Blood Diamonds
This Is How We Do is so boring and that part when she starts talking makes me laugh
her face looked so much better pre-lobotomy
My Friday night jam ready to get my drank on.
I'm gonna try to listen to PSY's new piece of trash Hangover while I'm drunk af tonight and see if I can use while in a compromised mental state.
I'm gonna try to listen to PSY's new piece of trash Hangover while I'm drunk af tonight and see if I can use while in a compromised mental state.
My Friday night jam ready to get my drank on.
Mau ®;117471857 said:PRISM is a bop filled adventure though.
Talk that Talk is actually a good alber. I was listening today. YDO and TTT are underrated masterpieces. Two sure fire hits messed up by DEATH Jam and Blue Ivy.
Oh and yeah, Dark Horse is better than any of our faves output for 2013 and 2014 thus far. I didn't lie.
OMMMMG I finally found it. I've been hearing this hot jam on the drive to work and always forget the lyrics by the time I get to my desk so I can't google it and find the song. Today, fate provided me a helping hand as the song started the moment I turned on my car with the radio DJ saying the name of the song. I was so happy I could cry :*)
What a sexy, PERFECT BOP. My fave musical discovery of 2014 tbh
slay a bit Kiesza
1. You’re My Fantasy
2. Get Her Back
3. Still Madly Crazy
4. Lock The Door
5. Whatever I Want
6. Living In New York City
7. Love Can Grow Back
8. Black Tar Cloud
9. Too Little Too Late
10. Tippy Toes
11. Something Bad
12. The Opposite of Me
13. Time of Your Life
14. Forever Love
July 1st
Be strong. Praying for you, sis.
Although, if you have to use something Korean, go for these chunes instead:
Miss A - Lips
Nine Muses - Figaro
Rania - Style
Kara - Pandora
Yessss, stan!
And have fun!
As much as I hate to admit it, the album is actually usable despite some songs being utter trash.
But we all agree that Rated R is Rihanna's best album and everything else is just vying for second place, right?
No lies detectedBut we all agree that Rated R is Rihanna's best album and everything else is just vying for second place, right?
Rihanna's albums are just an embarrassment of bops.
More than some girls' discographies.
I can go back to the studio now and finish my next album, which is actually already done. We just have to put some finishing touches to it.
But we all agree that Rated R is Rihanna's best album and everything else is just vying for second place, right?
Rihanna - A Girl Like Me is second or first, everything else is vying for thirds, fourths, etc. place
It's cute for her occasionally, like Man Down but she already did the Island thing. No need to regress.
That's right she should do a Erykah Badu kind of slayage.
Here for it.
Be strong. Praying for you, sis.
Although, if you have to use something Korean, go for these chunes instead:
Miss A - Lips
Nine Muses - Figaro
Rania - Style
T-ARA - Bo Peep Bo Peep
How strange of Billboard to tease such a random though