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Post New Pics of Yourself 2013 Edition

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I don't like the haircut I was given today, but whatever. It'll grow back and then I can try again.

Bussy you look fantastic, stop kidding yourself. :p


Neo Member
So, I've been trying to grow a goatee :p


What do you say guys? Should I keep it or does it look like shit? lol

PS: Damn I look SO tired lol
I get that as well (although you look fine). Apparently around 50% of Asians are affected by it...annoyingly my sister is immune. Some people swear by popping a Pepcid AC half an hour before drinking to mitigate the effects, but unfortunately they don't sell it here in the UK.
I thought the percentage was higher than that. I usually look a lot redder. That picture was taken after only one drink. I look like a stop sign after two. I've heard about the pepcid ac trick too. I've never tried it, though.


I get that as well (although you look fine). Apparently around 50% of Asians are affected by it...annoyingly my sister is immune. Some people swear by popping a Pepcid AC half an hour before drinking to mitigate the effects, but unfortunately they don't sell it here in the UK.

Webcam shot incoming.


Looking good ;)

Seriously. His "worst" is better than me at my best. :p

Oh you. You don't look bad, stop lying to yourself.
And I agree, Cosmic looks way too good


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
This is the best picture I have of myself right now.


Wearing my newly-signed-by-Matt-Davies Funeral for a Friend tee. So awesome. I will never wash it. In fact I may have it surgically fused to my body as a second skin.


My 10 week old son Edric and I on a road trip last weekend

and a silly haircut i got a few weeks ago

Dude you look like a movie star in the first pic! Edric is a cutie. I wanna do something really fucking crazy with my hair but I never will get up the nerve cause of my job. I don't think my boss would necessarily mind but I'd be nervous.

Arsenic Yellow looks very cool.

Horse Detective reminds me of the kid who has guest starred on Raising Hope a few times, recently as Yo Zappa Do ([url]http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTUxMzY4NDQ5MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTA2MDYwOQ@@._V1._SX640_SY426_.jpg[/url]).

I turned 30 yesterday.
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