical punch needed to sustain its length.....it uses a lot of meaningless vocalizations/repetition to burn time. This is an unforgivable sin.

Red: 3.5/5
This track gets moving quickly and in a pleasant way. Actually is one of the more “country” tracks on the album when it comes to its structure/rhythm. Its catchy and fun while still having her familiar themes throughout. Not quite good enough for me to want it to be a single though. Very “Taylor” with both its good and bad connotations.

Treacherous: 2.5/5
Filler track. Thats really all I took from it. Its too fast to be a ballad. Its theme is less than happy, but not sad enough to make me feel anything. This is probably THE track on the album where I wonder what someone with a bit more vocal power could have done with it. That said its not offensive either.

I Knew You Were Trouble: 4.5/5
A really fun song. The lyrics are clever enough to keep you interested and the beat is something I have not heard from her before. A song that really benefits from volume and wouldn't be out of place as a dance track. I really want to find some good remixes. No major complaints other than I wish there was a TAD more rising action near the end of the song.

All Too Well: 4.5/5
This is the first song on the album that really reminded me strongly of her past work with the way it is constructed and the way the lyrics play. It really surprised me with its buildup starting about 1/3 of the way through the song. It teases the rise nicely before going into it all the way. Also lyrically interesting. I am kind of in love with this song.....the whole thing just flows the way a power ballad should. Long song but I can forgive it in this instance because you get to experience the SLAY portion twice! This is one of only a couple tracks that I will probably add to my general play mix.

22: 2/5
First song on the album where the lyrics bothered me.....which they did from the opening. The beat is fun but I just don't enjoy the song. Everything about it just felt tacky to me. The beat/sound combination is very “I know I have heard this before” in a bad way. Meh. Even though its only about 4 minutes it felt like it went on way too long. Not for me.

I Almost Do: 3/5
Lets start with the lyric's, which are solid and relate-able in the typical Taylor Swift way. The song itself seems to be begging for country radio to take her back with its sound, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. My main issue that there have been a LOT of songs in this style from country artists this decade and this one simply is not as good as the others. Reminds me a bit of “Over You” (which I love) from Miranda Lambert. Just not enough here to put it over the top.

We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together: 4/5
Very catchy song that is Taylor while also being new and catchy in a way that easily appeals to her audience of teen's. Some of the lyrical twists were surprising. The talking section at the 2/3 point didn't irritate me nearly as much as I expected it to. The beat is something that the album really needed and its very easy to see why they chose it as a single.

Stay Stay Stay: 1.5/5
Very lighthearted fast paced track. However, its just kind of stupid and doesn't feel clever at all. Not very Taylor. I wouldn't call it filler since I think that it does fill an important niche in the album, yet it just doesn't work and there isn't an ounce of creativity to be found. The lyrics are also a bit awkwardly placed within the song. Whole thing is just “off” and Cliche.

The Last Time: 2/5
Opening is very meh, and I am not really a fan of the dude she is collaborating with. I don't feel their voices really flowed together at all. They do have their moments where they sound cute together, but they are not enough to make me like the song. Not really catchy at all. Another track that has no business being as long as it is.....also the instrumental section added nothing. No, no, no.

Holy Ground: 3/5
Fun song that is much more successful that “Stay Stay Stay”. I am not in love with the track but I could see it growing on me if I were in the mood. I think the song could have been much better if it had been arranged differently and included a bit more vocal/instrumental punch.

Sad Beautiful Tragic: 3/5
Opening is pretty enough that it made me interested to start off. Takes a while to get moving, but its not so slow as to bother me significantly. An interesting ethereal vibe which is somewhat unique on the album and really allows you to focus on the lyrics and the ebb and flow of the subtle track. Still.....its boring....hard to get past that unless you are looking for a very laid back listen. This track could grow on me though.

The Lucky One: 4/5
I love the way that this song flows with the instrumental tracks combined with the vocals. The whole thing just works well together without ever getting awkward. Also catchy without crutching on a dance tempo. Its an interesting listen in that, while there are familiar elements, I am not sure I have ever heard this type of track done this well. I really enjoyed it though its not perfect.....it just suites my tastes.

Everything Has Changed: 3.5/5
First I have to get this off my chest. I HATE tracks that do the “live” spin where they add intro's that try to trick you into think its unrehearsed. Ok moving on.....the rest of the song is ok. The verse is boring and disposable. At the same time I really enjoy the chorus sections and found them to be fun and catchy.....probably one of the top choruses on the album. Saves the song.
(I had to strongly resist the urge to take off a point for Sheeran tax.......)

Starlight: 3/5
Decent song. The chorus is solid, fun, and memorable. The same cannot be said for the track as a whole which I don't think stands out all that much. Nothing particularly special or notable. Good enough that I think it could really resonate with some people.

Begin Again: 3.5/5
I really enjoyed the lyrics of this song. Probably one of her strongest songs in this area. There isn't a whole lot of rising or falling action in the song. If I was listening to the song but not paying attention to the words I would probably consider the song boring.....but I just can't NOT like this song. Draws you in if you are willing to let it.

Dr. Malik


State of Grace: 2.5/5

Solid song, I especially enjoyed the opening portion. Its pretty much what you would expect from a track opening up a Taylor Swift album. In the long run however it failed at keeping me interested, and the track has no business being 5 minutes long. The song really doesn't have the lyrical punch needed to sustain its length.....it uses a lot of meaningless vocalizations/repetition to burn time. This is an unforgivable sin.

22: 2/5
First song on the album where the lyrics bothered me.....which they did from the opening. The beat is fun but I just don't enjoy the song. Everything about it just felt tacky to me. The beat/sound combination is very “I know I have heard this before” in a bad way. Meh. Even though its only about 4 minutes it felt like it went on way too long. Not for me.

you did not

you did not


Lol I expected that. I read your review.

Sorry. Disliked them both, though for very different reasons. State of Grace COULD have been good if a bit of restraint had been used. I will admit I questioned myself on that one....it could go higher. (maybe a 3/5)

22 just sucks. Song blows dude sorry.

(also keep in mind I start at 2.5 and go up and down from there......2.5 is essentially my "meh" score meaning I don't feel passionate either way)


Treacherous: 2.5/5
Filler track. Thats really all I took from it. Its too fast to be a ballad. Its theme is less than happy, but not sad enough to make me feel anything. This is probably THE track on the album where I wounder what someone with a bit more vocal power could have done with it. That said its not offensive either.


This is most definitely not a filler track. If I had to pick one it would have to be Stay Stay Stay.
Stefan&#8482;;45748500 said:
This is most definitely not a filler track. If I had to pick one it would have to be Stay Stay Stay.

Stay Stay Stay is just a bad song....not filler.

Those are two very different things.
Lol wouldn't filler be bad by definition? I hardly call songs that are good filler.

I don't think so....and its my review.....so yeah.

I define filler as taking an extremely safe route (essentially taking a bunch of things you KNOW you do well and blending them to make a track despite the fact that it doesn't fill a roll in the album and isn't as good as the counterparts it resembles). Taken in isolation a filler track isn't necessarily bad......it BECOMES bad when you look at the rest of the album/works by the artist. Maybe a filler track can't be "good" but they are not always "bad" either.

Whereas Stay Stay Stay tries to fill a niche in the album that is not represented.....it just fails spectacularly. Hence, not filler.

@ITZ I stand by my Treacherous opinion/score. Its still higher than Roy gave it. I think that it is simply redundant for Taylor and her sound.......


Treacherous is most certainly not filler. It is one of the best written songs on the album

And state of grace is literally flawless, you will not give it 2.5 and get away with it.

Lol wouldn't filler be bad by definition? I hardly call songs that are good filler.

The song born this way is not filler because its an important track to the album, but it is also one of the mediocre/bad songs on the album.


Yesterday, Rih donated $1.75 million to a Barbados hospital in memory of her s
'Gran Gran Dolly'. When will your faves be that generous?


The Carters must have been generous with her cut of the profits this year. Bless them.

She probably got a bonus for getting a #1 album. Or they decided to hold off on Blue Ivy's wing of their mansion until she can speak and adequately dictate what she wants.

Bless them.


Beyoncé probably donated a lot of money to Obama's Campaign this year

Bey and Jay are probably THE reason why Obama got re-elected.


Beyoncé probably donated a lot of money to Obama's Campaign this year

Bey and Jay are probably THE reason why Obama got re-elected.
They also rented out a floor at the hospital so that Beyonce could deliver that baby. So generous.



Beyoncé probably donated a lot of money to Obama's Campaign this year

Bey and Jay are probably THE reason why Obama got re-elected.

Bless them. I'm so glad that they gave so much to the campaign. The Carter's are going to be the next black first family.

Dr. Malik

I finally had my first 1D dream and I blame PopGaf for it. They were contestants in American Idol but it had the X Factor judges. The song they had to sing was from Mariah Carey, I don't which one. Each of them forgot the words of the song and when it was Zayn's turn to sing he just froze there knowing they were going to be eliminated and he had forgotten the words as well. Demi started crying, Zayn did so as well and walked off the stage. I was in front of my TV monitor shaking and crying cause that was the end of them.



I finally had my first 1D dream and I blame PopGaf for it. They were contestants in American Idol but it had the X Factor judges. The song they had to sing was from Mariah Carey, I don't which one. Each of them forgot the words of the song and when it was Zayn's turn to sing he just froze there knowing they were going to be eliminated and he had forgotten the words as well. Demi started crying, Zayn did so as well and walked off the stage. I was in front of my TV monitor shaking and crying cause that was the end of them.


In before "now only if that was reality etc." posts.
I finally had my first 1D dream and I blame PopGaf for it. They were contestants in American Idol but it had the X Factor judges. The song they had to sing was from Mariah Carey, I don't which one. Each of them forgot the words of the song and when it was Zayn's turn to sing he just froze there knowing they were going to be eliminated and he had forgotten the words as well. Demi started crying, Zayn did so as well and walked off the stage. I was in front of my TV monitor shaking and crying cause that was the end of them.


now only if that was reality etc.
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