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Post New Pics of Yourself 2013 Edition

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Decided to change my hair to something short. I like the way it came out.



all good things
Wait, for real?

No. I don't even see the resemblance lol. I just didn't know what to reply to that with.

People seem to think white guys with dark hair and facial hair look like every other white guy with dark hair and facial hair. I think its RACIST!

I keep getting told I look like Jon B. I'm going to start saying I am him and my new album drops next year.


Full werewolf off the buckle
GAF sure is full of good looking people. anyways me at borders
Holy cow, I thought that Borders closed down years ago!

Learn something new every day, I guess. Nice pic, BTW!

If anyone wants to post a recent pic from inside of a Waldenbooks, it's gonna blow my fucking mind!
Actually, it may have been Barnes and Nobles. You're right. Borders did close down. I went to their clearance sale. Quite sad, really. Fun place to hang out :(


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination

Just got approved, for some reason figured this should be my first post.
Evening, gaf.

Fucking jealous of your beard.

You're one of the lucky few who has great hair and beard genes. Usually people have one or the other.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Some adorable kitties up in here!

Today was my first real day off in weeks. I spent all day laying in bed, other than a little bit trying to sort some shit with my insurance company and benefits department, just drinking coffee and surfing GAF and doing basically nothing.

In the evening the kids stopped by for the night. I cooked them dinner and we played some Rayman origins and Left 4 Dead. It was a very nice, relaxing evening.

Me chilling the fuck out in bed at 2 in the afternoon. What a marvelous way to waste a day!


Whatever happened with the bowties you got? Were you able to pull it off? I don't think you ever posted a picture. :(

Yeah I think I pulled em off. They are clip-on bowties, not real ones, so I don't really wear em out and about except on "bow-tie Fridays" as has since been designated at work. haha

I'll toss up a pic of me wearing one tomorrow. :)
Yeah I think I pulled em off. They are clip-on bowties, not real ones, so I don't really wear em out and about except on "bow-tie Fridays" as has since been designated at work. haha

I'll toss up a pic of me wearing one tomorrow. :)

BOOOO! Clip ons aren't real! :p

And that'd be cool if you put up a pic tomorrow! :D
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