ROAR. I'll keep it short.
+ A pop song that's crafted to be a perfect pop song from the get go. Very well done in this regard.
+ The soaring ROARRRRRRR (the first one) in the chorus melts me for some reason.
+ While I see influences from Firework, it's less cheesy to me which is much better.
+ This is radio crack / commercial crack. It's manufactured to be that way, Katy will make bank.
+ The production is a step above for her. I went back and listened to previous songs of hers just to pique my interest, but they all now have a bit of a basic tinge to them now that I've heard Roar.
+ On the production - it's there, but it's not overdone. Which is nice. I like overdone usually, but this is something I can listen to. It's less
annoying than songs like We Are Young or something.
- Katy won't be able to do this justice live at all unless she's had some serious training between albums.
- This is a very predictable song from Katy, I feel. It could be on TD
- I really had hoped that the trend of rhyming a word with the same word would've stopped with Pitbull
- I hate the verses and the bridge. The chorus is
really what does it for me.
- Less experimental than I was hoping.
? We were pretty much told Katy was going darker with this album. If this is true, she clearly didn't want to fuck around with something experimental and instead fast tracked a track that will get her the sales and the airplay. I can't fault her for this - she is an artist and wants to make money, but I expected more from the darker tone of the pre-release teasers.
? Will a song like this age well? I only say this because I've gone back to older songs of hers and this song makes them sound basic in comparison.
? I'm sick of mid-tempos. >_> But this is a trend that I also can't fault an artist for following.
I'm not deluded enough to hate it, or even compare to another song and highlight similarities (ie. like people do with EY and BTW) but I'm not going to say I outright hate it but I don't exactly LOVE it either. Even on repeat listens I was already getting tired of it, and I have a feeling that after over exposure in almost every form of mainstream media, the same thing will happen there too.
I've heard Prism
should be a darker and more outgoing adventure for her, so I hope she lives up to this promise with later tracks.
So yeah.