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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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They basically appealed to their base. Trump was much more aggressive here than his first debate which made him appear "better". Hillary had to play it safe and not be too aggressive because she already has image problems.
He says a lot of words, but they're simple, there's nothing to them. It's just a repeated string of attacks. If you aren't a deplorable piece of shit, you can hear the difference.


I honestly really like the complement question, it turns the debate on its head for about a minute.

How quickly can you operate in reverse, basically.
Hillary 5/10. Spent too much time attacking Trump and deflecting questions

Trump 0/10. Should have been dragged out

Moderators 8/10. Would have been a mess without them
It was an okay debate. Trump got a few zingers in audience reaction-wise and was a tad better composed than in the last debate. Hillary kept it together, but didn't dominate over him as much as she did the first time around. Overall, it was just an okay debate. Clinton won, but it wasn't a blow-out IMO.


Sorry can I just reiterate, that as an environmental science major, how much the clean coal thing really fucking ticks me off.

It's complete bullshit

not if I keep saying it

clean coal clean coal clean king coal coal clean coal clean coal clean coal
That was a slick answer by Trump to end the debate. It doesn't matter if it was genuine. This stuff endeared him to people who were looking to see some redeeming quality in him.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I'm not too thrilled with this debate. i don't think Trump "won", but Hillary did a lot worse than I was expecting.


That was surprisingly bland and low-key. Hillary coasted and won, but the media will probably score it a draw because Trump didn't take his dick out on stage and pee everywhere.

I would say this won't push anyone either way, but it did stop some bleeding for Trump. I hope the media doesn't drop this shit.

Nah he shitted on his running mate, you going to hear that all day tomorrow.


Trump was appalling there. The way he stomped around during her answers, argued with everyone, total non-answers to everything. Just a total ape, frankly.


Unconfirmed Member
Cant believe he gave the better answer.

What? How do you interpret that?

She complimented his children rather than him directly, making it more difficult to lend to any sought after qualities in a president.

His answer on the other hand just made her look like a better candidate.
I don't see the issue with this question. There's always issues keeping the candidates on track during debates, not only this year but every year, so why not ask an unexpected question like that and judge their characters more than their abilities to dodge questions?
It comes from that determinedly stupid contingent of low-information voters who finger-wag at "all those politicians, on both sides" who "just can't get along." It assumes that what is wrong with our politics and our country is the failure of the two parties to, just, like, be nice! And it betrays the questioner's ignorance that nothing greater is at stake than two individuals being polite to one another.


The last bit of that last answer was the only time Trump actually answered a question honestly. Looked pretty good doing it. Shame about the other 99.99999% of the debate.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Make the poll an image poll of faces of the question askers





sparkle this bitch
Do you guys actually believe Trump was sincere about that last answer? Lmaoooo

Even if it is bullshit, it was a legit answer and probably the most human thing he has said this entire debate.

And basically, Clinton looks bad with her non-answer, but Trump ends on a good note.

Definitely not the way Clinton wanted it to end. She could have said, "Love of his family" or how much he does value his "Name". Something that would have resonated with people rather than....your kids came out aye.
Pence can't even back out legally, right? I mean, early ballots are already in the wild. What do you do, invalidate all those votes? Make them revote?


I don't see the issue with this question. There's always issues keeping the candidates on track during debates, not only this year but every year, so why not ask an unexpected question like that and judge their characters more than their abilities to dodge questions?
Because after we finally got some talk on policy, we ended up with a grade school question.


That was a really strong answer to the last question from Trump. Ended on a note of magnanimity without hijacking to attack her. Was a fluff question, but ended up giving him probably his strongest moment. He certainly improved from the stuttering, snivelling, incoherent shambles he started out as, and landed some strong hits on her, but it was at absolute best a draw, though more reasonably she took it just by remaining composed throughout, where he continued to interrupt and make accusations of bias, not to mention slapping down Mike Pence (whose VP debate performance somewhat salvaged Trump's terrible first outing) for no good reason.


I haven't still gotten over the close-up shots of Bill Clinton during Trump's Bill-bashing :O

That was brutal from whoever was directing.
Clinton had a great politician answer, but Trumps was a bit more genuine. She kinda indirectly said he was a good father, without saying he's a good father.


Hillary 5/10. Spent too much time attacking Trump and deflecting questions

Trump 0/10. Should have been dragged out

Moderators 8/10. Would have been a mess without them

Sounds about right. I hope the next moderator(s) are just as strong, if not stronger.
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