I had to stop reading after your first point because I don't know how you could watch the debate and think Hillary didn't bait Trump. He didn't become a rambling, incoherent mess a third of the way in on his own.
Not a slight to yourself only, but I find this way to proceed, interesting. So, if the very 1st point is not ok with you, you stop reading - presumably to avoid wasting your time. Ok, I guess.
But responding to your comment: we will have to agree to disagree. She tried (as I mentioned it), and you could see himself fumbling in the background a few times, but he for the most part managed to remain collected, and never "blow out" like that Barbara Walter's moment. Which is what Hillary's team wants to achieve.
Hell, he even had enough time to lay out the argument that he hasn't gone fully nasty on her, yet her campaign has wasted
(200 millions, I think he said?) lot of money to slight him. Basically putting himself above it, and also preparing the field with his tactic of - "
I only allow myself to go fully bananas on you, because you offended me first". Which proved to be very successful in the Republican nomination race.
I haven't checked the post-debates news, but are we sure that the "good temperament" comment really worked against him (undecided wise)? Because even though Hillary handled it well, I think he seeded something very nasty and potentially useful for him in the next debates.