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Post New Pics of Yourself 2013 Edition

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My sister and me.

You look like a blonde Tom Hanks.
That's a marriage proposal to me!



Lookin' great by the way. DS Camera ..right? :p

Two week late reply, unacceptable really. Alas, my Microsoft LifeCam somehow manages to be worse than my 3DS camera.

And proposals are the sincerest form of flattery!

Cute! (Y)

Much obliged sir. But the wild hair is becoming unwieldy at this stage, I'm considering jumping on the de facto hair trend of 2012 and getting something resembling an undercut. Fashionably late...
FallingEdge, you need to work on your gratuitous body shots. Like "hey guys here's my new haircut", but then you post a full body profile from three angles.


Two week late reply, unacceptable really. Alas, my Microsoft LifeCam somehow manages to be worse than my 3DS camera.

And proposals are the sincerest form of flattery!
Hehehe...Don't worry, I usually think everyrone has me on ingore. :p
Though, post more pictures if you feel bad about it. ;)

Because my face hasn't been on here enough already.
Your face (and hair and eveyrthing( needs to be more in here. ;)

Awesome hair, by the way..would it be possible that..ehr..
FallingEdge, you need to work on your gratuitous body shots. Like "hey guys here's my new haircut", but then you post a full body profile from three angles.
..You took the words out of my mouth! ;D

of course , if it's not much to ask...please? :p
Here I am with Tommy Wiseau and Mark. Yes, Tommy is flipping off the camera


This was over the summer and I don't believe I have cut my hair since, so it is ridiculously long now and I have had to take to wearing a backwards hat to get the herr out my face
Ok, here are a few pictures of me over the week in San Francisco.

Walking my cousin's dog, Luffy. What you see behind me is the Pacific Ocean. We live in the Sunset district and the house was 8 blocks from the beach.

Lombard Street. This is the famous zigzagging hill/street in San Francisco. It's very steep, though there are other steep hills too.

Golden Gate Bridge. What else can I say? A must see place if you're there.

On top of Twin Peaks overlooking San Francisco. The view was incredible. My picture doesn't do it justice!
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