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PopGAF |OT7.5| ReMix - Stanning Sarah Palin since November 2013

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The ones with Thiefonce surely arent reaching.

That MATM trench coat entrance was copied to a tea

so was the Slave 4 U choreo


They were all WRONG, but you probably made the video in hopes that your DESPERATE attempt may sway people to buy her FLOPPY DISK song.


Britney made the rounds with radio stations all over the country to promote her Las Vegas residency, the “Work Bitch” music video and her upcoming studio album. During her first Houston interview (with Hot 95.7), Britney would pause before answering each question for reasons unknown. After she said her goodbyes, the radio hosts trashed her saying “those meds blocked her hearing” and she didn’t answer fast enough because has voices in her head.

Did they lie?

But I was only commenting on the Thiefonce bits nothing else

You didnt seem to disagree so I'll take that as a yes


The reach for Bey was galactic because it still was wrong. Really a Trench coat? And a pose touching her breast as if that is somehow exclusive to Britney, yeah no. Sadly they should of made a video on how to be a better entertainer after 30..Something Britney can't do.


The reach for Bey was galactic because it still was wrong. Really a Trench coat? And a pose touching her breast as if that is somehow exclusive to Britney, yeah no. Sadly they should of made a video on how to be a better entertainer after 30..Something Britney can't do.

That's a good one.

How about releasing a HOW TO video on PRODUCTIVITY and RELEASING MUSIC

Surely Trash BeyN can LEARN a few THINGS



another pathetic radio interview.
cackling at how the hosts made a complete mockery of the disgraceful haggard hasbeen

They went in on stunt Broken Spearit

"There has been a lot of rumors of your tickets sales being really bad. What do you have to say about that?"

"Everybody is talking about [Work Bitch video] but there's lots of rumors everything is heavily photoshopped. Is there any truth to that?"

Where is this lyric video ;_____________________________;

Vevo's Twitter says that they don't have any news about it yet. It's likely that Gaga's camp hasn't sent the video to them yet (like they were scheduled) or it's simply not coming out. Vevo announced it sort of passively and nobody in her camp has mentioned it at all. Very possible it was all a miscommunication of some sort.

I would expect an announcement about Gypsy in the very near future though.
another pathetic radio interview.
cackling at how the hosts made a complete mockery of the disgraceful haggard hasbeen

They went in on stunt Broken Spearit

"There has been a lot of rumors of your tickets sales being really bad. What do you have to say about that?"

"Everybody is talking about [Work Bitch video] but there's lots of rumors everything is heavily photoshopped. Is there any truth to that?"


Your OBSESSION with the Living Legend is cute.



Miley is still the same person. Her ARTPOP is the character you see on tv

Smilers know our girl is still the same person when she isnt in character

Smart, Sweet and Independent woman in complete control over everything she does

Miley is still the same person. Her ARTPOP is the character you see on tv

Smilers know our girl is still the same person when she isnt in character

Smart, Sweet and Independent woman in complete control over everything she does

Just like how we know Britney is still a soulless dead shell of a person. Even when she is made up for the cameras.

That's a good one.

How about releasing a HOW TO video on PRODUCTIVITY and RELEASING MUSIC

Surely Trash BeyN can LEARN a few THINGS


ROFL! Your right, quality does takes time.....Something that diminished from Britney for the past 6 YEARS. But I mean, if she still got it, she should be filling seats and sold out shows right? Surely that's something BritKnee's PapSmear can LEARN from Bey right?


Just like how we know Britney is still a soulless dead shell of a person. Even when she is made up for the cameras.


This is a lie

Knee is happy when she's not in the spotlight.


ROFL! Your right, quality does takes time.....Something that diminished from Britney for the past 6 YEARS. But I mean, if she still got it, she should be filling seats and sold out shows right? Surely that's something BritKnee's PapSmear can LEARN from Bey right?

Knee still able to release an album and a single all in one year is more productive than Bargain BeyN's recent lack of EFFORTS. Let's not tonight

Although I shouldnt be speaking with the LESS FORTUNATE considering ya'll the only broke bitches that cant participate in this year's Pop Female Comeback




Miley is still the same person. Her ARTPOP is the character you see on tv

Smilers know our girl is still the same person when she isnt in character

Smart, Sweet and Independent woman in complete control over everything she does


this is basically the world regarding Triley Ray Virus and the things she does:


after a certain point it WILL stop (look @ Gaga) and where does she go from there? Mess.

suddenly your hate for Legend X makes complete sense




this is basically the world regarding Triley Ray Virus and the things she does:


after a certain point it WILL stop (look @ Gaga) and where does she go from there? Mess.

I agree yes and that's when she will get to prove herself yet again just like Gaga has done

You make it seem like Gaga has no career tho

Which is false but I cant say the same for your fave no shade



It has more to do with the fact that she hasn't put out worthwhile music since Stripped.


highly doubt you were ever a fan.
you can stay seething your ugly broken product lost her career-long battle with Legend X.

17 Britney Spears - Work B**ch 0.1895

she's not even a singles artist anymore.
Broken Spearit's career is as dead as she is inside.



irresponsible vagina leak

Dear Miley

Since I do not have any address at which to write to you I do so on my site. Since I have three children at home to take care of, I do not have time to come to meet you.
If you wish you can e mail me directly at Iamwonderful@me.com
You’ve said on Matt Lauer’s show ( where you again refer to me as “crazy”) that you don’t understand why I have been upset with you. I find that hard to understand frankly, since you’re clearly very far from being a stupid woman.
My problem with you stems from your response to my first letter. Until you exposed me ( And Amanda Bynes) to abuse on the grounds of my having sought help (extremely coherently) to save my life, when experiencing suicidal compulsion as a side effect of a medication called Tegretol, I had no problem with you whatsoever.
I hope that clarifies the confusion you expressed on Matt’s show, where you conveniently forgot how it got from someone sending you what was intended as a caring message to that same someone being extremely upset with you.. And then went on to repeat the very action which caused that upset.
I would very much like you please to apologise to myself and Amanda Bynes for having perpetuated abuse of both of us on the grounds that Amanda has had ‘mental health issues’ and that I experienced suicidal compulsion and was open about seeking help in order to save my life.
This should also involve an apology to all sufferers of mental health difficulties and all those who have had experience of suicidal feelings or who have been affected by suicide.
I’m not sure if you are aware that in your own country 7 out of every 100,000 people between the ages of 15 and 19 commit suicide every year. The third highest cause of death for those in that age range (this is the age range you stated on Matt’s show “most of” your fans are) or that on average one person in your country dies by suicide every 16.2 minutes.
You’ve acknowledged most of your fans are “very young”. You might therefore consider being careful regarding what signals you send those of them who may be feeling suicidal and would now be afraid to say so.
In your country suicide is the second highest cause of death amongst 25-34 yr olds.
A lot of these deaths would not take place if it were not the case that stigmatisation and bullying and buffooning of those perceived mistakenly or otherwise to have mental health issues, especially when they seek help, creates silence and causes many not to seek help.
Bullying of those perceived mistakenly or otherwise to be mentally ill causes deaths. Period. As does bullying of those who express that they are feeling suicidal and seek help.
You may have noticed that in your country it is the fashion to lynch young famous ladies in the streets because they have been diagnosed crazy by media and or celebrities. This is an unacceptable breach of human rights. And at some point the media may attempt it upon you. If so they will certainly have to deal with me.
Look Miley, what you did to myself and Amanda encouraged enormous abuse of us both, publicly and privately. And will certainly have made it difficult for young people who admire you and who may be suffering with mental health problems or suicidal ideation to feel they can be open and seek help, since you had us mocked for seeking help.
It is imperative that all suicidal people seek help. Whether they do so on twitter or anywhere else is beside the point. People must save their lives by any means necessary which do not involve hurting anyone. It is extremely dangerous to vilify those who are brave enough to seek help, as I did. Or to support in any way the public lynching of so called ‘mad’ people.
Young people are being buried in their droves, having died by suicides brought about by bulling of the type you perhaps unwittingly subjected myself and Amanda to. The type of media bullying which resulted from what you did causes suicides. And perpetuates the idea that those deemed by the media to be crazy are fit for nothing but to be mocked and insulted. This causes deaths. Period.
As a result of what you did I have had numerous communications from people urging me to commit suicide. Not to mention I have been the subject of literally thousands of abusive articles and or comments left after articles, which state that I and therefore all perceived mentally ill people, should be bullied and be invalidated.
Luckily I am a strong person. And I have four children whose lives would be destroyed if I were to buckle under the abuse you set me up for.. If I were not, and or I did not have four children, these types of communications and these types of articles and remarks could have had their desired effect.
I might add my children have been extremely upset by the nature of media attitudes toward their mother on the grounds their mother is (falsely) believed to be mentally ill.
Certainly there are people out there tonight who will choose to take their lives rather than admit they need help, because when people ask for help, the media and celebrities like yourself mock them. I am sure you cannot have understood this when you did what you did.
People of your own age in particular are vulnerable the world over. It is therefore KEY that you apologise for stigmatising mental illness and in particular for stigmatising those who are brave enough to seek help. It would be much more helpful for you to encourage young people to seek help and not be ashamed or afraid to do so.
That way, if you yourself are ever pushed to the brink of wanting to die because of show business’ effects upon you, you will be less likely to be the subject of the type of lynchings you’ve seen Britney and Amanda have to deal with, or which school kids the world over are dealing with every day.
Also I would appreciate you stating publicly that the tweets of mine you posted (wherein I sought a psychiatrist from outside Ireland so as to save my life) were in fact two years old and do not reflect my current medical condition. This is because it is extremely hard to get employment when people think one is in mid-breakdown.
I have many e mails which I can send you which will show you the effects of what you did and prove all the points I am making here as to the effects of what you did, both personally and professionally.
If you like, my children can also let you have their own personal statements as to how they feel about what they have seen done to their mother.
No person, myself included, should wake to the types of e mails and communications I have had for the last few days urging that I should kill myself, nor to the type of ‘net abuse’ I have had to endure as a result of what you did.
Neither should I now have to have management write to half the show business world to explain my tweets were two years old and that in fact I am very fit for work.
I have four children to support. I can’t do that if people believe me to be unemployable.
I doubt you thought clearly before doing what you did and I’m willing to give you the benefit of doubt on that, as I’d find it hard to believe someone so young could be that calculatedly evil to anyone, never mind someone who did absolutely nothing to deserve such abuse, or to be set up for such abuse from others.
It would be extremely beneficial for yourself, Amanda and myself and millions of sufferers of mental health issues, that you apologise unconditionally and withdraw your remarks. And make clear that my tweets were two years old.
I have no interest in the ‘feud’ which media want. There is no ‘feud’ as far as I am concerned. What there is however.. Is a lot of very serious harm caused to myself and my children and probably to Amanda, and DEFINATELY to silent sufferers of your own age who may look up to you.
It’s really about dignity Miley. All people who have suffered are entitled to dignity and stigmatisation is now a human rights issue.
So.. I’m not ‘feuding’ or fighting with you. But I am asking that you restore dignity to myself and Amanda and all sufferers. in doing so you will restore dignity on this matter to yourself. To leave people you have hurt so badly with no apology is unacceptable.
You may disagree with what I advised you in my first letter.. That is your entitlement. However the letter was written in a spirit of motherly care. You’re entitled to have told me to go **** myself if u liked.. But to respond to it in a way that has caused so much personal harm and damage to me and to people who may struggle currently with suicidal feelings.. And to abuse Amanda Bynes .. is beyond my understanding, as is your refusal so far to apologise, along with your further calling me “crazy” today.
You’re entitled to disagree with people. But you’re not entitled to incite abuse of those perceived to be mentally ill.
I find it hard to imagine you to be an entirely uncaring girl, so I hope you will prove me right by doing all I have asked you here.
Finally I repeat .. When it’s you the media crazy.. I’ll be happy to punch their lights out for you.. Which is what they deserve. They’ve gotten away with abuse of the mentally ill for too long. This IS a human rights issue.
If the type of language used in the last week about myself and Amanda ( an innocent party) had been used about those with physical illnesses, or about gay people, or about people of different races, or those with disabilities, there would rightly be outrage. Yet there is no outrage on behalf of sufferers of mental illness or depression.
Please do the right thing. You will actually save lives by doing so. There are people who will NOT die tonight, if you are brave enough to state that there is nothing whatsoever wrong with any person seeking publicly or privately, help, in order to stay alive. And that there are no circumstances under which it is acceptable for anyone to use mental illness as a stick with which to beat people.



irresponsible vagina leak
highly doubt you were ever a fan.
you can stay seething your ugly broken product lost her career-long battle with Legend X.

17 Britney Spears - Work B**ch 0.1895

she's not even a singles artist anymore.
Broken Spearit's career is as dead as she is inside.


Billboard 100
Your Body 34
Just a Fool 71



yes Christina hit a low point in her career.
but is she braindead?
is she ugly?
is she untalented?
can she not anchor a #1 tv show with sheer relevance?

all signs point to high potential of her rising from ashes like a phoenix.



irresponsible vagina leak
Short version of the letter:
-Sinead wants Miley to apologize to her and Amanda Bynes.
-She says she ain't in here for the media feud
-Talks examples of the bullied victims and the effects of bullying.
-Calls Miley a bully
-Apology and how apologizing can change Miley

Lana Del Rey serving Legs
Where is Tropico?
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