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POPGAF |OT9| Too much shade can burn you...

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irresponsible vagina leak

I see


I just gave Sia's album several listens and I'm surprised a lot of people are giving it flack, but I suppose it depends on what you're expecting from her. I'm not sure if people are wanting pure bops from her, but I resonate mostly with her ability to create this incredible emotional builds and releases and there's quite a few of those on here. A lot of the albums till sounds very Sia-ish, with an updated sound. Even with her old albums, I never cared for her more upbeat tracks so it's no surprise I don't care for those much on here.

God Tier:
Eye of the Needle
Elastic Heart
Dressed in Black

The emotional builds for all of these are amazing. What I like about how Sia delivers these kind of songs is that even if sometimes I lyrically can't relate to them, she makes me feel like I can by building such an enveloping atmosphere and intimate vocal with them.

Elastic Heart: I don't know what that little semi-human electronic aye-woh-see-bop noise is that loops, but I love it. I'm pretty sure I heard this when it first came out but it never clicked until now. I love how she lets loose when she sings "And I wanted it and I want it baaaaad." On Cellophane , I love when she sings "Elec-tricity floods myyyy braaaa-aaaaain!" and that rising falsetto at the bridge takes this song to amazing heights. The falsetto actually reminds me a bit of London Grammar's Hey Now.

Lyrically, I love the way she writes her songs. Even when she tackles commonly used themes or cliches, the way she writes and approaches it is still refreshing. Like in the saved-me-from-certain-doom Dressed in Black:

I had given up
I didn’t know who to trust
So I designed a shell
Kept me from heaven and hell
And I had hit a low
Was all I let myself know
Yeah I had locked my heart
I was imprisoned by dark​

Eye of the Needle is the only track that really holds up because of the build but it's lyrically nonsensical to me. Unless someone can enlighten me.

Big Girls Cry
Fair Game

Big Girls Cry: The way it starts, it reminds me of Jojo's Leave, Get Out but only the intro. :) I mostly enjoy the song, it just doesn't build to anything satisfying. Makes me feel like there's this relentless suffocating weight that never releases. I can see myself using this when I'm in the mood. Fair Game is just really cute.

Straight for the Knife
Burn the Pages
Fire Meet Gasoline
Free the Animal

I want to like Fire Meets Gasoline but every time it comes on, the melody and chorus are as if Titanium and Jar of Hearts had an affair and had the baby delivered by Greg Kurstin. The instrumental to Straight for the Knife has this great mood but that ambiance is lost when you hit the chorus. Hostage: I normally don't mind Sia's slurring and mumbling through lyrics, but it doesn't work here for me and I just don't like the chorus. Burn the Pages: I really only like the pre-chorus and that's not enough for me to enjoy the rest of the song. Free the Animal has a lot of things I like: the production, the energy, the arrangement of the verses. I just don't like that weird distortion effect on her voice or the "Free the Animal" screams backing the chorus.


I saw Lana at Coachella. I really like her music, but she was far from best of the weekend. Capital Cities, Arcade Fire, and Empire of the Sun were all much better.

Pharrel I got to late (because of EOTS), but it seemed fun.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~

Marlene has more music? I fucking loved Bon Voyage. Absolutely by far my favourite song of this year

If you wanna run a hide
Be the new Bonnie and Clyde
You should team up with me
Let me be your company
I wanna hear them say

Such a slay
Let me work through the ten thousand soundcloud tabs I've just opened tho


I'm so looking forward to listening to the PopGAF podcast. When is it due, royalan?

Btw, I'm also looking forward to revisiting Avril's debut
which I already know by heart
. And even though it's going to be late, I'll try and give Velvet Rope a listen soon. I can already tell I'll like it since one of my all-time favorite songs is on it (Got Til It's Gone)

Aya, I'm definitely going to listen to those tracks later! :)

And Soulscribe, happy birthday :**
Yes, Matt sis, get into Marlene ∞. I love her. She's one of the gems I discovered on Soundcloud a while back and have been hooked on ever since. I also like the girl she sings with on Love You Anyway.

Ji Nilsson - Heartbreakfree

The video is horrible, but I love the song.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Yes, Matt sis, get into Marlene ∞. I love her. She's one of the gems I discovered on Soundcloud a while back and have been hooked on ever since. I also like the girl she sings with on Love You Anyway.

Ji Nilsson - Heartbreakfree

The video is horrible, but I love the song.

Oh my god this video is giving me the same teas as that super shit artist from Australia that seems to crop up every few months
I like the song though, is the clapping sampled from somewhere though?
Happy birthday, Soulscribe! I love your essays and the passion you have, it's always wonderful to read your posts.

I would recommend a Kylie album. Light Years, Fever and Aphrodite are all brilliant choices, and I'm also partial to her indie era (KM94 and Impossible Princess) although it's not indicative of her career as a whole.

Omg, Aya that SZA track is everything. Girl says she's made of bacon in the beginning, I know I'm going to be there for it. The song is very stoner-y, the way the lyrics are written make me think of that sort of stream of consciousness type thing when you're kinda baked; the production just takes it to that happy space.

The Mt. Si one creates the same sort of atmosphere too, is wonderful :)

I'm glad people are liking Devil's Touch, I add some things to the playlist as I'm browsing but I forget to post them here sometimes.

There's this song in my head by a female singer (maybe Pop or R&B) and the only lyric I remember is her drawn out, sultry, sexy delivery of the phrase "fairy tales"

I'm going to see BEYONCÈ in four hours, I can't have this mystery distracting me the whole time nOOOOO

There's this song in my head by a female singer (maybe Pop or R&B) and the only lyric I remember is her drawn out, sultry, sexy delivery of the phrase "fairy tales"

I'm going to see BEYONCÈ in four hours, I can't have this mystery distracting me the whole time nOOOOO

I'm probably only saying this as a Swiftie, but it wasn't "Today Was a Fairytale", right...? :3
I'm probably only saying this as a Swiftie, but it wasn't "Today Was a Fairytale", right...? :3
Nope :p

It's actually more like a sensual R&B rhythm and the "fairy tale" or "fairy tales" phrase is drawn out all seductive like. The voice sounds kind of robotic and auto-tuned a bit, but for stylistic effect if I remember...
Nope :p

It's actually more like a sensual R&B rhythm and the "fairy tale" or "fairy tales" phrase is drawn out all seductive like. The voice sounds kind of robotic and auto-tuned a bit, but for stylistic effect if I remember...

The only other song I can remember with the phrase "fairy tales" in it is a Sara Bareilles song.. o__o I doubt it's her tho.


Nope :p

It's actually more like a sensual R&B rhythm and the "fairy tale" or "fairy tales" phrase is drawn out all seductive like. The voice sounds kind of robotic and auto-tuned a bit, but for stylistic effect if I remember...

Searching for songs that match your description, I stumbled upon this, which is obviously not the track you were hoping for, but it's kind of a minor bop with some really strange, vocal overlays of emulated cat purrs, echoing meows, and yelps. LOL


I think I might actually like this. The vocal has a very The Wallflowers vibe with more prominent guitar and bass elements.


irresponsible vagina leak

There's this song in my head by a female singer (maybe Pop or R&B) and the only lyric I remember is her drawn out, sultry, sexy delivery of the phrase "fairy tales"

I'm going to see BEYONCÈ in four hours, I can't have this mystery distracting me the whole time nOOOOO

I don't believe in fairy tales..
I don't believe in fairy tales..
I don't believe in fairy tales,
but I believe in you and me!
OMG you do the Mariah hand motions along with the good voice!!! A+mazing!!!!!! You sing really well!!!


Omg that gif LOLLLL!! My mouth is huge X_X

Wahh though, thank you so much!! That's so sweet of you <333 All the kindness is making my face red :')
I also happen to be a huge Mariah fan so thank you so much for that compliment :').

You're really good. Keep it up.
Wow.. My goodness thank you so much :')!!

I don't think it's a coincidence both our nicknames have the same initials... BB... It was written in the stars!

Congrats bb/BB, I am now your loyal and devoted stan.
Gasp!! You're right!! It must totally be fate or something!! <3 <3!

Wow thank you so much! :3 I'm honored! I won't let you down! hehe!

See, BlueBadger? I told you PopGAF is the place to be

Slay as per!

Hahaha you're too sweet! <3 Thanks bb, you da best!


Straight for the Knife
Burn the Pages
Fire Meet Gasoline
Free the Animal
I totally agree with the first two. Especially Hostage. I mean, what. the. fuck, Sia. But those other three, really?! They're far from Trash. Especially Fire Meets Gasoline and Free The Animal. Oof. I love FTA, although I suppose I can see how the distortion bothers you...
Apparently this may be the Black Widow single cover?

My favourite film of all time combined with the best song off the New Classic? &#10084;&#65039;&#10084;&#65039;&#10084;&#65039;

I'm here for yet another iconic music video
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