You Know Nothing
The Sputnik reviewer seems pressed.
A Tiny Mix Tapes 0 for Born This Way sized mess.

A Tiny Mix Tapes 0 for Born This Way sized mess.

sorry to interrupt this "nostalgia is for geeks" session
but is anyone watching the EMAs
I forgot they were today
Volantis is a city in the Game of Thrones/ASoIaF universe. It's also the name of a constellation.
Success or failure, the gifs WILL be hilarious.
Can't wait.
I ain't mad tho. I'm just indifferent. I was expecting something more... unexpected I guess.![]()
When will any of your faves, seriously. #staymad
I wonder why she didn't stream this though.
So this isn't a flying dress at all. She's just strapped to a hovercraft.
Mumei's fav mariah tried to use the flying dress but she couldn't escape the ground's gravitational pull
That's why it's fucking stupid
How is Volantis powered? The sacrificial blood of little monsters?
How is Volantis powered? The sacrificial blood of little monsters?
Mumei's fav mariah tried to use the flying dress but she couldn't escape the ground's gravitational pull
Sounds like an angry beyhive
Is she going to be singing in this?
As she said, this is a test. I am probably about 80% sure that Studio XO will tweak this and we'll see it in the tour along with Anemone and her fibre optic wig.
At least she is promoting herself - she's got quite a bit of coverage from this.
Venezuelariah her multi-lingual prowess.
I see her having a malfunction, accidentally flying into the audience, and impaling little monsters on those spokes sticking out of the bottom.
I see her having a malfunction, accidentally flying into the audience, and impaling little monsters on those spokes sticking out of the bottom.
Venezuelariah her multi-lingual prowess.![]()
Roy, I was requested to inform you that your Miley proxy stanning is embarrassing.
I want to imagine that the sound this makes is the sound Gaga made while she was walking naked through the forest.
Even though it's really silly in its current form, let me just give her props for doing something NONE of her contemporaries in the game would ever do.![]()
Even though it's really silly in its current form, let me just give her props for doing something NONE of her contemporaries in the game would ever do.![]()