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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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Closer to 50/50 this time, largely thanks to set expectations. Trump doing slightly better than last time, outside of one outburst about jailing hillary that might end up defining the debate. He loses if it does.

I just don't get it. This has been one sided the whole time in favor of Hillary. Nowhere near 50/50.
If she did that she wouldn't have time to talk about her actual positions. It's a gish gallop. Very basic bullying tactic in debates. She is doing a good job not being forced to be on the defensive.

Some of her answers are lackluster dodges, but trump is such a dumpster fire that I can't see how anyone can sympathize with his arguments here.
Yup. He lies so much it's impossible to address point by point.


Hillary: "at some point we need to do some fact checking here." Yes, Hillary, you do need to do fact checking. Please fact check him so people know he's full of crap.


Trump says something blatantly wrong by saying Clinton was Secretary of State when Obama said the line in the sand, Clinton fact checks him, he fumbles past him.



People called Romanes they go the house?
Maybe it's just me, but I really find Hillary 'calling out' the Russian support for Trump to be ill-aimed.

I mean, sure, Trump's a sleazeball, but I don't necessarily think he called up Putin and was like 'hey, rig this shit for me breh'.

Taking it to an attack towards Donald, even if indirectly, just feels somewhat out of place amidst all the other shit he's actually said and done.
I thought Hillary was a good debater. I could give better answers to many of these questions, and to Trump's accusations. Whe should be knocking it out of the park, and instead she's hitting singles.

You don't kick a dying dog. You mercifully take it in the back.
Or to the vet please.
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