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Possibly Manufactured Anti-Gay Campaign Targets EA Over LGBT Characters.

Possibly manufactured? If it's true, that's really, really awful. I can't believe any company would do that.
Possibly manufactured?

Damn EA, that'd be low even for you.
As others have pointed out they did it before and the timing is just too convenient. For those that don't know about the Dante's Inferno stunt:

According to the AP, EA spokeswoman Holly Rockwood said that the publisher hired a viral marketing firm which staged the protest. About 20 actors carried signs and distributed pamphlets protesting Dante's Inferno on supposed religious grounds.

The marketing campaign also employed a faux website, WeAreSaved.org.

We have to be careful mentioning it though - or else our Origin accounts may be in jeopardy ;-).


Not really sure I understand some of the outrage over the fact that EA is clearly using this for positive publicity. That's very, very obvious. Of course the timing is deliberate.

But some people are then making the leap to assume that they're pulling the anti-gay complaints out of their ass, and that just seems absurd. The groups mentioned in the original press releases are real and do engage in this type of behavior with media groups; they have for years. It's almost certain that EA has been getting anti-gay letters for a very, very long time and they obviously chose now to say something about it for their own purposes, which is how marketing works, but at least the thing they chose to say was the right thing.

Also, I don't actually think calling out the company's name in the petition is as suspicious as people seem to think since people who practically make a living out of signing internet petitions are real big on the idea of positive and negative reinforcement for a corporation's behavior, so it wouldn't be particularly strange to single the company out by name for praise.

It's the weird name and location combos that are suspicious. And while that behavior is worthy of eyerolls, I'm not sure why people would be that disgusted if the most evil thing EA is seemingly doing is ... make it look like more people are pro gay rights than might be accurate?

To be clear: not saying it's awesome or praise worthy behavior (if even true), but some of the hyperbole in response about this being a new low or disgusting seems really extreme. They didn't make up the gay hate for kicks, you guys, that is all totally real and still worthy of disdain. This is nothing like the Dante's Inferno thing.


EA defense force goooooo-ooooohh.. Nice, EA up to their old tricks again.

I don't think it really qualifies as defending EA to say: "Hey guys, the bigots are real, if you're pretending the anti gay stuff was made up by a corporation just to score points with you, you're being naive."

Groups like Focus on the Family don't get to be brushed aside as probably not really a big deal just because people (justifiably) hate EA.


"Dear Electronic Arts"
"it's a great thing that EA is doing for our community"
"with a little help from Yoda and you, EA"
"Keep up the good work EA!"
"EA are changing the face of the game industry"
"EA is a wonderful company!"
"Electronic Arts is fighting with us"

That's a lot of specific repeated comments mentioning the name of the company and how great they are. I don't think a random group that isn't EA or paid by EA is going to make sure great comments specifically about EA are in there.

This whole fiasco smells fishy, to say the least. And those responses screams 'bot' to me. Add the fact that EA has a history of making fake controversy and the convenient timing of this, it's completely understandable that many think this is a sneaky EA led PR move.
I don't think it really qualifies as defending EA to say: "Hey guys, the bigots are real, if you're pretending the anti gay stuff was made up by a corporation just to score points with you, you're being naive."

Groups like Focus on the Family don't get to be brushed aside as probably not really a big deal just because people (justifiably) hate EA.
Sure these people exist (just like the sort of religious group EA's marketing agency invented for DI) and no one in their right mind denies that. That would not excuse or relativize a possible publicity stunt by EA though.

Now if it is indeed a publicity stunt and to what extent we will probably know somewhere down the road. My gut says yes considering all we know at the moment.


Not really sure I understand some of the outrage over the fact that EA is clearly using this for positive publicity. That's very, very obvious. Of course the timing is deliberate.

But some people are then making the leap to assume that they're pulling the anti-gay complaints out of their ass, and that just seems absurd. The groups mentioned in the original press releases are real and do engage in this type of behavior with media groups; they have for years. It's almost certain that EA has been getting anti-gay letters for a very, very long time and they obviously chose now to say something about it for their own purposes, which is how marketing works, but at least the thing they chose to say was the right thing.

I don't think anyone will contest that the video game community does have its share of homophobes. Any person who ever played any game online will know this first hand.

However, this "widespread" campaign against EA seems suspicious... why EA? Why not target smaller more vulnerable companies who also featured gay and lesbian relationships? I'm sure they got a few emails as any company would from a couple of very vocal homophobic morons, but nothing like EA is saying. You'd think such a huge anti-gay campaign would make national news too, if its big enough to shake up a company like EA.

The problem is, if this is a publicity stunt (and I am positive it is... the timing was just to perfect and some of the signatures just reek of suspicion), it really is almost as disrespectful as comments from the homophobes. EA would essentially be using the victims of discrimination just to try to repair damages incurred to their reputation from the Consumerist poll instead of championing this cause for the cause itself.
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