Bussy you look fantastic, stop kidding yourself.I don't like the haircut I was given today, but whatever. It'll grow back and then I can try again.
Bussy you look fantastic, stop kidding yourself.I don't like the haircut I was given today, but whatever. It'll grow back and then I can try again.
Seriously. His "worst" is better than me at my best.Bussy you look fantastic, stop kidding yourself.![]()
Uploading from my phone, so quoting in case it's huge. Took the pic today while heading to a job interview. Had to crop out my messy bathroom. Also sorry guys for the lack of a Mohawk.
I thought the percentage was higher than that. I usually look a lot redder. That picture was taken after only one drink. I look like a stop sign after two. I've heard about the pepcid ac trick too. I've never tried it, though.I get that as well (although you look fine). Apparently around 50% of Asians are affected by it...annoyingly my sister is immune. Some people swear by popping a Pepcid AC half an hour before drinking to mitigate the effects, but unfortunately they don't sell it here in the UK.
Me at my internship in full-ish surgeon clothing
And without the hat and facemask
Doing nothing but watching surgeries (so not doing anything myself) and asking dumb questions
I get that as well (although you look fine). Apparently around 50% of Asians are affected by it...annoyingly my sister is immune. Some people swear by popping a Pepcid AC half an hour before drinking to mitigate the effects, but unfortunately they don't sell it here in the UK.
Webcam shot incoming.
Seriously. His "worst" is better than me at my best.![]()
At the OR where I work, only the female nurses wear that hat.
Me at my internship in full-ish surgeon clothing
aw thanksI've always hated my nose
So, I've been trying to grow a goatee![]()
been lurking this thread, figured i should share since its been a quite a while
sry for the instagramness
been lurking this thread, figured i should share since its been a quite a while
sry for the instagramness
Hmmm, every guy I saw today wore the same hat. It's a Dutch hospital, so I can imagine dress codes are a bit different in the U.S.
So, I've been trying to grow a goatee
What do you say guys? Should I keep it or does it look like shit? lol
PS: Damn I look SO tired lol
What is scary?
your alter ego
Hu, why? Do I have to pull everything out of your nose?
in combination with the stuff you wear in the pic
you mean like pulling my brain out of my nose?![]()
Chirurgie? You're dutchie Bateman?
Nice! What do you do? Surgeon, surgical assistant, or medical school?
My 10 week old son Edric and I on a road trip last weekend
and a silly haircut i got a few weeks ago
Dude you look like a movie star in the first pic! Edric is a cutie. I wanna do something really fucking crazy with my hair but I never will get up the nerve cause of my job. I don't think my boss would necessarily mind but I'd be nervous.
Arsenic Yellow looks very cool.
Horse Detective reminds me of the kid who has guest starred on Raising Hope a few times, recently as Yo Zappa Do ([url]http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTUxMzY4NDQ5MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTA2MDYwOQ@@._V1._SX640_SY426_.jpg[/url]).
I turned 30 yesterday.
Nana-naaiiiii!apparently this is a 'dappy' hat
Have I shown you my knife, yet?
You, sir, are fucking gorgeous.
(not to be creepy or anything... )
Try harder![]()
Thank you, I wish I was that popular with girls tho, I never had a girlfriendforeveralone.jpg
Thank you, I wish I was that popular with girls tho, I never had a girlfriendforeveralone.jpg
Next time I post a pic, my beard will be EPIC, EPIC![]()
Next time I post a pic, my beard will be EPIC, EPIC![]()