I appreciate the compliment, in fact, I'm blushing a bit right now, but I have to correct you on one thing: every POPGAF member occasionally posts music in this thread. Sometimes it happens that the songs we post are paid dust, and sometimes everyone checks out the link we posted and comments on it. I do try to check out every song that gets posted in this thread, it's just that sometimes I don't have enough time. I bet it's like that with many other members here.
There are people who aren't NeoGAF members who check out this thread, so even if the link you put gets overlooked sometimes, I'm positive that somebody checked it out. I discovered a lot of artists this way before I joined the community, and I'm pretty sure it was the same with other junior members.
As for the celeb discussion, I feel like that's an integral part of this thread. It's not just about the songs, it's also about the artist itself, their charisma (or the lack thereof), their lives, interactions with other artists, chart positions etc. The songs will always be important, but sometimes it's just fun to discuss other things related to the artists.
So, what I'm trying to say here is that PopGAF is not just a shade-throwing, gif-spamming thread everyone thinks it is. There are often genuinely interesting discussions here, informative posts, and not to mention that there's a shit ton of great music posted here everyday. It's simply a great thread and a great sub-community.
That being said, I'd be happy to see you posting here more often. I loved the Vaults' song (in fact, I'm obsessed with it right now) and who knows what else you're hiding from us
Give PopGAF a chaaaaaaaaance!