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#popMAFIA | So don’t let this be our final song


Which vote are you talking about specifically here? Your final, and technically a hammer vote, on Corn? Neither was in the lead at that point considering the vote was tied up so I'm kinda confused which one you're asking about?

Corn was leading 6-5. I thought it was 6-6. My vote was never on Flame.

At that point in time? Vote for who he felt was scummy and would have explained why in the process.
What about a Ty4on who felt neither were particularly scummy?
I'm really just quoting to get your attention. I dunno about Flame or Corn right now. Corn's first post was decent I guess.

Anyhow, how are you feeling about the game so far Saw?
Me me me!

I still don't know why Flame is in the lead :S
Don't know why he shouldn't be lynched either


I'm suspicious of Kryptik as well. His opinions feel made up. Corn is null, but a lot less aggressive than I'm used it.

I read a bit of The Price is Right (IIRC the last game where Saw was town) and am now working under the assumption she is scum and trying to piece together the team.
Flame is a wild card. Because he hasn't said much there's tons of possibilities and making him scum fits very well, but partly because he could be scum with almost everyone in my eyes. I'm still also reading Saw pushing him this hard as an attempt to build town cred for his scum flip. Like big posts on how votes could be scum trying to save Flame without a strong belief Flame is scum behind it.
Flame I'm still considering due to his connection to Ty and CCS ( and by small extension, LoC ) because his alignment would help me get better reads on those 3.
Maybe it could be an attempt to look townie when he does flip town, but it seems to be too hidden. The overarching theme is that Flame is scum -> look for connections.
Gotta read more of the back and forth to see how W/W it looks (scum talking to scum).

I'd like for Burb and Crab to change their votes or convince me why Kryptik or Burb should be lynched before Saw.
Burb, if you could, do you still think Coppa wasn't killed by poison?

Next post may be more about Sawneeks and her role in Corn's lynch.


tl;dr Keeps ending on the 'easy' votes and hasn't done much to really try and Scum Hunt in any way. Ignored QB on Day 1 in favor of Pop's 'I claim Scum' as his vote, ended with Haly on Day 2 because Haly didn't die which is apparently a #Scumtell, and then proceeded to vote for low activity Not before switching to Flame with no explanation whatsoever. Reminds me of Price is Right where Corn was Scum but was just disinterested in the game and went with whatever easy path was available.

Agenday. There were lot's of funny words in the Mafia Championship games, this isn't even the worst. I kinda like the idea of looking for agenda though. As a townie I tunnel, get crazy ideas and get totally confused, etc. I try to fake it, but none of that really happens as scum. What rather happens is I have clear lynch preferences and try to steer town that way without giving off my true motive. An agenda.
Inb4 this post being called agenday ^^

Let's try not to have evidence shift our views too much and just focus on Saw in D4. She seems to be most suspicious of Flame AC and those who pushed Corn over the edge. It looks like she really didn't like the way the voting went yesterday.
What Sawneeks do we then expect to find on D3?
Someone who voted for Flame, possibly quite early, and was overall suspicious of him. That post however seems to come from someone who very well understood why Corn was a lynch target and looked scummy, but I'm not seeing that in her analysis. It's an important piece of nuance for digging out townies who're making scummy votes. It seems like an especially likely way for a townie who doesn't know the alignment of Flame to take.

The context of that post is also important. Corn had 2 votes when that post was made and Flame had 5 (Saw had no active vote at the time), but you'd think they were tied from the way she phrased her posts at the start of D3.
I actually did and was going to write not knowing why Corn and Flame were tied before I looked at the vote count.
(earlier post)
Give me a bit to go back and look over Flame and CornBro.
(start of the same post quoted above)
Whose Pop Is It Anyway? feat. Corn and Flame

Ooookay, game is small enough to where the Topo Method isn't as crazy as it usually is, that and I can't sleep and after being away the past few days I need to get a handle on things again to figure this out. So let's get started!

I feel it's important to ask yourself again: Why isn't she looking at Flame right away and instead painting this as Corn v. Flame? Flame got 5 votes in no time and made a random vote for Haly. Saw (from what I've seen) town read Haly.

Ok, so Saw was certainly not town reading Corn, but she never town read Flame either. That's not quite an out in my opinion tho. Judging by how aggressively she's attacking Corn voters today it seems like she cared a lot about the lynch, but:

Vote: CornBurrito

Honestly, I'm fine with either Corn or Flame being lynched.

Corn is taking the easy votes and reminds me heavily of when he was Scum in PiR and took a more relaxed route in that game. He mentions wanting to vote out Pop for his Scum Claim on Day 1 to remove that 'question' but at the same time mentions how QB's joke could be completely serious but never votes for him despite that. Talks a lot about mechanics, the Call Out for one, but doesn't try to engage people to Scum Hunt and just sort of reacts to things instead of being proactive. Even then he is really selective, opting to ignore the Kalor talk of Day 2 and just go for Haly instead.

Flame is a whole of lot nothing. Quiet and what he does post doesn't make sense. I don't like his jumping on Kryptik without trying to engage him on Day 1, he isn't trying to Scum Hunt and went for the weird Haly vote on Day 2, and now on Day 3 he votes for Haly and then just leaves? It's leaving me scratching my head and I do hope he comes in and explains himself before Day End.

I will say that after looking over both players I don't believe that both can be Scum. They both voted for Haly for practically the same exact reason right after each other and I don't think Scum teammates would do something like that, especially a Scum vet like Corn. I do think it's one or the other but I highly doubt it is both of them.

And the very last post by Saw on D3 (posted 1 hour before day end)

Okay, I got to head out to work now but I feel like I've made my thoughts on Corn/Flame pretty clear. I'm fine with either being lynched, however I feel Corn is more likely to be Scum than Flame but that's mostly based on a gut feeling than any sort of concrete evidence ( given that both have acted scummy so far ).

Also, thank you Ty. You somehow brought life into the game and I'm not sure how you did it lol.

None of these convey someone who cares that much about this lynch. If they did they would IMO have reacted to the sudden Corn votes despite voting for Corn. At the very least been active near day end when there was activity. Saw was not tunneled on Corn being scum so she should've been open to the possibility she was wrong and maybe Flame was the more likely scum. I think the real motivation is she didn't care and wanted to stay out of a last minute vote panic.


Give me a second to go over your agenda-y post, Ty. :p

Corn was leading 6-5. I thought it was 6-6. My vote was never on Flame.

Corn never lead the vote until your final one. Unless I did my math incorrectly Flame was always in the lead by 1 or the vote was tied up at the end until you came in and sealed Corn's fate.

What about a Ty4on who felt neither were particularly scummy?

I feel like the same answer applies..? When Town!Ty thinks someone is Scummy he stays on them and explains why ( usually with a lot of quotes ), not jumping from his scum read ( Crab ) to fiddling with the votes of two other players he was uncertain of, one of which was the same person his top scum was also voting for.


Oh yeah, for those curious this is the post from an earlier game that pushed me over the edge with my Sawneeks read.

There's no being wishy washy, all the opinions are clear and she seems to really believe them. I usually town read "direct" posts which this one is (it's going straight to the points), but I'm also noticing how dense it is. Reading it the text seems to go by fast because of how many thoughts are crammed into one sentence.


I'm almost done with my re-read but I'm considering a couple options.

Flame I'm still considering due to his connection to Ty and CCS ( and by small extension, LoC ) because his alignment would help me get better reads on those 3. If I'm understanding CCS correctly then he is fine, that just leaves Ty and LoC as the question marks. I don't like Ty's vote flipping, I've said this before, and I can see it being an attempt to save Scum!Flame last minute. However, this all really depends on Flame's alignment because if Flame is Scum I believe Ty is as well but if Flame is Town I don't see why Scum would throw themselves into the light like that. I also don't like how Ty is continuing to downplay his votes and keeps saying 'well if Flame is Scum/Town then Saw is totally Scum!' because that smells like setting up a chain lynch to me no matter which way the coin falls. LoC went for Corn > Flame for, imo, an empty reason and I could see him subtly trying to move away from his scum buddy getting lynched.
I read that sometimes as it's the closest I have to a read of me from Saw, it's mostly about Flame though. It's a bit hollow. There are too many words and not enough content. This part or even that post isn't why I scum read Saw, but the fact all of her posts are like that. None of them step outside of the mold. I want something that is direct and kinda messy like a stream of consciousness.


I feel it's important to ask yourself again: Why isn't she looking at Flame right away and instead painting this as Corn v. Flame? Flame got 5 votes in no time and made a random vote for Haly. Saw (from what I've seen) town read Haly.

Because when I made that post I went with the first bad joke title I could think of? Sorry to burst your bubble but it wasn't for some 'super secret evil motive', it was just how my mind ordered them. When I started that analysis I just picked one of them and went, I honestly should have started with Flame because his was much quicker than Corn's but eh, hindsight and whatever.

Ok, so Saw was certainly not town reading Corn, but she never town read Flame either. That's not quite an out in my opinion tho. Judging by how aggressively she's attacking Corn voters today it seems like she cared a lot about the lynch, but:

I'm not attacking the Corn voters, I'm going after the Corn voter who jumped around and pushed him over the edge. Yes, I didn't care how it went yesterday when I made that post because I felt the two were both scummy and that both had a chance to be Scum. If I had been here and saw what you did I would have moved my vote over to Flame.

And the very last post by Saw on D3 (posted 1 hour before day end)

None of these convey someone who cares that much about this lynch. If they did they would IMO have reacted to the sudden Corn votes despite voting for Corn. At the very least been active near day end when there was activity. Saw was not tunneled on Corn being scum so she should've been open to the possibility she was wrong and maybe Flame was the more likely scum. I think the real motivation is she didn't care and wanted to stay out of a last minute vote panic.

I think everyone has a bit of a broad term for what 'Day End' means but after I made that post I left for work and I don't get to work until around 2 PM ( which is when Day End is for me ) unless you meant the hours leading up to Day End. This was before everything gets tied up, so yes, I was fine with it being either Flame or Corn.

I'm also not sure where you're getting that I wasn't open to the possibility of Corn being Town and Flame being Scum? I'm never 100% when it comes to my reads in these games, the most I would say is 90% with a 10% chance of being wrong. Like now, I'm confident that you're defending Scum!Flame but that doesn't mean I'm completely shut out to the idea that I might be wrong and I'm chasing a false lead right now. But Town doesn't win if everyone sits on their hands because they're uncertain, you take risks, go with your gut, and continue from there.


I feel like the same answer applies..? When Town!Ty thinks someone is Scummy he stays on them and explains why ( usually with a lot of quotes ), not jumping from his scum read ( Crab ) to fiddling with the votes of two other players he was uncertain of, one of which was the same person his top scum was also voting for.
stubborn Ty, he's dead now :p

A vote for Crab would have done nothing. I voted for him, trying to get people to look at him and hopefully vote for him and to put pressure on him. I voted Burb for the same reason.

I ended up on Corn because I had a slight preference of Corn over Flame and there was no third choice.
Because when I made that post I went with the first bad joke title I could think of? Sorry to burst your bubble but it wasn't for some 'super secret evil motive', it was just how my mind ordered them. When I started that analysis I just picked one of them and went, I honestly should have started with Flame because his was much quicker than Corn's but eh, hindsight and whatever.
Why did you bring Corn up in the first place? Looking at the start in a vacuum I don't see why Corn should be considered a lynch target with just two votes.


VOTE: CornBurrito


I didn't realize CCS had a vote on Flame at the time of this vote, so it would have shift it over to Corn tremendously.

holy shit I'm a dumbass.

Now I really want to know why Crab tied up those votes even more.



is my scumteam right now. Burb is kinda... off when discussing Flame and Saw seems W/W with Burb with her reaction to Crab's scum read.

The D1 vote is interesting though, but say Flame has an important role (like the poisoner) then bussing Quantum to save Flame (Coppa voted for Flame before Crab voted for Quantum, putting him at 2 votes) makes sense.
There also wasn't really a counter wagon for scum to jump onto.

I don't quite have an LoC read, but going with giving him the benefit of the doubt. I also find suspecting Haly like that quite townie.
Kryptik I'm moving back and forth on. The way he was sheeping Saw is a bit odd for W/W.



You also failed to mention that's where I read Blarg wrong and got him lynched even though he was Town. I might be active but I never said I was good.

There's no being wishy washy, all the opinions are clear and she seems to really believe them. I usually town read "direct" posts which this one is (it's going straight to the points), but I'm also noticing how dense it is. Reading it the text seems to go by fast because of how many thoughts are crammed into one sentence.

I read that sometimes as it's the closest I have to a read of me from Saw, it's mostly about Flame though. It's a bit hollow. There are too many words and not enough content. This part or even that post isn't why I scum read Saw, but the fact all of her posts are like that. None of them step outside of the mold. I want something that is direct and kinda messy like a stream of consciousness.

First I'm apparently being too focused and not considering Flame being Scum over Corn and now I'm being too unfocused? So which one is it? :x

I mean, if you want super direct I can give you that:

I think you're Scum because you're playing differently than how I know Town Ty plays ( you say that Ty is dead, but that's the one I know. ). Your vote jumping just feels wrong to me, especially considering you didn't really care about that lynch and only came in to say after-the-fact that you preferred Corn over Flame.

I don't like your sudden constant defense of Flame this Day Phase. For most of it you were content to back him up and occasionally look for other things, all while downplaying what you did and taking mixed stances on Flame ( Well if Flame flipped Scum/Town then Saw is Scum ) despite defending him that I see as an out for when he does flip Scum so it won't reflect poorly on you and it will be a way you can get a scapegoat in to save yourself.

And you and Flame both bringing up that I was somehow instrumental in keeping him alive. I still don't see or understand where that one is coming from.

I ended up on Corn because I had a slight preference of Corn over Flame and there was no third choice.

Why did you bring Corn up in the first place? Looking at the start in a vacuum I don't see why Corn should be considered a lynch target with just two votes.

Yeah, you say this now after-the-fact. We have no idea what your preference was during that time.

Because Flame and Corn occupied the same space in my mind; both not explaining themselves, both not really here, both in a null-to-scummy area. I decided to look at them both to get a better read on things.


If we have three scum left, mislynch today and scum kills someone tonight, tomorrow is Mylo (mislynch and lose assuming NK goes through) with 8/3 -> 6/3 which is tied

However, if scum also have more poison shots left they can poison someone tonight. That doesn't mean today is Mylo, but it makes tomorrow into Lylo (we will lose even with a no lynch)

I've been assuming that the poison was one shot, but if it's multishot they might be hoping to end it soon. Maybe not when it just makes a Mylo into Lylo, but it's still worth considering how close we are to losing.


I think you're Scum because you're playing differently than how I know Town Ty plays ( you say that Ty is dead, but that's the one I know. ). Your vote jumping just feels wrong to me, especially considering you didn't really care about that lynch and only came in to say after-the-fact that you preferred Corn over Flame.

In Persona Mafia (don't ask me about my thoughts as the game is still running) I initially town read Exodus (who was scum) and ended up voting for him D1. I've been stubborn with my vote in earlier games, but have realized how much more valuable it is to be involved with the lynch instead of ignoring it and other people's opinions.

Early on I would vote on someone completely irrelevant and be smug when the lynch target flipped town, but more often than not I was still voting town and not helping town getting off the lynch target or getting the scum in second or third place lynched. The Gafia 2 lynch was a punch in the gut here (I fought a scum lynch).
I've also gotten better at A) tunneling really hard on a townie and B) changing my reads when I see stuff contradicting them.

You're not all wrong though. If I were scum and Flame is my scum mate this isn't totally unlike how I might play. In Overwatch I tunneled in on Splinter to get town veering off of the Ezekel lynch and silently popped a vote for Ynnek when he gained some momentum.
I think I would be much more careful with my view of Flame though and probably bussed him considering how far ahead he were in votes and how much I like bussing.


I definitely think we should lynch Burbeting tonight. He's overtaken Flame in my suspicious list and is the only scum read I have much confidence in.

Flame_AC (4)
Sawneeks .688 .788
Bronx-Man .700
kryptikjoker .722
acohrs .817
Sawneeks .829

Burbeting (2)
Crab .692
CCS .799

kryptikjoker (1)
Burbeting .770

acohrs (1)
Flame_AC .711
Ty4on .724 .750

Sawneeks (1)
Ty4on .750

Ty4on (0)
acohrs .746 .817

CCS (0)
Ty4on .693 .697

No active vote for Day 4:
Lord of Castamere

Day 4 ends:

Automated vote tally here

6 votes for majority


Yeah, you say this now after-the-fact. We have no idea what your preference was during that time.

I thought my vote said where my preference was :p

This is the last read I made of Corn.

I'm suspicious of Kryptik as well. His opinions feel made up. Corn is null, but a lot less aggressive than I'm used it.
It's not a scum read, but I considered his change of pace to be more suspicious than Flame's low activity.


If we have three scum left, mislynch today and scum kills someone tonight, tomorrow is Mylo (mislynch and lose assuming NK goes through) with 8/3 -> 6/3 which is tied

I still feel like it's 2 left, especially with a Poisoner in the game, but...eh. Better safe than sorry for tomorrow. Nobody else mentioned getting a PM, right?

In Persona Mafia (don't ask me about my thoughts as the game is still running) I initially town read Exodus (who was scum) and ended up voting for him D1. I've been stubborn with my vote in earlier games, but have realized how much more valuable it is to be involved with the lynch instead of ignoring it and other people's opinions.

Early on I would vote on someone completely irrelevant and be smug when the lynch target flipped town, but more often than not I was still voting town and not helping town getting off the lynch target or getting the scum in second or third place lynched. The Gafia 2 lynch was a punch in the gut here (I fought a scum lynch).
I've also gotten better at A) tunneling really hard on a townie and B) changing my reads when I see stuff contradicting them.

You're not all wrong though. If I were scum and Flame is my scum mate this isn't totally unlike how I might play. In Overwatch I tunneled in on Splinter to get town veering off of the Ezekel lynch and silently popped a vote for Ynnek when he gained some momentum.
I think I would be much more careful with my view of Flame though and probably bussed him considering how far ahead he were in votes and how much I like bussing.

You mean like you were considering?

I kinda wanna lynch Flame for the way Saw is pushing it. Flame is not a new player and has played scum before and I could see low activity being kinda NAI. He's just bored.
Low activity when you're on the cutting board is a bit odd, but he might have felt like anything he said would make it worse.


I definitely think we should lynch Burbeting tonight. He's overtaken Flame in my suspicious list and is the only scum read I have much confidence in.

I still don't like Burb ( or Kryptik or LoC ) but I'm feeling strongly about it being Flame-Ty and nothing has really changed my opinion on that.

EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, *Splinter will replace Lord of Castamere

Welcome Splinter! I don't know if you will be here for Day End but what are your thoughts on the game?

I thought my vote said where my preference was :p

This is the last read I made of Corn.

It's not a scum read, but I considered his change of pace to be more suspicious than Flame's low activity.

A vote says where your preference is but I don't know why that was your preference until I asked you about it this Day Phase.


I've been mostly following but not read all of the current day.

What has LoC claimed so far? My PM matches what I expected but I don't remember everything he said.

Ty4on is town, Sawneeks probably isnt

VOTE: Sawneeks

Flame I don't know, he's just inactive.

Burb v Crab is interesting.


That's today ;)

Anyhow scum me tries to bus early because it's way more townie. If I want them to stay alive I'm probably more likely to try to make an "honest" town read of them than save/bus them in the last minute. I don't really think that situation has happened tho and I haven't been scum a lot.

Flame_AC (4)
Sawneeks .688 .788
Bronx-Man .700
kryptikjoker .722
acohrs .817
Sawneeks .829

Burbeting (2)
Crab .692
CCS .799

Sawneeks (2)
Ty4on .750
*Splinter .876

acohrs (1)
Flame_AC .711
Ty4on .724 .750

kryptikjoker (1)
Burbeting .770

Ty4on (0)
acohrs .746 .817

CCS (0)
Ty4on .693 .697

Everyone voted!

Day 4 ends:

Automated vote tally here

6 votes for majority


I've been mostly following but not read all of the current day.

What has LoC claimed so far? My PM matches what I expected but I don't remember everything he said.

Ty4on is town, Sawneeks probably isnt

VOTE: Sawneeks

Flame I don't know, he's just inactive.

Burb v Crab is interesting.

LoC claimed vig at the start of D2 who had shot Haly and voted for Haly. In the end Haly claimed Mason with Coppa. D3 LoC claimed that he didn't shoot anyone N2 for fear of hitting town while Coppa claimed feeling bad and N3 both Haly and Coppa died. LoC then claimed one shot vig at the start of D4.

I find Burb and Saw's (and kinda Crab's too) town read of Haly suspicious. I felt like he was suspicious for surviving and didn't respond well to the accusation.


I've been mostly following but not read all of the current day.

What has LoC claimed so far? My PM matches what I expected but I don't remember everything he said.

Ty4on is town, Sawneeks probably isnt

VOTE: Sawneeks

Flame I don't know, he's just inactive.

Burb v Crab is interesting.

Multi-Hit Town Vig who shot Haly and missed. Clarified today that he was a one-shot Vig.

Any explanation why you think I'm scum and that Ty is Town?


Flame's continued survival astounds me. If I made less than 10 posts in the span of an irl week, my ass would've been grass by now.


Do you wanna vote Burb with me Splinter?

I want Saw lynched, but I'm not seeing that vote winning and Burb is still suspicious.
The flame vote doesn't sit right with me. He has been very silent (like almost all players), and his reasonings to vote have been very flimsy but... it also feels like too easy vote. At least some scum have blended in on the silent crowd, but I'd assume even then a blender scum would try to put some effort on their votes.

And today Flame voted on Haly, who is most likely confirmed Mason (unless there is some unnecessary gambit going on, which I doubt). But would scum really vote on someone who is almost confirmed town? It brings unnecessary spotlight on them. I guess it could be reverse-psychology ("scum does a stupid thing so we think they are town"), but right now it doesn't sit right with me to vote Flame.

Especially with this big dog-pile appearing on him. Biggest concerns to me are Anchors, whose vote felt like a really lazy add-on to the dogpile, and CornBro, who just voted on Flame without even mentioning him. It's possible that some scum are voting on the easy dogpile. Anchors is a new player though, and a replacement at that. So right now my biggest concern is.

VOTE: CornBurrito

He has been very... vague on previous days as well. When I questioned him yesterday about voting Haly, he even admitted it was "half-lazy".


Flame's continued survival astounds me. If I made less than 10 posts in the span of an irl week, my ass would've been grass by now.

We don't have a bunch of mislynches to waste on inactive townies. They were used on Kalor and Corn.

Make the case he is scum if you want me to vote for him.


Do you wanna vote Burb with me Splinter?

I want Saw lynched, but I'm not seeing that vote winning and Burb is still suspicious.
I'm not sure about Burb yet... At this point I wouldn't mind clearing up Flame and taking a closer look at Burb (or Sawneeks) tomorrow.


Oh what's our lylo estimate?

Bad, even worse if scum has a second kill (poisoner)

Likely we're 10/3 -> 8/3 if we mislynch so that makes tomorrow mylo. If scum can poison someone tonight that means we're essentially 7/3 unless we can stop the poison or NK

Flame_AC (4)
Sawneeks .688 .788
Bronx-Man .700
kryptikjoker .722
acohrs .817
Sawneeks .829

Burbeting (3)
Crab .692
CCS .799
Ty4on .889

kryptikjoker (1)
Burbeting .770

acohrs (1)
Flame_AC .711
Ty4on .724 .750

Sawneeks (1)
Ty4on .750 .889
*Splinter .876

Ty4on (0)
acohrs .746 .817

CCS (0)
Ty4on .693 .697

Everyone voted!

Day 4 ends:

Automated vote tally here

6 votes for majority


Ty you never answered me how I was apparently 'manipulating' the Flame/Corn lynch.

And Crab ignored answering why he tied up those votes.

There's something scummy going on with those votes that got Corn lynched.


Ty you never answered me how I was apparently 'manipulating' the Flame/Corn lynch.

And Crab ignored answering why he tied up those votes.

There's something scummy going on with those votes that got Corn lynched.

You were opening the possibility.


As the anthem mercifully comes to an end, the President subtly removes his ear plugs. He sighs inwardly. If only Britney was available.

30 minutes earlier

The President is practicing his lines when his Chief of Staff interrupts.

"Mr. President?"

"What is it now? If it's another Brit-"

"A different sort of Brit, actually. Brit-ney" -he chuckles a bit at his little joke- "can't do the anthem."
The President whirls in anger. "Why? Did we not do everything she asked?"

"The track works flawlessly. No one would suspect a thing. But she was held up at the airport and missed her flight. Apparently some of her, err, stage props weren't properly registered."

The President sighs. "She did it again. Do we have anyone to replace her?"

"Well, Christina Aguilera is available?"

His face darkening, the President takes a menacing step forward. "Get out."

"Yessir right away sir" the Chief of Staff squeaks out, backpedaling furiously.

Flame_AC has been ejected from the game!

Greetings! Welcome to #popMAFIA!

You are Britney Spears.

#It’sBritneyBitch. You’ve had some bangers, you’ve kind of flailed around like a #DyingEel and you like to park up in Las Vegas for residencies. No one can argue with that. I’ve just listed some #truthfacts.

For inspiration, your Spotify page is HERE

You are aligned with TOWN.

You are an Ordinary Villager. You wield the most deadly of powers, those of discussion and voting.

The game thread is: HERE

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM cabot.

You win when you eliminate the SCUM team.

Day 5 begins:



"Are you sick of that commercial yet? We don't get a lot of advertisers."

LP sits in a dark studio, his face illuminated by a flashlight.

"Yeah they cut the power. So let's go to cabot, who's covering the end of Inauguration in a lighted area."

"All the better to hide your ugly mug, LP."

"cabot you're live."


LP sighs. "The President is speaking. Turn around."

The camera shakily zooms to the President, standing at the podium. "As my first act as President, I am hereby banning all usage of the song "Can't Stop The Feeling". So no radio, no Spotify, no iTunes, no MTV-"

"-no PNN?" interjects cabot.

LP snorts. "As if. We'd have to pay to be mentioned."

"-Time Magazine has named it the worst song of 2016, and I agree. Justin Timberlake will be arrested on sight if he even attempts a single lyric from that awful nasty song."

"Huh," says cabot. "That seems very petty, banning a song outright."

"Maybe he just wants to make *NSYNC great again," replies LP.

PNN's vast dwindling handful non-existent audience sighs.

"To JT, we say Bye Bye Bye. We'll be back after this message."

Crab has been ejected from the game!

Greetings! Welcome to #popMAFIA!

You are Justin Timberlake.

You entered the scene with the 90s boyband boom, with N*SYNC. It wasn’t enough, you needed to show the world your abilities outside of the vacuous establishment. So you said #babybyebyebye to that crap and went solo. You then became one of the biggest pop stars of modern times. #noragrats.

For inspiration, your Spotify page is HERE

You are aligned with TOWN.

You are a Developer. You currently have no abilities, but will gain an ability on every night phase you live through.

You must use an ability given to you on the same night as receiving it.

The game thread is: HERE

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM cabot.

You win when you eliminate the SCUM team.

Crab was given the following powers:

Alignment Cop
Motion Detector
Name Cop

8 players remain.

Day 5 ends:

5 votes for majority.


If there are three scum remaining, then it would be a MYLO situation. Careless vote-throwing could result in scum turboing.
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