Catching up with this thread... sorry for all the quotes ^^
Trump trying to attack Hillary for Bill's affair would seem like the most desperate attack there is. It would be the end of his campaign.
lol, that's cute. Where have you been these past months? He called Mexican rapists, spent his charity/foundation money on portraits of himself, encouraged gun owners to "do something about Hillary"
once she's elected (i.e. not about voting), runs a scam university, wants to commit war crimes, asked "why can't we use nukes", and the list goes on.
If he mentions Bill's affairs, it would make him look desperate, sure, but it wouldn't end anything whatsoever.
Actually hurt his standing with the NRA last night. Made some statements about restricting access to guns which is a huge no-no for the NRA.
Nah, the NRA doesn't care about gun owners who aren't white. I'm not even sure they care about white gun owners either, they care more about gun
Maybe nobody called Shaun Hannity because they thought his name was Sean.
Sean is pronounced "Shaun"...
Man, saying that Trump speaks on third grade level is still too much of a compliment. The guy jumps from topic to topic without ever making a real argument. It's crazy to me how that could appeal to anyone
I imagine it appeals to be people with third grave level education/intelligence/maturity... ^^
LOL, those are amazing.
Who talks like that about their own wife or mother?
Family-values conservatives misogynists.
I know men complain about bitchy/nag wives, and while there are a few that fit that bill, for the MOST part, do those men even think that maybe their wives are nagging and bitching at them because THEY, the husbands, are dumbasses chocked full of dumbassery. It is the age old shifting of the blame. You see everybody do this, but in this case, a husband forgets to do something, neglects his duties, puts his value of quality "guy time" above his responsibilities or that of his families and the wife tells him off. The guy doesn't see the error of his ways, and just thinks his wife's being a bitch(when in fact, he's the reason she's being a bitch to him). I'd be willing to bet the 95% of all "bitchy/nagging wives" revolve around this sort of shit.
Heh, that reminds me of an anecdote from my brother. He lives with our other brother as roommate and he often complains about having to nag the younger brother to do his part of chores and stuff. One day I told him, "Well,
now you know why moms and wives nag at their lazy husbands!". He burst out laughing, he was legit stumped, haha.