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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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Buncha thirsty, loudmouth perverts over here. Luckily, none of them will become president this year.


The moderators being "fair" doesn't mean they push/pressure both candidates equally. If one is being more evasive and/or refusing to answer and/or speaking gibberish, they are going to press them more than the other.

You guys sound like the kind of people that want game reviews to be "objective". It's becoming increasingly clear by some of the responses in this thread why Trump got as far as he has.

no shit, it's fucking embarrassing


Corporate Apologist
1) What is that question?
2) What the fuck, you are the one saying those things Trump, she said 60 minutes ago she wanted to be the President for the entire nation.


I get exhausted hearing Trump, I think Youtube comments make a better job trying to attack Hillary's policies and past than him (and that's a pretty low bar).


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
I mean one looks like he's physically going insane on stage and the other looks like a person in politics.

If Trump shit in his hand and threw it at her I wouldn't be shocked.

Trump answering a question about unicorns:

And let me tell you about unicorns, they are these mystical creatures, believe me, ... They love to run around and eat Taco Bell...

And taco bell... Talk about some great take out. They got the meat and the cheese and the lettuce...

Oh you know who else eats lettuce? Some creatures do, yeah. Can you believe it? I can't believe it. Let me tell you...

It's like that guy that always says things you can't believe. Like he's trying to pull one over on you like he's a magician...

Speaking of, I just learned this magic tri-


why are you always interrupting me? Hillary got 3 more cheerios in her bowl than i did, that's not very fair.

Speaking of faires, I went to this really nice little town faire...

AD NAUSEUM.......... .... ....

Literally crying right now.
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