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Post here, if you've been hurt by RACISM

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I could have easily gone racist when I got robbed yesterday by some young black people.

(Off-topic: They wanted my PSP, but stole a bag I was carrying, even though I am furious about that being stolen (cellphone and PSP games), I'm laughing at the thought of them saying "WTF, teh PSP is not there!?!?!?! " :lol )

There are a lot of black people living in a particular area of Montreal so it's easy to associate black people and crime but I do know that criminals, thieves, murderers and other kind of stupid shit you can say about people can apply to white, black, yellow, etc people... It's just sad because black criminals are the most visibles ones when it comes to crimes in newspapers and stuff.

So yesterday, the only thing I shouted when it happened was "FU**ING THIEVES !%%$^&$" :)


Loki said:
Yes, I've been a victim of racism. It utterly devastated my life, and changed me to my core; fortunately, it's also helped mold me into the person I am today, so in a sense I'm thankful-- but shit, was it bad.

Yes, I'm actually going throough something right now. Loki what race are you, if you don't mind?


Crazy, good thing you're not hurt (at least you don't seem to be). Hell, you don't even seem to be bummed about losing your games/cellphone...


miyuru said:
Crazy, good thing you're not hurt (at least you don't seem to be). Hell, you don't even seem to be bummed about losing your games/cellphone...

I didn't want to get off-topic but since you insist: :lol

I am seriously pissed off. The bag was the Playstation bag they gave last year at the Sony party. I LOVED that bag. My cellphone was a very good phone, what pisses me off is that all my contact info was in there. I also had 3 PSP games and a tool for work which I need everyday.

I will survive, but don't worry, I AM pissed off about those who did that and why I posted it in this topic is because I could have called all black people thieves because of some simple bastards and I did not. :)
I haven't really experienced much of anything personally. If i was to, i'd expect it to be on account of my jewish heritage, but seeing as i dont look the part; unless i mention it explicitly, no one would really know. It's hard to really pin me down as a nationality, so it's tough for someone to say something, i suppose. Havent really every heard much anti-white racism. Might be due to the fact that the only minorities who live around me are ones that dont stereotypically (or typically) have issues with whitey.


Count of Concision
ShadowRed said:
Yes, I'm actually going throough something right now. Loki what race are you, if you don't mind?

White. Italian, to be precise, though that's not a race. :p However, I'm not dark-featured like many Italians are (though my father and sister are-- they look more Greek than anything); most people mistake me for Irish or Russian. :)


galeninjapan said:
True but it is meant to help out minorites. There was an article in the houston chronicle of a minority student who earned like a 150 on his GPA and was in the top 10% cause he went to some shitty inner-city school. Well he ended up getting a full ride to UT, but failed many of his classes his first year.

Then what's the complaint? He went to a shitty school, which means his formal educational opportunities were limited.

As for me, I live in a pretty mixed area, so I haven't come across any overt racism to my knowledge. Well, actually... A few times when I went into these restaurants, dressed decently, the waiter wouldn't even serve my friends and me. They would come by, drop the food, and wait until we were about to leave to ask for refills. I guess the idiots thought we wouldn't tip well. Also... Of course if you have cornrows or wear a du-rag around here, people look at you like you're about to rob the store.


Mistaken iRobbery!
Yeah, so miyuru, I've been there...

I'm Filipino, my ex was Mexican. We met through a Catholic church retreat, so you'd expect more. Her parents as well as her older sister and younger brother never fully accepted me, although we dated for over a year. My ex would tell me that whenever she was going out with some Caucasian or Mexican guy, her parents would never even think twice. But with me, FUCK, 20 questions before she can even go out, if that! I don't think I could've accepted that type of discrimination, seeing as how I'd expect and want my in-laws to accept for who I am. What's worst yet is when my mom remarried, she married a Mexican guy (who by the way is an awesome guy, someone I accept). My ex's parents even knew that, but couldn't get over the fact of my ethnicity. Looking back, I think her racist family greatly factored in my decision to break up with her. I feel for you...

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
i got the ol' 'you all look alike' shtick from a teacher once:::

back in high school.. i was late to a class.. no big deal, im always late.. i walk in and the teacher turns to me and says: 'jon! didnt i kick you out already?!!' . i was damn confused since i hadnt even seen the teacher that day. one of my friends speaks up and says, 'um, that was E...' . to which she replied, 'oh, well... you all look the same.'

i almost walked out.. but i didnt.

another time, this might have been around 7th or 8th grade.. it was my friends birthday and his dad invited us (about 5 or 6 kids) to the movies. the great white hype. he got to the register and was promptly denied the purchase of the tickets.. they even got the manager out there to give him an attitude.. they kept saying we needed an adult with us.. but the man was in his 30's .. i honestly think that if he wasn't black, they would have had no problems with it.


not in nyc, no. thats why i'll never ever live anywhere else.
but after 9/11, i got thrown out of IRC, some dude was like "you fucking middle eastern bastard"...and kicked me. i couldnt even reply..."err but i'm not from anywhere near that region..."
that summer i went on a trip to florida. panama city to be precise. so i'm just walking along the boardwalk, and at a point it turns deep into the ocean, for fishing purposes. so i walk all the way to the end to watch the sunset. a few kids were hanging around and talking. right after i walked in there, the topic switches to osama bin laden, and how his ass should be kicked. bet that's exactly what they were gonna talk about eh?


I live in Bean Town its hard not to trip over some racist incident here on a regular basis. :p My first real taste of racism was during the whole Stuart case thing. I was like 12 or 13 around that time. Friggin cops still harrassed and searched me repeatedly. to top it all off I was a scrawny and short 12 year old. I looked like I was ten! :lol Damn police. My blood boils just thinking about those times.


Defensor said:
Yeah, so miyuru, I've been there...

I'm Filipino, my ex was Mexican. We met through a Catholic church retreat, so you'd expect more. Her parents as well as her older sister and younger brother never fully accepted me, although we dated for over a year. My ex would tell me that whenever she was going out with some Caucasian or Mexican guy, her parents would never even think twice. But with me, FUCK, 20 questions before she can even go out, if that! I don't think I could've accepted that type of discrimination, seeing as how I'd expect and want my in-laws to accept for who I am. What's worst yet is when my mom remarried, she married a Mexican guy (who by the way is an awesome guy, someone I accept). My ex's parents even knew that, but couldn't get over the fact of my ethnicity. Looking back, I think her racist family greatly factored in my decision to break up with her. I feel for you...

It's rough man, totally. Especially when, pretty much all of my other friends' parents treat me like their own almost, just go over for dinner, etc., even call them mom/dad jokingly :lol


Come to think of it, there was one incident where a friend and I were throwing a bottle back and forth in the lunch room when it bounced off a table and landed near a table where a group of black girls were eating. I donno why they all hung out together, or why I never saw anyone else hanging out with them. Must be one of those subconcious stick together things that hardly anyone really thinks about. Anyway I didn't think anything of it. I sit down and the next thing I know two of the girls are in my face calling me all sorts of racist names. I just sat there thinking, "WTF?" Didn't hurt me or anything, just kind of pissed me off that they'd jump to the conclusion that I threw it at them on purpose because they're black. Even the administrators came over like I'd commited a hate crime.
I'm White and the closest thing to racism I've experienced is when I'm around a particular group of Filipino guys, some I am friendly with, others I'm not. It's frustrating because I get a long with most of them due to common interests, while others constantly critique me and offer their opinions on how I 'should' act, in other words how a white person should act. This experience has by no means devasted me, nor do I think I will ever experience racism to the extent that minorities have.


dem said:
Come on... I'm sure even you thought KONEX was white

lighten up =P
:lol Hahahaha subtle... (unintended i assume)

karasu said:
Yeah quite a bit of it actually. Two hunters started shooting at me when my friends and I were taking a short court through the woods once. I was like 11 at the time, they kept screaming nigger and fiing shots.

There was another time a couple of skinheads through bottles at me and called me monkey. Kicked the hell out of them on the spot. They started runniung and I threw a brick at them. Wonder if it hit them.

There was this time I was in Mcdonalds and itw as uber crowded. This old couple was behind me and the woman kept saying "I aint sitting next to no nigger! Why doesn't he get up and move!" Her husband was telling her to shut up but she was all "No, I aint sitting next to no damn nigger".

Some dudes tried to rape my mom because she was black. I was really young at the time but we ran like mad.

A few white guys coming out of a nightclub started taking shots at me and my friends one night. Complete with 'w000000!'s and "Yeah niggers! Ruuuuun!'s. @_@

haha this isn't racism, but when I went to school in Alaska i was one of three black kids in the entire place. I was extremely shy which somehow lead people to believe that I was from Africa. I never experienced any racism there though.

Holy crap, seriously? Wow.
miyuru said:
Sri Lankan :)
So Miyuru, you are Sri Lankan. Are you Singhalese, Tamil or Burger? My ex was from Sri Lanka, Tamil. My dad was a bit racist towards him… not to his face, more so behind his back. He would make comments like “what are you doing with him? I don’t want caramel grandkids”.
Dad can be such a dick. It would make me sick.
I think that’s why I sort after guys of varying ethnicities.. I wanted to piss him off. His ugly bigotry made them attractive to me, and to this day I prefer darker men.
So like mine and Opinionated Cyborg's, is your avatar actually you then?


Other than some skinheads yelling nigger at me and a friend from across the street (Skinhead pub) on our way home, no never really experienced racism. It didnt dig into my bone or anything, I thought they were ignorant fools and brushed it to the side.


Yes, I have experienced racism. Oddly, for a variety of races(some of which I am not.)

I am mulatto, but am extremely light skinned. Thus, I don't fit the description of a typical black guy. Once I tell anyone i'm black, the fried chicken,etc. jokes start flying, even from my friends. Or they start accusing me of "acting white". I'm mulatto, and raised by my white mother. How do you expect me to act?

It seems the only time my "friends" acknowledge me as being black is when I accuse them of racism. When I ask them how many black friends they have, i'm the only name that comes up. I'm not surprised.

Recently, my mexican neighbors have started making mulatto jokes(Zebra,Orea, half-time,etc.) It seems like whatever I am, I'll always be mocked for it.

Lil' Dice

I'm black/Italian, and was born and grew up in Italy until i was 12. I was only called a "negro" once while living there, and that was after i beat up this little bully kid in elementary school.
I'm sure comments may have been made outside of my presence, but absolutely loved living in Italy. So much that i plan on moving there if my gf and i decide to have kids.
In the town i grew up in, you were Italian first, and black second.

BTW, it's interesting that despite being half "anglo", i don't get upset at racist remarks towards whites, but i would if they were directed at blacks.


I am white, so no, I have not been on the pointy end of the issue. I have some relatively minor, but undeniable racist sentiments in me. I'm not enormously proud of that fact, but neither can I really deny it. But I certainly can't express them, because being in California, that is one of the very, very few things that could get me seriously hurt if I vented them in public.

In practice, I mix freely with anyone and everyone, just like a good little pet of the system.
ShadowRed said:
Since you didn't counter my arguement I will assume you know I'm correct.


Look up grants available to minorities. Then look up grants available to whites... Oh wait, there are none. Seriously, some of my friends have never had to drop a dime of their own money on text books, while my student loans continue to pile up. I have no more money than them. I'm just as good of a student. Good for them, while bad for me. It's ridiculous.


Cerebral Palsy said:

Look up grants available to minorities. Then look up grants available to whites... Oh wait, there are none. Seriously, some of my friends have never had to drop a dime of their own money on text books, while my student loans continue to pile up. Good for them, bad for me. It's ridiculous.

WTF are you talking about? You alluded to, in you first post that whites have to pay for their tuition out of pocket while non white get the government to pay for it. I have tons of white friends who get Pell Grants as well as others government grants to get them through school. Anyone with need can get a Pell Grant, not just non whites. Now to cut you off at the pass, because I already know what you are going to say, are their government grants that only black people may obtain because they are black, yes. But wait there's more. Are there grants that only people who have served in the military are eligible for, or for people who fall below a certain income bracket, or people who are US citizens...ECT, yes? So fucking what, am I supposed to bitch because I can't take advantage of the GI Bill or because I make too much money, for a Pell Grant. Cry because someone else with a different situation than I am is getting something I can't get. Probably going to get banned for this, but so be it. White people like you are a freaking joke. Bitching and crying because a non white gets something you can't get and want to scream bloody reverse racism, yet never question or raises a finger over the multitude of other situations in which people or excluded for reasons other than race. When was the last time you bitched about the government forcing business to place handicapped parking spaces up front close to the store entrances?

I'm in the same boat as you, and I'm black. I have to take out a student loan because I make too much money to get any grants and so do a couple other black friends of mine. Is there room on the waaaambulance for us or is it just a whites only thing?
ShadowRed said:
WTF are you talking about? You alluded to, in you first post that whites have to pay for their tuition out of pocket while non white get the government to pay for it. I have tons of white friends who get Pell Grants as well as others government grants to get them through school. Anyone with need can get a Pell Grant, not just non whites. Now to cut you off at the pass, because I already know what you are going to say, are their government grants that only black people may obtain because they are black, yes. But wait there's more. Are there grants that only people who have served in the military are eligible for, or for people who fall below a certain income bracket, or people who are US citizens...ECT, yes? So fucking what, am I supposed to bitch because I can't take advantage of the GI Bill or because I make too much money, for a Pell Grant. Cry because someone else with a different situation than I am is getting something I can't get. Probably going to get banned for this, but so be it. White people like you are a freaking joke. Bitching and crying because a non white gets something you can't get and want to scream bloody reverse racism, yet never question or raises a finger over the multitude of other situations in which people or excluded for reasons other than race.

Yes, it irks me that other students, in the exact same financial situation as I am, get grants I don't have access to because of skin color.

I also get boned because of my parent's income, yet get absolutely no help from them. But that is another story.

When was the last time you bitched about the government forcing business to place handicapped parking spaces up front close to the store entrances?

This comparison is ridiculous. I'm just as capable as the minority students who have access to extra grants because of their race. I work just as hard in school. I need just as much help as anyone else in my financial situation, regardless of my color. I can handle handicap people getting better parking. They're usually at a disadvantage when it comes to getting around. I wouldn't call a minority in the same financial situation any more disadvantage than I am when it comes to paying tuition, but yet apparently they are.


Cerebral Palsy said:
Yes, it irks me that other students, in the exact same financial situation as I am, get grants I don't have access to because of skin color.

I also get boned because of my parent's income, yet get absolutely no help from them. But that is another story.

How do you know they are in the exact same situation as you have you gone over their taxes?
ShadowRed said:
How do you know they are in the exact same situation as you have you gone over their taxes?

Yeah, I make sure to go over everyone's taxes the moment I meet them. I'm talking about other full time students without jobs.

But anyway, I'm evil for wanting an even playing field I guess. Done with this conversation.


Cerebral Palsy said:
Yeah, I make sure to go over everyone's taxes the moment I meet them. I'm talking about other full time students without jobs.

But anyway, I'm evil for wanting an even playing field I guess. Done with this conversation.

What's the point of having an even playing field, when you can't have even players? Are you saying that a guy whose parents make a million dollars a year should get the same amount of grants as a kid whose parents make 20 thousand a year? Again where is your self righteous indignation over kids who get money because their parents served in the military and yours didn't, or because they are gong into a science field and you are going into communications?
ShadowRed said:
What's the point of having an even playing field, when you can't have even players? Are you saying that a guy whose parents make a million dollars a year should get the same amount of grants as a kid whose parents make 20 thousand a year? Again where is your self righteous indignation over kids who get money because their parents served in the military and yours didn't, or because they are gong into a science field and you are going into communications?

Do I think a rich kid should get the same amount of grants as someone whos parents have a 20,000 income? Nope.

Do I think people should get access to extra grants because of race? Nope.

If someone wants to possibly risk their life by joining the military for the benefits that come with that job... Good for them. I wasn't about to join the military so the government would pay for my schooling.

As for receiving more based on your major. That issue is a little more cloudy. Are there heavier costs ontop of tuition for the science major than the communications major? I've never really thought of that to be honest. If both kids are pumping the same amount into tuition/textbooks/whatever, and are in the same financial situation, I feel they should be getting the same amount of help.

Question for you. Two kids growup in poverty. Both in the exact same situation. One white, and the other a minority. Should the minority kid receive more financial help because of his race?


Cerebral Palsy said:

Look up grants available to minorities. Then look up grants available to whites... Oh wait, there are none. Seriously, some of my friends have never had to drop a dime of their own money on text books, while my student loans continue to pile up. I have no more money than them. I'm just as good of a student. Good for them, while bad for me. It's ridiculous.

err, after like 400 years or so of legal racism, wtf do you expect? There will be a time when all of those grants and affirmative action are outdated, but not yet man. Jesus. We're still 'recovering' from all of this mess.


Cerebral Palsy said:
Do I think a rich kid should get the same amount of grants as someone whos parents have a 20,000 income? Nope.

Do I think people should get access to extra grants because of race? Nope.

If someone wants to possibly risk their life by joining the military for the benefits that come with that job... Good for them. I wasn't about to join the military so the government would pay for my schooling.

As for receiving more based on your major. That issue is a little more cloudy. Are there heavier costs ontop of tuition for the science major than the communications major? I've never really thought of that to be honest. If both kids are pumping the same amount into tuition/textbooks/whatever, and are in the same financial situation, I feel they should be getting the same amount of help.

Question for you. Two kids growup in poverty. Both in the exact same situation. One white, and the other a minority. Should the minority kid receive more financial help because of his race?

Yes because being black puts you in an inherent disadvantage than being white does, in this society. Also there are privileges that being white will get you that being black will not or even cause you to lose some opportunities. Even with more money being granted to the black kid, there are still intangibles that put the white kid on a higher ground than the black one. Grants are used to try and make up for these, but can't full do so.
I hurt every time I visit forums like OA. I'm white and I sincerely feel so incredibly ashamed of my race.

"All we need is a voluntary, free-spirited, open-ended program of procreative racial deconstruction. Everybody just gotta keep fuckin' everybody 'til they're all the same color."

- Bulworth

One of the best movie quotes ever.
Yeah, when I was younger. Only brown guy in an all white school is a recipe for disaster. Back then it was a problem (self-esteem issues). But looking back now, I laugh at it, it's not a big deal unless you make one out it. There's always going to be racism, even with people of colour (my parents for example hate Jews, and Black people)...fucking retarded, I know, but the best way to fight racism is to speak against it. Trust me when I say that I give my parents an earfull whenever they try to push racism on me, to try to mould me in a negative way. I want it so that my kids grow up in a more understanding society, and the best way to do that is to lead by example now.
Dad can be such a dick. It would make me sick.
I think that’s why I sort after guys of varying ethnicities.. I wanted to piss him off. His ugly bigotry made them attractive to me, and to this day I prefer darker men.

We should talk.

haha, j/k
fortified_concept said:
I hurt every time I visit forums like OA. I'm white and I sincerely feel so incredibly ashamed of my race.

"All we need is a voluntary, free-spirited, open-ended program of procreative racial deconstruction. Everybody just gotta keep fuckin' everybody 'til they're all the same color."

- Bulworth

One of the best movie quotes ever.
As an OA regular - and as a person with Jewish parents and a Puerto Rican mother - none of those things bothers me. Racism, to us, is funny because it's so ridiculous superficially. No one on that forum is as he or she appears. I really doubt anyone on OA is a true racist.
enjoy bell woods said:
As an OA regular - and as a person with Jewish parents and a Puerto Rican mother - none of those things bothers me. Racism, to us, is funny because it's so ridiculous superficially. No one on that forum is as he or she appears. I really doubt anyone on OA is a true racist.

Smartest move, racism doesn't even deserve your attention (but I still feel ashamed some times). And btw it's obvious who's just kidding there and who's not. And imo some of them are definately racists.


I haven't been hit by racism that much, but a couple of small instances stand out in my mind.

I'm half white/ half black, so unless I have cornrows or an afro I can get mistaken for other races. My girlfriends parents think it's a travesty that she's dating a "middle easterner", and warned her not to get involved with a guy who would strap a bomb to himself :lol

The only time racism has been directed at me where it pissed me off was when I was playing tough defense on this on white/hispanic looking guy at the gym and he thought I fouled him when I stripped the ball from him. He told angrily me to "back the fuck off, nigger". I'm a really easygoing guy when my friends call me nigger or nigga (we're all about the racial epithets), but I got seriously PISSED at this guy. Luckily he walked off before I could do anything rash.


Alyssa DeJour said:
So Miyuru, you are Sri Lankan. Are you Singhalese, Tamil or Burger? My ex was from Sri Lanka, Tamil. My dad was a bit racist towards him… not to his face, more so behind his back. He would make comments like “what are you doing with him? I don’t want caramel grandkids”.
Dad can be such a dick. It would make me sick.
I think that’s why I sort after guys of varying ethnicities.. I wanted to piss him off. His ugly bigotry made them attractive to me, and to this day I prefer darker men.
So like mine and Opinionated Cyborg's, is your avatar actually you then?

I'm Singhalese actually, living in Canada (born and raised). There's a good community over here :p I'm going to guess you're in AUS if you dated a Sri Lankan and actually know about Singhalese/Tamils :lol

And yeah, I know what you mean about your dad. Well, sort of. My parents aren't racist in the least, they LOVED my ex, and still do (and yeah, I'm not over her, some shit happened recently but I decided *not* to create a thread for obvious reasons). But I know what you mean because in the past my parents were sort of against a lot of things, trivial things like ordering pizza, but now they're all about it, I just had to work them into shape :p

BTW yeah that's me in my pic. I might change it later, dunno, I really like that pic ^_^


I remember back in Grade 7 people always made fun of my country, Chile.

"Hey Ferny, do ya like CHILI? *hyuk*"



Ferny84 said:
I remember back in Grade 7 people always made fun of my country, Chile.

"Hey Ferny, do ya like CHILI? *hyuk*"


:lol if it was a Turk saying that, you could've got back pretty easily ^_^
miyuru said:
I'm Singhalese actually, living in Canada (born and raised). There's a good community over here :p I'm going to guess you're in AUS if you dated a Sri Lankan and actually know about Singhalese/Tamils :lol

And yeah, I know what you mean about your dad. Well, sort of. My parents aren't racist in the least, they LOVED my ex, and still do (and yeah, I'm not over her, some shit happened recently but I decided *not* to create a thread for obvious reasons). But I know what you mean because in the past my parents were sort of against a lot of things, trivial things like ordering pizza, but now they're all about it, I just had to work them into shape :p

BTW yeah that's me in my pic. I might change it later, dunno, I really like that pic ^_^

Yes, I am in AUS, and yes I know about Singhalese/Tamils. You may also get a kick out of knowing I not long ago finished reading the Mahabharata. And I have bought the Bhagavad Gita but have yet to embark on that one.
Nah Honey, don't change your avatar, I think it is totally awesome! I did from the moment I saw it.
And hey, don't let people's jives throw you off, if you want to post a thread about the shit that happened recently do it.
I've been affected by racism... an entire society blaming me relentlessly for everything under the sun because I'm white. I'm blamed for what happens to indians, I'm blamed for violence against women, I'm the reason immigrants can't get good jobs - people assume you're racist before knowing shit about you. I've been guilt-tripped my entire life for being a caucasian male.
enjoy bell woods said:
Get over it.

Do you also often wonder why there's no White Entertainment Television? :rolleyes

Get over your victim-complex bullshit and we'll talk. I refuse to believe that the white man is the source of all evil in this world, some would disagree.


Go Go Ackman! said:
Get over your victim-complex bullshit and we'll talk. I refuse to believe that the white man is the source of all evil in this world, some would disagree.

:lol This coming from a guy who has posted that he feel like everyone is blaming him for everything under the sun.
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