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PopGAF |OT6| Beyonic is never coming out.

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I miss Gwen Stefani.

Mmhmm. I hope the new No Doubt album slays.

lmao at all these lies. Her songs are far from quality? "Stay" and "Diamonds" are two recent examples that prove you wrong. Songs are the same? People expected a song like "Diamonds" out of her last year? no. She can't hit the notes live? I guess you haven't seen any of her DWT videos, or her performances at the X-Factor UK, VIctoria's Secret Fashion Show, The Voice, SNL, etc over the past year. Her songs have no depth? That's hilarious. Some of her songs are shallow (as with most artists), and some have depth.

And that's the Lipton.
I'm speaking of your Legacy Tour Act fave here.

Could at least expect FleaHive to comprehend grade C shade. Then again things that can't clock a HS Diploma shouldn't have EXPECTATIONS

Mad shade lmao! Doesn't have a HS diploma but one of the most powerful woman in the world.. Catch it... Sold out shows for a legacy tour shows that... Umm the Queen still exist... New album will be almost exactly like 4, no doubt.. And she still won't top charts because she not desperate for sales and to stay relevant. She doesn't need to go all Pitbull out for record sales. She's Beyoncé, she's already relevant..


Yes they pay for them and then bang a new song comes out. Rih songs are far from quality. It's the same type of song all the time.. If it's a hype upbeat song.. It's has a lot of repeated words and catch phrases. If it's a slow song it's half assed high notes that she can't even hit herself live. If it's a midtempo song, it's awkwardly balances between high notes, lazy singing stretching out words and of course the chorus that literally makes the song catchy and captures the rest that was lacking. Her songs have no depth. Stay was the closest song to actually having a very good meaning lyrically. She's so easy to calculate. Her next song will be a very upbeat song with a lot of electronic influences... It's so predictable. I give KP credit for throwing me a curve ball on Roar.. I wasn't expecting a track like that out of her camp..
She's so easy to calculate yet each era she radically changes her sound sonically. From Good Girl Gone Bad we had R&B/Dance Pop, Alternative rock influences in Rated R, Europop/Dancehall in LOUD, bopping hard-hitting urban and EDM tracks in Talk That Talk, and midtempos/ballads/urban/dance in Unapologetic. Saying that Rihanna is predictable is not right when you are an eBey stan. We are not going to pretend that eBey has the more varied discography when she is churning out the same female empowerment anthem and reductive ass beats EVERY. SINGLE. ALBUM. The only time she attempted to break the mold with her discography was when 4skin hit, and that album underperformed compared to her previous endeavors. eBey is a one trick pony musically and performance wise with her ass recycling the tired ass weave whipping, ass shaking choreography trying to channel tribal goddess. Commercially, the public is CLEARLY not here for her bougie, bleached self when her only chance at experimentation [4skin] resulted in absolute FAILURE. You can clearly see that she is afraid to release actual new material from her now scrapped album because she is afraid the public will, yet again, turn down her music unless she's trying it with a boring ballad derivative from other artists (Halo sounded like Bleeding Love with eBey's vocals stapled on) or an upbeat urban beat, which, to be frank, isn't quite working either considering how much Who Run The Bubbling Under (eBey) flopped.

Rihanna, on the other hand, is serving with new, varied material each era and the global public is eating it up. Umbrella, Russian Roulette, Only Girl (In The World), We Found Love, and Diamonds all sound radically different from one another sonically and that is the damn truth. The Febreze has been showered on your clearly punched, pressed, and punctured eBey stanning mess.



Mad shade lmao! Doesn't have a HS diploma but one of the most powerful woman in the world.. Catch it... Sold out shows for a legacy tour shows that... Umm the Queen still exist... New album will be almost exactly like 4, no doubt.. And she still won't top charts because she not desperate for sales and to stay relevant. She doesn't need to go all Pitbull out for record sales. She's Beyoncé, she's already relevant..

The utter IRONY and HILARITY of Recycling Beyn Hive reducing themselves down to basically stanning a socialiTe with the occasional song release is a phenomenon in itself


The utter IRONY and HILARITY of Recycling Beyn Hive reducing themselves down to basically stanning a socialiTe is a phenomenon in itself

Why bother stanning Bleachoncé then when Rihanna is the frontrunner of Instagram right now.
The utter IRONY and HILARITY of Recycling Beyn Hive reducing themselves down to basically stanning a socialiTe with tbe occasional song release is a phenomenon in itself

Do you know of anyone else that can retire today and will still be considered a relevant music icon? Aside from Madonna.


Do you know of anyone else that can retire today and will still be considered a relevant music icon? Aside from Madonna.

eBey has done absolutely NOTHING in her career that has contributed to the industry of today. None. The biggest moment of her life is when she decided to jack Amerie's entire career and pass it off as her own creation.

Everything about her is nothing but STOLEN ARTPOP
I can't reply to everyone at once because I'm on my phone but I have to ask something?

Is it always this personal when you talk about an artist? Like seriously, some of the responses here are crazy.

First of all, don't get me wrong. I enjoy music but we aren't discussing my alliances. Unlike some of you calling out education skills and things that you don't know, it's not that serious.

Secondly, why are yall defending so hard for someone who doesn't pay you? If I don't like Rihannas music, that's my opinion. I'm not coming at you or your fanbase personally because of what you like.

Thirdly, regardless of how you feel that having number ones define artist, that means nothing. Even one hit wonders get more credit than that. I don't want to hear about trend setting an all that jazz, this is about music. Now I don't normally get into these fangirl fights about sales because sales do not matter to me. Sales are insecurity to face the real truth of the matter that it take no effort any longer to male a good song. Artist don't write their own music. They don't produce their own music anymore. They barely dance anymore. They also crossed the line from being role models to teaching boys and girls that having swag and being a 'bad Bitch' is the way of life.

Seriously get off that shit. I can't even have an opinion without someone jumping at me about being in a hive. Beyoncé isn't my life, Rihanna isn't yours, KP isn't yours and your definitely not getting that paycheck for bashing others. Seriously.. I'm just saying. We can well mannerly talk about music. Isn't that what it's all about? My goodness..


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I can't reply to everyone at once because I'm on my phone but I have to ask something?

Is it always this personal when you talk about an artist? Like seriously, some of the responses here are crazy.

Only when this pack of pressed piranhas are rounding on the Bey stans. I have no idea what about Bey makes them so vicious and personal, and you'd have thought that their getting the thread locked and everyone warned would have been a clue, but nevermind. Honestly it's best not to bother, if they taste even a trace of blood they'll come streaming out of the woodwork with their gradeschool playground bullying.


I can't reply to everyone at once because I'm on my phone but I have to ask something?

Is it always this personal when you talk about an artist? Like seriously, some of the responses here are crazy.

First of all, don't get me wrong. I enjoy music but we aren't discussing my alliances. Unlike some of you calling out education skills and things that you don't know, it's not that serious.
We are still talking about the music, sis. You made a faulty claim with Rihanna's "tired" discography and I challenged it when someone you are a fan of is more than guilty of having a tired discography.

Secondly, why are yall defending so hard for someone who doesn't pay you? If I don't like Rihannas music, that's my opinion. I'm not coming at you or your fanbase personally because of what you like.
It's your opinion, but that doesn't mean I can challenge it, nor does it give you a bulletproof shield from any of the usual cat fights in PopGAF.

Thirdly, regardless of how you feel that having number ones define artist, that means nothing. Even one hit wonders get more credit than that. I don't want to hear about trend setting an all that jazz, this is about music. Now I don't normally get into these fangirl fights about sales because sales do not matter to me. Sales are insecurity to face the real truth of the matter that it take no effort any longer to male a good song. Artist don't write their own music. They don't produce their own music anymore. They barely dance anymore. They also crossed the line from being role models to teaching boys and girls that having swag and being a 'bad Bitch' is the way of life.
Clearly someone in the world in the world likes Rihanna's music or they would pay her no mind with her yearly releases. I'm a Rihanna stan, but even I know that she has oversaturated the marker a bit with her releases. Yet, people are still here for her because she is always setting the new trend. No one is obligated to be a role model for anyone. If your prerogative is to become a role model as a celebrity, that's fine. But Rihanna clearly established herself from the squeaky clean image that plagued Selena and Miley, both of which are trying to get rid of that image. I don't think it's fair for you to ask us of to talk exclusively about the music when you are getting hung up on the image of an artist.

Seriously get off that shit. I can't even have an opinion without someone jumping at me about being in a hive. Beyoncé isn't my life, Rihanna isn't yours, KP isn't yours and your definitely not getting that paycheck for bashing others. Seriously.. I'm just saying. We can well mannerly talk about music. Isn't that what it's all about? My goodness..
Of course not. I go into PopGAF without taking anything to heart. If you do, then you need to readjust your mindset here.
Its fake/hyperbole for the most part. I doubt very many people actually feel nearly as strongly as their posts imply.

(there are a handful of exceptions)

I'm saying though damn. Some people go in on people they personally don't know. I hate Rihanna as a person but not enough to tear her down.

I just find Beyoncé music better. I'm not making wild assumptions to why she chooses the direction she goes in. Rihanna was built to be a Beyoncé and a lot of people forget that. Am I not happy that she did a good job at doing that? Of course I'm happy. People think that Beyoncé is in direct competition with her and it's not like that. Shit even Rihanna praises Beyoncé herself! That's the irony of this whole thing. I feel Beyoncé no longer is making music to appeal to the masses and it's why she's taking so much time to do it. It's obvious she doesn't know what she wants to do because it's the first time she has ever took control of her music. Beyoncé is far from a flop.. Not even close. The woman is constantly compared to the great all the time. If she was such a flop she wouldn't be in the same sentence. Some people are some hard body fans that they can't even see that. Give the woman some damn credit. Destiny child was practically ran by her family and became a multimillion dollar success, she came out on her own and rubbed off her Destiny child's era. She has one of the best songs of the 2000's. She created dance moves that echo across the world... Let's be serious. Beyoncé is not your teen sensation anymore. She's on a different level. She doesn't need to compete with the youngens anymore. She really doesn't. She is set for life, between her husband and her daughter that's eventually going become a brand.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I don't understand why Gaga got such a horrible haircut and then covers it all the damn time with a wig

Is the hair she got, like, specially cut so it's easy to put a wig over/extensions in or what?


Where are you when I am getting rounded on by everyone over Gods Aloud? Is it because I said some mean things about Ellie?

No, I just caught up on that exchange a bit late. I agree with you, of course. Girls Aloud have achieved a lot more than 5th Harmony ever will. It's asinine to compare the two.
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