Queen of Canadian Pop is releasing an album September 22!
Track List:
Running With The Boys
Up We Go
Same Sea
Muscle Memory
Oil and Water
Slow Down
How We Do It
Don't Go Home Without Me
Lucky Ones
From All Sides
That's why the leaked version is betterOnly Wanna Dance With You is such a bop, minus the random man voice in the middle.
Only Wanna Dance With You is such a bop, minus the random man voice in the middle.
Man Ultraviolence has really stopped getting play recently. Kinda wished the album was more eclectic than it is. Bew.
(and I'm surprised Cory hasn't commented on this)
I played a Lana mix at work today, and all the Ultraviolence tracks sounded like complete shit. Couldn't understand what she was singing at ALL. Just one long male turtle orgasm.
And what made it worse was that Ultraviolence (the track) came on, followed by Ride...and Ride sounded perfect. Full, crystal clear, epic.
waiT Mariah's going on tour!!!! l;akjd;lfja;lkjflkj
Maybe she'll even sing!
But sis...
We can't be..
.. that excited.
I love Mariah but I'm not paying for her early retirement tour. I want to see Mariah in her prime, and I will never be able to -cries-
Fair enough on the first video (cringing), but there's also this from the same day and other recent stuff.
How much of that do you think was live?
She sounds so relaxed after such a grueling set. Her legendary stamina <3
At the tender age of 26 (younger than Mumei is now)
She sounds so relaxed after such a grueling set. Her legendary stamina <3
I love how she sings the song differently each time. She messed up the lyrics the night I saw her, and made up for it with some ridiculous vocal ornaments.
(and I'm surprised Cory hasn't commented on this)
I played a Lana mix at work today, and all the Ultraviolence tracks sounded like complete shit. Couldn't understand what she was singing at ALL. Just one long male turtle orgasm.
And what made it worse was that Ultraviolence (the track) came on, followed by Ride...and Ride sounded perfect. Full, crystal clear, epic.
Get Me Bodied is cute, but Green Light is a pus-pop anthem
Get Me Bodied is cute, but Green Light is a pus-pop anthem
Now bitch...
I haven't listened to her. If you had to pick one song for me to listen to as introduction, which one?
The reverb vs. echo debate in these videos is giving me LIFEI haven't listened in a long while. Here's another mic feed~
Maybe... Always Will... Don't go in expecting [V O C A L S] though.
oh edit: You still old ho!
The reverb vs. echo debate in these videos is giving me LIFE
EDIT: By the way Touchdown, if Mariah decides to go on tour, DO NOT support her with your coins. I actually felt rage flowing through me when I decided to check out user reviews on her Ticketmaster page. She does not respect her fans, and it goes beyond the mere lack of singing you can see in most videos.
I love robs post! I'm like anticipating them now.
But Umpt! I knew Tweet was coming! I was staring at Spotify like, should I do it or wait for the "Artist Spotlight". I heard all the albums love all the songs so kudos for the recognition. She was so good, it saddens me that another diva has fallen to studio time politics. Remember her feature in Honey with Jessica Alba? Lol, she was hot back then.
Owwww this got me thinking of another diva who definitely has a catalog that has been slept on for years. I have a feeling she will pop up soon too.
(and I'm surprised Cory hasn't commented on this)
I played a Lana mix at work today, and all the Ultraviolence tracks sounded like complete shit. Couldn't understand what she was singing at ALL. Just one long male turtle orgasm.
And what made it worse was that Ultraviolence (the track) came on, followed by Ride...and Ride sounded perfect. Full, crystal clear, epic.
Now how are you going to talk when you sit there two decades older than I am?
By the way Touchdown, if Mariah decides to go on tour as you reported, DO NOT support her with your coins. I actually felt rage flowing through me when I decided to check out user reviews on her Ticketmaster page. She does not respect her fans, and it goes beyond the mere lack of singing you can see in most videos.
She averages two hours late, drinks on stage, spends more time on costume changes than actually performing...my already damaged opinion on her turned black when I read all the horror stories. Throw your coins at an artist who continues to put some effort in after multiple decades of hard work and doesn't decide to check out just because she can.
Such as Chanté Moore (already got my ticket to see her in NYC next January!)
The reason is simple: her discography is forgettable.Leona sis, I have seen the light by chante Moore's incredible talent.
Which is why I don't understand, why she was so under rated next to Mariah? Imo, I feel like Chante has the superior whistle while Mariah has the better range but at the same time Chante is a solid singer. She rarely has slip ups and til this day, can maintain her vocals. I definitely have to go see her after my baptism from Beyoncé.
Bitch... 2 decades?! I know math skills are the first to go but damn, you must be suffering with that early onset business. You know I'm the Patti to your Aretha. #NotThatOldBaby
Now wait. In this case, I would have to be Patti seeing as how I'm younger!
(and I'm surprised Cory hasn't commented on this)
I played a Lana mix at work today, and all the Ultraviolence tracks sounded like complete shit. Couldn't understand what she was singing at ALL. Just one long male turtle orgasm.
And what made it worse was that Ultraviolence (the track) came on, followed by Ride...and Ride sounded perfect. Full, crystal clear, epic.
I don't believe it. The onus is on you to prove you're not some shady octogenarian reminiscing over the days when he could catch Maria Callas in the latest whatever with the rest of the friends of Dorothy.
I c u.(Natalia stole your swag.)