wait whats inside the ball? cant make it out
It's basically just a reflection of the room in which the photo was shot
wait whats inside the ball? cant make it out
Gypsy is the second single !!!
That's the only thing I don't like about the cover. They could have put something interesting in the reflection.It's basically just a reflection of the room in which the photo was shot
My housemate hates Lady Gaga so much.
It's hilarious.
I can't even begin to imagine the level of rampage that occurs in that house when Telephone or Video Phone playMy housemate hates Lady Gaga so much.
It's hilarious.
Let me just keep the Applause art.![]()
Celine Dion is probably the most PERFECT singer around, rn. I've never seen her accused of not being able to emote. I mean let's just call a spade a spade. Hopefully, Bey will grow.
The Deluxe Version
Not to end this amazing Gaga cover release but has anyone seen this Ariana slut shaming going on on twitter? This girl is really living the Mariah life lol!
Her ex is calling her out for cheating, his boys are backing him up, she took the high road and apparently she's the slut for breaking up with him for Nathan Skys. What's funny about this whole thing is, Nathan doesn't look better than her ex, in fact he's not even attractive and has the biggest top head I have ever seen. Why on the plant would her ex think she cheated on him with NATHAN!? Of ALLL people? Lmao!
Not to end this amazing Gaga cover release but has anyone seen this Ariana slut shaming going on on twitter? This girl is really living the Mariah life lol!
Her ex is calling her out for cheating, his boys are backing him up, she took the high road and apparently she's the slut for breaking up with him for Nathan Skys. What's funny about this whole thing is, Nathan doesn't look better than her ex, in fact he's not even attractive and has the biggest top head I have ever seen. Why on the plant would her ex think she cheated on him with NATHAN!? Of ALLL people? Lmao!
Yes I was cheated on. Yes it does suck. Yes I was left for another man. And this happens everyday to so many people of every age, gender, race. I happen to be one of those people and I'm in a situation where I am constantly reminded of it every day.
That is why if you know someone who is in a relationship, I'm begging you to please not interfere with that, because you are going to destroy someone and crush their world. Nathan may be a top bloke or a sweet person, but what he did was just completely wrong. He interfered with my life and did not respect my relationship, his actions caused me to not be able to sleep at night and not see the world as a beautiful place. Nathan if you read this, when you hold her hand you better hold it tight because you are holding my world.
Er... What? Celine is above average technically - pretty good, even! - but she's nowhere near perfect.
And since you've never seen Celine accused of not being able to emote, let me be your first: Celine doesn't emote well. She sings in a very dry, inexpressive manner that is exacerbated by her naturally thin, acidic tone. Quite frankly she represents to me the emotional and technical devolution of what it means to be a truly great singer of popular music - with singers like Ella or Aretha or Barbra representing its apotheosis and Celine representing its nadir.
Christina isn't even in this conversation; Celine is technically far better than her
The Deluxe Version
As opposed to your hating Beyoncé, which is just plain sad.My housemate hates Lady Gaga so much.
It's hilarious.
Poor brave Ariana. The Nathan-Ariana pairing always seemed like a Hollywood move instead of a natural hook-up. Maybe this ex is just jilted at the thought of her dumping him in favor of her duet partner? Fortunately, I doubt anyone sees Ariana as a slutty girl.
lol that letter he wrote
"Ariana goes from having a huge pole (Jais dick) in her vagina to having needle dick (nathans dick) in her vagina poor girl"
"Ariana goes from having a huge pole (Jais dick) in her vagina to having needle dick (nathans dick) in her vagina poor girl"
This is easily my favorite Gaga cover. Easily
Made a cleaner edit of the ARTPOP cover
Much better *.*
Or maybe fill in the bands in the back with two simple, bold colors. I know the original is supposed to represent an explosion of art, but what's the point if it all looks like a jumbled mess >_>
The fact she's won you over for this era after you shat all over Born This Way, sis.
I LIVE.![]()
I like the ARTPOP cover too. Unlike BTW, it catches the eye for all the right reasons.
It just needs some saturation and a warmer tone.
My edited version on the left, the original on the right:
Me? I tentatively used that album tbh.
It was mostly misses but there were a few bops.
yeah your version looks a bit better. The one Gaga posted on Twitter is a lot less saturated and the colors are warmer. Not sure where you guys got this super high contrast version. The colors are practically bleeding out. lol
Much obliged, sis'Sbut wait
Your version really helped it look better. Nice work.
A few different color schemes
I tried. rip.
Now sis, you have blessedT us with some truly ICONIC ARTPOP. But these...