I think this is BTW Vol. II the polarizing opinions speak VOLUMES.
What the GP is here for:
You guys should google Jeff Koons
I'm not sure what you're saying...
Even after the 'chola or orient maid' thing, I don't think Gaga is dumb enough to write the lyrics 'one second I'm a coon, now suddenly the coon is me'.
But I do think she is capable of including the word 'kunst' in her work without knowing how it's spelled. Especially because she's included German in her lyrics before and 'kunst' is the German word for art.
You really think it's a reference to Jeff Koons? I'm definitely hearing a T on the end of it.
But I guess, 'one minute I'm a Koons, suddenly the Koons is me' makes even less sense, so it probably is that.
[edit] Hmm, I guess 'I'm a Koons'. I suppose that mystery is solved then.
Lady Gaga's Forgettable 'Applause': The Sound of One Pop Star Clapping for Herself
Mother Monster unveils full version of 'ARTPOP' track after partial leak
Clapping is a behavior so deeply rooted in human beings it's almost an instinct. You can see babies and toddlers clapping just because everybody else is, and if you've ever felt the pressure to be part of a standing ovation at a Broadway show that was only okay, you know grown-ups sometimes applaud out of conformity, too. Lady Gaga has unveiled her new single "Applause" earlier than scheduled, after pieces of the song leaked over the weekend, and it's hard to escape the impression she's hoping for a similar type of crowd reaction.
For those not already invested in the idea of Gaga's world-historical greatness, "Applause" offers few reasons to clap. The insistent, relatively generic electro-pop pulse is a bit behind the times at a pop moment where the biggest song-of-the-summer candidates have moved back toward '70s-inflected guitars. It's confusing when she equates "nostalgia" with enjoying reading. The previously revealed lyrics are as head-scratching as ever Gaga is pop culture as pop culture is art as we are all together, or something but especially so because the song's bland dance-bot foundations are too unremarkable to support such abstract conceits. Wait, why are we clapping, again?
ARTPOP is out November 11. Gaga will perform "Applause" live at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards. There will be clapping.
Ally next to Zayn
once their fanbase(s) hits puberty... future hasbeens, the lot of 'em. Let me have a moment.
posted? I'll just leave this here...
FAKE EDIT: I had no idea how MAD everyone is... holy shit. Could a storm be brewing? Is a HUGE media backlash/shove out in the cold, harsh light of reality be on the horizon for Gaga?
Fanbases? Only one of the groups in that photo has fans.
Fanbases? Only one of the groups in that photo has fans.
The rest of Gaga's career will just be a series of attempts to top Life on Mars
Fanbases? Only one of the groups in that photo has fans.
They've put out one song and are already more global than Girls Aloud. The irony.
Gaga can't top Bowie. Let's not.
Yeezus is more ARTPOP than ARTPOP.
Yeezus is more ARTPOP than ARTPOP.
Fanbases? Only one of the groups in that photo has fans.
How can you possibly say that when Filth Hewmony aren't a thing in any country?
Also she is the new Bowie
Gaga will get her hype sales first then when it's up to the casual listeners to buy it they will pick Roar. Roar will have longevity and The dance craze era is on its way out quite literally, there is 2-3 songs in the top 20. Sorry but Katy has nothing to worry about except for maybe the 1st and 2nd week![]()
i dunno. the ROAR of the media collectively turning their backs on Gaga might snatch some folks' attention... peeps might wonder why, and investigate...
are they tho
aside from that article you posted, i haven't really seen any purely negative articles
In our writeup, we said the song ticks all the right boxes when it comes to being a balls-to-the-wall pop delight[...] this is pop doing what good pop songs should do, which is grab you by the collar from the first listen and make you fall in love on the spot.
But thats just our take. Head below to see what everyone else had to say about the first taste of the ARTPOP era.
:: Rolling Stone felt the song evoked a simpler Gaga time, calling it a throwback to Lovegame era Gaga. Built on choppy synths, Applause takes fans back to The Fame[...] Applause is all bouncy disco and simple messages.
:: MTV was on the same page, saying it most certainly isnt subtle; instead, it represents a return to Gagas club-friendly Fame era. Simply put, this one sounds massive, the kind of banger custom-made for massive soundsystems and dance-floor excesses. As for the lyrics, they suggest that whatever noise youre making about her, shell not only take it but use it to make her stronger.
:: Fuse felt Applause was a return to The Fame as well, adding, The song is for the club, the elliptical or anywhere in between (that has strobe lights and lasers, of course).
:: Pop Dust generally enjoyed the track, but didnt so easily pin it down as a Fame throwback. The song defies description. The hook is great. The bridge is seconds away from turning into La Vie Boheme. The verses name-drop Jeff Koons, we think? Basically, were happy that its not whatever Aura was.
:: Upon first listen, Pop Justice scored it a 9/10, with this mic-drop of a kicker: And this is why Lady Gaga is the best pop star in the world.
:: Billboard liked that the song morphs into a thrilling dance cut when it circles back to its chorus.
:: SPIN, however, was none too impressed, calling it the sound of one pop star clapping for herself, and saying the songs bland dance-bot foundations are a bit behind the times at a pop moment where the biggest song-of-the-summer candidates have moved back toward 70s-inflected guitars. Ouch.
:: Slant Magazine had a more tepid reaction, and in fact took the contrarian stance of saying they enjoyed Aura more. ['Applause'] lacks the bigness of Born This Way or even Bad Romance. Its a surprisingly straightforward dance-pop song, neither forward-thinking nor retro[...] existing in a sort of nondescript limbo.
I was going to compare their Kworb stats, which would show where their songs are being sold and the peak of each song, but I couldn't find Girls Aloud on the chart.
edit: found the link for girls aloud
no songs being purchased...anywhere.
Are the media turning their backs on her though?
I read some gossip mags (don't judge there was nothing else to do) and they were all clamoring for more of her.
She has three of the top five articles being read right now on NME and she's been getting articles in just about every publication multiple times these past couple of weeks, and none of them seem negative
are they tho
aside from that article you posted, i haven't really seen any purely negative articles
true enough, but the media ARE lemmings. If one outlet thinks you're 'cool factor' has rubbed off the rest won't be far behind, especially when the lot of them christened Gaga the harbinger of revolutionary sound, and that ship sailed a looooong time ago, making them all look like fools. How much longer will they be made to look out of touch b4 they turn on ha?
it's Spin, tho. They are commercially indie, and still have a lot of influence in the industry. If they are being vocal about their distaste for ha... most everyone else can't be very far behind.
She wins round two with her looks.Hey, girls, just thought I would pop in to to say Katy wins round one applause is pretty baaaad.
Fitting how the radio queen of the generation dethroned the biggest hit of this decade.1 Katy Perry - Roar
2 Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines (feat. T.I. & Pharrell) 0.4924
Punch a bit Katy
The fact that you're reaching for comparisons between a group that had a single out a month ago and and a group whose first single came out a decade ago and who split up last year![]()
Sound of the Underground:
By any definition, SotU was local as phuck.
As a remind again, Filth Hewmony's debut, Miss Already Moved On:
You can't be global before you're local, and you can't be local if you're not selling anywhere.![]()