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POPGAF |OT9| Too much shade can burn you...

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the TURDS are so embarrassing, they should really take notes from classy Matthew stans like Touchdown, who remains classy and unbothered in the face of oppression.


Dr. Malik

well he is a T U R D

more people need to be like me and move onto greener pastures

he's also wrong, R H A T her best song is Nobody's Business
Hija your definition of good pop music is that of a Lana stan after the ZzzQuil kicks in. And I bet this greener pasture of yours must be where la cerdas go for their dumbs since your obsession with being surrounded by 'turds' continues even after you so called moved on.

Y latch busca tu dignidad primero mujer, lo unico que da asco a qui es lo que me mandas en mi caja electronica 😩


Madge is working with some London choir and played a clip of them singing, at the end of which what sounds like a clip from a song is playing. Some stans increased the volume of the clip so we could hear the song at the end more clearly. hmmm@!!

And Abel Korzeniowski, the man who did the music for Madonna's Golden Globe winning movie W.E. confirmed he worked on Madonna for one song which he said would be "intimate and orchestral", and the final track on the album, so it looks like this album will be continuing Madonna's trend since RoL of ending her albums with a deep, raw, haunting song.



well he is a T U R D

more people need to be like me and move onto greener pastures

he's also wrong, R H A T her best song is Nobody's Business

the TURDS are so embarrassing, they should really take notes from classy Matthew stans like Touchdown, who remains classy and unbothered in the face of oppression.


turncoat mess, tbh. I understand you've moved on, but dragging your failing, former fave and ha stanbase doesn't paint you in any kind of positive light, sis.



You would think the day after someone wouldn't already be testing limits, but here we are. I feel as if perhaps we might need to have a demarcation between insulting nicknames for artists (Rihanus, Knee, Matthew, St!nk, O!nk, etc.), which can be clever and amusing, and insulting nicknames for stan bases, which seem to be used primarily to serially insult specific posters. Of course, the problem is that some of the latter are also used in a generic fashion, to talk about the delusions of a particular base, or are sort of innocuous, while others - like someone yelling about TURDS - really rubs me the wrong way.

But for now, I think stopping calling other posters TURDS is a good place to start - and I'd like to add that I shouldn't have to say this in the first goddamned place. And use common sense in the future about whether something is appropriate or not.


Madge is working with some London choir and played a clip of them singing, at the end of which what sounds like a clip from a song is playing. Some stans increased the volume of the clip so we could hear the song at the end more clearly. hmmm@!!

And Abel Korzeniowski, the man who did the music for Madonna's Golden Globe winning movie W.E. confirmed he worked on Madonna for one song which he said would be "intimate and orchestral", and the final track on the album, so it looks like this album will be continuing Madonna's trend since RoL of ending her albums with a deep, raw, haunting song.





you know, nothing was said about the countless times B E Y H I V was thrown around in here, but I understand. We should be nice to all stans, respect all fan bases, and only throw shade at popstars, like making fun of their weight or how ugly they are. Historically, this is what POPGAF has been about.


you know, nothing was said about the countless times B E Y H I V was thrown around in here, but I understand. We should be nice to all stans, respect all fan bases, and only throw shade at popstars, like making fun of their weight or how ugly they are. Historically, this is what POPGAF has been about.

... You know, I didn't even think of B E Y H I V as a reference to HIV. For some reason, I just thought that the #Navy couldn't type. <_<


Please are we really going to start pretending Grimes is better looking than Taylor Swift.

Y'all know how I feel about Taylor Swift but there is no comparison between those two.

she's just so sterile and lifeless. but who is surprised. there is no movement or soul in her music, so of course that translates to her awkward robotic persona. she's basically a vocaloid without the sugoi.


you know, nothing was said about the countless times B E Y H I V was thrown around in here, but I understand. We should be nice to all stans, respect all fan bases, and only throw shade at popstars, like making fun of their weight or how ugly they are. Historically, this is what POPGAF has been about.

Yes! "HIV" is extremely insensitive. Let us embrace BeyhIVe instead.


kinda random, but i just rihmembered dmeisterj's ban. he was one of the reasons i wanted to join popgaf, i always found him hilarious. there is such a lack of mourning for the good sis! ;[

... or celebration for that matter.
guess he didn't make enemies with the mods, they didn't come dancing in like they did with kyon (PBUH)
... You know, I didn't even think of B E Y H I V as a reference to HIV. For some reason, I just thought that the #Navy couldn't type. <_<


Stay fierce.

Mau ®;122969644 said:

DMJ is iconic. Now with WHO am I gonna celebrate the Queen's return to music in a few weeks?! :(

I keep forgetting that September's right around the corner. Can't wait for the collab album either sis. :3
kinda random, but i just rihmembered dmeisterj's ban. he was one of the reasons i wanted to join popgaf, i always found him hilarious. there is such a lack of mourning for the good sis! ;[

... or celebration for that matter.
guess he didn't make enemies with the mods, they didn't come dancing in like they did with kyon (PBUH)

I had never even knew DMJ was a PopSistren until I had started posting in here myself. I'll miss him.

I can't say that I miss Kyawn, though. But then again I don't give much attention to stans of Noted Domestic Abuser Chris Brown.


kinda random, but i just rihmembered dmeisterj's ban. he was one of the reasons i wanted to join popgaf, i always found him hilarious. there is such a lack of mourning for the good sis! ;[

... or celebration for that matter.
guess he didn't make enemies with the mods, they didn't come dancing in like they did with kyon (PBUH)

wait, ol' tender-puss was perma'd? ever since Bey's surprise album drop good sis STAYED mad, and never seemed to get over it. smh




I just came back from seeing Wicked.

Not a single fave stanned for here can sing, except voices of the generations Beyoncé and Ariana, but that play gave me a new perspective on how repulsive those sounds being emitted out of your fave's throat are.



I just came back from seeing Wicked.

Not a single fave stanned for here can sing, except voices of the generations Beyoncé and Ariana, but that play gave me a new perspective on how repulsive those sounds being emitted out of your fave's throat are.


good to see you're still popularity-stanning, sis.

I recall you turning in the stan card for that creature, so the sentence is still accurate.

True, I guess you can't call it stanning anymore. The good sis canocha has assumed that mantle now.

I would ask Mumei to give me a new username, but I don't want to change my avatar

it's too iconic at this point~
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