It's very Celine Dion meets C&C Music Factory.OMMMMG I finally found it. I've been hearing this hot jam on the drive to work and always forget the lyrics by the time I get to my desk so I can't google it and find the song. Today, fate provided me a helping hand as the song started the moment I turned on my car with the radio DJ saying the name of the song. I was so happy I could cry :*)
What a sexy, PERFECT BOP. My fave musical discovery of 2014 tbh
slay a bit Kiesza
Shameless. It doesn't even look natural. The photo editor should be fired.Mariah has released the single artwork for You Don't Know What to Do.
Shameless. It doesn't even look natural. The photo editor should be fired.
So basically she needs to divorce Nick Cannon?
I tried it with Sia and I can't. Her voice is such shit. She always sounds like she's drunk and slurring all her words. It just sounds so lazy that I can't get behind it or give it a pass for sounding good. At least Rih's laziness on a track sounds good. Sia just sounds like she's tired and disinterested.
SourceSpin said:Sorry Mariah, but Me. I Am Lana The Elusive Chanteuse is a title more fit for a think-piece queen, most especially Ms. Del Rey, who, critical screeds be damned, has become the biggest cult artist of her generation. Really, what current rapper or rocker's fans want to be their heroine more than Lana fans do?
I'm pressed. We're going to see Cinderella on Broadway and Carly Rae Jesus JUST ended her run on the show.
So what's the POPGAF consensus on the greatest upbeat pop record of all time (any era, any sub-pop genre)? I'm keen to put my weekend into high gear
Shameless. It doesn't even look natural. The photo editor should be fired.
Confessions on a dance floor would be up there
I've been listening to Selena Gomez's album a lot recently and thats really upbeat, wouldn't put it on any best of all time list though
Holly Valance - State Of Mind. A classic song from 2003. When it was released it reached the top 10 in the UK, but other than that it didn't really set the charts alight.
This song was way too far ahead of its time. It never fails to give me the energetic boost I need.
The album of the same name is cool too, though nothing to write home about.
That's a hard question. But if you want something really upbeat, go for these two records.
My favorite from the album would be: The Asteroids Galaxy Tour - Heart Attack - If this one leaves you cold, chances are, you're already dead![]()
*Fixed for correction*
Yessssss Vazduh!
Also don't forget:
Girls' Generation - Soul
Girls' Generation - I Got a Boy
T-ARA - Lovey Dovey (Zombie version)
Holly Valance - State Of Mind. A classic song from 2003. When it was released it reached the top 10 in the UK, but other than that it didn't really set the charts alight.
This song was way too far ahead of its time. It never fails to give me the energetic boost I need.
The album of the same name is cool too, though nothing to write home about.
Awesome track! Cheers. Man, whatever happened to Holly Valance? She was a bit of a stunner back in the day.
Far out, she has an unreal voice. I've only heard the single but it's a winner. Playlist updated! Cheers again
The Asteroids Galaxy Tour - Out Of Frequency
My favorite from the album would be: The Asteroids Galaxy Tour - Heart Attack - If this one leaves you cold, chances are, you're already dead![]()
Awesome track! Cheers. Man, whatever happened to Holly Valance? She was a bit of a stunner back in the day
In 2003, the first single "State of Mind" from Valance's second album State of Mind peaked in its first week No. 8 in the UK and at No. 14 in Australia, but the album did not reach the top 50 in either country. Following the legal problems and poor sales from the album State of Mind, Valance was reportedly dropped from her recording company. She denied this stating, "I asked to be released, but Warner refused, so I hung out for a year until the contract expired. We parted on good terms."[11] Valance later confirmed she is no longer interested in recording music, telling Men's Style magazine:
"No one can make any money. It was a really tough slog and I had a good go at it, but it was difficult. You put in so much effort and put in so many long hours for not much return. I was making all my money from endorsements and appearances, but I didn't make that much from the actual record sales. I think everyone is suffering in the music industry. It wasn't just me. I do something until it's not fun any more and then move on. Music wasn't fun any more.
I'm a dragon. You're a whore.
This lyric always makes me kii.I'm a dragon. You're a whore.
on Pretty When You Cry:There are some people who are very uncomfortable with the idea of women surrendering.
I know. It's just that I don't feel uncomfortable with it. The act of surrendering sort of puts me in a different mindset that allows me to be more of a channel because I'm not holding on so tightly to things, I'm letting go, and I find that in letting go I become more of a channel for life to really happen on life's terms. I mean, maybe that sounds sort of metaphysical, but that's honestly how I feel.
On her "Lana Del Rey" persona:I want to ask about another song: "Pretty When You Cry."
The way you heard it recorded is the way I freestyled it. I made it up on the spot with my guitar player and left it as it was with that session drummer, and just called it a day on that song. Like the vocal inflection has its own narrative, it's not all lyric drive, it's just kind of moments in time that are meaningful to me left as they were, kind of untouched. The fact that I didn't go back and try to sing it better is really the story of that song, because that's sort of me revealing to you a facet of myself: I don't care that it's not perfect. That's why that song is more important in that way than what I'm actually saying.
I told y'all she wasn't a character.Is Lana Del Rey a character played by Elizabeth Grant?
No. Lana Del Rey is exactly who she's supposed to be: Free enough to be her own person, and that's exactly who I am. I'm not like a persona. I'm not a caricature of myself.
I love their music. This is is seriously the first time I've seen anyone else mention them, I've tried to get my friends into them with no luck. :/
The title track of this album>>>>>
Holly Valance! Australian nobody queen that we all ogled over during high school because of that video where she appeared naked ._.
That's because my ban was the result of neither meltdown nor malice.I didnt knew you were banned Lewis but then again America didnt knew Glassheart existed.
That's because my ban was the result of neither meltdown nor malice.
Just your typical non-constructive response to a non-constructive thread.
I'm only glad no new music of note dropped while I was away. I just wanted to share this lovely gem of diamond-encrusted accuracy:
I wonder what the sales for Lizzie's 14th studio album will be.How are the sales going for Mariah?
She's probably the first artist who had me saying "Who is this chick!?"OMMMMG I finally found it. I've been hearing this hot jam on the drive to work and always forget the lyrics by the time I get to my desk so I can't google it and find the song. Today, fate provided me a helping hand as the song started the moment I turned on my car with the radio DJ saying the name of the song. I was so happy I could cry :*)
What a sexy, PERFECT BOP. My fave musical discovery of 2014 tbh
slay a bit Kiesza
I wonder what the sales for Lizzie's 14th studio album will be.
Or if she'll even have one.
And I upgraded my On The Run tour tickets.
Now I'll be able to see the camel's acne scar indentations and hyperpigmentation spots up close and personuhl ;___;
AND Mumei left me the absolute best just-got-unbanned present in my PM box, the emotions and feels siS ;__;
SourceZendaya Responds To Aaliyah Role Criticism said:Splash News caught up with the ex-Disney starlet to see if the naysayers had her feeling some type of way.
"​A lot of people say I’m not black enough. Half black is just enough," she said as she brought her father, Kazeme Ajamu, who is African American, into the shot .​ "​It doesn’t matter what color you are, it’s about how you portray the character. For those that don’t know, Angela Bassett and Tina Turner, they look nothing alike but she was that character so I think that’s what it’s all about.” ​
Her dad chimed in, playfully saying " They're shooting this in the summer. She'll get dark enough." ​