Just give in.
Listen to Donatella and Fashion! first.
Thank me later.
You're right, sis. How can I not participate in such an event. T_T
5 Star:

MANiCURE: I honestly didn't think she'd improve it, but she made the chorus even catchier. Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it! During that "the way, the way, the way, you make me feeeel," I wish she would have just belted a little higher. Would have been a nice climax. Unfortunate they subdued the vocals on "heal/save me." The live version of this gave me life, so it's another one I'll use both the album and iTunes versions.
Sexx Dreams: Those repetitive sections in the chorus are still there, but she balanced it out with nice vocal overlays. Love the outro and the addition of the strings. Kinda missing that bridge from iTunes even though I had no idea what she was saying. I'll use both.
Venus: Lots of catchy hooks, great build. Love the pure camp. I hope the video is equally as corny.
Fashion!: Don't understand the hate this track gets. If anything, this is Gaga actually sounding different, different vibe, and sounding great. I love, love, love that held note as she crescendos upward to the climax.
Do What U Want
4 Star:

G.U.Y.: Love how it's introduced. Probably the most video-gamey of all the tracks. Gives me a little Megaman X teas. Really love the production but not lyrically clicking with me. Is it me, or does the volume fluctuate a great deal on this track?
Mary Jane Holland: Love the production on this. Hooo Hooo! I may actually upgrade this later after a few more listens.
Donatella: I don't feel like this track negates the need for Fashion! or vice versa. They seem to complement each other well, as they're different vibes. They may have similar content, but I enjoy them both.
Applause: Excellent gym companion. Quirky and fun. Not perfect, but I can use when I need to be motivated.
3 Star:

Aura: It's grown on me and I prefer the new verses, but I don't feel I'll use this. I wouldn't skip it, but I wouldn't actively seek it out.
Artpop: The one track I don't hold on equal footing with the live version. If I ever get the opportunity to mesh the live vocals with this instrumental, I'll do it, bu tit suffers from the same fate a lot of the other iTunes performances are guilty of: scaled back vocals; and it's the track that's worse off for it though, as the others have a good enough arrangement to get a pass for missing. Plus, part of why I loved the live performance was how she got into it. I may actually drop its score once the album has had time to settle in.
Swine: Prefer the live version for the pure energy. Also suffers from "what happened to the vocals?" problem.
2 Star:

Gypsy: She sounds great on the belts, but that intonation for the verses. *_* Also sounds like a BTW reject, honestly. And if it wasn't for the You and I video, I don't think I'd use any other "ballad" on BTW. Especially strongly dislike that last I'm I'mmmimimimimimimi.
Jewels 'n' Drugs
1 Star:

Dope: I like the premise and the melody, but it ultimately falls flat in execution. Should have been scrapped for something else.
Overall, I like Gaga's vocal direction this era. Even on the tracks I hate, she's really pushing herself to extremes. I'm really wanting to hear how she'd do a traditional power ballad (just for curiosity's sake).