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PREMATURE EJACULA-TON: PS3 delayed until November 2006 in Japan?


Bad Art ™
3rdman said:
Something strange with that logic though...if anything it confirms that Japan won't see the the PS3 until November but why not October? Why would Sony go out of their way to launch in US first when its just a month difference? You can argue that there isn't much of a difference, but when all their plans have revolved around launch in Japan first, why would that change if you still launch in both territories within a month of each other? I'll guess we'll see tonight.

Why was the DS released in the US November 21, 2004 and in Japan December 2, 2004 ?

Thanksgiving/Christmas are way bigger in the US than in Japan. That's why.



What the hell is this?
While it would turn this situation on it's face, the problem with an October release in N.A. is that there is no way to make that happen with the excuse they've given for the Japanese delay?

Assuming of course this is all true, and granting that the reason they're giving is valid (which NOBODY seems to believe)

Format finalization issues! Can't release until Novermber!


PS3 NA release!



Monorojo said:
Nintendo would still be behind 21 million vs 12-13 million....

Sony HAS to lose fans for Nintendo to have a chance, or Nintendo somehow brings in 16 million new gamers.... Just cant see that happening, especially in Japan.
so what if SquareEnix says they hate to wait so they just go back to nintendo?


GAF's Bob Woodward
Ponn01 said:
Why? They only said Spring for Japan and they need to get that cleared up. They wouldn't need an "official" announcement for U.S. for a fall launch till E3.

I don't think they can say nothing about the US tomorrow if Japan is delayed til November. Particularly if it's earlier. I don't know, maybe SCEI would be the ones to make that announcement, but I gotta think if that were the case, SCEA would be doing something, even just a conference call or something tomorrow. Just a thought..


Ponn01 said:
Was there anyone that actually thought Sony meant Spring in NA?
Most people on gaming forums from the start thought JPN, but yes, alot of people who heard it on the national news thought Spring NA.

Liquid said:
I dont see how the ps3 will be able to compete outside of 1 or 2 major sony franchises.
PS3 will probably launch with all the good third-party titlesand enough exclusives comparable to what Xbox360 had in the month or two leading up to launch. I know you in particular like to dismiss it but all indications from publishers are for a wicked NA PS3 launch. Except supply. Lack of supply will move Xbox 360s, though if MS can't/couldn't move nearly them all even if PS3 was in free supply that would probably be a bit of a failure.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Correct me if I am wrong, but nothing is OFFICIAL yet. Until Sony has an official comment, this "news" means nothing.


what if god comes down and kills all the sinners?

Seriously, SE doesnt have to wait for anything. If you havent noticed they are making TONS of money milking the hell out of PS2 and DS (not using milking in a negative sense)

Why would they leave Ps2 (100 million+ fanbase, still selling 300k a month in US) and go with Rev which is at this point the biggest question mark next gen?


MassiveAttack said:
The "early November" launch predicted by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun is a bit suspicious it has to be said. Sony has never launched hardware in Japan in November and the only Sony hardware launched anywhere in the world in November was the European PS2 launch on 11-24-00.

The September-December-March schedule is historically what Sony has stuck to.

WTF is with this board and "historical" trends... just because something happened one way 120 months ago doesn't mean it will happen exactly the same way again. the 360 is not the Dreamcast and the PS3 is not a N64.

Obviously, we're plotting new courses here and companies can't rely on what they did in the past to make them successful now.

Also, I think it would be foolish for Sony to launch in US first. You don't fuck with loyalty... Japanese companies should cater to Japanese consumers and developers first and foremost. Just like I expect MS to always launch first in the US.

...and I just completely contradicted myself all in one post.


Milhouse31 said:
Why was the DS released in the US November 21, 2004 and in Japan December 2, 2004 ?

Thanksgiving/Christmas are way bigger in the US than in Japan. That's why.

Whose said anything about December? Is there a difference between launching in Ocotber compared to Novemeber? Either way, you're not missing out on black friday.
DenogginizerOS said:
Correct me if I am wrong, but nothing is OFFICIAL yet. Until Sony has an official comment, this "news" means nothing.

I'd find it unlikely that a Dow Jones press release turns out to be misinformation..


FtsH said:
but now the problem is they cannot do it even in JPN

Not for me. I don't live in Japan and i'm not jumping on the "OH NOES" hype train thats going right now till we hear something official for NA launch.


Monorojo said:
what if god comes down and kills all the sinners?

Seriously, SE doesnt have to wait for anything. If you havent noticed they are making TONS of money milking the hell out of PS2 and DS (not using milking in a negative sense)

Why would they leave Ps2 (100 million+ fanbase, still selling 300k a month in US) and go with Rev which is at this point the biggest question mark next gen?

What you dont understand is that more SONY delays the PS3, the userbase of Xbox 360 increases wich also means that the 3rd party developers will more likely develop games on the xbox 360 wich in turn means a potential of stronger Xbox 360/software sales. Delaying the console will hurt SONY period.. The question is how much it will hurt them.
MassiveAttack said:
If the NKS was to be believed, late last year they reported that Sony and Toshiba had reached an agreement to unify BD and HD-DVD into a single format and we all know how that turned out. The NKS has been wrong on many previous occasions.

Double or nothing?


Second-rate Anihawk
Monorojo said:
Nintendo would still be behind 21 million vs 12-13 million....

Sony HAS to lose fans for Nintendo to have a chance, or Nintendo somehow brings in 16 million new gamers.... Just cant see that happening, especially in Japan.
Have a chance at what? GAF bragging rights? You are assuming that a consumer will buy EITHER a Revolution or PS3. Nintendo is focused on getting the consumer to buy a Revolution WITH a PS3. If Nintendo can convince a sizeable portion of 360/PS3 consumers to buy a Revolution in addition to convincing people who have no interest in games to buy a Revolution, they will be much more successful this generation, albiet not market leaders.

I am going off on a tangent here, but the Gamecube had a large problem in that it was trying to hard to be like the PS2 and Xbox. If Nintendo markets the Revolution as something different from Sony and Microsoft and a complementary system to the 360 and PS3, they will be much more successful this generation, regardless of their market position.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
tahrikmili said:
I'd find it unlikely that a Dow Jones press release turns out to be misinformation..

The press release is only related to the Japanese newspaper article. Sony has not "officially" commented on any of this. What is curious about all of this is the reason. I thought the AACS certification was hammered down and worked out. I can't imagine they are delaying 6 months for this.

Plus, launching in the US first would be bad PR for Sony in Japan.


Striek said:
Most people on gaming forums from the start thought JPN, but yes, alot of people who heard it on the national news thought Spring NA.

PS3 will probably launch with all the good third-party titlesand enough exclusives comparable to what Xbox360 had in the month or two leading up to launch. I know you in particular like to dismiss it but all indications from publishers are for a wicked NA PS3 launch. Except supply. Lack of supply will move Xbox 360s, though if MS can't/couldn't move nearly them all even if PS3 was in free supply that would probably be a bit of a failure.

not dismissing it at all but when you have 3rd parties already complaining about costs and things looking to be more multplatform than ever sony is really going to have to differentiate themselves from MS and again the only way to do this is in the games. I dont believe BluRay will be a major factor in the purchase.

Maybe software is more the reason for the possible delay? Didnt someone high up in sony say something like "we'll launch when the games are ready"? If sony can no longer rely on 3rd party games in a major way they have to get their first party offerings done and shining to make a gamer say "wow. i need a PS3 for this. I cant get this on 360"


Does anyone remember how close the Xbox 360 launch details were unveiled in relation to the actual launch?

We knew close to nothing until only a few months before the console even launched.

Xbox 360 Launch Date - November, 22nd, 2005

Xbox 360 pricing confirmation ~ August 17th, 2005
Xbox 360 release date confirmation ~ September 15th, 2005
Xbox 360 final launch title confirmation ~ November 14th, 2005

Sony has QUITE a while to announce final details.
So to say that if they don't suddenly inform the world of exact dates and details, that it won't be happening in the Fall or this year, is totally incorrect.


Monorojo, you must think that there's an huge difference between Sony and Nintendo:

Nintendo can survive by himself, because the majority of videogames sold on their consoles are First Party Developed Games.
This is very good for Nintendo's finances and stability, even if Nintendo is a distant third in the race. The 60% of Nintendo Gamecube's videogames sold is produced and developed by Nintendo himself or Second Party Developer.
The problem is that this scary the Third Party Support, overall because they know this dominance of Nintendo in videogames sold, and because when they must compete with a AAA Nintendo game, they start in disadvantage ! Example: there's a plateforme game that could compete with Super Mario Sunshine ? There is a FPA that could compete with Metroid Prime ? NO! Because Third Party Developers know very well that would be a suicide.

Sony is not like Nintendo.

It is true that they have sold 100 millions PS & 100 millions PS2, but is not an optional: it is a necessity. What is the % that Sony have of all videogames sold on PS2 ? 4-5 % ?
They must make money on hardware, and not only on Software: that's why they MUST sell much more consoles then Nintendo.
Another problem is that they make money on their hardware only after 1-2 years after the launch: the necessity to sell a lot of Systems even 3-4 years after the launch (like the PS2 today) is even more important !
And that's why they are more, more in danger then Nintendo if with PS3 they will not sell as many PS3 as the PS2 sold.

Well, I finished. What do you think, Monorojo ? Stimmt es ?


nah.. what’s wrong with you guys ? don’t you want a great launch price with HDD as a standard ? don’t you want a new GTA, Tekken, and even MGS4 at day one ? does anyone eager to live the PS2 launch disaster again ? what about a great online service ? oh and that ugly boomerang, nobody wants a revmote-like controller ? come on guys I understand your anger, but the delay was obvious and very expected...

I’m not defending Sony, one way or another, we have been tricked, getting a machine with a 2005 technology in 2007 isn’t that easy to forgive.. but what we gonna do ? nothing.

we still have some nice games coming to PS2, Xbox 360 is another choice for people who can’t wait.. PSP and DS are awesome and even the PC gaming this year should not be missed.

let’s enjoy Sony’s tomorrow event !!!


Archie said:
Have a chance at what? GAF bragging rights? You are assuming that a consumer will buy EITHER a Revolution or PS3. Nintendo is focused on getting the consumer to buy a Revolution WITH a PS3. If Nintendo can convince a sizeable portion of 360/PS3 consumers to buy a Revolution in addition to convincing people who have no interest in games to buy a Revolution, they will be much more successful this generation, albiet not market leaders.

I am going off on a tangent here, but the Gamecube had a large problem in that it was trying to hard to be like the PS2 and Xbox. If Nintendo markets the Revolution as something different from Sony and Microsoft and a complementary system to the 360 and PS3, they will be much more successful this generation, regardless of their market position.

I fully agree, that's my idea... I always looked at picking up a Rev because it'll be a "different" gameplay experience than the PS3... there's no reason for me to buy a 360 the way everything's going multiplatform anymore, and it's exclusives mean nothing to me... so, it'll be a PS3 and Rev...


GAF's Bob Woodward
Twix said:
I’m not defending Sony, one way or another, we have been tricked, getting a machine with a 2005 technology in 2007 isn’t that easy to forgive.

I'd like to have seen ANY company try and release PS3 in 2005. It was never a 2005 machine, and wasn't designed to be.

Insertia said:
Isn't Sony having a conference today or tomorow? How many hours till it starts?

Just over 8 hours away, I think.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Man this news is a blessing in disguise for me, now I actually might have some cashed saved up for by the time PS3 is released.

Right now it looks like the only competition the 360 by the end of the year is going to have are the handhelds and maybe revolution.


If Che's source is correct and PS3 launches October in the U.S. and November in Japan, the shortages would be absolutely insane, probably surpassing that of X360's.

I can almost hear a collective sigh of relief coming from Redmond.


Liquid said:
not dismissing it at all but when you have 3rd parties already complaining about costs and things looking to be more multplatform than ever sony is really going to have to differentiate themselves from MS and again the only way to do this is in the games. I dont believe BluRay will be a major factor in the purchase.

Maybe software is more the reason for the possible delay? Didnt someone high up in sony say something like "we'll launch when the games are ready"? If sony can no longer rely on 3rd party games in a major way they have to get their first party offerings done and shining to make a gamer say "wow. i need a PS3 for this. I cant get this on 360"
Wait, why does Sony have to do this and not MS? Sony has more 1st-party franchises and more third-party exclusives already. What do you expect to be the pull of the Xbox 360 away from the PS3? Because thats what you aren't addressing - you're looking at it as though the Xbox360 is the market leader and Sony has to convince users - its the other way.

EA has said they'll be ready, Ubisofts leaked release indicates they'll be ready. You can bet Activision will be ready. Koei has titles down for Spring still :)lol), etc. etc. Mixed with 3-6 Sony titles and thats a kickass launch with at least a half-dozen exclusives when all is said and done. But I don't want to argue this more, because its just a waiting game.

Twix said:
I’m not defending Sony, one way or another, we have been tricked, getting a machine with a 2005 technology in 2007 isn’t that easy to forgive.. but what we gonna do ? nothing.
You do realise that the X360 technology was finalised in late 2004 and its not even out in Australia yet - can I forgive them? Yes - because its still going to be the best thing on the market when it releases - same with PS3.


Jim said:
Does anyone remember how close the Xbox 360 launch details were unveiled in relation to the actual launch?

We knew close to nothing until only a few months before the console even launched.

Xbox 360 Launch Date - November, 22nd, 2005

Xbox 360 pricing confirmation ~ August 17th, 2005
Xbox 360 release date confirmation ~ September 15th, 2005
Xbox 360 final launch title confirmation ~ November 14th, 2005

Sony has QUITE a while to announce final details.
So to say that if they don't suddenly inform the world of exact dates and details, that it won't be happening in the Fall or this year, is totally incorrect.

Did you miss E3 of '05?
Shogmaster said:
Cripes, something tells me the GAF connection problems after the Sony announcement in 9+ hours will be 10X worse than it is now. X_x
Didn't the admins shut off avatars during E3? If it isn't too much trouble, it might be worth it.


HAHAHA in your face Sony FanBoys!!! :lol With that aside, really the PS2 is still good, its graphics are becoming a bit dated, but people still buy it like crazy, there are NO 360's to be found anywhere, and many people just got into "this" generation a year or so ago. This wont matter at all to anyone other than the "hard-core", and board trolls.

BTW, HAHAHAHAHA to Sony fanboys!!! :D


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
If, and I emphasize IF, this is true, I wonder what developers will do as far as shifting efforts towards X360 and Revolution development?


Jim said:
Does anyone remember how close the Xbox 360 launch details were unveiled in relation to the actual launch?
Sony has MS beat. PSP's date and price announced one and a half months before launch - http://www.scei.co.jp/corporate/release/pdf/041027ae.pdf

And analysts were predicting a delay into 2005 for JPN - and November 2005 for NA! - just a couple weeks beforehand - http://www.gamespot.com/news/2004/10/04/news_6109524.html

I don't think a repeat performance is on the cards though, just IMO ;)


jedimike said:
Did you miss E3 of '05?
All they announced was the time of year. We didn't know the date by any means. By the same token, Sony's given a season and year for the longest time now. It doesn't mean a whole lot without a concrete date. PEACE.


Unconfirmed Member
AteMyBaby said:
HAHAHA in your face Sony FanBoys!!! :lol With that aside, really the PS2 is still good, its graphics are becoming a bit dated, but people still buy it like crazy, there are NO 360's to be found anywhere, and many people just got into "this" generation a year or so ago. This wont matter at all to anyone other than the "hard-core", and board trolls.

BTW, HAHAHAHAHA to Sony fanboys!!! :D

And with that you're history, eat *that* :p


Bad Art ™
I like how last week devs weren't ready, dev kits were late, launch games were rushed and now people are talking about devs defection.

It's GAF
Price wont matter in Japan, they pay $90 for freakin Dragon Quest games they'll pay $500+ for PS3.

How simplistic. Price DOES matter in Japan, big time, especially following over a decade of economic stagnation. The games industry is still in decline over there, and if PS3 really does end up costing that much it will present a genuine constraint on sales. Sony understood that with the PSP, which is why they took such a hit on it initially.

Incidentally, although DQ/FF still sell in massive quantities, they're still nowhere near the level they used to be. I'd bet one of the reasons for the success of the DS software in Japan is precisely the fact that it's a lot cheaper.
gofreak said:
I'd like to have seen ANY company try and release PS3 in 2005. It was never a 2005 machine, and wasn't designed to be.

Just over 8 hours away, I think.

Compare X360's specs to PS3...there isn't a huge gulf there. X360 was 2005 tech, so is PS3 (if they don't upgrade it), Blu-Ray is holding PS3 back, simple as that.
Well, Nov for Japan. Sony is going to have another momentum wars with Nintendo.
And they better release it quickly in USA and Europe.

Maybe this delay will bring late PS2 titles more sales (Yakuza, Okami, FFXII, VP Silmeria...). I hope so.


Striek said:
Sony has MS beat. PSP's date and price announced one and a half months before launch - http://www.scei.co.jp/corporate/release/pdf/041027ae.pdf

And analysts were predicting a delay into 2005 for JPN - and November 2005 for NA! - just a couple weeks beforehand - http://www.gamespot.com/news/2004/10/04/news_6109524.html

I don't think a repeat performance is on the cards though, just IMO ;)

Hope sony beat themselves this time.

PS3's date and price announced one and a half weeks before launch :lol
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