Racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. etc. individuals are factually:
1) Deplorable.
2) Shitstains.
3) Mostly irredeemable.
Doesn't mean we can't help them despite how in-human they are.
Gawd that was such good TV.
I can;t wait for more of this.
They should have been more forceful in cutting Trump off though. I'm sure a lot of his responses went close to four minutes.Moderators 8/10. Would have been a mess without them
Does that mean he didn't answer questions or he was not coked-up?
I would say this won't push anyone either way, but it did stop some bleeding for Trump. I hope the media doesn't drop this shit.
And created a perfect packaged commercial for Clinton. Hillary's answer wouldn't work the same way.
Just don't run into any locals.
this is why i hate "undecideds". They're mostly just stupid people who care about stupid shit. "But do u like him???"
fuck off.
wow, disposable cameras
They all are. They creep me the fuck out.
Even if it is bullshit, it was a legit answer and probably the most human thing he has said this entire debate.
And basically, Clinton looks bad with her non-answer, but Trump ends on a good note.
Definitely not the way Clinton wanted it to end.
I would say this won't push anyone either way, but it did stop some bleeding for Trump. I hope the media doesn't drop this shit.
Sorry can I just reiterate, that as an environmental science major, how much the clean coal thing really fucking ticks me off.
It's complete bullshit
Guy on PBS is right Hillary could've hit Trump harder than she did.
If there's more than smoke to the Pence rumors, this debate will be irrelevant anyway. But I'm guessing you will hear a lot of "Hillary didn't defend herself strongly" and "Trump was much more controlled and measured" from people who are invested in appearing unbiased.Nah he shitted on his running mate, you going to hear that all day tomorrow.