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Happy Birthday Queen!
That megamix should be used every time someone talks shit about Madonna. Aside from the shitty Like A Prayer and Evita era, Madonna is consistent in her slayage. I can't even be mad when folks are pressed at her anymore. Madonna casts a large shadow, and these current girls just don't have it. If she wasn't a woman, she'd be my #1 fave. Did you see how she turned ICONIC when she got a production budget? The vids from Express Yourself through Rain are just stunning.
Happy Birthday Queen!
Philippines, Mall of Asia Arena Capacity: 18,000 Full house: 20,000
this is kinda slaying me right now
porter robinson is also kinda hot too
That song is trash. Qué asco.
Just hew is FKA Twigs? Never heard about her, but LP1 slays so hard. Such an interesting sound.
Mau ®;125731103 said:Legend X has given birth to a baby girl.
giving birth on Madonna's birthday, what kind of demonic power![]()
I hope Madonna knows what to do to remain the Supreme...YAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSS SHE HAS GIVEN BIRTH!!!! CONGRATS QUEENTINA!!!
The stars have aligned. May the Blessed Child absorb Madonna's energies.
I hope Madonna knows what to do to remain the Supreme...
Mau ®;125732969 said:Oh, she knows.
Tell me about it.Mau ®;125732315 said:carefree as she rehearses
that thread is giving me too much feels especially angry ones
cuz who would have thought all that flawless would turn to this
and that was just like in the last 2 days
(a) ironic that someone who puts so much emphasis on what surrounds the album is staining for the filth given what has permeated the area. Simply vomit, both figuratively and literally.
(b) the fact that the fleet of thirsty bitches who would otherwise love to clock the former stans for jumping the wagon are steering clear of the biohazard level 4 vomit is proof enough of how REVOLTING the whole charade has been. Everyone understands this thing is over for good and anyone standing in its puddle of waste might as well go into quarantine before the delusion goes airborne and causes a pandemic.
Hazmat yourself.
(a) ironic that someone who puts so much emphasis on what surrounds the album is staining for the filth given what has permeated the area. Simply vomit, both figuratively and literally.
(b) the fact that the fleet of thirsty bitches who would otherwise love to clock the former stans for jumping the wagon are steering clear of the biohazard level 4 vomit is proof enough of how REVOLTING the whole charade has been. Everyone understands this thing is over for good and anyone standing in its puddle of waste might as well go into quarantine before the delusion goes airborne and causes a pandemic.
Hazmat yourself.
Can we talk about G.U.Y. being perfect tho?
Let me be the gay under you that makes you cry
I haven't fully cemented my thoughts about ARTPOP in relation to God's body of work, but with Dope growing on me and my distaste towards the studio version of Swine diminishing, I can say there's not a single song on this album I dislike.
o and MANiCURE studio is much better than the live version. The Gwen Stefanesque can you feel it punches hard.
I had a moment with Fashion! while walking to work today.
I'm not sure what my fave song is anymore.
Where is my damn pre-sale code.
Gaga pls
i literally can't believe some people are still in denial about how shit artpop is musically compared with her previous eras
be educated: the reason her sales DIVED is because her quality DIVED
I liked you better when you were supportive...
(a) ironic that someone who puts so much emphasis on what surrounds the album is staining for the filth given what has permeated the area. Simply vomit, both figuratively and literally.
(b) the fact that the fleet of thirsty bitches who would otherwise love to clock the former stans for jumping the wagon are steering clear of the biohazard level 4 vomit is proof enough of how REVOLTING the whole charade has been. Everyone understands this thing is over for good and anyone standing in its puddle of waste might as well go into quarantine before the delusion goes airborne and causes a pandemic.
Hazmat yourself.