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PopGAF |OT7.5| ReMix - Stanning Sarah Palin since November 2013

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Frankly, Sinead should be ashamed herself.

This entire thing started because Miley had the nerve to say that she was a fan of Sinead O'Connor and that her Wrecking Ball video was inspired by her. Regardless of what you think of Miley, I don't see how anyone could interpret her initial comments on Sinead as an attack of any sort.

Sinead, in all her classiness, chooses to respond to Miley's praise with a condescending letter full of statements like this:

So, no, I don't think Sinead had any right to "go in." And if I were Miley, I would have dragged her ass too.

The amount of hate and mudslinging Miley's getting for simply living her life at this point is embarrassing. But I applaud her, and I hope she doesn't cave in. Keep doing you, Miley.

Keep it cute, Nem.

You didn't answer my question. Who are we to judge what those experiences should have meant to her?

At this point, people are just judging every. single. thing Miley does as some attempt to live this nebulous "thug life" when not even she's saying that.

She got a tattoo in Detroit and a chain on South Street here in Philly. I fail to see how those are things that "black people" do, or even where she implied that those ARE things that only black people do (and South Street is so far from being a thing only black people experience it's not even funny). The only person making that connection here is you.

In that entire interview all Miley talked about was the experiences she had when she first got away from her parents and started making her own decisions about HER life. You, and everyone else, are the ones reading more into it than that.

EDIT: I mean, I could see if she said somewhere in her interview "Oh yeah! I'm trying to live this #BlackLife so I went and got a tattoo in Detroit and got a chain on South Street. I feel practically colored now!" You'd have a point. But your argument is basically "Miley has no right to feel independent because of her decisions. And she's insulting black people because she did things that I ascribe to the black experience...like getting a tattoo." Wut???

Roy, now sis listen. I'm a Miley stan too but there is no defending this. At some point you have to acknowledge that what she did was wrong. It's really not that hard. Trying to "clap back" at Sinead for her open letter by using her old tweets and not understanding her ripping the picture is immature at best.

I felt that Sinead shouldn't talk because she as a previous mental case can't tell someone how to be proper but above all that, her message is meaningful and shouldn't be casted off as unnecessary advice. Would it had made a difference if it was Cher or Celine and even Barbara telling her to stop? The message would have been the same.

Miley is actively offending the black culture by saying things that don't actually convey the nature of the situation. Detroit isn't a fun place to live. People die every day, it's voted the worst city every year, it has the highest crime rates, rape, gang violence etc. Her obviously not living that life however associating herself with that life she will never know is insulting. I don't take kindly to some rich girl repping the D when she's from the rich Tennesse where her mommy and daddy was able to buy her whatever she wants and I'm stuck here watching her act like she came from where I came from and been through what I've been through. If Justin Beiber doesn't get a pass, than neither can she. It's insulting and as a Miley fan myself....I would like her to stop acting like she's black.

Thirdly...This bolded phrase here........is the epitome of hypocritical. You can't say this all while believing every single rumor, made up , controversial, extremely bias news about everyone but your fav...This quote should have an open-mindedness about it for everyone, not just Miley.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Lol @ Sinead meantioning Britney.

Which reminds me I find it HILARIOUS that I see Stans everywhere who make fun of a Britneys mental issues are the same people "OUTRAGED" that Miley dragged someone who has mental issues as well. If anything what Miley tweeted was tame compared to the shit most of said hypocrites say about Britney.


Maybe the solution to this problem is don't be kunty about mental illness


I see the Miley hate bandwagon is reaching deep into their lower intestines for their pitchforks today. A pressed mess.


I suppose if she was a guy, people would be drooling over the fact that they could get to see a glimpse of her urethra. But since she's a woman it's vulgar, perverse, and try hard. Not people trying to control Miley's image and behavior. Last time I checked this was America.




Miley is actively offending the black culture by saying things that don't actually convey the nature of the situation. Detroit isn't a fun place to live. People die every day, it's voted the worst city every year, it has the highest crime rates, rape, gang violence etc. Her obviously not living that life however associating herself with that life she will never know is insulting. I don't take kindly to some rich girl repping the D when she's from the rich Tennesse where her mommy and daddy was able to buy her whatever she wants and I'm stuck here watching her act like she came from where I came from and been through what I've been through. If Justin Beiber doesn't get a pass, than neither can she. It's insulting and as a Miley fan myself....I would like her to stop acting like she's black.
Sis, this was a beautiful paragraph.
I see the Miley hate bandwagon is reaching deep into their lower intestines for their pitchforks today. A pressed mess.


I suppose if she was a guy, people would be drooling over the fact that they could get to see a glimpse of her urethra. But since she's a woman it's vulgar, perverse, and try hard. Not people trying to control Miley's image and behavior. Last time I checked this was America.



You know that's a lie lol. Justin Bieber gets the same amount of hate she does, if not more. So did Chris Brown but we all know why..And there's people who still defended him to death. Justin got booed on stage....Miley will not experience that....


I see the Miley hate bandwagon is reaching deep into their lower intestines for their pitchforks today. A pressed mess.

I suppose if she was a guy, people would be drooling over the fact that they could get to see a glimpse of her urethra. But since she's a woman it's vulgar, perverse, and try hard. Not people trying to control Miley's image and behavior. Last time I checked this was America.


Miley has a right to be a hot ass mess, and we have a right to criticize ha. I'm not sure why or how that constitutes "trying to control" her. This weird misogyny angle you've taken is such an odd way to deflect that criticism.


You know that's a lie lol. Justin Bieber gets the same amount of hate she does, if not more. So did Chris Brown but we all know why..And there's people who still defended him to death. Justin got booed on stage....Miley will not experience that....

The difference is that Chris Brown beat a woman and Justin Bieber spits at people and tries to run people over with his car. Miley is literally just being comfortable with her body and having fun. No one is getting hurt here. The people trying to come for her that she is try hard or vulgar need to take a look in the mirror and think about the nasty shit they've done...hell, the nasty shit they probably did last night.

Now ask me if I lied.


Miley has a right to be a hot ass mess, and we have a right to criticize ha. I'm not sure why or how that constitutes "trying to control" her. This weird misogyny angle you've taken is such an odd way to deflect that criticism.

Uh... it's the slut-shaming and race related remarks within the criticism that is part of the media/public's way of controlling her (and women in general). I'm only bringing up misogyny because it has literally become about hating Miley for doing what she does because she is a woman doing it. A man doing this would not receive the same kind of hate and we know that it's true cause we have decades of male figures behaving like she is now, but only getting praised or going ignored.


Oh, Feministing.

Sinéad O’Connor sends Miley Cyrus an open letter full of slut-shaming, anti-sex work rhetoric, and patriarchal protectionism. Miley responds by mocking Sinéad’s mental health. *sigh*

*sigh* about sums it up.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Roy, now sis listen. I'm a Miley stan too but there is no defending this. At some point you have to acknowledge that what she did was wrong. It's really not that hard. Trying to "clap back" at Sinead for her open letter by using her old tweets and not understanding her ripping the picture is immature at best.

I felt that Sinead shouldn't talk because she as a previous mental case can't tell someone how to be proper but above all that, her message is meaningful and shouldn't be casted off as unnecessary advice. Would it had made a difference if it was Cher or Celine and even Barbara telling her to stop? The message would have been the same.

Miley is actively offending the black culture by saying things that don't actually convey the nature of the situation. Detroit isn't a fun place to live. People die every day, it's voted the worst city every year, it has the highest crime rates, rape, gang violence etc. Her obviously not living that life however associating herself with that life she will never know is insulting. I don't take kindly to some rich girl repping the D when she's from the rich Tennesse where her mommy and daddy was able to buy her whatever she wants and I'm stuck here watching her act like she came from where I came from and been through what I've been through. If Justin Beiber doesn't get a pass, than neither can she. It's insulting and as a Miley fan myself....I would like her to stop acting like she's black.

Thirdly...This bolded phrase here........is the epitome of hypocritical. You can't say this all while believing every single rumor, made up , controversial, extremely bias news about everyone but your fav...This quote should have an open-mindedness about it for everyone, not just Miley.
Stay seething that Miley got a tattoo without asking her mom. True bad bitch realness.

You didn't answer my question. Who are we to judge what those experiences should have meant to her?

At this point, people are just judging every. single. thing Miley does as some attempt to live this nebulous "thug life" when not even she's saying that.

Frankly it sounds like you're playing into her entire dynamic. By profiting off of black stereotypes but knowing that nobody will call her out because it would come with the assumption that living a "thug life" is a bad thing, or that it represents black culture in general... it's a deliberate ploy and it's been done a billion times before.

She got a tattoo in Detroit and a chain on South Street here in Philly. I fail to see how those are things that "black people" do, or even where she implied that those ARE things that only black people do (and South Street is so far from being a thing only black people experience it's not even funny). The only person making that connection here is you.

Again, you're missing the point. Buying a chain in Detroit isn't necessarily what black people do, but it's what SHE thinks black people do, and thus, she assumes that because it's what black people do, it must be edgy, dangerous, or controversial. And yes, the only evidence I have of her believing this is, oh I dunno, the fact that she's saying all these things. If I can't draw that conclusion from her words, music, and actions, then how else am I going to draw it? Or is Miley free from any kind of judgment or evaluation, making everything she says benign and inconsequential?

You keep saying that we shouldn't draw any conclusions about her character, thoughts, feelings, opinions, politics or agenda from what she's saying (or at least not make grander assumptions about her life), but that's not exactly fair to every other person you've drawn massive conclusions about.

In that entire interview all Miley talked about was the experiences she had when she first got away from her parents and started making her own decisions about HER life. You, and everyone else, are the ones reading more into it than that.

The only thing I'm saying is that EVERYBODY is reading more into it. That's the whole idea. The general public is the one drawing conclusions about her being edgy and controversial, but nobody's looking at this and saying "OH. The reason people think Miley's gone off the deep end is because she's profiting off of black stereotypes, and that maybe our problems with Miley really stem from our problems with the African American community." Because that's what is at the heart of this. People like Miley are (intentionally or unintentionally) using the general public's discomfort around black culture stereotypes and using it for profit. And it's not noble, it's profiteering.

EDIT: I mean, I could see if she said somewhere in her interview "Oh yeah! I'm trying to live this #BlackLife so I went and got a tattoo in Detroit and got a chain on South Street. I feel practically colored now!" You'd have a point. But your argument is basically "Miley has no right to feel independent because of her decisions. And she's insulting black people because she did things that I ascribe to the black experience...like getting a tattoo." Wut???

Didn't she go in the studio and say she wanted to make something along the lines of "black music"? Just because she's not saying it deliberately, publicly, constantly... doesn't mean she doesn't believe it.

And again, she's deliberately abusing black stereotypes (like buying chains and getting a tattoo), not actual things all black people do. Don't twist words. If you wanna call her citing those activities as a testament to her "independence" then fine. I just think she's citing those activities to make people who are uncomfortable with black stereotypes uncomfortable with HER, and it's not for the sake of noble commentary or being contrarian for a cause, but because she seems to genuinely believe that being or acting "black" (or what white folks think acting or being black is) is cool. Edgy. In-your-face. Tough.

She is literally the opposite of progressive.


Britney just did 6 interviews today

Everything was unscripted some of them POUNCED.

"I sing Live all the time"

No gif on this PLANET brit


be casted off as unnecessary advice. Would it had made a difference if it was Cher or Celine and even Barbara telling her to stop? The message would have been the same.

Actually yes, because when Cher dragged Miley for filth she kept her comments on what she thought of Miley's performance, and not even I could hate. She didn't get up on a soapbox about how Miley's prostituting or "doesn't give a fuck" about herself. Sinead has no right to make such deeply "personal" statements on Miley's actions and not expect Miley to interpret them as an attack, because really that's exactly what it was.

Miley is actively offending the black culture by saying things that don't actually convey the nature of the situation. Detroit isn't a fun place to live. People die every day, it's voted the worst city every year, it has the highest crime rates, rape, gang violence etc. Her obviously not living that life however associating herself with that life she will never know is insulting. I don't take kindly to some rich girl repping the D when she's from the rich Tennesse where her mommy and daddy was able to buy her whatever she wants and I'm stuck here watching her act like she came from where I came from and been through what I've been through. If Justin Beiber doesn't get a pass, than neither can she. It's insulting and as a Miley fan myself....I would like her to stop acting like she's black.

This is all incredibly irrelevant.

Did, or did Miley not, get a tattoo in Detroit?

Do only black people live in Detroit?

Are black people the only ones suffering from the ills that have plagued that city?

Can you point out where in the interview Miley stated she got a tattoo in Detroit and rode around in a truck in Philly as a means to get closer to black people?

Answer these questions, then get back to me.
The difference is that Chris Brown beat a woman and Justin Bieber spits at people and tries to run people over with his car. Miley is literally just being comfortable with her body and having fun. No one is getting hurt here. The people trying to come for her that she is try hard or vulgar need to take a look in the mirror and think about the nasty shit they've done...hell, the nasty shit they probably did last night.

Now ask me if I lied.


This Gif has me screaming!

Chris Brown hitting a woman offended women on a whole.
Justing Bieber spitting on people and trying to run people over his car is his stupidity. Justin Bieber associating his act with his recent color change is offensive.

Miley thinking that being a "Bad Bitch" currently resides in associating herself with the "black community" is insulting.

I'll try to keep this short. Being a "Bad Bitch" doesn't mean getting tattoos, grills, wear urban clothing, make controversial statements, wearing controversial or lack of wearing clothing, dismissing every and anything someone has to say about you. That's were the line is drawn. That's being a Basic Bitch because everyone who wants to show the world they are "bad" resorts to those exact tactics just to do that.

I real "Bad Bitch" is Oprah. She's worth 2.9 Billion dollars, built and empire herself. Contains all her wealth and not owned or subjected to any man. She is her own woman, one of the powerful women in the world while inspiring many women, black and white to pursue a career in a field that was un-achieveable in the past. That's a Bad Bitch. No one can tell oprah which way to walk, talk, area to be at, who to work with...She does that on her own. No one has words for her actions because she's not showing out herself to prove that.

I love Miley and I am with her on trying to shed her image and having fun and doing what she wants with her body. But she is not Bad in the slightest especially when she is associating herself with a culture that isn't even 'Bad' to begin with.
Actually yes, because when Cher dragged Miley for filth she kept her comments on what she thought of Miley's performance, and not even I could hate. She didn't get up on a soapbox about how Miley's prostituting or "doesn't give a fuck" about herself. Sinead has no right to make such deeply "personal" statements on Miley's actions and not expect Miley to interpret them as an attack, because really that's exactly what it was.

This is all incredibly irrelevant.

Did, or did Miley not, get a tattoo in Detroit?

Do only black people live in Detroit?

Are black people the only ones suffering from the ills that have plagued that city?

Can you point out where in the interview Miley stated she got a tattoo in Detroit and rode around in a truck in Philly as a means to get closer to black people?

Answer these questions, then get back to me.

I don't want to go there but I have to......

82% of Detroits population is African American

It is one of the highest African American populated cities in the nation

Black people are mostly suffering from the plagues of that ill city due to the high population. Miley was not in Philly with white people that's for sure and she wouldn't have made that statement at all if she was. She wouldn't even mention Detroit IF, she wasn't talking about black people. Everything Miley is doing is to be closer to black people. If you can't see it than take the goggles off.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Has botty missed the last two months of people dragging Robin Thinne for coming across as someone's creepy pervy uncle?


Can you point out where in the interview Miley stated she got a tattoo in Detroit and rose around in a truck in Philly as a means to get closer to black people?

Speaking of deeply irrelevant:

You do not need someone to explicitly explain their motives in order to draw conclusions about about why they do things. You can look at patterns of behavior to draw conclusions about why she is doing what she's doing. You can even come to conclusions that contradict what a person claims to be motivated by. Or that a person's motivations are simply more complicated than they imply. For instance, Miley can simultaneously be motivated by a desire for independence and an interest in some aspects African American culture and by the fact that association with those aspects of African American culture are seen as dangerous or taboo.

There's nothing unusual about judging people's character and motivations off of both what they say and what they do. Arguing that unless she's said in an interview that she does something for a specific reason that it is untenable to draw that conclusion is nonsensical. It would be the equivalent of someone who reads books but argues that you cannot argue a character's motivations based on what the actions they take, only based on what that character explicitly says they are motivated by. And there are people who read like that, but they are very poor readers indeed.


I have to go to work now, so I can't continue this very interesting discussion. But I will say that I think people need to be careful: it's one thing to promote being aware of the greater meaning behind their actions.

But a lot of that is turning into people actively trying to rob Miley of her right to experience life how she wants to and be shaped by it.

As Tiny would say: just let the girl live.


This Gif has me screaming!

Chris Brown hitting a woman offended women on a whole.
Justing Bieber spitting on people and trying to run people over his car is his stupidity. Justin Bieber associating his act with his recent color change is offensive.

Miley thinking that being a "Bad Bitch" currently resides in associating herself with the "black community" is insulting.

I'll try to keep this short. Being a "Bad Bitch" doesn't mean getting tattoos, grills, wear urban clothing, make controversial statements, wearing controversial or lack of wearing clothing, dismissing every and anything someone has to say about you. That's were the line is drawn. That's being a Basic Bitch because everyone who wants to show the world they are "bad" resorts to those exact tactics just to do that.

I real "Bad Bitch" is Oprah. She's worth 2.9 Billion dollars, built and empire herself. Contains all her wealth and not owned or subjected to any man. She is her own woman, one of the powerful women in the world while inspiring many women, black and white to pursue a career in a field that was un-achieveable in the past. That's a Bad Bitch. No one can tell oprah which way to walk, talk, area to be at, who to work with...She does that on her own. No one has words for her actions because she's not showing out herself to prove that.

I love Miley and I am with her on trying to shed her image and having fun and doing what she wants with her body. But she is not Bad in the slightest especially when she is associating herself with a culture that isn't even 'Bad' to begin with.

I don't think it's fair for women to only have one route to being considered a bad bitch. And using Oprah is kind of unfair. How many Oprahs are there in the world? Not to mention she was guided by man for most of her career.

Has botty missed the last two months of people dragging Robin Thinne for coming across as someone's creepy pervy uncle?

Sis.. that was just you for the most part. Robin was criticized for what.. 24 hours by the media?
Has botty missed the last two months of people dragging Robin Thinne for coming across as someone's creepy pervy uncle?

I don't know, I think he gets flack mostly for being older and in a relationship (and later for being a part of the Miley performance) than something truly organic.

The fact that Justin Timberlake has gotten a free pass his ENTIRE career for being a skank is ridiculous.

Everybody slut-shamed Janet for exposing her breast, but said nothing about Justin Timberlake for ripping off her top. How is that NOT fucked up? They were both calculated things, but somehow it's all on Janet because she's the one who has the breast. Meanwhile Justin ends the line "better have you naked at the end of this song" by grabbing her tit and pulling. But nah he's fine.

I don't think it's fair for women to only have one route to being considered a bad bitch. And using Oprah is kind of unfair. How many Oprahs are there in the world? Not to mention she was guided by man for most of her career.

Sis.. that was just you for the most part. Robin was criticized for what.. 24 hours by the media?

She being guided by a man, like a father, compared to being subjective to a man is different. Stedman doesn't own Oprah, Oprah owns Oprah lol.

I used Oprah because we are justifying Miley's actions and lifestyle instead of highlighting an issue that is wrongly being associated with a culture.

There's a difference in wanting someone to do the best while keeping their identity and accepting what they are doing. I want Miley to show these bitches how it's done, how to overcome Disney and be the best at leading the example

.Not show these bitches the only way to do it is by associating yourself with what is considered "Bad" by Instagram popularity and trends in the Urban society and having the world accept what you are becoming because of it.


Masterpiece B**ch has been one of the most shared videos of the year in my social media feeds, and all because of Knee's universally acclaimed performance.


Triley stans, sis...

so, Triley's VMA performance was ha being a calculating 'genius', she was not trying to be sexy, but purposely being a mess? Just having fun! But then when she reps the black community - that's real-deal, experience driven movement and change shiiiiii-ning through!


dat strategic cherry picking



She being guided by a man, like a father, compared to being subjective to a man is different. Stedman doesn't own Oprah, Oprah owns Oprah lol.

I used Oprah because we are justifying Miley's actions and lifestyle instead of highlighting an issue that is wrongly being associated with a culture.

There's a difference in wanting someone to do the best while keeping their identity and accepting what they are doing. I want Miley to show these bitches how it's done, how to overcome Disney and be the best at leading the example

.Not show these bitches the only way to do it is by associating yourself with what is considered "Bad" by Instagram popularity and trends in the Urban society and having the world accept what you are becoming because of it.

You aren't giving Miley her full dues.

Her songs are smashing. She is breaking records. And she is doing it all under her own vision. You say Oprah owns Oprah, well... does Miley not also own Miley? I don't see anyone pulling her strings or telling her what to do. And then people keep saying Miley is "trying." What exactly is she trying...cause all I see is her doing. Every goal she sets for herself she reaches, and that is impressive. While the media and public are scrutinizing her...she is laughing all the way to the bank. Anyone who say's she is "trying to emulate poor black culture" just by twerking must have a very low view of that culture if that's all it takes to "try" and emulate it. Kind of reminds me of when people say a black person is trying to act white because they are well spoken. Hmm.


pretty telling that Dark Horse is STILL in the top 10 while Walking on Hair fell awf. Oop.

Good. So when WoAsus is released in Summer 2014, it won't need to rent a rapper for the single remix in order to slay
it will though


Good. So when WoAsus is released in Summer 2014, it won't need to rent a rapper for the single remix in order to slay
it will though

Walking on Hair will likely NEVER be a serious release. Katy/ha label doesn't have the balls, and the song's iTunes performance proves the point that few and far between are here for that sound.


Try to read kworb sis, unless the resounding success of Applause left you with a searing clocked anger that makes proximity to popularity bars an exercise in increasing heart rate.


WB was actually the only song getting straight green updates like the past few days if I recall.


Try to read kworb sis, unless the resounding success of Applause left you with a searing clocked anger that makes proximity to popularity bars an exercise in increasing heart rate.

it is known kworb is unreliable.


EDIT: Lorde was just on GMA. It impressed me that she can sing live. I was expecting some Lana-Del-Ray-on-SNL sort of mess, tbh.
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