Weak Hillary answer.
If Pence leaves, its all over right? holy shit
We deserve this.
If Pence leaves, its all over right? holy shit
Weak Hillary answer.
Gawd that was such good TV.
I can;t wait for more of this.
Maybe his daughters are alright but aren't his sons sociopaths too?
I feel so sorry for you America.
*sighs* Well, we'll see how things go tomorrow morning with the headlines.
This debate changes nothing, which is bad for Trump.
What about his stamina jab in the previous one. Lol.The one issue with that answer he gave is it contradicts like, everything he said about her in the debate. He said she never does anything and is all talk but now he says she's a determined fighter who never gives up?
If Pence leaves, its all over right? holy shit
This is the shit I'm talking about. How the hell did she mess that up?
And created a perfect packaged commercial for Clinton. Hillary's answer wouldn't work the same way.
Mark Shields on PBS: Trump was substance-free
I'm still so madThe last question was them complimenting each other?
Huh? HUH?