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Possibly Manufactured Anti-Gay Campaign Targets EA Over LGBT Characters.

Wow. When you're stance's so fucked up that it makes EA seem like the good-guy by comparison, then maybe you need to step back for a moment and make sure you're not a vile human being.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Wow. When you're stance's so fucked up that it makes EA seem like the good-guy by comparison, then maybe you need to step back for a moment and make sure you're not a vile human being.
This along with your avatar have me in a laughing fit.

Seriously, you better check yourself before you wreck yourself.


I can see why it comes off that way, but I don't think he's actually saying 'The ESRB warns about it, so it's okay to have gay content.' For starters, the ESRB rating doesn't say anything about lgbt content (and if it did, that would be an issue to take up with ESRB, not EA). I think he's more suggesting that the game has an ESRB rating, and that should be sufficient for the purpose of protecting children. At the very worst, I'd say he's implying that the writers should take issue with ESRB for not mentioning it in the game's content rating if they have a problem with it.
It's a nice thought, but like I said, EA's just being more careful about how they're approaching the issue. He's saying that the "content descriptors" contain within them enough information to cover their ass (legally and politically). If the issue is over same-sex relationships, then the implication is that those are included within the ESRB's (broad) description. One is left to assume, then, that he's referring to the sexual content warning--which is a typical way that LGBT issues are swept under the rug by treating them as "adult" subject matter, even when they're devoid of actual sex.

It's subtle. But it's there. And knowing BioWare/EA's track record on the issue, this is no accident. They've been fighting this fight since the first game. Props to BioWare for pushing it through for ME3. But this is a slimy and backhanded way for EA to defend themselves.


Fictional gay characters ruined my childhood. The corruption seeped in deep, and now it's all I can do to walk down the street without trying to blow some random dude. I applaud those brave souls for standing up to homosexual tyranny in games. Thank the Lord some people are still kneeling for the right reason.


I wonder how much mail Nintendo gets.



It's a nice thought, but like I said, EA's just being more careful about how they're approaching the issue. He's saying that the "content descriptors" contain within them enough information to cover their ass (legally and politically). If the issue is over same-sex relationships, then the implication is that those are included within the ESRB's (broad) description. One is left to assume, then, that he's referring to the sexual content warning--which is a typical way that LGBT issues are swept under the rug by treating them as "adult" subject matter, even when they're devoid of actual sex.

It's subtle. But it's there. And knowing BioWare/EA's track record on the issue, this is no accident. They've been fighting this fight since the first game. Props to BioWare for pushing it through for ME3. But this is a slimy and backhanded way for EA to defend themselves.

I'm not sure if you can really say 'One is left to assume' if I took a different assumption than you?

I don't know. If you're willing to say that by not condemning their attackers or standing their ground in regards to the actual issue (i.e. that there's nothing wrong with portraying LGBT relationships), that they're just as bad as the letter writers in the first place, then I suppose that's your prerogative. But I see a company playing it safe while not budging -- At least they didn't patch in an option to disable same sex content, you know?


Why? I read it as pointing out that homophobia is one of the many hysterics introduced into society with monotheism. But maybe I'm missing some subtext.

This made me laugh as my girlfriend (and her entire family for some reason) mix and matches the subtext with

So maybe you are missing out on something!
I find it more surprising that people are surprised about this. Homophobes attack anything that goes against their beliefs. Like others have said, this came out at a pretty opportune time for EA. I'd wager this is one way they are doing damage control.
Conspiracy theory much? How is an internet poll going to tank their stock that they need to fake an anti-gay campaign against themselves?
I don't think their stock is going to tank, but it has taken a small hit since the results were announced. Their immediate response to winning Worst Company was basically, "Whatever." Their stock has not come back up yet, and articles started appearing in newspapers about them being the Worst Company.

This is damage control. Make people think that all the votes were from people who hate gay people. Make EA look awesome for supporting gay rights despite receiving an overwhelming amount of hate mail. Discredit the consumerist poll by showing that it was fueled by this type of opinion instead of valid costumer unhappiness.

EA has been receiving mail like this for years.

There's no conspiracy here. The timing of this article is way too convenient to be coincidental.


Damn it, now I have to side with EA because for once they stood up for something right. And oh, Dead Space 3, of course.


I'm not sure if you can really say 'One is left to assume' if I took a different assumption than you?

I don't know. If you're willing to say that by not condemning their attackers or standing their ground in regards to the actual issue (i.e. that there's nothing wrong with portraying LGBT relationships), that they're just as bad as the letter writers in the first place, then I suppose that's your prerogative. But I see a company playing it safe while not budging -- At least they didn't patch in an option to disable same sex content, you know?
He said what he said. And, honestly, I really don't see any other way he could have meant it.

But, yes, it isn't actually the "same" thing. EA could have done much worse. But it is still on the wrong side of history. EA is claiming it's an "adult" issue and that it's okay to include same-sex content because it's a game for adults which is logically the same ignorant claim that the letter writers are making. The only difference is that the letter writers are saying that the game is targeting children. But both are saying that gay content is unacceptable for children. The idea that being gay is all about sex (and therefore is unsuitable for children to encounter) is a common enough misconception, even among so-called liberals. EA's just passing along the same backwards thinking, just in a more euphemistic way than these idiotic letter writers.


did he forget to type the last part?

last minute dlc
"Hmm... no. No. This letter is much too formal. I'll scribble 'Remember Sodom' at the bottom in freehand. Ominously."

I like to imagine he consecrated the mailbox with lamb's blood before sending it.


I know, I feel bad about voting for them now =(

And that's the point

People have been droning on about this for not weeks, but years. It coming out now is just a sad attempt at damage control post poll + a spin attempt to try and paint dissenters as bigots.


So... EA standing up for gay rights suddenly makes all the horseshit anti-consumer things they do okay?

Goddammit, guys.


So... EA standing up for gay rights suddenly makes all the horseshit anti-consumer things they do okay?

Goddammit, guys.

No. If anything this just shows that the internet/GAF do not hate blindly. While it recognizes all the BS anti-consumerist that EA has done, they are also capable of praising the company when the company has done something right. Just because we support them in one area, it doesn't mean we support them in another.


I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be reading into that quote, can you elaborate?

Depends of where you're coming from and what you know about the guy posting this but IMO the're two interpretations.

1. He really wanted to point out that homosexuality was nothing uncommon and considered normal (like it should be.)

but the way he said "It is symptomatic of the moral ambivalence that was ubiquitous" sounds kind of negative, like he approves christian double standards. Then again it could be tongue-in-cheek. I don't want to label him.
Maybe he should clearly state his intentions.


Junior Member
No. If anything this just shows that the internet/GAF do not hate blindly. While it recognizes all the BS anti-consumerist that EA has done, they are also capable of praising the company when the company has done something right. Just because we support them in one area, it doesn't mean we support them in another.
When we can vote like that on political issues instead of parties, it will be glorious... and horrifying :p
So... EA standing up for gay rights suddenly makes all the horseshit anti-consumer things they do okay?

Goddammit, guys.

I don't think anyone has said this in the thread. People are just morbidly fascinated by the idea that there is some semblance of decency left in EA, including me.


No. If anything this just shows that the internet/GAF do not hate blindly. While it recognizes all the BS anti-consumerist that EA has done, they are also capable of praising the company when the company has done something right. Just because we support them in one area, it doesn't mean we support them in another.

I don't think anyone has said this in the thread. People are just morbidly fascinated by the idea that there is some semblance of decency left in EA, including me.

You guys honestly think this is out of decency? Let's consider the following: Every BioWare game since 2007 has had some semblance of homosexuality depicted in it to different varying degrees. Mass Effect 1 and 2 had lesbian relationships, and Dragon Age 1 and 2, and Mass Effect 3 all had full on gay/lesbian relationships. Star Wars: The Old Republic, a game with arguably more player control over full-length roleplaying character story arcs than any of the previous games doesn't have one ounce of homosexual relationships in the game, despite having multiple companions with which it would be easy to accomplish.

Now let's consider the audiences for these games: The first crop are all M-rated singleplayer games, while the last is a T-rated multiplayer game. One is targeted at adults, and the other is targeted at kids and teenagers, going so far as to ape the artstyle of a Cartoon Network show made under the same license.

Gee, why would EA be willing to allow BioWare to depict same-sex relationships in games targeted at adults, but not in a game that they need to build a persistent audience for, and know will comprise a number of children, despite the fact that the game would clearly serve a far greater canvas for just such a thing? Surely it couldn't be because they're worried about parents' reactions to the matter when they find out little Timmy is playing as a girl that diddles other girls, and there's absolutely no way it has anything to do with the effect it might have on the bottom line. No, that would be crazy.

Then this story comes out the same week that EA is voted into the top bracket and eventually wins the worst company in America from The Consumerist.

Please, are you guys really that naive? EA doesn't give a good goddamn about homosexual rights.


Corporate Apologist
A bit of an update, there seems to have been a some petition put up on All Out saying people don't support homophobes in star wars or something. I really don't know how to sum it up better. Here is the petition thingy in question:

The controversy comes from the fact that it looks like bots are filling out a large number of the petition signatures (Which does.... something?), and people suspect that EA may actually be using this as some sort of viral advertisement like thing (Like suggested when the PR was first released a week ago, except now with some evidence to back it up)

Definitely looks like bot signatures, though to be fair, it may not be EA doing it, it could be the allout people, or some other group.
Please, are you guys really that naive? EA doesn't give a good goddamn about homosexual rights.

The hits keep rolling in. You sound just like some dude on Kotaku that was spouting off about how EA Execs would kill their own children for profit.

But you're right. I hear EA hates blacks and women, too.

EA has done some pretty rotten things, but this is an all-time low.
They're full on chaotic evil now.

For possibly making a few bots supporting gays in video games?

I agree that bots are shady, but come on now. You're going to slam EA for being Anti-Crazy?
wait, where's the part where the evidence points to EA?

wouldn't a more likely suspect be a tech savvy member or friend of the LBGT community?

are there IP records or something that implicates EA?


For possibly making a few bots supporting gays in video games?

I agree that bots are shady, but come on now. You're going to slam EA for being Anti-Crazy?

Yes. If they are co-oping on the groups real life pain and strife to try and mend their corporate image because of some stupid internet poll then they have full on lost it.

What makes this so easy to believe is it goes hand in hand with all the other nonsense that's been in the news with them lately. Such as, the multitude origin service debacles and the viral marketer who spilled the beans a week or so ago about their network of people who scour the net to spin any negative press into something positive..
That said, passing down prejudices and bigotry to children play a key role in holding back progression of the society as a whole and creating internal friction resulting in pain and suffering for either one or all parties involved.

It's opinions like this that are actually leading to the degradation of our society. Morality is beneficial to mankind's continued growth and prosperity. Thankfully, not everyone shares your misguided views. Also, I'm concerned about the constant attacks of "homophobe", and "bigot" which are thrown about by the liberal community, and mentioned in nearly every post thus far in this thread. In some cases it may be justified, but in many cases it's incorrect.. and to blindly call anyone who disagrees that homosexuality is normal or healthy such names is also completely hypocritical. If you understand the definition of a "bigot" to be "a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices", or "one who regards or treats the members of a group with hatred and intolerance", then you pro-gay rights people are as much as bigot as any conservative who believes in right and wrong.


Its pretty said in this day an age we can't just accept each other.

Oh humanity you amaze me sometimes.

What's worse is when some people can't accept that people can accept others. It just slows down progress way more than it needs to.

See Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton.

Possibly manufactured?

Damn EA, that'd be low even for you.
It wouldn't be the first time... so not especially.
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