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POPGAF |OT9| Too much shade can burn you...

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I agree that ARTPOP is among some of Gaga's best stuff, including the untouchable The Fame.

Absolutely not. Not even REMOTELY close.

By far her worst album. By far her worst released singles. By far the worst album art (yes, worse than BTW), booklet, theme.

ARTPOP comes across as extremely messy, undercooked, and even rushed; which is BAFFLING considering the numerous delays the album underwent. It almost proves that Gaga herself is the most detrimental thing to her own music.

You can TRY to hate on Born This Way all you want, but doing so would be extremely IGNORANT as that album was actually GOOD, had a real THEME, consistent sound, and didn't use a PLETHORA of LEFTOVERS like ARTPOP did. It wasn't lazy in any sense. It was inspired. And most importantly, it had a numerous good, polished songs.

- Born This Way
- Judas
- Scheiße
- Bloody Mary
- Heavy Metal Lover
- Electric Chapel
- The Edge of Glory

alone are MILES ABOVE the ENTIRE ARTPOP ALBUM in terms of quality and creativity. It is extremely difficult for me to pick tracks that I legitimately feel GOOD about on ARTPOP, without my mind first resorting to all the flaws that bog down those tracks.

But if I MUST, they would be these:

- Applause (terrible lyrics, lazy hooks)
- Venus (the most fun but also messy in just about every way)
- Do What U Want (boring but solid)
- Fashion! (gets very messy towards the end, vocals aren't so hot)
- Gypsy (all around one of the most solid tracks, but still boring)

Do you see how it just doesn't compare? And it would be hard for me to nitpick the same way about the Born This Way songs, because GLARING ISSUES just aren't there.

I will NEVER understand how her fans, or casual listeners will defend that album. It deserved to be trashed, used and abused in any way possible, so hopefully Gaga will get the hint to not deliver such a steaming pile of shit next time.

Dr. Malik

Reviews have never really affected sales in the pop landscape lbr otherwise some of your hews would be selling and Katy/Rihanna/etc would never have reached plat

its all about how you sell it and Gaga sold it bad
giving birth on Madonna's birthday, what kind of demonic power

On the other hand, Bey released SELF-TITLED on the Lord's birthday, and was / is amazing.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Oh, Birthed This Waste had a consistent theme?

What was it?

Birthed This Waste? Are you for real?

It's theme was rebellion.

And it contains the two best songs Gaga has ever done and likely will ever release in Edge of Glory and Heavy Metal Lover. Don't let the birth of Xtincta's child cloud your judgement now!
Sorry, but no.

Fashion! is a more cohesive track than anything on Aborted This Fetus.

Fashion! >>>> every Gaga track except her underrated, moody lyrical masterpiece So Happy I Could Die


Birthed This Waste? Are you for real?

It's theme was rebellion.

And it contains the two best songs Gaga has ever done and likely will ever release in Edge of Glory and Heavy Metal Lover. Don't let the birth of Xtincta's child cloud your judgement now!


You mean that thing Gaga's always singing about?

I guess that would be a consistent theme.


Oh, Birthed This Waste had a consistent theme?

What was it?

Are you illiterate?

The title alone explained the theme. BORN THIS WAY. Or in easier terms, overcoming obstacles, self acceptance, love yourself, all that shit. Lyrically, that theme was prevalent on the majority of the album, but since you need some help, it was on these tracks specifically:

Born This Way
Bad Kids
Highway Unicorn
Marry The Night

the album was clearly had a MESSAGE and a PURPOSE, and it's appeal pretty much doubled Gaga's fanbase into what it is today.

The album was also CONSISTENT in terms of production and it's sound. It flowed. It sounded like a body of work, not a mixtape. Not to mention the production was actually good too.

We still don't have a clear definition on what ARTPOP is from Lady Gaga, as she says something different every time. And in no way does the album have a theme either, at least it doesn't extend beyond the title track.

I'm not saying that every album needs to have a theme in it's songs, either. But I do think an album should sound like an album - like something that has a defining characteristic and feel about it. ARTPOP has none of that. It comes across as one of the most laziest pop albums from someone of Gaga's caliber, yet the truly SAD thing is that so much effort and time was actually put into it. TROUBLING INDEED

So Happy I Could Die is my top Gaga track.
Yep, it'd be A+ perfection if the chorus didn't repeat that one extra unnecessary time at the end.

But otherwise, flawless marriage of catchy but haunting melody and emotional depth. There's something ever so slightly off about it, and then when you get into the lyrics, it's genuinely an affecting and honest experience.

Everyone points to Bad Romance or whatever, but give me that Gaga. The one who can speak to me with more than just fierce dial-a-DJ beats.

Dr. Malik

lettuce not forget that our very own Nemesis will be meeting her later this month face2face

so post your questions below for him to ask her and pray he isnt the shy type



Are you illiterate?

The title alone explained the theme. BORN THIS WAY. Or in easier terms, overcoming obstacles, self acceptance, love yourself, all that shit. Lyrically, that theme was prevalent on the majority of the album, but since you need some help, it was on these tracks specifically:

Born This Way
Bad Kids
Highway Unicorn
Marry The Night

the album was clearly had a MESSAGE and a PURPOSE, and it's appeal pretty much doubled Gaga's fanbase into what it is today.

The album was also CONSISTENT in terms of production and it's sound. It flowed. It sounded like a body of work, not a mixtape. Not to mention the production was actually good too.

We still don't have a clear definition on what ARTPOP is from Lady Gaga, as she says something different every time. And in no way does the album have a theme either, at least it doesn't extend beyond the title track.

I'm not saying that every album needs to have a theme in it's songs, either. But I do think an album should sound like an album - like something that has a defining characteristic and feel about it. ARTPOP has none of that. It comes across as one of the most laziest pop albums from someone of Gaga's caliber, yet the truly SAD thing is that so much effort was actually put into it. TROUBLING INDEED

If you're that impressed by an album whose theme is "self acceptance" in a period when pretty much EVERY Pop act was putting out better Self Acceptance anthems (*yawn*), then that's great for you.

Personally, though, I need my music to be good. And if it's not, I couldn't give a single solitary fuck about your message. And that was Gaga's criminal problem with BTW: she got so caught up in her message that she forgot how to make good, fun music.


I listened to ARTPOP the other day. I still think its cute.

I could see the ARTPOP era having panned out better had Gags and her management not been so messy with everything.

My idea of a better ARTPOP era: "Burqa" should have been the first single (not Aura). There would have been some controversy around the concept and visuals; it would have gotten her back into the spotlight. Then Applause as a safer second single. Venus would have come next with this being the most visual of the singles (campy, iconic video) followed by JND to see if she could tackle urban and maybe end with the epic Gypsy.
If you're that impressed by an album whose theme is "self acceptance" in a period when pretty much EVERY Pop act was putting out better Self Acceptance anthems (*yawn*), then that's great for you.

Personally, though, I need my music to be good. And if it's not, I couldn't give a single solitary fuck about your message. And that was Gaga's criminal problem with BTW: she got so caught up in her message that she forgot how to make good, fun music.

fucking thank you
A good amount of the music on BTW is great. Let's not lie. In terms of number of good songs if clocks The Fame and ARTPOP.

Marry the Night
Government Hooker
Bloody Mary
Heavy Metal Lover
The Edge of Glory


ways for gags to have saved the era:

1. incise the monsters out of her career and life

2. release the 2012 sounding album in 2012

3. surface out of her odorous rectal caverns that she has taken residence in for the past couple of years and take a breath of fresh air

bonus sales: have Asia become the face of her career.


If you're that impressed by an album whose theme is "self acceptance" in a period when pretty much EVERY Pop act was putting out better Self Acceptance anthems (*yawn*), then that's great for you.

Personally, though, I need my music to be good. And if it's not, I couldn't give a single solitary fuck about your message. And that was Gaga's criminal problem with BTW: she got so caught up in her message that she forgot how to make good, fun music.

The music is good. Many of the tracks are among her best. Maybe not all of it is fun, sure. But you hate anything that isn't fun, like the critically acclaimed/best debut of all time by FKA Twigs, so this is probably an opinion I will just disregard.
ways for gags to have saved the era:

1. incise the monsters out of her career and life

2. release the 2012 sounding album in 2012

3. surface out of her odorous rectal caverns that she has taken residence in for the past couple of years and take a breath of fresh air

bonus sales: have Asia become the face of her career.

4. Fire DJWS



The music is good. Many of the tracks are among her best. Maybe not all of it is fun, sure. But you hate anything that isn't fun, like the critically acclaimed/best debut of all time by FKA Twigs, so this is probably an opinion I will just disregard.

Sis, who said that I hate FKA Twigs? I actually really like her.

I just think she's apart of a movement in pop that's becoming incredibly oversaturated and samey.

But she, Banks, and Ribcage Tinashe? <3



(a) ironic that someone who puts so much emphasis on what surrounds the album is staining for the filth given what has permeated the area. Simply vomit, both figuratively and literally.

(b) the fact that the fleet of thirsty bitches who would otherwise love to clock the former stans for jumping the wagon are steering clear of the biohazard level 4 vomit is proof enough of how REVOLTING the whole charade has been. Everyone understands this thing is over for good and anyone standing in its puddle of waste might as well go into quarantine before the delusion goes airborne and causes a pandemic.

Hazmat yourself.

I agree that ARTPOP is among some of Gaga's best stuff, including the untouchable The Fame.

...it's just literally EVERYTHING ELSE that was a mess.


ARTPOP is an album that I can blast start to finish (sans Dope) and enjoy it all. The number one problem is this: why did she go for art like her stans are about that life?



ARTPOP is an album that I can blast start to finish (sans Dope) and enjoy it all. The number one problem is this: why did she go for art like her stans are about that life?

What exactly about the music serves 'art' anyway

The reason the fans are ignoring the flaws of the album eating it up is because it's basic, fun music that doesn't require a brain to listen to. Which I guess is what Gaga has always been about, bar the one time she tried to do something different and got chastised for it.


I still don't know if ARTPOP or The Fame are my least favourite albums of hers if I'm being completely honest.

I will see ARTPOP live on Wednesday, so that will cement the opinion, I think.

Mau ®

I made it a life goal to listen to ARTPOP while being incredibly high. I figured it had to be an amazing experience.

So when ARTPOP leaked I set out to achieve my goal. When I finally started listening to it I couldn't help feeling there was something desperate and try-hard about the entire album.

The only moments I felt Gaga was being carefree were during Gypsy and Dope. Everything else felt joyless.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
ways for gags to have saved the era:

1. incise the monsters out of her career and life

Finally Mr. Negativity a post from you I can agree with! :p
The monsters are wretched and as I've stated in the past Gaga's parasitic bond and codependency with them will be her undoing

Mau ®;125775521 said:
The only moments I felt Gaga was being carefree were during Gypsy and Dope. Everything else felt joyless.

Love Gypsy but really Mau? DOPE?! yuck that's legit the worst thing Gaga's ever produced. Wish she would have excised that filth from ARTPOP along with J&D and put Brooklyn Nights in their place. Would have improved the album a full point imo

Plus you didn't enjoy Venus? Most joyful thing she's produced in ages! <3 Best song on ARTPOP followed by Mary Jane Holland. Wish we'd received a full video just for Venus, instead I have to make do by playing Arianus' vid for Break Free on mute while playing the track for Venus over top ;_____;
Dope isn't her worst imo, it's heartfelt and it's highly personal to her, I can give it that. Just not my kind of thing at all. Jewels and Drugs would've scalped w/ female rap features.


Gags' only good album is The Fame Monster

The Fame is aight, but it aged like milk

Born This Way is awful
the only thing arguably good about it is the production
the writing sucks, especially the really contrived bullshit like the title track, Hair, Sheisse, etc

I was a huge fan of hers during TFM era, but I did notice that throughout 2010 she started to become more and more about exploiting the gays and her annoying, try-hard "look at me, am so art" shtick
I still find it bizarre how Lady Gaga became a phenomenon practically overnight.

I wasn't paying attention to her and then suddenly everyone was talking about her.

I found it weird how quickly the gays took to her too, although I guess it's in her background and performance history that she did spend an inordinate amount of time in gay clubs. (Or am I thinking of the wrong person?)


Eh my only beef with Gaga is how often she changes and manipulates her artistic narrative as she pleases, ie the drug addict, the underground brooklyn pop star, the unappreciated genius etc etc

It gets boring and it's hard to treat anything she really says with any genuine reason, especially shit like ARTPOP Act II and a bunch of other promises that she fails to keep

Oh well I'm seeing her in October so I'm sure I'll eat shit then

I still find it bizarre how Lady Gaga became a phenomenon practically overnight.

I wasn't paying attention to her and then suddenly everyone was talking about her.

I found it weird how quickly the gays took to her too, although I guess it's in her background and performance history that she did spend an inordinate amount of time in gay clubs. (Or am I thinking of the wrong person?)

No I think the same thing, she really blew up somehow.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Gags' only good album is The Fame Monster

The Fame is aight, but it aged like milk

Born This Way is awful
the only thing arguably good about it is the production
the writing sucks, especially the really contrived bullshit like the title track, Hair, Sheisse, etc

I was a huge fan of hers during TFM era, but I did notice that throughout 2010 she started to become more and more about exploiting the gays and her annoying, try-hard "look at me, am so art" shtick

drag them
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