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#popMAFIA | So don’t let this be our final song


More relevant to this game, from what I can see this D1 was very much in the air until Quantum got a critical mass of votes and it's very weird for a D1 lynch to appear 1 hour before day end and not change. Usually enough people will second guess themselves and choose someone else.
A second thing to keep in mind is that last minute switchers are usually town. If there's one thing scum don't want it's attention and last minute voting is a great way of catching everybody's attention. A good example is the D1 lynch in batman where only one scum made a single vote in a sea of votes near the end.

Adding to this I can see scum bussing Quantum for several reasons:
-They don't know where the lynch is going and want to be on the right side
-Crab voting for Quantum gives him much more momentum than the others (kinda assuming he is town)
-Because the votes were so spread out with day end 85 minutes away when Crab voted for Quantum there is still a high change the lynch could go somewhere else (this is why I don't clear Crab).
-They weren't the only scum with votes

Pop-O-Matic (3) (TOWN)
Haly .115
CornBurrito .207
Evilisk .237

kryptikjoker (2)
Not .202
Flame_AC .206

combine42 (2) (NEUTRAL)
QuantumBro .93
Sawneeks .221

Burbeting (2)
Kalor .105
kryptikjoker .201

Evilisk (2)
Crab .213
Burbeting .214

Flame_AC (2)
CCS .248
Coppa .266

QuantumBro (1) (SCUM)
Bronx-Man .133

Crab (1)
Coppanuva .91

Haly (1) (TOWN)
Lord of Castamere .220

Not (1)
Pop-O-Matic .90

Sawneeks (1)
combine42 .241

And a role like poisoner, if scum has one, is IMO much more valuable than tracker. Double kill is really powerful.


Good to read all that, I disagree about my reaction being scummy though. I feel like if I was scum, I wouldnt have mentioned anything about coppa's death and let someone else figure it out, thus not bring attention on me. However, since I directly responded to them on their not feeling well point, it must have been recent in my memory than in others hence my quick reaction to it at the day's beginning.

Happy to discuss it now though, I think that if we agree that poisoning is what killed Coppa, then it proves it cannot be LoC who did it. LoC claimed that haly should been dead during N1 as he targeted them. So, LoC confirmed that his power kills immediately. However, coppa had time to leave a message. This means that there is another killer in this game apart from LoC that is probably scum but could also by a very small chance be neutral. So, we need to keep on the lookout for another killer. I wonder if the poisoner has tried to kill someone before and failed, but nobody has spoken up about it, or as I said earlier, if this was his first poisoning attempt. If so, I wonder how many more 'shots' they have. Also, another question, why wait so long in the game to start?

I have to say that I agree with Crab rather than you on Burb. Despite not actively doing anything to upset them, Burb keeps pointing little comments my way and making suggestions about me without much evidence. Burb seems happy to make a few points here and there, then just coast along.


Kalor is missing, he had one vote which moved from Not (me).
Underlined are non-scum voters, bold are scum:

Pop-O-Matic (3) (TOWN)
Haly .115
CornBurrito .207
Evilisk .237

kryptikjoker (2)
Not .202
Flame_AC .206

combine42 (2) (NEUTRAL)
QuantumBro .93
Sawneeks .221

Burbeting (2)
Kalor .105
kryptikjoker .201

Evilisk (2)
Crab .213
Burbeting .214

Flame_AC (2)
CCS .248
Coppa .266

QuantumBro (1) (SCUM)
Bronx-Man .133

Crab (1)
Coppanuva .91

Haly (1) (TOWN)
Lord of Castamere .220

Kalor (1) (TOWN)
Pop-O-Matic .260

Sawneeks (1)
combine42 .241


Good to read all that, I disagree about my reaction being scummy though. I feel like if I was scum, I wouldnt have mentioned anything about coppa's death and let someone else figure it out, thus not bring attention on me. However, since I directly responded to them on their not feeling well point, it must have been recent in my memory than in others hence my quick reaction to it at the day's beginning.

Scum "knows" it's going to be a discussion topic and that avoiding it could look bad. You could easily argue both ways.

What did you think about it at the time? Apart from posting the song you didn't seem to react to it until Coppa died.


Scum "knows" it's going to be a discussion topic and that avoiding it could look bad. You could easily argue both ways.

What did you think about it at the time? Apart from posting the song you didn't seem to react to it until Coppa died.

Coppa was a nice guy that welcomed me nicely at the time so just wanted to make a joke about something in one of their posts. Their next post where they went into more detail I completely forgot about though.


Coppa was a nice guy that welcomed me nicely at the time so just wanted to make a joke about something in one of their posts. Their next post where they went into more detail I completely forgot about though.

You were the first to bring it up at day start so it seemed to be in your head. What did you make of it before Coppa died?


You were the first to bring it up at day start so it seemed to be in your head. What did you make of it before Coppa died?

Completely forgot about it until I saw Coppa had died, and then it just came straight back to mind after seeing his death notification at the day's beginning.

It's a shame that haly died too so we couldn't see the PM coppa got.


On my early vote for kryptikjoker, it was just an early Day 1 thing where I saw them being defensive after an early vote or two. Their defensiveness made me wanna throw another vote on just to see what would happen. Then it just kind of stuck. Unfortunately my early game play isn't going to really net us much more than my own excuses. :(

My Haly vote was based on the early day stuff with LoC and the vig targeting stuff. I was going with LoC in that the way the night actions worked out was suspicious. Then I died in studies, tried to make it to Day 3, then did an okay skim, missing the Mason claim, and just going with Haly again as, in my mind, it was still a thing of doubt. I wish I could give better reasons, but my Day 2 / 3 in the game was me just trying to stay in the game. :(

What do you think about Kryptik now?

And I'm still having trouble understanding the whole 'well Haly didn't die so they are Scum' argument. How does LoC's claimed Vig Shot not working mean Haly is Scum?

I'm just using your own post in the start of this day where you said you were worried.


This is written like an out, but I don't see why this wouldn't make someone suspicious of poisoning interested in pushing it further. I asked you about the game just after this, but you didn't bring up the poison nor really discuss it with anyone other than Coppa I think.

Look, Ty, I don't know what you want me to say here.

Yes, I was worried when Coppa explained his post but my mind didn't immediately go to 'well he was clearly poisoned!' like you seem to be insinuating. I didn't know what it was, I had a bunch of ideas and one of which was possibly poison, and the fact that it just suddenly appeared was weird. But with Coppa two replies in a row trying to shut down that discussion and nobody else seeming to care, I dropped it. Should I have pushed it more? Yes, and I apologize for not doing that.

Why didn't I bring it up when you asked about the game? Honestly, I'd forgotten about it. By the time you asked me that you had replaced Not and joined the game ( and posting jumped from barely 10 posts in 2 IRL days to 10 posts in a few hours ) and I was paying such little attention to the game in the first half of that Day Phase that I went and looked back at Flame/Corn to wrap my head around things. I was far more focused on keeping up with all the posting and going back to a re-read that it did not cross my mind when you asked me.


It still doesn't sit right with me. He posted "don't worry about it" just 1:17 before I asked you about the game.


I won't post tonight because I'm too pissed to add anything useful. I am reading the thread though.


I won't post tonight because I'm too pissed to add anything useful. I am reading the thread though.

aw but the best posts in a tense game are done drunk.




The Force is a powerful thing...

Man, I still feel bad about the mislynch yesterday. Especially since I switched to s wrong target.


The Force is a powerful thing...

Man, I still feel bad about the mislynch yesterday. Especially since I switched to s wrong target.

You thought you were doing right buddy, that's all. Unfortunately, a few of us townies have to die before we can get some scum mofos!





flame_ac (3)
sawneeks 688
bronx-man 700
kryptikjoker 722

burbeting (1)
crab 692

ccs (0)
ty4on 693 (697)

acohrs (1)
flame_ac 711
ty4on 724 (750)

ty4on (1)
acohrs 746

sawneeks (1)
ty4on 750

Day 4 ends:

6 votes for majority.

The OFFICIAL #popMAFIA playlist AM I POP? has been updated. It can be found HERE.


My reads at the moment:

1. Bronx-Man - He was the first vote on QuantumBro, latching on him quite early Day 1. That gives me town vibes of him, although he was completely absent during the vote on QB escalating, so it’s not impossible for a scum to simply not notice what happened. But after that Bronx has been coasting pretty badly. During Day 2 he didn’t really post anything, other than having a small feud with Pop, where he came off somewhat defensive. On Day 3, he started defensive again, and later voting Flame. Today he has been mostly riding on Flame being scum, although his stance seems to have softened a bit.

So for the last few days Bronx has been mostly either coasting, or tunneling on Flame. That’s somewhat suspicious, mostly because I think Flame is town. However, I feel like this is pretty consistent on how Bronx has been playing town in the past games. Being somewhat defensive, and having aggressive tone on his posts. So right now I would town-read him, due to that and his day 1 vote. But I really hope that Bronx would actually start to give out some proper reads about other flames not called Flame. He even said that “only read I have is on Ty4on”. The game is at day 4, tunneling on one player could end up having disastrous consequences (See: Nin in wedding mafia).

3. CCS – The top poster of the game right now. However, lot of the posts from him are pretty much him coasting for the most part, or saying “I don’t know what I’m doing, please don’t suspect me” (yes I know you stopped saying that). It just feels like CCS is mostly making some light comments on what other people are saying, or complaining about people being quiet. In other words, not much original contributions, but that’s something lot of people are guilty of in this game. One of the more visible statements he took was Day 1 and the idea of no lynch, which I usually see as scum move to suggest. But it was his first day, so I’m not so sure if it’s really alignment indicative. He also voted on Flame yesterday, and then switched the vote on CornBurrito at the end of the day. The tone of the thread had changed towards Corn vote being the most likely end result, so the vote change wasn’t a surprise. However, what bothered me was this post today:

First up guys, I want to apologise for my last minute fuck up. I second guessed myself, I panicked a bit, I switched my vote to Corn and now we've lost another town. I am truly, deeply sorry for that.

What’s with this super apologetic-tone? It reminds me of lot of scum being somehow super apologetic in their posts about their play during the game. This really rubbed me the wrong way.

Lot of this can be pointed out as CCS simply being a new player, and nervous. But it’s Day 4 now, and we can’t ignore players simply by that. CCS right now feels scummy to me.

7. Crab – I think that Crab has been pretty consistent with his posts. At the start there wasn’t that many posts from him, but I think he has definitely taken bit more of a town leader position since then, along with Ty4on. The reaction post Crab had when QB was starting to get lynched felt very genuine to me:

That fact I've started a wagon after being townread by a few people is making me very nervous all of a sudden. I wish QB was actually here to respond/claim. :/

Since then Crab has mostly posted very long posts, with lot of detail. This is consistent to his past games, both town and scum. But when I think of scum Crab, I think of Harry Potter Mafia, where his tone was very aggressive, almost as if he was trying to keep that town leader position to himself no matter what. Here Crab seems lot more relaxed, and not so panicky. That difference makes me read him as town.

9. Evilisk replaced with acohrs – Evillisk was acting weirdly during Day 1. He was being very apologetic during it, reversing his stances every time someone made some disagreeing comments on them. That struck me as scum being scared, but it is possible it was just new player trying their best not to get lynched, the first game stress and all that. Still, it’s noteworthy, and made me feel uneasy about him. During D2 there was nothing about Evillisk, but since he got replaced afterwards, not much can be said for sure about that.

Acohrs has been pretty much the opposite of Evillisk. He has been pretty loud, and very energetic, to they say the least. There is a considerable amout of fluff/filler posts in there, though. He, like Sawneeks below, also asks about Coppa about the weird feeling. It’s possible he is scum/neutral trying to prod on if poison went through, if we assume poison is real power in this game. The prod isn’t as obvious as it is in Sawneeks’ case, though.

In general, Acohrs feels somewhat close to CCS, but with some key differences. Acohrs posts seem somewhat more genuine in their enthusiasm, and there are some visible contributions and questions that don’t seem as apparent with CCS. However, today Acohrs has been been more worrying. The start of today with Acohrs posting multiple posts about being super worried on Coppa getting killed just feel… hollow and fake to me. And then there’s that thing Flame mentioned as well.
Those things push Acohrs more to scum read for me, especially since I felt also bad about Evillisk. I do feel better about him, than about CCS or Kryptik.

10. Flame_AC – Flame is by far the most silent player in this game, although some of it seems to be due to IRL reasons. Very short posts, although fluff is on minimum. That Haly vote was very weird, but my stance on it stays the same: I don’t think scum Flame would have voted on Haly, or if he did, his teammates would have quickly pushed him to change it. I think scum Flame would have checked at least if his vote would have claimed a power role, especially since Flame had a considerable number of votes by the time of that Haly vote. Today he has been more active, a trend that I hope continues. This makes me town read Flame, although it’s not a 100% lock. I think there are lot more people who are more likely to be scum, though.

13. kryptikjoker – He felt quite aggressive during day 1, and somewhat defensive, which was a bit worrying. However, he was not apologetic like Evillisk was, which made me feel better about him. However, after D1 Kryptik has considerably mellowed out, and has only posted few short posts. He jumped very lazily on the Kalor vote, just stating “Case has been made for Kalor”, really. He voted D3 on Flame, with at least a better justification that acohrs than CCS did, but it still wasn’t much. Today he just tossed his vote again on Flame, and not much else. So there hasn’t been much at all in terms of contributions from kryptik lately. Is he coasting, while watching town having a town vs town fight with corn vs flame? It’s not unusual for scum players to just wait it out, laughing in the scum chat while not saying much at all in the game thread itself. Feels scummy to me.

14. Lord of Castamere – Castamere has been one of the more quiet players in the game. He was also one of the people who made super-early read lists that always rub me the wrong way, mostly because the amount of material during super early-game is always so scarce, that those reads end up being nothing but a false contribution and clutter. On day 2 he claimed Vigilante, and that he had tried to shoot Haly. The claim sounded genuine, so I didn’t see reason to doubt it. His reasoning to shoot Haly were also justified, and his confusion why Haly was still alive seemed real, although I seriously doubt the benefits of claiming, as discussed during Day 2.

After the claim though, Castamere has went extremely silent. He posted just three posts during day 3, all of them very short, and bringing in not much contribution. Is he trying to blend in, coasting with his claim as his aide?

Today the possibility of a poisoner has arisen. If poisoner is a real role, that would mean there would be a normal scum faction kill, claimed multi-shot vigilante and a poisoner, most likely either scum power or a neutral one (why would town player poison coppa?). This is a 17 player game, so I really don’t see the idea of 3 killing powers feasible, even if poisoner was heavily limited. The only way this could work in my mind is if Castamere was actually the poisoner, changing the amount of killing powers from three to just two.

But that idea doesn’t seem to fit with how he claimed. I can’t see a poisoner, either scum or neutral, benefitting from this. Scum poisoner would bring lot of unnecessary attention, and doubt to himself if scum never ended up killing him during night. Neutral poisoner would risk getting to the kill list of Scum (obviously scum would want to kill a claimed power role). It would be extremely risky play, from either scum or neutral side.
So I don’t think Castamere is that. He reads town to me, although the coasting and just how quiet he has been is worrying. I’ll agree with Crab that it would be good to hear what he did last night.

15. Not replaced with Ty4on – Not was more or less non-entity. Short posts, mostly filler. Not much to say, although it’s possible he was a scum who was scared of posting, that’s not unusual scum thing.

Ty replaced him, and has been mostly like himself in his town games. Taking a close town leadership position like Crab, contributing to the game and asking people helpful questions. This would push me to town read him, but some things worry me a little. He has been very… flip floppy with his votes, changing it a lot. He did explain his vote changes, but it still seems little worrysome. If Flame would flip scum (which I seriously doubt, since I town read him), Ty’s vote changes at the end of yesterday would look bit odder too.

The second point is more of a gut thing but yesterday Ty pointed out quite visibly he played scum in Danny Phantom. This is fine, but it also rang a little like “Hey look how I played scum before, I totally don’t play like that now, so town read me”. Scum did that consistently in my old forum, so this point jumped at me.

Still, Ty’s play has been mostly like himself in past town games, but these points of worry put him as a null read for me.

17. Sawneeks – Sawneeks is playing very consistently to her past games. She is posting a lot, making contributions to the game, asking people the right questions and being generally quite helpful. That’s consistent to how she was in her past games… town and scum. It’s always pretty difficult to actually get a read on her, since she plays like this as both town and scum (for recent examples, Price is Right as town, Pokémon as scum). What Ty4on pointed out about her on prodding on the PM Coppa received, yet then dropping the talking point stone cold, is worrying. If scum does have a poisoner/there is a neutral poisoner (still seems somewhat unlikely, but it’s possible), then Sawneeks might have been scum/neutral trying to prod on Coppa, finding out if the poison had worked on him or not. Still, her reaction to Ty4on accusing her felt like genuine frustration from a townie, not a scum response. Still… it pushes her to a scum-ish read for me, assuming the poison really exists. I wouldn’t mind seeing her lynched, although I do think CCS and Kryptik being out-right unhelpful is even more worry-some.



Town Read
Lord of Castamere, Crab

Town-ish read
Bronx-Man, Flame_AC

Null Read

Scum-ish Read
Sawneeks, Acohrs

Scum Read
CCS, Kryptikjoker

Right now I get my strongest scum reads from CCS and Kryptikjoker, but Sawneeks and Acohrs are also quite worrying figures to me. Right now I’ll put my vote on

VOTE: Kryptikjoker

Because he has been the much more quiet of the two (him and CCS), and quiet scummy blender/coaster is even more worrying that a loud one.


They feel like town. No one else does 100%.

I'm pretty much just using the Force at this point.
Either you know because you're scum, or you don't

You gotta love yourself sis. Don't just look at their outfits


7. Crab – I think that Crab has been pretty consistent with his posts. At the start there wasn’t that many posts from him, but I think he has definitely taken bit more of a town leader position since then, along with Ty4on. The reaction post Crab had when QB was starting to get lynched felt very genuine to me:
I actually didn't like that post from Crab or at the very least didn't town read it. If he's scum he might want a second bandwagon to either save his scummate or make himself look better. That looks like a post to create aforementioned wagon. I could see a scum wanting to stay quiet tho knowing how they'd be read.


I actually didn't like that post from Crab or at the very least didn't town read it. If he's scum he might want a second bandwagon to either save his scummate or make himself look better. That looks like a post to create aforementioned wagon. I could see a scum wanting to stay quiet tho knowing how they'd be read.

It reminded me of the reactions players had in Wedding Mafia when the vote suddenly shifted on Weemadarthur at the end of Day 2. All of them were kinda "why suddenly weeman? wtf people", and all of them were genuine reactions from town. I got the same feeling from that Crab's post.


Your feelings about Kryptik and CCS, Ty?
Kryptik is scummy, haven't liked them all game and commented on it sightly yesterday as well as today.

CCS is weird. I initially town read them hard for tone, but I made a hard swing at the start of this day before ending up slightly town leaning. I first honed in thinking they had slipped the second scum kill, but I also see they didn't mention anything about poison.
There's a bit of an aura of not liking the game that I don't like and the opening post today felt like trying to fake caring about the game.
I haven't really made an effort to go back and read their reactions, but I liked (as I said yesterday) how oblivious CCS seemed while commenting on Quantum. That's not what I expect from scum. They either ignore or act stiff.


Want to point out that the response CCS gave me about the Force felt very lazy, and avoiding of the question. I guess it doesn't help that he is "force-reading" people as town who I consider to be scum-ish.


Flame still has yet to explain why he voted for a confirmed town mason. My patience is running very thin.

My Haly vote was based on the early day stuff with LoC and the vig targeting stuff. I was going with LoC in that the way the night actions worked out was suspicious. Then I died in studies, tried to make it to Day 3, then did an okay skim, missing the Mason claim, and just going with Haly again as, in my mind, it was still a thing of doubt

I know you noticed it later, just want to point it out for anyone else who might have missed it.

Also, on another note...

Sorry! I keep switching between right and wrong, just going to copy-paste your name from now on.

What do you think about Kryptik now?

And I'm still having trouble understanding the whole 'well Haly didn't die so they are Scum' argument. How does LoC's claimed Vig Shot not working mean Haly is Scum?

My vote at the time was on who I thought was suspicious, I wanted to indicate my support for LoC to see if we could start to get the ball rolling on Haly. My thinking was that if the ball was rolling, then we might get more information, which did end up happening. As for surviving the potential shot from LoC, to me, it meant Haly had some type of PR, town, neutral, or scum. In this case, the 2/3 negative makes me want to at least push a little bit.

Now, before you all jump down my throat, I'm just being honest. I know we don't wanna out our town PR's or what their abilities are, but the downside to exposing Haly at the time just means that our other PR's would know who to watch/protect/etc. Sure Haly might go down, but we could have used them as a lightning rod for other scum. Of course if they were scum/neutral, then good for us. This line of thinking makes sense to me, may not be the best type of play though.

The above was all hypothetical stuff that never really materialized the way I wanted to, due in large part to my absence.


What do you think about Kryptik now?

I forgot to answer this.

Kryptik is in the pile of people, along with acohrs (I did it!), who have benefited by just talkin about me. Burb pointed out, correctly, that Kryptik just kind of showed up today, threw the typical vote on me and then left. Assumedly, they were not expecting me to come back and play hard, so they saw me as the easy vote that town would settle on. After all, as I mentioned before, I'm the topic of conversation until I'm dead, and when I'm gone it's easy for scum to just coast by on the tide of wanting me to post more / going for the inactive.

I think acohrs' actions are more worthy of a lynch, due to the above, and also due to the differing ways in which the two of you interacted with the poison stuff.


Acohrs and CCS, your top town and scum reads with your reasoning other than "The Force told me", please.

Tbf to CCS, they did say they were drunk before writing that comment. I wouldn't take their force comment too seriously. Unless you're trying to make them sound suspicious by omitting that fact and are trying to start a bandwagon to get them lynched, which would be quite scummy wouldn't it burb?


I forgot to answer this.

Kryptik is in the pile of people, along with acohrs (I did it!), who have benefited by just talkin about me. Burb pointed out, correctly, that Kryptik just kind of showed up today, threw the typical vote on me and then left. Assumedly, they were not expecting me to come back and play hard, so they saw me as the easy vote that town would settle on. After all, as I mentioned before, I'm the topic of conversation until I'm dead, and when I'm gone it's easy for scum to just coast by on the tide of wanting me to post more / going for the inactive.

I think acohrs' actions are more worthy of a lynch, due to the above, and also due to the differing ways in which the two of you interacted with the poison stuff.

And bronx-man flame? Last I read, they weren't too keen on your words and actions either? So why aren't you adding them to that list too hm?


Tbf to CCS, they did say they were drunk before writing that comment. I wouldn't take their force comment too seriously. Unless you're trying to make them sound suspicious by omitting that fact and are trying to start a bandwagon to get them lynched, which would be quite scummy wouldn't it burb?

The force comment is just continuation to what CCS has been doing, coasting and not really contributing much in the game at all. I took the new post as an example because it was so recent.


And bronx-man flame? Last I read, they weren't too keen on your words and actions either? So why aren't you adding them to that list too hm?

I was only addressing the question about Kryptik, I didn't think to include a part about Bronx-Man. You and them are not the only two in the pile, just the two I've spoken about so far.

I'm of the mind that, at least currently, CCS is less suspicious than either of you two. The reasoning being their switch off of me to hop on the late CB bandwagon. A smart scum play would have been to just sit on me, not to try and rattle the whole thing at the end as that's where mistakes are made. So while typically bandwagoning may be scummy, CCS was in the panic of 'Flame is a townie, we gotta abort' Sure, you could argue that it was my scum teammate was tryin to save me. But the likelihood of that is rather low. The only reason they would have to save me would be if I had a powerful scum role that is more important than being on the train that would lynch me as far as town cred goes.


It still doesn't sit right with me. He posted "don't worry about it" just 1:17 before I asked you about the game.

Yes and at the time you asked me that I had started ( and failed for the most part, I only got about 4 pages in because I kept getting distracted ) my re-read of Flame/Corn. I was more focused on that than I was on Coppa so when I came back and replied to your post it was not something that immediately came to mind.

I won't post tonight because I'm too pissed to add anything useful. I am reading the thread though.

aw but the best posts in a tense game are done drunk.

TIL 'pissed' means something completely different in other countries.

in America it's a vulgar way to say that you're really upset, not that you're drunk lol. I was very confused there for a bit.


To be honest, you and Sawneeks are the only people I 100% trust in this game.

I am confused by this though.

Like why would you trust someone 100% at all??

I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt here since you did post right before saying you're too drunk make a real coherent post but this really did just come out of nowhere for no reason? Why?

My vote at the time was on who I thought was suspicious, I wanted to indicate my support for LoC to see if we could start to get the ball rolling on Haly. My thinking was that if the ball was rolling, then we might get more information, which did end up happening. As for surviving the potential shot from LoC, to me, it meant Haly had some type of PR, town, neutral, or scum. In this case, the 2/3 negative makes me want to at least push a little bit.

Now, before you all jump down my throat, I'm just being honest. I know we don't wanna out our town PR's or what their abilities are, but the downside to exposing Haly at the time just means that our other PR's would know who to watch/protect/etc. Sure Haly might go down, but we could have used them as a lightning rod for other scum. Of course if they were scum/neutral, then good for us. This line of thinking makes sense to me, may not be the best type of play though.

The above was all hypothetical stuff that never really materialized the way I wanted to, due in large part to my absence.

Unvote: Flame_AC

Thank you. I don't necessarily agree with your reasons for voting Haly but I can see where you're going with it I guess? 'It feels like a genuine response' would be the better description here. Can I ask what you think about LoC now by the way?


I'm also going to go back and re-read a couple things later. My thoughts are all jumbled and nobody is really jumping out at me immediately so I want to look a couple things over. I do want to take a look at CCS, Kryptik, Burb, and Bronx specifically, but it's more of a general re-read as well.


Burbeting just jumped right to the top of my scum list.

Both of your scum-ish reads are people I'm certain are town. I have my reasons which I am not posting.

Apart from him, I'm less convinced of Flame being scum than I was but I still think there's a decent chance he is. Beyond them, I'm still not quite happy with how Lord of Castamere is playing, I outlined why earlier.
Sorry CB. I can understand voting for Flame ac today. It definitely can look like a switch vote, but tbh thats why I suggested CB. I still think scum was on Fac yesyetday. Sadly I think we jumped from town to town.

I'll apologize in advance, because you're gonna hate this. I lied. I am a one shot vigilante. I tried to bluff a power or two on me, or a kill to come my way instead of a power role. I'm still here though, which isn't good. I acknowledge that this causes more issues, then I tried to solve. I'm going to read over the list today, look at posts, and make a vote. If Coppanova was setup to die the same die as Haly, and it wasn't just coincidence, I think we are dealing with a competent scum.


TIL 'pissed' means something completely different in other countries.

in America it's a vulgar way to say that you're really upset, not that you're drunk lol. I was very confused there for a bit.

Pissed can mean both in England/Ireland too. The joy of being from these isles is that by adding -ed to any word can mean you were absolutely drunk.

I was absolutely polished last night

how gravied was I last night

how cabbaged was i last night




Burbeting just jumped right to the top of my scum list.

Both of your scum-ish reads are people I'm certain are town. I have my reasons which I am not posting.

You do realise how bad this sounds? "You are scum because you are suspecting people I town read because of. I won't tell you why I town read them though.".


Player List:

1 [m] Bronx-Man: lean townie, pops up now again posts and goes away. Like how they stuck on the suspicious actions of Flame_AC at the time, even though it was cleared up later, it was the most suspicious thing at the time and didn't get sidetracked by the bandwagon on CB. Trust their opinion therefore.

2 [m] Burbeting: scum, pops up now and again and throws flame elsewhere then hides.

3 [m] CCS: townie, all round cool dude with great taste in people, will go down to the Winchester after this game and grab pints with him (don't drink alcohol so will get a pint of coke and some pork scratchings!)

7 [they] Crab: townie, agree with crab about burbeting, which makes me trust their opinion.

9 [m] acohrs: still most popular and sexiest member of popmafia for now, brings in double the ratings and ad revenue.

10 [m] Flame_AC: null, could be townie or scum, if townie, one of the worst ones ever based on all the shade they threw on themselves yesterday. if scum, one of the worst ones ever based on all the shade they threw on themselves yesterday. Apart from that, got nothing, just seems to contributes when forced to be an active player.

13 [m] kryptikjoker: null, got nothing against kryptik, could be scum or townie, don't know due to their low posting, but nothing very suspicious there.

14 [m] Lord of Castamere: worst townie vigilante ever, wasting his one shot on the mason and then claiming which forced them to reveal their PR and get killed. But still obviously townie

15 [m] Ty4on: Null, could be scum, could be town, throwing a lot of questions around and questions everyone despite himself saying that you should formulate a list of peeps that you think belong to each group and stick to it. This constant second guessing worries me as their opinion changes depending on which the way is currently blowing.

17 [f] Sawneeks: lean townie, helpful and asks questions that others aren't. Didn't find the poisoning line of inquiry weird as Ty4on said as nobody else picked up on it which seems more suspicious to me than someone saying stuff in order to enlighten the group.




Now off for some biccies and a lovely cuppa


Think I deserve it after the whole 10 seconds I spend on that list!


Pissed can mean both in England/Ireland too. The joy of being from these isles is that by adding -ed to any word can mean you were absolutely drunk.

I was absolutely polished last night

how gravied was I last night

how cabbaged was i last night



This is very true, best thing about the English language I swear.

You do realise how bad this sounds? "You are scum because you are suspecting people I town read because of. I won't tell you why I town read them though.".

Meh, I really can't say more so I don't care. If you want to know if I'm telling the truth lynch me and find out.

Vote: Burbeting


Apart from Burb, I'm leaning towards possibly Kryptik and Ty as scum, but neither of those are hugely strong reads so I wouldn't want to bet on them.

After his recent posts I'm more convinced Flame is a townie who was just incredibly inactive/innattentive.
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