Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
True JLo does work hard I'll give her credit. I remember liking in 2000 when she had some legit smashes (Play and Waiting for Tonight remain bops) but she dropped off rather sharply. I wish she'd detach herself from that horrible Pitbull his stench is all over her career at this point =/
So most of y'all prob don't like DeadMau5, but I legit thought this was a Sia song for WEEKS before finding out it had nothing to do with her. I'm so thankful that's not the case as I no longer have to picture her singing it now
Check it out:
Seeya ft. Colleen D'Agostino
So most of y'all prob don't like DeadMau5, but I legit thought this was a Sia song for WEEKS before finding out it had nothing to do with her. I'm so thankful that's not the case as I no longer have to picture her singing it now
Seeya ft. Colleen D'Agostino