I agree that ARTPOP is among some of Gaga's best stuff, including the untouchable The Fame.
Absolutely not. Not even REMOTELY close.
By far her worst album. By far her worst released singles. By far the worst album art (yes, worse than BTW), booklet, theme.
ARTPOP comes across as extremely messy, undercooked, and even rushed; which is BAFFLING considering the numerous delays the album underwent. It almost proves that Gaga herself is the most detrimental thing to her own music.
You can TRY to hate on Born This Way all you want, but doing so would be extremely IGNORANT as that album was actually GOOD, had a real THEME, consistent sound, and didn't use a PLETHORA of LEFTOVERS like ARTPOP did. It wasn't lazy in any sense. It was inspired. And most importantly, it had a numerous good, polished songs.
- Born This Way
- Judas
- Scheiße
- Bloody Mary
- Heavy Metal Lover
- Electric Chapel
- The Edge of Glory
alone are MILES ABOVE the ENTIRE ARTPOP ALBUM in terms of quality and creativity. It is extremely difficult for me to pick tracks that I legitimately feel GOOD about on ARTPOP, without my mind first resorting to all the flaws that bog down those tracks.
But if I MUST, they would be these:
- Applause (terrible lyrics, lazy hooks)
- Venus (the most fun but also messy in just about every way)
- Do What U Want (boring but solid)
- Fashion! (gets very messy towards the end, vocals aren't so hot)
- Gypsy (all around one of the most solid tracks, but still boring)
Do you see how it just doesn't compare? And it would be hard for me to nitpick the same way about the Born This Way songs, because GLARING ISSUES just aren't there.
I will NEVER understand how her fans, or casual listeners will defend that album. It deserved to be trashed, used and abused in any way possible, so hopefully Gaga will get the hint to not deliver such a steaming pile of shit next time.