Guys. I've had the sniffles all morning due to the change in weather. Maybe everything the MSM says about Trump is a lie?
Why is #TrumpWon the number 1 trending topic on Twitter and where are all these polls Trump keeps retweeting where he won coming from? Im legitimately asking because it frightens me ke keeps pulling endless polls where he won and by a landslide. Even in places like CNBC! Is this the case of an orchestrated 8chan brigade or something?
Jesus how can somebody listen to this guy and want to kill themselves.
The NRA has always been in favor of gun control when it comes to minorities.
I think he only wants guns out of black and brown hands though. Through stop and frisk.
He's not, he's just incredibly racist.
Why is #TrumpWon the number 1 trending topic on Twitter and where are all these polls Trump keeps retweeting where he won coming from? Im legitimately asking because it frightens me ke keeps pulling endless polls where he won and by a landslide. Even in places like CNBC! Is this the case of an orchestrated 8chan brigade or something?
Why is #TrumpWon the number 1 trending topic on Twitter and where are all these polls Trump keeps retweeting where he won coming from? Im legitimately asking because it frightens me ke keeps pulling endless polls where he won and by a landslide. Even in places like CNBC! Is this the case of an orchestrated 8chan brigade or something?
LOL! The tacked on "I love Hispanics!" is killing me.
Why is #TrumpWon the number 1 trending topic on Twitter and where are all these polls Trump keeps retweeting where he won coming from? Im legitimately asking because it frightens me ke keeps pulling endless polls where he won and by a landslide. Even in places like CNBC! Is this the case of an orchestrated 8chan brigade or something?
online polls are worthlessWhy is #TrumpWon the number 1 trending topic on Twitter and where are all these polls Trump keeps retweeting where he won coming from? Im legitimately asking because it frightens me ke keeps pulling endless polls where he won and by a landslide. Even in places like CNBC! Is this the case of an orchestrated 8chan brigade or something?
Some of his biggest friends are Hispanics. Tremendous people.
Out of curiosity, why now? All of the above was patently obvious for quite some time now.
I missed the last third. But from what I saw, I don't think Clinton engaged enough with Trump's narrative of her as the status quo figure, a part of the existing corrupt elite. I think that's his strongest and least crazy message. If Clinton can somehow combat that, then she ought to pry away some of those sane, intelligent people who are simply voting Trump because he represents the 'fearless outspoken outsider' by comparison to the genuinely distasteful politics machine. It's a powerful message, and as I said, not actually crazy. I think Trump landed points there.
They're all online polls that anyone can vote in, meaning idiots from Reddit and such are voting in mass and using bots and stuff to rig them. Pay no attention to them.
YouGov debate "winner" poll:
Hillary: 57
Trump: 30
83% of Dems thought Hillary won, 68% of Republicans thought Trump won. But among Independents, 54% thought Hillary won while only 28% thought Trump won.
A lot of them are living vicariously through Trump. Doing all of the scummy things they wish they could pull off themselves.I find it hilarious how so many people victim blame the people Trump scammed and ripped off, but don't even consider that he might do the exact same thing to them if they elect him
Crossposting, but wow.
....this election is over jesus christ
I just heard the "too presidential " complaint
What the fuck? What does that even mean?
I missed the last third. But from what I saw, I don't think Clinton engaged enough with Trump's narrative of her as the status quo figure, a part of the existing corrupt elite. I think that's his strongest and least crazy message. If Clinton can somehow combat that, then she ought to pry away some of those sane, intelligent people who are simply voting Trump because he represents the 'fearless outspoken outsider' by comparison to the genuinely distasteful politics machine. It's a powerful message, and as I said, not actually crazy. I think Trump landed points there.
Why is #TrumpWon the number 1 trending topic on Twitter and where are all these polls Trump keeps retweeting where he won coming from? Im legitimately asking because it frightens me ke keeps pulling endless polls where he won and by a landslide. Even in places like CNBC! Is this the case of an orchestrated 8chan brigade or something?
4chan and Reddit bombarded debate polls to declare Trump the winner
"We like the guy who isn't afraid to be racist and sexist, and will also admit to conning people."I just heard the "too presidential " complaint
What the fuck? What does that even mean?
Why is #TrumpWon the number 1 trending topic on Twitter and where are all these polls Trump keeps retweeting where he won coming from? Im legitimately asking because it frightens me ke keeps pulling endless polls where he won and by a landslide. Even in places like CNBC! Is this the case of an orchestrated 8chan brigade or something?
The only way people can spin this into a positive for their guy is by spewing anti-intellectualism crap. She was too prepared, too presidential, her answers were too detailed and nuanced.I just heard the "too presidential " complaint
What the fuck? What does that even mean?
I was thinking about the debate and then remembered that Trump plugged his hotel during the middle of that shitshow 😂
That was a thing on one of the joke drinking games, yeah? "Trump advertises hotel for no reason"?I was thinking about the debate and then remembered that Trump plugged his hotel during the middle of that shitshow 😂
Holy crap.this thread has 1 million views
I was thinking about the debate and then remembered that Trump plugged his hotel during the middle of that shitshow 😂
I get that, but it's one thing to admire a successful con man and another to trust them, especially when they admit to conning peopleA lot of them are living vicariously through Trump. Doing all of the scummy things they wish they could pull off themselves.
So we have to get very , very tough on cyber and cyber warfare. It is - - it is a huge problem . I have a son. He 's 10 years old . He has computers. He is so good with these computers, it ' s unbelievable. The security aspect of cyber is very , very tough . And maybe it ' s hardly doable.
I'm still in disbelief
To be fair, Hillary pushed her book hard last night.
Guys. I've had the sniffles all morning due to the change in weather. Maybe everything the MSM says about Trump is a lie?
this thread has 1 million views
I don't live in America. But I consume a fair deal of its culture and news one way or another. I wouldn't call it crazy to feel swindled by an elite or under represented by your government. IMO there is a completely non-crazy message there which will carry a lot of people. Especially people who have been convinced that foreigners are the source of most ills and that all this race hoo-haa is another round of PC hand-wringing. Because even that isn't crazy; it's just misled. I hope I'm being clear - I'm not saying these are reasonable positions, but that I can reasonably see how a person could end up holding them. Labelling those people crazies, and assuming there aren't sizeable numbers of winnable votes in amongst them, is IMO a dangerous approach to a monumental election. Crazy or not, wouldn't you rather persuade them to vote for Clinton anyway?Those people are the crazies and she's not going to win them back. They aren't sane and intelligent if they're voting for Trump because he's an outsider. They don't really care about issues, which means she can't win them. She's not fighting for those fools, she's fighting for the independents and undecideds.
He is a incoherently rambling, ill informed, racist and sexist liar who run multiple businesses into the ground and the sole reason he came into that position is because he was born into the establishment.
The people who listen to what he said last night and still choose to vote for him, either don't think about or just don't care about those consequences.I get that, but it's one thing to admire a successful con man and another to trust them, especially when they admit to conning people
The key here being that Trump is far more a part of the "elite establishment" than Clinton ever wasI don't live in America. But I consume a fair deal of its culture and news one way or another. I wouldn't call it crazy to feel swindled by an elite or under represented by your government. IMO there is a completely non-crazy message there which will carry a lot of people. Especially people who have been convinced that foreigners are the source of most ills and that all this race hoo-haa is another round of PC hand-wringing. Because even that isn't crazy; it's just misled. I hope I'm being clear - I'm not saying these are reasonable positions, but that I can reasonably see how a person could end up holding them. Labelling those people crazies, and assuming there aren't sizeable numbers of winnable vots in amongst them, is IMO a dangerous approach to a monumental election. Crazy or not, wouldn't you rather persuade them to vote for Clinton anyway?
When's the second debate? Wonder if she'll get a big boost in polls.
I guess this is the new talking point...
"Hillary's been around for 30 years and yet everything's not perfect, clearly it's her fault. So vote for the guy who has zero political experience so you can't assess how effective he'd be in office. Just roll the dice, what have you got to lose??"
You know, the two states with unemployment levels that are actually lower than the national average.Why wasn't she fixing the problems in Michigan and Ohio when she was the senator of New York? It's a fair question..
Why wasn't she fixing the problems in Michigan and Ohio when she was the senator of New York? It's a fair question..
The people who think voting for a garbage human being is somehow better are wrong.
Crossposting, but wow.
Obama didn't stop The Great Depression. What a weakling.Where was Obama during 9/11? Why wasn't he in the oval office? Was he out golfing? Someone needs to investigate.
I'm watching this debate on Youtube now and I have one question:
Did I just see Donald Trump stand there on stage and talk about bad people with guns, stop and frisk being a working strategy and how it was ruled unconstitutional only because of an anti-police judge? And did I really just watch him flaunt how he has the support of the cops? All this while, in fact, the question was how he intended to fix the racial divide? Did I just see that? Please tell me he didn't just say all those things.
Why wasn't she fixing the problems in Michigan and Ohio when she was the senator of New York? It's a fair question..