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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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This whole thing was uncomfortable to watch. They were both attacking eachother like a highschool election. I will say though that Trump definitely walked out the victor tonight.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. How can people say Trump is the winner?


Trump did a decent job presenting Hillary as a corrupt, dirty politician, and I think there was a point where he successfully threw her off. Hillary didn't do herself any favors with her largely ineffective answers to the related questions that were asked to her.

And this is why the debate was probably a draw, at best. Maybe even good for Trump overall. It was a toxic atmosphere, she didn't rise above it, and while she reminded people about some of her good points, Trump managed to drag her through the mud he's already steeped in.

It's a performance that Republicans can take some heart in, whereas all Democrats can do is sit back and hope the electorate is smart enough to prioritize the right things.


I can't believe people are giving this to Trump. He

1. Dodged questions
2. Threatened to jail his opponent
3. Attacked the moderators
4. Non-apology
5. Disagreed with his running mate
6. Made shit comments under his breath


Hillary Clinton: C
Donald Trump: D+

Hillary didn't strike or counter punch anywhere near as hard as she could and should have. And her Abraham Lincoln answer was wha?

Trump rambled and veered off-topic way too frequently, and came off as unhinged for too much of the debate. "Special" prosecutors? Threatening to jail your opponent? That's some third world fascist dictator shit.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Are you all just forgetting the part when Trump threatened to jail his political opponent if he wins? Like, seriously? Is that just normal in the US? I'd shit my pants if somebody who might run my country talks about jailing his opponents.



This. I have no idea what the fuck people were watching, but it was an even worse meltdown than the first debate.

This is all about expectations. People expected him to walk out there in a delirium and grab Hillary by the pussy. Since that didn't happen, oh what an improved performance Mr. Trump!


I heard nothing in that debate from Trump that will win over anyone who wasn't already going to vote for him. Pretty much the same from Hillary, I honestly have no idea how the hell you can be undecided at this point.
This. Clinton did as well as one can do in the face of someone with no regards to the truth. As one of the mod pointed out, Trump kept refusing to talk about what he would do (because he knows he has no substance) and was just attacking Clinton non-stop instead.

I'm saddened by how easily people are fooled by constant aggressiveness.

And did you guys see his answer about the muslim question? Good lord, it was disgusting. Clinton's answer was great.


It's unbelievable how much people are fooled by aggressive bullshit. In many ways this was a worse meltdown by Trump than last time.


The biggest "news" from this debate should be Trump threatening Clinton with jail.

That's what people like Putin, Maduro in Venezuela, and other dictators do... throw their opponents in jail.
That just happened, literally, and yes saying you don't talk to your VP is absolutely ridiculous. No question.

So, you're voting for whom, exactly? It shouldn't be too difficult to answer.

Just drop it man, not sure what you're going about on. Government officials disagree with each other all the time, publicly and behind closed doors.

To answer your question, I'm not voting, I'm not American.


Trump may have utterly failed to present much of any clear reason to support him, but he did go after Hillary as hard as he could have and I'm sure his base ate that shit up.

Too bad his core supporters only make up about 38-40% of those going to vote, and his job now is to try to win over women and minorities and independents and college educated white folk to vote for him so he can get a majority (he won't).

After this performance? More will leave him. Gross performance all around by an abominable, sneering racist monster.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. How can people say Trump is the winner?

Those people watch this debate looking for insults and zingers. They want to see a blood bath. Trump only knows how to target someone and never answer questions or give you an idea of what his policies are.


As a moderate democrat, I will give my opinion; Clinton clearly won the debate, but Trump did do "better" than the last. However, that is not saying much at all. I wouldn't be shocked if he has a very slight bump in the polls.
I really don't see how Trump won the debate. He was not as overall erratic as the first debate, but that doesn't equal a win. Hillary was not as good as the first but that doesn't mean she sunk below Trump's performance.


Yeah, I really can't see why Pence would walk at this stage. What would he have to gain from such an extreme and unprecedented move?

Scott Dworkin
@ltrank @mike_pence @jaketapper @KeepAmerGr8 yea now we are gonna release the evidence. That's why we held off in case he did this. #debate

Yeah they are saying they have evidence but that original rumor was 12hrs ago. It could have totally been dependent on what happened during the debate and since Trump didn't totally blow it, it looks like he's staying. Unless there's going to be a sudden announcement tomorrow and he's really that upset about the tapes and Trump's comments tonight, he's staying.

Glass Joe

Trump's awful response to the Access Hollywood tape will mean it's not going away. CNN covering it right now.

Seems like he could have said "Since then I've married Milania and she changed me for the better, blah blah, grown more religious, met some great Americans." He also dodged the question at first, before denying, as to whether or not he just SAID it or actually DID it too.
Thread is good for finding Trump supporters who hide in the weeds when he says more heinous shit though.

Seriously, the man admitted to fucking using tax loopholes to write off over a BILLION DOLLARS. And people are saying he won?

What the hell is wrong with this country that this was considered "debate"? This wasn't a debate, this was a grown man screaming at a grown woman for 40 minutes while saying absolutely nothing substantive or of value.


GAFers saying he won make me feel sad to be a GAFer. Did we watch the same debate? He didn't win shit. He admitted to not paying taxes, would jail Hillary if he became President.

I'd rather not have an authoritarian President, thanks.
I can't believe people are giving this to Trump. He

1. Dodged questions
2. Threatened to jail his opponent
3. Attacked the moderators
4. Non-apology
5. Disagreed with his running mate
6. Made shit comments under his breath
People have lowered the bar so much, he can just spew shit and as long as didn't physically attack somebody, he did well. It's an embarrassment for American politics.


Trump had about as good a night as he could have possibly hoped for. His base is going to love him promising to throw a political opponent in jail if he's elected.

The problem for him is, he needs a lot more than his base to win, and I don't think he helped himself with them.

Edit: oh shit Bob Scheiffer on CBS tearing into Trump. Sad he wasn't a moderator this year, the guy is universally respected.


love on your sleeve
How is this shit a draw? How the fuck do you even debate someone who's so loose with the truth anymore? Do you just have to calmly be a fucking shitlord nowadays to win?


Trump basically not shitting himself equates to a win in some eyes.
I thought he came off looking like a petty maniac. I was frankly shocked at the venom he spat. I don't want a person in charge who has that sort of anger for his political opponents in front of a national audience.

I cannot believe anybody thinks Trump looks better after this debate.

The problem is that Hillary made the mistake of focusing on policy, instead of discrediting his bullshit.

People don't care about policy, they care about their candidates looking strong.
This is gonna be like the VP debate where people's immediate reactions was that trump did a good job and then the next day when journalists start combing through what was actually said and not the theatrics, the tables turn.
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