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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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You apparently haven't been following it closely. Trump acting like this is what got him behind in the polls. It's what made him the most unlikable and divisive candidate in history. More of that is not helping him. I have no idea why that is so hard for people to understand. Yes, acting like a substance-less, loud, boorish buffoon has gotten him this far, but it's not enough to win the race. At all. How is a debate where he is acting substance-less, loud, boorish and buffoonish going to turn anyone to his side who wasn't already there? This is the key thing people like you seem to miss. Yes, it literally isn't over until it's over. Congratulations on that stellar analysis. But Trump's chances of actually winning are astronomically low.

I didn't say that he was going to win, nor did I say that this was going to tip the scales in his favor. I'm not saying tonight was a win, I said that Donald Trump didn't lose this debate. He's been on the offensive the entire time, and Clinton has been on defense. By the same metric I scored the Pence/Kaine debate, Trump is winning.

Please stop condescending to me. Just because I'm not calling this a lock for Hillary Clinton doesn't mean that I haven't been watching this campaign.

Counting Donald Trump out of this election is foolish, and I'm not underestimating him. I'm sorry that position bothers you so much.



She's really pretty.


Why are the moderators going at him harder than Hillary?

You hear of the phrase "the squeaky wheel gets the grease?" Well, in this case it's "the babbling fucking idiot that doesn't know what he's talking about and doesn't answer the question gets a follow up."


Trump said she went over when he's the one who kept ranting and she kept it short.....wth Trump. You're such a fucking child.
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