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Portal 2 |OT| Sleep. Spuds. Science.


Doesn't matter anymore.

Just two more single player achievements to get.
The one for the monitors and the one for the speed run of that one level.
Don't know if and when I'll ever be able to get the Co-Op ones. I don't have Xbox Live Gold (Fuck your $60 a year, MS) and no one to play with at home. So unless the game has a single-player Co-Op with an AI, I am at the end.

Princess Skittles

Prince's's 'Skittle's
The Smash TV achievement is awesome. I really wish there were more like that in the game.

On the other hand, a large majority of those involved the same solution.. so, that lessened it slightly.


Francinium said:
For everyone who doesn't understand why someone would prefer portal 1 to 2 here's a pretty good article from brainy gamer. Basically talks about how the narrative was constructed in a way to extend the gameplay, where in P1 it was so seamless.

That's obvious to anyone halfway paying attention, though. Portal 1 had a better flow because it wasn't set up for an expanded story. It always gets me when I see arguments like this. You'd have the same people complaining that it might as well have been DLC rather than a full on sequel if it was remotely close to Portal 1's structure. Valve and the like just can't win with these types. It's hilarious, really.


Question: I want to see if my brother wants to play Co-op when he comes by tonight. But he hasn't played the game. Would playing Co-op spoil much for him? Aside from the fact that we're playing as robots? I really want to play the Co-op side just to see how it is. I mean, it doesn't actually talk about the events from the single player game, right?
Jasoco said:
Question: I want to see if my brother wants to play Co-op when he comes by tonight. But he hasn't played the game. Would playing Co-op spoil much for him? Aside from the fact that we're playing as robots? I really want to play the Co-op side just to see how it is. I mean, it doesn't actually talk about the events from the single player game, right?

Not, really.

While it takes place after the singleplayer it doesn't have much of a story until you reach the end and even then it's moot.


Jasoco said:
Question: I want to see if my brother wants to play Co-op when he comes by tonight. But he hasn't played the game. Would playing Co-op spoil much for him? Aside from the fact that we're playing as robots? I really want to play the Co-op side just to see how it is. I mean, it doesn't actually talk about the events from the single player game, right?
Co-op is spoiler safe for the most part besides a few lines of GLaDOS dialogue referring to characters from the single player story. I think he'll probably be fine... the only thing is if you are at the point in single player story
where Wheatley is in control of Aperture(and if you know that co-op is after single player), GLaDOS being in control in co-op
is kind of a spoiler I guess.


I've already beaten the game twice. He hasn't seen any of it yet that I know of. I just want to make sure it won't jump out at him and say "This is what happened in the single player game!" I trust it doesn't, so it should be fine if he wants to play.


Oh, BTW, I'm doing the
achievement right now. My question is, is it accumulative or do I have to
smash them all in one run?
I am not sure if I'm going to play all the way through the chapter. I'm up to
6 monitors now
, but... eh.. I might just keep going since I know what to do by now, but still. Does it remember
which ones were smashed


cackhyena said:
It always gets me when I see arguments like this. You'd have the same people complaining that it might as well have been DLC rather than a full on sequel if it was remotely close to Portal 1's structure. Valve and the like just can't win with these types. It's hilarious, really.

Maybe, still it's better to have someone complaining that it was too expensive rather than someone complaining that it was lower quality.


I would argue that Valve anticipated that we all knew how to use portals already and placed an emphasis on building mechanics around the use of portals in order to expand and innovate on the first game.

Sure, they could have created puzzles that demanded more complex and twitchy portal placement or puzzles that required complex timing (among my least favorite puzzles in the first game), but instead it seems they opted to present experienced players with something new while keeping the game accessible to newcomers.

I really appreciated being taken out of the confines of the test chambers in the sequel. It made me feel like I was using puzzles within a real game world, as opposed to a series of puzzles or chambers. While the first part of the game was great, I was a bit disappointed in that it seemingly followed the same structure as the original. I was happily surprised when the game "opened" up a bit in act two.
Jasoco said:
Oh, BTW, I'm doing the
achievement right now. My question is, is it accumulative or do I have to
smash them all in one run?
I am not sure if I'm going to play all the way through the chapter. I'm up to
6 monitors now
, but... eh.. I might just keep going since I know what to do by now, but still. Does it remember
which ones were smashed

It saves every time you get one.


The Xtortionist said:
It saves every time you get one.
Good because this last one is fucking killing me. I just can't seem to grab the
... Gonna keep on trying... LAST ONE DAGNABBIT!
Jasoco said:
Good because this last one is fucking killing me. I just can't seem to grab the
... Gonna keep on trying... LAST ONE DAGNABBIT!
I was having difficulty with that one too. Really annoying.
Just finished the single player, Loved It!

Some of the puzzles stumped me for a bit but that was my fault, I kept over thinking them. The puzzles are much simpler than you think they would be.


Dax01 said:
I was having difficulty with that one too. Really annoying.
I'm following a video walkthrough but I accidentally got rid of the other two. So I am left with the one on the other end which seems to make it harder. Also he got turned so he always gets me first or falls off the cliff.. I may have to start again because there doesn't seem to load from an autosave and I had saved right before trying because I thought I could make it easier... fuck... can I load from an autosave and start the level over? Dammit. I may have to start the entire chapter!

Edit: OMG OMG OMG I GOT IT! FINALLY! 75G for me!! Whoo! Now only one more solo achievement left. Stupid time trial.


I Just finished Portal 1, and omg what a great game! Very challenging! i Loved that music on ending credits haha! so fun!
Can't wait to get my hands on Portal 2 (waiting PSN to come back up!!!!!)
The game stutters for me now when I'm in a room with a lot of gel dropping.
I always get loads of fps in source games (no difference here, maxed out with 4xmsaa 16xAF I get 180-270 fps, even in the gel rooms.

Still , despite the high average fps I get small stutters in the gel rooms and it's very annoying, any way to fix it?

I also get quite a lot of screentearing (don't say v-sync, I don't do v-sync) , a problem which I normally rarely get in any source game.

Tried setting fps_max 75 to match my monitor's framerate but that isn't solving it either.

Problems in a valve game, that doesn't happen often.

EDIT: the fluid physics are frigging cool though.
Puzzle Spoiler :
When you encounter the big 'faucet' spilling out the white gel (first real white gel puzzle, second time you encounter the gel) , are you supposed to just pretty much paint the whole box you are stuck in till you can make it spill over the edge?
The part after that where you climb up the gel between the two pillars with portals is my favorite so far though.
The game holds your hand way too much most of the time, it's much, much easier than portal 1 so far. Too much color coding and hints through the environment.

Props to valve for incorporating it like this in the game, never seen something like it before, the fluid looks like cgi stuff from a few years back too.

Glados getting all psyched when the boss man does his Lemons rant is hilarious


So I got my PS3 copy today and 8 hours later I'm done with the single player. I have to say I think I love the sequel better then the first. Damn amazing game.

I really like the little universe they have set up in it.
Last couple of rooms were more of a challenge at least and took some thinking, I can't wait for the new rooms.

All in all, holy cow, I'm blown away.
Probably my favorite ending for a video game, ever, and this game will sit lonely at the top of my favorite games ever.

Valve ain't even in the same league as everyone else, the wait for a new title from them will be long, but I guess that is part of the charm.
Just like in the first game, her voice actress deserves a frigging medal.

I also enjoyed the level design etc a lot, ironic that it's a source game of all engines that ends up looking like something new and exciting and better than the 2005-2010 crap.

I love what they did to glados, her being just the bad guy felt out of character for her, and her constant sarcasm and disdain felt too human compared to portal 1 glados too during the first half of portal 2.

Shooting the portal at the moon at the end was pretty funny too, you kind of get the flee instict to try it as soon as you see it, but are like NAH, no way.
Yes way.
And I don't know about you, but I thought she was going to cut me loose, genuine heartwarming feeling when she saves you.

I'm sad that it has ended now, I wish I could see it all again for the first time.


My brother came home and has borrowed my Xbox of and on for the rest of the week. I'm kinda wishing I had spent the extra $300 and gotten the PS3 just so I could be playing it on Steam right now. END GAME SPOILERS AHEAD WARNING:::

Instead I was just replaying some Portal 1 and my god, it looks so different. In Portal 2, all the
main Portal worlds in the later part of the game are modular. In that they can move and reshape.
But all the original Portal chambers
are stone and solid with some moving parts.
Interesting. Were the
modular chambers designed after the fixed stone ones? Or before?
I assume they came later. But how later? After Chell
was put into stasis for that long duration? GlaDOS mentions she had forgotten she had stockpiled a lot of extra test chambers...
just as mementos of course, which
Wheatly then finds and uses (badly) for his self pleasure.

Warning: What follows is a stream of consciousness.. Big black wall of blackness:

The way I figure it out, and this is coming from someone who's not 100% familiar with any back story to Portal and Aperture, is that the Aperture computer system, namely whoever is in control of the master program (GlaDOS or Wheatly) is programmed to test. But they're not programmed with the solution to the test. And if they somehow do figure it out on their own, they feel pain. So they need the subjects, either Chell or the robots later on, to run the tests for them.

Interestingly, the joke in one of the early Wheatly levels where GlaDOS says "All we had to do was pull that lever" even though there was no lever to pull, got Wheatly thinking that that was the solution and somehow this caused the pain as well? Even though it wasn't a real solution, just GlaDOS playing a trick, but it still causes him pain because in his mind he just thought about the solution? That's interesting and a really weird way to design a computer.

BTW, the puzzles were not designed by GlaDOS or the computer system at all. They were designed by humans. And the computer's (GlaDOS/Wheatly) job is to figure out the solution, without figuring out the solution. i.e. by using test subjects to figure it out instead.

In the later chapter 8 Wheatly just starts mashing random chambers together to create puzzles even the humans that created them didn't come up with. (He even mentions this in one of them saying it contains a bit of everything.) All in attempt to see if you can figure it out.

Why did Aperture design the computer system to NEED to test anyway? Testing is just some weird thing. Unless the sole purpose of the chambers and requirement for testing is to have something to do with the portal gun. Interesting.

Anyway, I love how the Aperture computer system all works. It's not one main machine. It's a hierarchy. There's GlaDOS, the boss, and then there's many less important systems that all take care of other smaller systems. But the "boss" doesn't always know what all the other systems are doing. And even sometimes GlaDOS doesn't even have her own root access. Like when the male computer voice needs to fix her corrupted core, and later Wheatly's as well. GlaDOS has no control over this and must do whatever is decided by the overriding party, which is actually a human. So even in her all powerful state she's still at the mercy of people. Which are required to push the "stalemate resolution button". Makes you wonder if a robot would be allowed to press this button and if she could have created one specifically designed to press it.

Hell, the computer didn't even know about the extra chambers and test robots. Wheatly had to stumble onto them. Well, GlaDOS apparently did, but somehow forgot? How does a computer forget?

Then there's the personality spheres. We learn late in the game that Wheatly is actually her former conscience, and is himself "corrupted". Is GlaDOS (The small part that fits in a potato and usually resides in the "head" of the boss robot, a personality sphere as well? Could you theoretically have put the "SPACE!" sphere in her place? Or for that matter the "fact" sphere or the "adventure" sphere. I'd give my right leg to see those other three in her place as well. It's a shame they didn't make it so the game chose random spheres every game instead of the same three. I'd love to have seen more. Especially after the hilarious three in the first game.

At least this is the way I see it. More will come as I over-think the game like I do everything else.

Also, according to the newspaper in one of the
old timey levels
, the Aperture Science complex is located in
the upper peninsula of Michigan
. Which is known for its
abandoned mines
. Pretty damn cool.


I'm up to the
Lemons speech after the Big White Gel Fountain puzzle
, and I have to agree with this sentiment. Its really my only complaint. Otherwise I'm loving it.


SneakyStephan said:
And I don't know about you, but I thought she was going to cut me loose, genuine heartwarming feeling when she saves you.

I'm sad that it has ended now, I wish I could see it all again for the first time.
"genuine heartwarming feeling" was not GlaDOS. It was Carolyn. Who briefly became GlaDOS' conscience after her subroutines were found, and then was promptly deleted before GlaDOS decided to keep her promise and let you go. Of course Carolyn was starting to take over throughout the whole PotaDOS period. It happened gradually, but you recall she did poke her head out a few times like when GlaDOS started talking back at Cave Johnson's speaking. Shows a lot about Carolyn's character. She loved that man. They may have never married, but there was a special relationship there.

"You know, being Carolyn taught me a valuable lesson. I thought you were my greatest enemy. But all along you were my best friend. The surge of emotion that shot through me when I saved your life taught me an even more valuable lesson... where Carolyn lives in my brain... [CAROLYN DELETED] Goodbye.. Carolyn. You know, deleting Carolyn just now taught me a valuable lesson. The best solution to a problem is usually the easiest one. And I'll be honest. Killing you is hard! You know what my life used to be like? I just tested! Nobody murdered me, or put me in a potato, or fed me to birds. I had a pretty good life. And then YOU showed up. You dangerous mute lunatic. And you know what? You win. Just go.... It's been fun... don't come back!"


SneakyStephan said:
Puzzle Spoiler :
When you encounter the big 'faucet' spilling out the white gel (first real white gel puzzle, second time you encounter the gel) , are you supposed to just pretty much paint the whole box you are stuck in till you can make it spill over the edge?
The part after that where you climb up the gel between the two pillars with portals is my favorite so far though.
The game holds your hand way too much most of the time, it's much, much easier than portal 1 so far. Too much color coding and hints through the environment

Wait what?

I solved that room by getting the white paint on the floor below the slanted surface and just multi-flinging from the portal on the slanted surface on to the ground repeatedly until I had enough height to make it onto the metal walkway up top.
It took me like 4 or 5 revolutions to get the momentum and height built up to make it up there.

Is there a youtube out of someone solving it the way you did? Im curious as hell now. TBH I thought it felt a little odd the way I did it, but I didnt see another way at the time.
Cipherr said:
Wait what?

I solved that room by getting the white paint on the floor below the slanted surface and just multi-flinging from the portal on the slanted surface on to the ground repeatedly until I had enough height to make it onto the metal walkway up top.
It took me like 4 or 5 revolutions to get the momentum and height built up to make it up there.

Is there a youtube out of someone solving it the way you did? Im curious as hell now. TBH I thought it felt a little odd the way I did it, but I didnt see another way at the time.
Yeah, I (and many others) did it the same way as you. It's not the right way to do it, and you can kind of tell that's the case as you're doing it.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
"You know, being Carolyn taught me a valuable lesson. I thought you were my greatest enemy. But all along you were my best friend. The surge of emotion that shot through me when I saved your life taught me an even more valuable lesson... where Carolyn lives in my brain... [CAROLYN DELETED] Goodbye.. Carolyn. You know, deleting Carolyn just now taught me a valuable lesson. The best solution to a problem is usually the easiest one."

that is probably my favourite moment. learning a lesson from deleting a lesson so awesome.


The Cryptarch's Bane
One of my favorite lines comes from the totally underrated disembodied male voice at the beginning.

If the laws of physics no longer apply in the future, god help you.

edit: edited because I couldn't think of the damn word underrated


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Hawkian said:
One of my favorite lines comes from the totally undervalued disembodied male voice at the beginning.

If the laws of physics no longer apply in the future, god help you.

That man truly is underrated. Some of the best lines in the game.

"Good work getting this far, future-starter! That said, if you are simple-minded, old, or irradiated in such a way that the future should not start with you, please return to your primitive tribe and send back someone better-qualified for testing."

Edit: Whoops, thought this was the spoiler thread! Quote masked.


I started my German playthrough yesterday. English one is superiour without a doubt, but it is not as bad as previous Valve games dub.


Cipherr said:
Wait what?

I solved that room by getting the white paint on the floor below the slanted surface and just multi-flinging from the portal on the slanted surface on to the ground repeatedly until I had enough height to make it onto the metal walkway up top.
It took me like 4 or 5 revolutions to get the momentum and height built up to make it up there.

Is there a youtube out of someone solving it the way you did? Im curious as hell now. TBH I thought it felt a little odd the way I did it, but I didnt see another way at the time.

This is basically how I did it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivf-2Utv0Y4

Although I did end up
"Painting the whole box" while I was figuring it out

Princess Skittles

Prince's's 'Skittle's
I need to do a third playthrough myself.. I'm missing ONE single player achievement (assuming it's single player, at least). I've gotten everything else on my own over two games (though the "Pitboss" one was sadly spoiled for me, I feel I *might* have done it eventually with how much I've played around with trying to trigger new audio cues and he's pretty adamant about you "going back" there).

Mikey Jr.

Cipherr said:
Oh my god. I didnt even know that freaking other metal rise was there..... Insane.

Me too for a while. I did it your way, and I was getting frustrated at such a moronic puzzle. After a good half an hour of doing those stupid loops, I stepped back. I thought to myself "this seems very unlike Valve to have to make me do this. I then looked around and saw how to ACTUALLY do it. Felt so god damned stupid.


The Portal 2 soundtrack (What has been released) is amazing. Holy fuck it's awesome.


That's not even all of them either.

Edit: A few minutes ago at work the three of us were talking about Portal and Half-Life and shit and a customer walks up to the counter wearing this shirt:

I said "Hey, John, check out this guys shirt!" but the customer seemed oblivious. He didn't say a thing. I'm betting it belongs to his son or something and he just threw it on. Made my day.
Jasoco said:
The Portal 2 soundtrack (What has been released) is amazing. Holy fuck it's awesome.


That's not even all of them either.

Edit: A few minutes ago at work the three of us were talking about Portal and Half-Life and shit and a customer walks up to the counter wearing this shirt:

I said "Hey, John, check out this guys shirt!" but the customer seemed oblivious. He didn't say a thing. I'm betting it belongs to his son or something and he just threw it on. Made my day.

I have that shirt as well. The one the customer was wearing.
Jasoco said:
Instead I was just replaying some Portal 1 and my god, it looks so different. In Portal 2, all the
main Portal worlds in the later part of the game are modular. In that they can move and reshape.
But all the original Portal chambers
are stone and solid with some moving parts.
Interesting. Were the
modular chambers designed after the fixed stone ones? Or before?
I assume they came later. But how later? After Chell
was put into stasis for that long duration? GlaDOS mentions she had forgotten she had stockpiled a lot of extra test chambers...
just as mementos of course, which
Wheatly then finds and uses (badly) for his self pleasure.

The real answer? Retconning by Valve. Plus, it looks cool when panels are moving. Makes Aperture seem like it's coming back to life.
Jack Scofield said:
The real answer? Retconning by Valve. Plus, it looks cool when panels are moving. Makes Aperture seem like it's coming back to life.
I believe I heard somewhere (perhaps the developer commentary) that the first few chambers in Portal 2 are directly taken from the original Portal. These chambers have have an entirely different aesthetic than the main arm-based chambers that are present throughout Portal 2. I took that to mean that there are several chambers that are already in place and cannot be moved, however, GLaDOS stockpiled new chambers made with arms that could be changed and moved around as necessary in the case that she'd have to make new chambers.


They are. Much of the first and second chapter is beaten up original levels with new goals or ways to complete them. They're good for relearning the mechanics in a familiar environment before you get tossed into the new stuff.

They actually took the old models and destroyed them. So awesome.

And that's exactly what I said.

So BTW, what's the allowed time period for a new game before spoilers can be posted without needing a warning? I've always been curious.


Well, I just beat Portal 2 (started on Sunday). I thought it had a great start, good first arc, veeeery weak middle, and a strong ending. As humorous as
Cave Johnson
is, I found
the entire Testing Sphere arc completely interminable. I just wanted it to end.
And dear god
prattling got old.

I think ZP accurately summed up my feelings on the game. Portal 1 was a puzzle game with a story. Portal 2 is a story game with "hunt for the one tile that has a portable surface" puzzle thrown into it periodically. The first game was a much tighter, neater package, that felt like you could experiment within the confines of the levels to find your own solutions. Every puzzle in Portal 2 feels so over-designed and over-focus tested that it never feels like you've found a non-standard solution to any puzzle. I never really got that feeling from Portal 1 where I went "Well...I got through that one, but I'm pretty sure that's not how I was supposed to do it..."

Now, all this said, I haven't had a chance to find a fresh partner for the co-op campaign yet. It could change my mind, but as of right now, I'd give Portal 2 an 8, whereas Portal 1 was a 9.5 or even a 10.

I was highly amused by
GlaDOS being put into a potato
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