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Presidential Debate #1 |Hofstra University| PRESS X TO SEAN

Who won the debate?

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Did anyone ever get a hold of Hannity?

Robert Draper Verified account

Hannity: "I’ve had people go through the archives and unfortunately we’ve changed syndicators and stations and it’s hard to get ahold of."

Doesn't sound like his phone-a-friend is going to bail him out on this one.
The Economist's assessment sounds fair :

"downright weird" is some pussy shit lingo for spineless, lying, and dangerously unstable. i'm really tired of media giving trump such an obscene amount of slack.

"congrats for not shitting yourself, tying your own shoes, and using a couple 3 syllable words trump. here's a sticker. what a close race this is"

the fact that this guy has even been given a platform and the chance to become president is the most disenfranchising moment of my life so far


Plus it seems like Trump provided more dirt from this debate itself. The tax returns topic isn't going to go away any time soon and Trump not only didn't deny tax evasion but pretty much bragged about it by saying "that makes me smart".

Hillary pretty expertly demonstrated that she knew how to dangle the carrot in front of Trump to get him to lose his cool and implode a little bit. Debates two and three are going to be fucking brutal if Trump doesn't massively shake up his preparation routine.
Hillary got more and more confident, and seemed to be actually enjoying herself as the debate went on. Now that she's got a taste of how easy it is to make him implode in on himself, you can bet she's going to dig in even harder in the next debate.

I don't think we see anything like that nervous/unsure start she had this time.


"downright weird" is some pussy shit lingo for spineless, lying, and dangerously unstable. i'm really tired of media giving trump such an obscene amount of slack.

"congrats for not shitting yourself, tying your own shoes, and using a couple 3 syllable words trump. here's a sticker. what a close race this is"

the fact that this guy has even been given a platform and the chance to become president is the most disenfranchising moment of my life so far

erm get over yourself seriously.


Plus it seems like Trump provided more dirt from this debate itself. The tax returns topic isn't going to go away any time soon and Trump not only didn't deny tax evasion but pretty much bragged about it by saying "that makes me smart".

Hillary pretty expertly demonstrated that she knew how to dangle the carrot in front of Trump to get him to lose his cool and implode a little bit. Debates two and three are going to be fucking brutal if Trump doesn't massively shake up his preparation routine.
I just hope he doesn't try to cancel the debates. I feel like there's already groundwork being laid with Trump supporters saying that the moderator was biased.
Plus it seems like Trump provided more dirt from this debate itself. The tax returns topic isn't going to go away any time soon and Trump not only didn't deny tax evasion but pretty much bragged about it by saying "that makes me smart".

Hillary pretty expertly demonstrated that she knew how to dangle the carrot in front of Trump to get him to lose his cool and implode a little bit. Debates two and three are going to be fucking brutal if Trump doesn't massively shake up his preparation routine.

Man loses his damn cool over a tweet. He is a sucker in every way imaginable.

All Hillary has to do is stay cool, answer accordingly and set a shit ton of trap cards down for Trumpy dump to activate again and again. And he will, because he can't control himself, his giant ass ego won't allow it.
"downright weird" is some pussy shit lingo for spineless, lying, and dangerously unstable. i'm really tired of media giving trump such an obscene amount of slack.

"congrats for not shitting yourself, tying your own shoes, and using a couple 3 syllable words trump. here's a sticker. what a close race this is"

the fact that this guy has even been given a platform and the chance to become president is the most disenfranchising moment of my life so far

Don't be too hard on him, he learned a new word at the debate! Cavalier!
To be fair Hilary could've fainted half way through the debate and GAF would've considered her the winner.

She looked extremely weak in the beginning but she was able to recover for the rest of the debate and Trump didn't do much later on. The moderator did seen harsher on Trump however. Clinton seemed to lay to rest the email controversy with her apology I wonder if Trump could've done the same about the birther stuff with an apology.

No not really. Many on this board were concerned that Trump was going to rattle Hillary and throw her off with a different level of poise we haven't seen before. Trump could have done much better.

And I thought she looked fine in the beginning. She was uplifting and talked about real ways to grow the economy. Trump's very first statement was talking about how America is in the shitter and about to burst at the seams. That's weak.


Reading politifacts on the debate, and its interesting to see that trump not paying federal taxes is 'mostly false', yet Trump.... didn't call her out on this in anyway really, or maybe he did but you'd never know because all he says was 'wrong' for every fact.

He's basically the boy who cries wolf now.

Since he is hiding something in his taxes and wont provide them, he has no answer to any attack like that. What can he do?

"No trust me, I pay a tremendous amount! The most!"

"Okay cool, show us"

"NO!!!! I CANT!!!! :'( "
How anyone can listen Trump's babbling mess that was the last 2/3rds of the debate and say anything other than he made himself look like an unintelligible narcissistic lunatic is beyond me. How any professional pundit can sit around and analyze his performance with any actual consideration of his actual responses, the words he actually said and not come out saying, this is a madman that cannot be allowed to be president, is scary.

Reading politifacts on the debate, and its interesting to see that trump not paying federal taxes is 'mostly false', yet Trump.... didn't call her out on this in anyway really, or maybe he did but you'd never know because all he says was 'wrong' for every fact.

He's basically the boy who cries wolf now.

He didn't say wrong for that, when she made that claim he said "That means I'm smarter." If the claim is not true, he lied as well.
Merriam-Webster said searches for “temperament” spiked 78 times above the normal hourly average during the debate.

New York Times said:
On Monday evening, the company tweeted throughout the debate as viewers in large numbers looked up key words and phrases used by Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton.

Merriam-Webster has been tracking election-related searches throughout the campaign and noting the top performers, including the word “deplorable” after Mrs. Clinton used the word in reference to some Trump supporters and for “skittle” after Donald Trump Jr. compared Syrian refugees to skittles “that would kill you.”

So what were the highest performers on Monday night?

The dictionary said searches for “temperament” spiked 78 times above the normal hourly average during the debate, after Mr. Trump loudly declared: “I think my strongest asset, maybe by far, is my temperament. I have a winning temperament."


Also, since Trump teased it, I straight up want Trump to bring up Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski. I damn well would bet that Trump thinks that's some kind of ace in the hole he can play to slam Hillary. The reality is that will probably just humanize her and draw some sympathy towards her. Not to mention the immediate retort to that would be to bring up Trump's well documented history of affairs and failed marriages.

That moment will end up being one of the most savage counter-punches in debate history


The problem with her debate was that she was almost too good.

Since he is hiding something in his taxes and wont provide them, he has no answer to any attack like that. What can he do?

"No trust me, I pay a tremendous amount! The most!"

"Okay cool, show us"

"NO!!!! I CANT!!!! :'( "

The cheeto is a lying, deceitful two-timing orange fuck. And people still want to vote for him. I think my faith in humanity waned a bit during this election season.
I want to know what the hell is with some people talking about how the debate was boring. The debate is suppose to be able to show how capable a candidate is when it comes to policy and how they hold themselves. This wasn't a comedy hour (unless you count Trump rambling like a nimrod.) this was about if these two can run a country based on their answers and how they answered. And Hillary was clearly the one who showed that in spades. Meanwhile, the sentient cheeto rambled about China, cyber and stop and frisk.

Probably because they expected more entertainment and/or they don't take the election seriously.

It looks like for apolitical people, and people generally not interested in politics whatsoever, the debate confirmed their preconceived notions of what they thought of the candidates; Donald Trump looked strong at times, but was a fool. Hillary Clinton look presidential, but is a unexciting politician like many. If it comes down to it, they might vote for Hillary though. Although, anyone invested in politics heavily probably thinks she won handily.

She'll pick up undecideds and Democrats/leaners that was on the fence, since Trump did not expand his support most likely, and probably lost a bit of it though.


I just hope he doesn't try to cancel the debates. I feel like there's already groundwork being laid with Trump supporters saying that the moderator was biased.
He can't cancel the debates; they're scheduled and going to happen whether he shows up or not. If he's not there, Clinton would be more than happy to answer the moderator's questions alone the whole time next to Trump's empty podium.


To be fair Hilary could've fainted half way through the debate and GAF would've considered her the winner.
Not really. Liberals fret like chicken little thinking the sky's falling with almost no reason. If she stumbled even a bit people would act like we have 8 years of trump doom ahead. Look at the first Romney vs Obama debate.


I had to stop reading after your first point because I don't know how you could watch the debate and think Hillary didn't bait Trump. He didn't become a rambling, incoherent mess a third of the way in on his own.
Not a slight to yourself only, but I find this way to proceed, interesting. So, if the very 1st point is not ok with you, you stop reading - presumably to avoid wasting your time. Ok, I guess.

But responding to your comment: we will have to agree to disagree. She tried (as I mentioned it), and you could see himself fumbling in the background a few times, but he for the most part managed to remain collected, and never "blow out" like that Barbara Walter's moment. Which is what Hillary's team wants to achieve.

Hell, he even had enough time to lay out the argument that he hasn't gone fully nasty on her, yet her campaign has wasted (200 millions, I think he said?) lot of money to slight him. Basically putting himself above it, and also preparing the field with his tactic of - "I only allow myself to go fully bananas on you, because you offended me first". Which proved to be very successful in the Republican nomination race.

I haven't checked the post-debates news, but are we sure that the "good temperament" comment really worked against him (undecided wise)? Because even though Hillary handled it well, I think he seeded something very nasty and potentially useful for him in the next debates.


Whelp, I was in the "never Hillary" Millennial camp, but no more. This is a national crisis. I'm with her now. (Sorry Gary).

Trump could literally destroy the world. There's no policy or "scandal" on Hillary's side that even comes close to that.

Trump failed to form complete sentences and coherent thoughts.

He would be a national embarrassment speaking at the UN or NATO.

He defended his Rosie O'Donnell comments.

He failed to control himself, all the time. Just constantly interrupting her.

There's no way he has ordinary American's interests at heart when he's spent a lifetime discriminating against minorities and avoiding income taxes.

And the bullshit about "I didn't support the war in Iraq" and "I never said climate change was a hoax" are just un-fucking-believable. Either he's too stupid to remember his own words, or he's too naive to think we'll forgive and forget.


I woke up this morning with a huge banana grin on my face and realized yet again that Trump got FUCKING OBLITERATED last night by Hillary. The mountain of salt on Facebook is breathtaking. It taste so good.


Whelp, I was in the "never Hillary" Millennial camp, but no more. This is a national crisis. I'm with her now. (Sorry Gary).

Trump could literally destroy the world. There's no policy or "scandal" on Hillary's side that even comes close.

Trump failed to form complete sentences and coherent thoughts.

He would be a national embarrassment speaking at the UN or NATO.

He defended his Rosie O'Donnell comments.

He failed to control himself, all the time. Just constantly interrupting her.

There's no way he has ordinary American's interests at heart when he's spent a lifetime discriminating against minorities and avoiding income taxes.
This feels good to read. I'm glad you watched the debate. I hope more young people on the fence feel the same way after seeing last night.


I do have to say that I was a pretty pro-Bernie Sanders guy who wasn't very sold on Hillary Clinton. I was going to vote for her anyways simply because Trump is a dangerous evil person, but the debate last night legitimately made me a fan of hers. Even with the shaky start she ended up carrying herself really well, laid out some plans, and took a lot of "blows" from Trump with ease.

The Lamp

Whelp, I was in the "never Hillary" Millennial camp, but no more. This is a national crisis. I'm with her now. (Sorry Gary).

Trump could literally destroy the world. There's no policy or "scandal" on Hillary's side that even comes close.

Trump failed to form complete sentences and coherent thoughts.

He would be a national embarrassment speaking at the UN or NATO.

He defended his Rosie O'Donnell comments.

He failed to control himself, all the time. Just constantly interrupting her.

There's no way he has ordinary American's interests at heart when he's spent a lifetime discriminating against minorities and avoiding income taxes.

Bless you, recent convert. I need you at the polls.


Also, since Trump teased it, I straight up want Trump to bring up Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski. I damn well would bet that Trump thinks that's some kind of ace in the hole he can play to slam Hillary. The reality is that will probably just humanize her and draw some sympathy towards her. Not to mention the immediate retort to that would be to bring up Trump's well documented history of affairs and failed marriages.

That moment will end up being one of the most savage counter-punches in debate history

The moment Trump tries to blame Hillary for not "holding onto her man" or anything like that is the moment he finally loses every female vote in the nation. She wouldn't need to bring up is infidelity directly, and she probably wouldn't just because she'd be seen as stooping to his level.

Though I wouldn't mind if some Super PACs would respond in kind if he pulled a stunt like that.


The moment Trump tries to blame Hillary for not "holding onto her man" or anything like that is the moment he finally loses every female vote in the nation. She wouldn't need to bring up is infidelity directly, and she probably wouldn't just because she'd be seen as stooping to his level.

Though I wouldn't mind if some Super PACs would respond in kind if he pulled a stunt like that.

Very true.


He can't cancel the debates; they're scheduled and going to happen whether he shows up or not. If he's not there, Clinton would be more than happy to answer the moderator's questions alone the whole time next to Trump's empty podium.
Oh that's interesting. That would definitely make him look really weak.
Whelp, I was in the "never Hillary" Millennial camp, but no more. This is a national crisis. I'm with her now. (Sorry Gary).

Trump could literally destroy the world. There's no policy or "scandal" on Hillary's side that even comes close.

Trump failed to form complete sentences and coherent thoughts.

He would be a national embarrassment speaking at the UN or NATO.

He defended his Rosie O'Donnell comments.

He failed to control himself, all the time. Just constantly interrupting her.

There's no way he has ordinary American's interests at heart when he's spent a lifetime discriminating against minorities and avoiding income taxes.

I'm really glad you are gonna help out in trying to keep this man from the White House. This election is probably the most important and vital election of our time. This election has the potential to have effects that might last for decades. No one person can sleep on this election, when the stakes our this high.


^Ha watching on mobile and DT's face did a few sketchy things when that gif was loading!
Any good half hour-ish summaries of the debate?


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Not really. Liberals fret like chicken little thinking the sky's falling with almost no reason. If she stumbled even a bit people would act like we have 8 years of trump doom ahead. Look at the first Romney vs Obama debate.

Remember when people were saying "if she coughs once, the race is over"?


When Trump started freaking out about his father it reminded me of this scene from TNG


Woo, top of page, okay I'll add some stuff:

China should get involved with NK, wat.

That weird "I can say something bad, but I won't" thing at the end made him look like a child.

400 pound hackers!

I was watching the PBS feed, and they had the split-screen up for most of it. Hillary was amazing at not reacting, whereas Trump was constantly making faces.

My friends and I used this bingo, and my buddy won on "Bernie Sanders" which I think happened during the last third. One card went unused though.


Not paying taxes = smart.

I don't get how small gaffes kill some people but not others.

During the Toronto mayoral race, George Smitherman had to drop out against Rob Ford because Rofo made hay about Smitherman using club drugs as a young man in the gay village, which galvanised the moralists in "Ford Nation." But after the election it comes out the Ford was using crack **while sitting as mayor** and he was still able to get reelected to a council seat.
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