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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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Trump just throwing every bottom of the barrel alt-right garbage over and over. This is just a greatest hits performance, playing to his base and no one else. No undecided is seeing a measured man up there. He is acting like a child.
Closer to 50/50 this time, largely thanks to set expectations. Trump doing slightly better than last time, outside of one outburst about jailing hillary that might end up defining the debate. He loses if it does.
I mean one looks like he's physically going insane on stage and the other looks like a person in politics.

If Trump shit in his hand and threw it at her I wouldn't be shocked.
Trump answering a question about unicorns:

And let me tell you about unicorns, they are these mystical creatures, believe me, ... They love to run around and eat Taco Bell...

And taco bell... Talk about some great take out. They got the meat and the cheese and the lettuce...

Oh you know who else eats lettuce? Some creatures do, yeah. Can you believe it? I can't believe it. Let me tell you...

It's like that guy that always says things you can't believe. Like he's trying to pull one over on you like he's a magician...

Speaking of, I just learned this magic tri-


why are you always interrupting me? Hillary got 3 more cheerios in her bowl than i did, that's not very fair.

Speaking of faires, I went to this really nice little town faire...

AD NAUSEUM.......... .... ....



The fastest in the West.


I'm tired of Clinton saying "what he's saying is not true" and then not specifically attacking his claims.

If she did that she wouldn't have time to talk about her actual positions. It's a gish gallop. Very basic bullying tactic in debates. She is doing a good job not being forced to be on the defensive.

Some of her answers are lackluster dodges, but trump is such a dumpster fire that I can't see how anyone can sympathize with his arguments here.
Because you haven't actually been following the race?

Nope. I've been following it since it started.

Trump tonight is doing exactly what he needs to do. She's been defending herself and her policy positions this entire time.

I don't know if it's going to tip the scales in his favor, but ultimately I don't think he looks WORSE than he did in the last 72 hours, and now the talking heads have much more to discuss. As far as optics, (unlike Pence) Trump has looked strong tonight.

It's not over until it's over, and I'm sticking to that.
I REALLY wish she would have gone for the throat of that "Veto power" answer.

"Wait, you're my opponent for President and you don't understand one of the most basic and public privileges of the office?"

Her argument makes no sense unless she's saying she wanted to completely change the tax code so Trump and her donors can't offset their liability but didn't have the votes. She's lying.
He's calm, the audience is applauding more for him, and he's burning Hillary at the right moments. Couple that with most people not giving a shit about actual policy and the fact that he's bullshitting, and: voila! more Trump fans.

That's not how it works. He has dumbfucks cheering for him because they were already voting for him (because they are dumbfucks).

Not a single vote will be gained by him.


Trump is really pandering to the conspiracy theorists.. the sad part is that there are normal non-political junkies out there who will actually believe the things he's said


Trump just throwing every bottom of the barrel alt-right garbage over and over. This is just a greatest hits performance, playing to his base and no one else. No undecided is seeing a measured man up there. He is acting like a child.


and now there is no chance at all for him to get anything back in order with the GOP itself

they'll basically help the DNC get rid of this fuckboy by the end


The success of others absolutely infuriates me.
I thought Hillary was a good debater. I could give better answers to many of these questions, and to Trump's accusations. Whe should be knocking it out of the park, and instead she's hitting singles.

Trump is already done. She's busy acting presidential.
Comparing Syria to the Holocost is out right mind blowing.

Also wait to long to do anything? Japan attacked the US and that brought us into the war in europe not because oh lets do something about the holocost.
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