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PopGAF |OT7.5| ReMix - Stanning Sarah Palin since November 2013

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It's #6 because of Legend [citation needed] X obviously.

Just like Moves Like Jagger slayed because of her ten second cameo.


Mau ®

Instagram superstar Rihanna will soon shoot a video for her latest smash hit single "The Monster" (feat. Eminem).

Make sure to stay perched for it.

Watch it come out before What Now ch...


It's #6 because of Legend [citation needed] X obviously.

Just like Moves Like Jagger slayed because of her ten second cameo.


Or like Scream & Shout slayed because of Broken Spearit


You'll soon find out.

Get ready for the new ballad smash of the Fall.



Although I'm not really fond of the song, I really hope it slays harder than MLJ and FTM; I want her to be remembered for this level of music than top 40 fodder.


I don't understand how you could call someone who is relegated to feature acts on both high profile and no-name artists as a "queen" tbh.

Mau ®

I rihmember I once had a vision of the future of pop music while I was under the influence of some drugs... it included Xtina slaying once again for a couple of songs/eras.

In my peyote vision of the future, Rihanna also became the Queen of Pop.


I don't understand how you could call someone who is relegated to feature acts on both high profile and no-name artists as a "queen" tbh.

Timeline of Events:

--A group forms. They call themselves A Great Big World. Nobody cares.

--They make a song. Call it "Say Something". They release it. Nobody cares.

--Christina Aguilera, in her infinite wisdom and taste, hears the song. Decides it's missing a little something and blesses it with her vocals. Song receives critical praise and storms iTunes.

Definition of a Queen, tbh.

I'm reminded of praise Mau heaped on Christina once upon a time, about her ability to spot great underground talent. Sis was right. I'd never heard of A Great Big World until now. Now I have a feeling they're going to be everywhere.


waiT @ ya'll acting brand new to talent show/Glee songs charting on itunes for a minute.

The DECLINE after the day is over ch..... no shade


lordT, the excuses and butthurt... I can't.

Christina Aguilera...

Soon to have a hit show AND a hit single.

Only a Legend of the United States.


stannism aside, it's really hard to believe the that is a freaking gorgeous gif. I always get my life whenever I see it.


Timeline of Events:

--A group forms. They call themselves A Great Big World. Nobody cares.

--They make a song. Call it "Say Something". They release it. Nobody cares.

--Christina Aguilera, in her infinite wisdom and taste, hears the song. Decides it's missing a little something and blesses it with her vocals. Song receives critical praise and storms iTunes.

Definition of a Queen, tbh.

I'm reminded of praise Mau heaped on Christina once upon a time, about her ability to spot great underground talent. Sis was right. I'd never heard of A Great Big World until now. Now I have a feeling they're going to be everywhere.

good night and godtina bless.



Ok then on thursday when all the GLEE songs chart im going to stan because its such a FEAT to achieve

Cologne did OK, it's not Christina's fault it's flopping. Get yourself together. You are falling back into your pressed, yee old, Koodo-like ways. Gather yourself, sis.


But sis, Glee songs don't really chart anymore.

o >_>

well Katy or Gaga episode is thursday so everyone perch :D

Cologne did OK, it's not Christina's fault it's flopping. Get yourself together. You are falling back into your pressed, yee old, Koodo-like ways. Gather yourself, sis.

wtf are you even talking about?


let me get some salt from the pantry cause ch..
There are FOUR eminem songs in the top 10 US itunes. FOUR!

Disgusting, no taste. Billboard is predicting his album will sell between 700k-750k too. Pretty much inline with his previous albums despite the fact every impression
i've seen on gaf
has torn it to shreds.

In other news, perra may actually drop out the top ten for the first time in months

The album is horrible. Trust me, 70% of the people who like it only listen to Eminem. Imagine how lost and behind the times a pop fan would be if he only listened to Beyonce. That's what it's like to be an Eminem fan in 2013.


The album is horrible. Trust me, 70% of the people who like it only listen to Eminem. Imagine how lost and behind the times a pop fan would be if he only listened to Beyonce. That's what it's like to be an Eminem fan in 2013.

Having trouble spotting the lie here...



wtf are you even talking about?


let me get some salt from the pantry cause ch..

you, and some others up in here. I mean not y'all in all seriousness pulling out all them lame excuses including the kitchen sink to nowT give the Queen ha props.

a transparent, pancake mess.



you, and some others up in here. I mean not y'all in all seriousness pulling out all them lame excuses including the kitchen sink to nowT give the Queen ha props.

a transparent, pancake mess.


Ok calm down

sit your ass down and BREATHE.

The reality is there is no props to give here. Talent Show performance songs charting on itunes is not some kind of pat on the back moment...


Ok calm down

sit your ass down and BREATHE.

The reality is there is no props to give here. Talent Show performance songs charting on itunes is not some kind of pat on the back moment...

But sis, didn't you applaud "Scream and Paranoid Schizophrenia" when it started charting after being aired on X-Floptor?


But sis, didn't you applaud "Scream and Paranoid Schizophrenia" when it started charting after being aired on X-Floptor?

If i did that doesnt take away from my point. This isnt an Xtina song this is a song from a performance on the voice. If it was a SINGLE I wouldnt even be in this convo
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