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PopGAF |OT6| Beyonic is never coming out.

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Good god, the delusion is strong with you Kyon. You unironically stan an goddamn INTERNATIONAL PUNCHLINE. Has Britney Spears ever commanded the respect of the general public outside lower-middle class power bottoms and closeted fratboys?

Bragging about a LAS VEGAS residency? Bragging about Scream and Shout; the song so offensively poor, it's an act of aggression in 27 countries? Bragging about Britney Spears not looking like a middle aged METH-HEAD on one occasion? Bragging about her hosting, then being fired from a reductive American Idol? You are the messiest, most embarrassing stan on the internet and you have the audacity to call Beyonce irrelevant?


Expose her


irresponsible vagina leak
I'd rather have one good Bey album in three or four years than four shitty ones in the span of four years.

Some people have different expectations from their fave. My standards are higher, I guess.

And y'all act like there's no other music out there beside the music your fave makes.


Keep it going good sis.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Quite an interesting and sort-of pop-related article about guest singers on dance tracks (mostly mid-90s stuff tho tbf):

DJs are making a killing these days as electronic dance music (EDM) is one of the most lucrative sectors of the music industry. Top DJs can demand £50,000 to £100,000 for a gig – and, unlike touring rock acts, they have hardly any overheads. But the scene is hiding a shameful secret – the women who write the melodies and lyrics to the dance hits, as well as sing them, claim they rarely get paid for their work.


I hope that Sia is making bank off writing hits
and some flops
for all our faves at the moment.
Jeap, wasn't it DMJ who started the whole 'stay Londa' thing for people who were pressed over Bey? The Beyfraudcé/Thiefoncé thing too has gotten ridiculous even though Gaga has 'stolen' practically her entire career to date from other artists (make sure you duck to avoid the obvious racially motivated narrative that Gaga is 'inspired' but Bey is a 'thief').

It was this very thread that voted Beyonce in second in the pop olympics. It was Kyon who repeatedly, and adamantly admitted to being a Beyonce stan. It was this entire thread that frequently discussed their love for Beyonce's work, including 4. It was DMJ who openly stanned Party on numerous occasions. Like literally the only one who hated Beyonce before February was royalan. Even botty would profess his love for I Miss You and Schoolin' Life when conversation was calm. The backtracking, the delusion, the lies, the complete and utter transparency of the "haters" is baffling.


I'd rather have one good Bey album in three or four years than four shitty ones in the span of four years.

Some people have different expectations from their fave. My standards are higher, I guess.

And y'all act like there's no other music out there beside the music your fave makes.

Looks like you're alone in your preference for 'one good bey album' rather than 'four shit albums in four years' if each of the four 'shit albums' separately outsold the 'one good album'.

Poor that


Did we really just bring fucking RACISM into the argument?


The delusions of GRANDEUR I can't. This is why the BeyHive gets the shit they get. Just accept that people don't like your fave or their lack of autonomy and move on.

And I'm not even touching the "STOLEN" comment, should we start posting more Perez Hilton comparison shots?

And the other two who are just cosigning shit, smh


Looks like you're alone in your preference for 'one good bey album' rather than 'four shit albums in four years' if each of the four 'shit albums' separately outsold the 'one good album'.

Poor that

talking about charts instead of quality yet AGAIN



irresponsible vagina leak
It was this very thread that voted Beyonce in second in the pop olympics. It was Kyon who repeatedly, and adamantly admitted to being a Beyonce stan. It was this entire thread that frequently discussed their love for Beyonce's work, including 4. It was DMJ who openly stanned Party on numerous occasions. Like literally the only one who hated Beyonce before February was royalan. Even botty would profess his love for I Miss You and Schoolin' Life when conversation was calm. The backtracking, the delusion, the lies, the complete and utter transparency of the "haters" is baffling.

Bandwagoners... Wait til she releases the actual album and some of this basics start licking Bey asses but save the receipts to shame em later.

talking about charts instead of quality yet AGAIN


Didn't you heard Harlem Shake and Gangnam Style were some of the best songs ever? :biblio:
Didn't you heard Harlem Shake and Gangnam Style were some of the best songs ever? :biblio:

You act as if there is only one "quality" and everything else outside of it is bad.

Gangnam Style and Harlem Shake were excellent for what they were. Hence why they were the biggest songs in their niches. Your logic is just as foolish as judging soul tracks by the same standards as EDM...... by that logic ALL soul sucks.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
It was this very thread that voted Beyonce in second in the pop olympics. It was Kyon who repeatedly, and adamantly admitted to being a Beyonce stan. It was this entire thread that frequently discussed their love for Beyonce's work, including 4. It was DMJ who openly stanned Party on numerous occasions. Like literally the only one who hated Beyonce before February was royalan. Even botty would profess his love for I Miss You and Schoolin' Life when conversation was calm. The backtracking, the delusion, the lies, the complete and utter transparency of the "haters" is baffling.

I forgot to mention when Nemesis bought Beyonce's entire discography in one day! Or when Koodo said 4 was his favourite album of 2011!



You can't expose something no one is DENYING. The lack of COMPREHENSION.
Do y'all even know what you're dragging anymore?



I'd probably take it easier on Beyst if her stans admitted that Rihanna has surpassed her in literally almost every facet of being an artist (Save for performance). Until then, the Beyst stans continue to live in delusion, and I don't care for delusional people.



irresponsible vagina leak
You act as if there is only on "quality" and everything else outside of it is bad.

Gangnam Style and Harlem Shake were excellent for what they were. Hence why they were the biggest songs in their niches. That logic is just as foolish as judging soul tracks by the same standards as EDM...... by that logic ALL soul sucks.
I can't


HasBeyn Stans have been out for EVERYONE lately. Your fave has been reduced to just being a local celeb making her cash.

Which btw isn't all that impressive considering one of the biggest flops Jessica Simpson has a billion dollar empire. Imagine that. Someone with no career making more than your thieving conniving fave.

Just admit that you use Beyonce, always have used her and always will. It will be so much simpler if you accept her light into your life. You don't have to lie, you don't have to run. You're free. You're a stan. Baby, you were born this way.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
People being clocked all over the place


I can't really remember why the navy turned on the hive though. There wasn't a problem between them and now they seem to hate each other, idgi


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I'd probably take it easier on Beyst if her stans admitted that Rihanna has surpassed her in literally almost every facet of being an artist (Save for performance). Until then, the Beyst stans continue to live in delusion, and I don't care for delusional people.


What are the facets and how has Rih surpassed them? I'm happy to say that Rih has surpassed Bey at the things she's actually surpassed Bey at.
People being clocked all over the place


I can't really remember why the navy turned on the hive though. There wasn't a problem between them and now they seem to hate each other, idgi

#Navy formed the alliance when they needed it, then dropped it when then no longer did.

Superior strategy TBH.


irresponsible vagina leak
Post tacky gifs all you want to avoid discussion. There are a TON of songs that try to do what Gangnam Style did by being so absurd that it was so infectious.

Gangnam did it better than the rest, and reaped the rewards.

I dont need to go on a long rant on how its wrong. Good music its good music. Charts dont necessarily means the music its good as sometimes shit its viral garbage. Tons of times we read people complaining at the charts but now to back up this argument you people use the charts. Keep going back and forth but if its garbage the charts wont change what the song is and what matters to me its the quality of said music. You may continue puking words if you like.


Jeap, wasn't it DMJ who started the whole 'stay Londa' thing for people who were pressed over Bey? The Beyfraudcé/Thiefoncé thing too has gotten ridiculous even though Gaga has 'stolen' practically her entire career to date from other artists (make sure you duck to avoid the obvious racially motivated narrative that Gaga is 'inspired' but Bey is a 'thief').

Tsk Tsk.

Now, I clock BOTH ladies for fraudulence, but even I can see the huge difference between Gaga and The Beyst. Outside of the BTW/Express Yourself drama, Gaga's "inspiration" has mostly been visual -- borrowing looks from other acts and just not trying hard enough to make them her own.

Bey, however, "borrows" everything from looks, to concepts, to lyrics and song credits. She's a world class plagiarist, and the tea is in the number of lawsuits she's had to settle out of court (well, except for that one that actually got her album pulled from shelves briefly).


Just admit that you use Beyonce, always have used her and always will. It will be so much simpler if you accept her light into your life. You don't have to lie, you don't have to run. You're free. You're a stan. Baby, you were born this way.


Comprehension really is LACKING for the FleaHive.

Your fave is nothing as of this moment. She's a DISGRACE. We never said we don't use her READ WHAT YOU'RE TRYING TO ARGUE AGAINST.

I dont need to go on a long rant on how its wrong. Good music its good music. Charts dont necessarily means the music its good as sometimes shit its viral garbage. Tons of times we read people complaining at the charts but now to back up this argument you people use the charts. Keep going back and forth but if its garbage the charts wont change what the song is and what matters to me its the quality of said music. You may continue puking words if you like.

Well I am sure glad we have you here to tell us what is good and what is bad. With you we would be lost.

Opinions and individual taste are overrated anyways.


irresponsible vagina leak
Well I am sure glad we have you here to tell us what is good and what is bad. With you we would be lost.

That is a matter of preference. As I can say Rihanna Unapologetic its garbage many other can like it. Does it make my preference wrong? No? Does yours? Neither.

Its a matter of preference but if you let charts tell you what you should like then continue being the sheep if you like. I like some songs from the charts but not everything obviously. Charts only show popularity which does not equal quality of the music.
Kyon, literally nobody understands what the fuck your trailer trash, scurvy infected, diaper wearing, psychotic stan ass is talking about. Go down to the quarry where the woods witch from the ozarks taught you English and ask for your 6 squirrel pelts back because she ripped you off.


Those who don't stan chart positions are those who have none to stan.

All chart positions are is a representation of public like/dislike of a song/album. Which is far more relevant than a concept as abstract and variable (aka BS) as "quality". Obviously someone thinks Rih's songs are quality is they decide to buy them.

Eh. I think it's fair to say that the public likes a song that is charting well, but it may or may not be true that the public dislikes a song that isn't charting well. It could always be that the song didn't receive enough promotion or came from a smaller label or any number of other reasons.

And popularity is never a good corollary for quality. I don't try to make objective claims about the quality of music because I don't really know anything about music theory in general, let alone how different genres play with different musical conventions or how to compare what "works" and what doesn't "work" musically. But that doesn't mean that there's no such thing as quality. Essentially I feel like quality has both objective and subjective elements, and just saying, "Somebody thinks so-and-so's songs are quality because they bought them" as an argument for their level of quality is more than a little weak.
That is a matter of preference. As I can say Rihanna Unapologetic its garbage many other can like it. Does it make my preference wrong? No? Does yours? Neither.

Its a matter of preference but if you let charts tell you what you should like then continue being the sheep if you like. I like some songs from the charts but not everything obviously. Charts only show popularity which does not equal quality of the music.
This is true.

What I am getting at is not that Charts=Quality, but that the whole idea if "quality" is pretty much useless to begin with considering the variation of tastes, and the different purposes that songs try to fulfill.

Charts are about popularity. Popularity correlated (at least somewhat) with what individuals enjoy listening too for whatever reason.

Eh. I think it's fair to say that the public likes a song that is charting well, but it may or may not be true that the public dislikes a song that isn't charting well. It could always be that the song didn't receive enough promotion or came from a smaller label or any number of other reasons.

And popularity is never a good corollary for quality. I don't try to make objective claims about the quality of music because I don't really know anything about music theory in general, let alone how different genres play with different musical conventions or how to compare what "works" and what doesn't "work" musically. But that doesn't mean that there's no such thing as quality. Essentially I feel like quality has both objective and subjective elements, and just saying, "Somebody thinks so-and-so's songs are quality because they bought them" as an argument for their level of quality is more than a little weak.

I completely agree. Sometimes the artist simply has no exposure.

However, when we are comparing relevant artists such as Bey/Rih/Brit where they have plenty of visibility, I do think it is fair to bring it up.


Besides, isn't it obvious?

Both Kyon and DMJ have some love for Bey deep down in their hearts...somewhere.

It's the Beyhive that's to blame for what they've become.

The Beyhive, with their unending vendetta against Rih. THREATENED by her reign. Doing everything in their power to keep up the false notion that Beyonce is in any superior to her.

That shit was cute two eras ago, but the receipts just don't match up anymore. Rihanna is the superior pop star.

But the 'Hive stays trying it.

So DMJ and Kyon had to clock. You left them no choice.


irresponsible vagina leak
Anyone here that likes both Beyonce and Rihanna?

Just me? Okay.jpg

I like Beyonce and enjoy some Rihanna songs before Unapologetic

Kyon, literally nobody understands what the fuck your trailer trash, scurvy infected, diaper wearing, psychotic stan ass is talking about. Go down to the quarry where the woods witch from the ozarks taught you English and ask for your 6 squirrel pelts back because she ripped you off.

deadbanana.gif deadbanana.gif deadbanana.gif


It was this very thread that voted Beyonce in second in the pop olympics. It was Kyon who repeatedly, and adamantly admitted to being a Beyonce stan. It was this entire thread that frequently discussed their love for Beyonce's work, including 4. It was DMJ who openly stanned Party on numerous occasions. Like literally the only one who hated Beyonce before February was royalan. Even botty would profess his love for I Miss You and Schoolin' Life when conversation was calm. The backtracking, the delusion, the lies, the complete and utter transparency of the "haters" is baffling.

It's good to see you've grown a pair during your deportment.


But let's get a few things clear, people have been coming for Beyonce since OT1. In fact, one of my first shades was towards beyonce. And just because I like two songs from 4, doesn't make it any less of a recycled piece of shit. Though, it is fitting that you would be here for it considering you are anticipating Lightning Returns.


ddddd @ the receipts.

I wonder if Gaga would be CHARITABLE this era and let HasBeyn have her next biggest HIT of her career like Telephone.

It's TRAGIC and IRONIC the XBeyOne Stans wanna get on Legend X for being a feature artist and yet Trash Beyn's biggest accomplishment was getting 3 lines on a song with a NEWBIE. How EMBARRASSING.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Anyone here that likes both Beyonce and Rihanna?

Just me? Okay.jpg

I do, kind of.
I like some of Rih's music,but don't really like her

As far as I'm concerned both of their last efforts were below par.

I still don't get why people are coming for bey for not charting though. 4 did alright, and she hasn't released anything this era for it to flop. Come for her messy management not her charting success
I do, kind of.
I like some of Rih's music,but don't really like her

As far as I'm concerned both of their last efforts were below par.

I still don't get why people are coming for bey for not charting though. 4 did alright, and she hasn't released anything this era for it to flop. Come for her messy management not her charting success

4 the album did alright. The singles did not.

That will not be forgotten till she gets another hit.


I do, kind of.
I like some of Rih's music,but don't really like her

As far as I'm concerned both of their last efforts were below par.

I still don't get why people are coming for bey for not charting though. 4 did alright, and she hasn't released anything this era for it to flop. Come for her messy management not her charting success

But 4 didn't do alright tho.

No top 10 singles.

And 3 straight years of promo (including a world tour, and shows in NY and Atlantic City) just to go double platinum.

The album WAS a flop.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Anyone here that likes both Beyonce and Rihanna?

Just me? Okay.jpg

I like them both too, despite the shade I pay Rih. Given that PopGAF is pretty much the only pop-related thing on the internet that I actually post in I'm kind of baffled that I get elementary school playground-grade insults hurled at me for the opinions of Bey stans in places like ATRL or whatever, but I guess that's the name of the game where the internet is concerned.

Tsk Tsk.

Now, I clock BOTH ladies for fraudulence, but even I can see the huge difference between Gaga and The Beyst. Outside of the BTW/Express Yourself drama, Gaga's "inspiration" has mostly been visual -- borrowing looks from other acts and just not trying hard enough to make them her own.

Bey, however, "borrows" everything from looks, to concepts, to lyrics and song credits. She's a world class plagiarist, and the tea is in the number of lawsuits she's had to settle out of court (well, except for that one that actually got her album pulled from shelves briefly).

I agree with the song credits/lyrics thing, it's intellectual property, so by that fact alone it's more serious, at least in the eyes of the law. That's unacceptable.

But, lets be real, Gaga has been prolifically 'inspired' by other artists for her entire career. That's okay, it's what artists do. But where Gaga's is framed as just that—inspiration—if Bey does the same thing it's another example of 'Thiefoncé'. The difference in framing is transparent.


Some news we can all agree on:

Chris Brown took to Twitter on Tuesday to tell the world that he plans to quit music after the release of "X," his upcoming LP.

The R&B singer said he's "tired of being famous for a mistake" he made when he was 18, referencing when he assaulted Rihanna.

Both Brown, who has had a string of other post-assault altercations and incidents on his rap sheet, and the music industry, which has promoted and booked Brown since shortly after the assault, have faced near constant criticism since the horrific event that took place before the 2009 Grammys.



I agree with the song credits/lyrics thing, it's intellectual property, so by that fact alone it's more serious, at least in the eyes of the law. That's unacceptable.

But, lets be real, Gaga has been prolifically 'inspired' by other artists for her entire career. That's okay, it's what artists do. But where Gaga's is framed as just that—inspiration—if Bey does the same thing it's another example of 'Thiefoncé'. The difference in framing is transparent.

It's all about perception. Gaga borrows a lot, but she doesn't have a history of outright stealing like Beyonce does.


Besides, isn't it obvious?

Both Kyon and DMJ have some love for Bey deep down in their hearts...somewhere.

It's the Beyhive that's to blame for what they've become.

The Beyhive, with their unending vendetta against Rih. THREATENED by her reign. Doing everything in their power to keep up the false notion that Beyonce is in any superior to her.

That shit was cute two eras ago, but the receipts just don't match up anymore. Rihanna is the superior pop star.

But the 'Hive stays trying it.

So DMJ and Kyon had to clock. You left them no choice.

And THAT'S the Lipton
dear god it's full of shade in here
ddddd @ the receipts.

I wonder if Gaga would be CHARITABLE this era and let HasBeyn have her next biggest HIT of her career like Telephone.

It's TRAGIC and IRONIC the XBeyOne Stans wanna get on Legend X for being a feature artist and yet Trash Beyn's biggest accomplishment was getting 3 lines on a song with a NEWBIE. How EMBARRASSING.

should've went with NewBey tbh
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