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PopGAF |OT6| Beyonic is never coming out.

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TFM Gaga = best Gaga. Y'all will sit and DEAL. That "aura" song and the nonsensical, obsessive little monster analyses are the height of over processed, pointless shit that Gaga has become since BTW.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
My main problem with Gaga is how unauthentic she is. You can't have it both ways. You are either a homage artist (I'm every icon) or the most influential pop act of this generation (lil monsters LULZ).
This is kind of my issue with her - she's on one hand a sort of mashup of all these icons and popstars and then she has a real (quite creepy) fanbase who she talks to earnestly about social issues and bullying and stuff. At first I really thought she was a kind of tongue-in-cheek act but she keeps crossing the line back and forth. Like you said you can't have it both ways.

Even someone like Rihanna is hardly a role model but she doesn't pretend to be. You don't have to be all "I love you sooooo much with all my heart" with your fanbase to be huge. In fact being completly untouchable and unrelatable was what sold me on her to begin with.


oh lord.

I'm so confused after reading all these comments.

What is Gaga even



My main problem with Gaga is how unauthentic she is. You can't have it both ways. You are either a homage artist (I'm every icon) or the most influential pop act of this generation (lil monsters LULZ). There's something to be said on how much of a star she has become by being something she isn't (a true original).

WaiT, who is this newcomer now coming with some truths?



Normally if this was the BTW era I'd be dragging Gaga harder than ever but I can't be mad cause I'm happy with the music.



My main problem with Gaga is how unauthentic she is. You can't have it both ways. You are either a homage artist (I'm every icon) or the most influential pop act of this generation (lil monsters LULZ). There's something to be said on how much of a star she has become by being something she isn't (a true original).

The Germ had to become Gaga to get noticed and now she wants to be both a pop superstar and also an underground artist. One has to give and the more she attempts to stretch the fantasy (farce) the less believable it becomes. Then there's the bizarre cult angle she has cultivated, her creepy relationship with her fans, the use of the gay demographic to promote her brand, her pompous flare and just her unbearable BS.

It's like she really doesn't trust herself to BE herself and instead has to rely on all these gimmicks to be relevant. You either are an artist or you call yourself one. That Burqa/Aura demo - if it's anything as the final product - shows this bipolar behaviour fully. Make art or make pop. Don't try to be both. How pretentious.

Her whole "I'm a student of fame" angle is such a lame crutch. One she uses to brush off critics that correctly identify her an unoriginal and derivative. I personally think Gaga herself is deeply conflicted on what she really wants to be.

She loves the fame and adulation, that much is clear. But she also loves music. Her real music. Just her and her piano playing ballads. She is at her most real when she manages to bridge both personas on stage but the more she tries to find herself as an artist the more conflicted she becomes. Her foundation as a pop icon was a farce. But people loved the music that farce brought out of her. But she also want to be the fringe artist, and she knows that her fame would flee if she were to show her real self. And while she attempts to be both things and her ego goes unchecked she has to make compromises and remain a fake.

And she continues to use tricks to fool the misinformed into believing she is a serious musician and artist all the while using borrowed imagery and sounds from others to pull it off.

LOL - a harsher dragging on Gaga than I was going for, but I agree with a lot of this. Especially pointing out how fake Gaga is. I think it's funny that desperate stans point to ARTPOP Gaga as being "who she really is" when, thanks to the modern internet, we KNOW who the real Gaga is. She's an awkward brunette singer-songwriter who composes jazzy ditties with her piano. TF, TFM, BTW, AP - it's ALL fake. It's ALL an act. ARTPOP is no more the "Real Gaga" than The Fame, imo.

Where you and I diverge is I don't necessarily mind the act Gaga put on to get the fame she has, I'm only concerned about how complete the ruse is. Being real or totally fucking phony doesn't have to have any bearing on how entertaining you are as long as that act you put on is well-conceived. The Fame era was well conceived. I honestly think it's the closest thing to pure pop genius that we've gotten from a Top 40 artist in decades.

ARTPOP, though, is a mess so far.
Gaga is shitty at "high art" anyway. What is she doing? She has no message, no point, nothing to say really. At most she takes something culturally relevant or "controversial", covers it in black leather and makes it a metaphor for freedom or sex. She's like the wikipedia of pop stars. She's not a mirror of pop culture, or the monstrosity of fame. She's a NYU hipster who made it big with a song about getting blackout drunk at the club and has been allowed to live out her half thought out art school fantasies under the guise of "innovation" and "breaking the mold"

This era probably won't even have much impact as the others, just for the fact that its become common to look outside of the Top 40 every once in a while if your looking for something, and darker, more unconventional pop is at the forefront of the mainstream indie scene anyway. Katy Rih, Gaga Bey and Brit will obviously slay the charts, but it doesn't mean it's the only thing people are hearing, and I don't expect them to be as impressed with Gaga this go round.
She's had short hair before...


By the way, she looks stunning with darker hair:


And she's adorable without her weaves (the relaxed hair underneath looks pretty damn healthy for someone whose scalp is probably manipulated on the daily)

The relaxed hair looks pretty healthy for being bleached to hell and back too.
Yep. Keratin infuser + flat iron combo can make even the most over-processed hair look good. Of course, flat ironing in the long term ends up being unhealthy even when you correctly apply heat protectant to seal the strand.

Still, I wish Beyonce were more adventurous with her hair. I don't mean digging into a box of Crayolas like her lesser competition, but experimenting with bangs, twists, etc etc. She used to be more playful, but I feel that she's defaulted to her boring "lioness" weave these past few years.
Yep. Keratin infuser + flat iron combo can make even the most over-processed hair look good. Of course, flat ironing in the long term ends up being unhealthy even when you correctly apply heat protectant to seal the strand.

Still, I wish Beyonce were more adventurous with her hair. I don't mean digging into a box of Crayolas like her lesser competition, but experimenting with bangs, twists, etc etc. She used to be more playful, but I feel that she's defaulted to her boring "lioness" weave these past few years.

That black girl's burden. The truth always comes out when that hair is wet though.

I agree. If she even went one shade of unconventional, people would be saying she was "trying to be ratchet" or some other stupid thing, but a nice shoulder length chestnut brown cut and bangs would probably look good on her.


Can you imagine how much other people who have set up Kickstarters for their efforts, and failed, must be seething right now?

Marina, her power



For me it's that Gaga is too capable of writing amazing pop songs to be wasting her time with trying to find a different angle to go with. Madonna worked because each era was FOCUSED no matter how fake it was. Gaga was fucking LASER-TARGETED from 2008-2010, then she finds herself with millions of fans, a 'platform' and sky-high expectations... and she takes refuge in confusion. I am confident that that was the main goal of Born This Way, but then she kind of latched onto the idea that it always has to be confusing or else it's not worth doing. Which brings us to ARTPOP, which is seemingly a return to form but with the not-so-slight problem of self-sabotage lightly tugging everything she does. I don't think she's able to give in to one side or the other (which might make the album interesting), leading to a situation where everything's just out of reach for the mainstream but too uncommitted to really be something special. That doesn't mean that there won't be bops and she won't make some nice money off of it, just that it will be a fundamentally damaged product. And that's to say nothing of The Haus and her relationship with her fans, things that will have only dragged Gaga down in the long run despite seemingly enabling her to do bigger things.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
I do kind of look back to moments like the LoveGame video which is where I first started to take notice of her - there was just something super confident about her in that video - and flawlessness like Telephone which was pretty much my favourite video of the last ten years; to this stuff of her wailing in a log cabin and hugging giant crystals and think... what is she doing? In terms of imagery, some untouchable pop gold would be nice not this modern 'art' Yoko Ono weirdness. I guess when you surround yourself with people who kiss your ass all the time, stuff like this happens.

Kinda disappointed to hear 'Aura' is just a rejig of an existing song, as awesome as it sounds. Guess I'll wait on the album to see whether she can bring out something super focused. Still very optimistic.


Gaga is all over my Facebook feed now too


The worldwide impact

I would participate in the Gaga Essaython but you've all made up your minds anyways and I just don't think there's a point since I enjoy the music regardless of what she does >_>
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