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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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Trump came off like an incompetent moron literally the entire time. How can any of you Americans believe he won? Expectations vs outcome shouldn't supercede this level of sheer idiocy
I can't believe people are giving this to Trump. He

1. Dodged questions
2. Threatened to jail his opponent
3. Attacked the moderators
4. Non-apology
5. Disagreed with his running mate
6. Made shit comments under his breath

And she did what exactly?

Honestly, I'm a supporter of hers, but what did she do. He came in as a defeated candidate, get out now, quit, everyone is leaving the ship. This is what you have?

Debates are expectations and performance, she lost. Sorry.


Well CBS News has just introduced me to Jericka Duncan.



Can't see how people can think that Trump won because he looked strong and calm.

What's being strong and calm worth when all you say is shit and lies?

So he was strong and calm and avoided the hard hitting questions without being caught flat footed openly by Hillary. I'd say it's not so much that Donald won but thar Hillary didn't beat him. She is far too laid back and meek at these debates. She needs to draw in Pence, republicans as well. Go for the jugular. Otherwise she will win but be saddled with a possible republican house and senate and a large percentage of the voterbase who will still chant #lockherup etc.
Hillary Clinton: C
Donald Trump: D+

Hillary didn't strike or counter punch anywhere near as hard as she could and should have. And her Abraham Lincoln answer was wha?

Trump rambled and veered off-topic way too frequently, and came off as unhinged for too much of the debate. "Special" prosecutors? Threatening to jail your opponent? That's some third world fascist dictator shit.

I don't get the issue with the abraham lincoln answer. She was explaining the context under which she made a certain comment in her speech. If you look at the transcripts, that was exactly what she was talking about in her speech. Basically, when she said "You need public and private opinions" she was using that to talk about how Abraham Lincoln had to work really hard and not always be completely honest about his intentions, reasons, or goals in order to free the slaves.
Trump did a decent job presenting Hillary as a corrupt, dirty politician, and I think there was a point where he successfully threw her off. Hillary didn't do herself any favors with her largely ineffective answers to the related questions that were asked to her.

And this is why the debate was probably a draw, at best. Maybe even good for Trump overall. It was a toxic atmosphere, she didn't rise above it, and while she reminded people about some of her good points, Trump managed to drag her through the mud he's already steeped in.

It's a performance that Republicans can take some heart in, whereas all Democrats can do is sit back and hope the electorate is smart enough to prioritize the right things.

I think you may want to take a look at electorate polling since...maybe the beginning of the general election?
Trump didn't do as bad as he did the first debate. Thats something I guess.

Hillary didn't knock it out of the park this time though.

Will be interesting to see the view of this in the morning and see what people latch on to.
I can't believe people are giving this to Trump. He

1. Dodged questions
2. Threatened to jail his opponent
3. Attacked the moderators
4. Non-apology
5. Disagreed with his running mate
6. Made shit comments under his breath

Undecided people don't give a shit they think about this like a sporting event.

If he barks loud and gets some zingers in they think he won.


I hate that fact this is our nation. This IS it.

Hillary, girl, you had one job handed to you on a silver platter, and you didn't get it in the net.

Trump was horrendous throughout, but the expectations of him are SO low that rambling incoherently for hours without drooling on himself still means "he wins" even if there was nothing of substance there.

That's is the rhetoric right now, and it's factually wrong, even if emotions of "Trump did better than I expected" overrule logic.
It's a performance that Republicans can take some heart in, whereas all Democrats can do is sit back and hope the electorate is smart enough to prioritize the right things.

Which republicans are those though, the ones who washed their hands of him earlier this year or the ones who washed their hands of him earlier this week


is a goddamn bear
GAFers saying he won make me feel sad to be a GAFer. Did we watch the same debate? He didn't win shit. He admitted to not paying taxes, would jail Hillary if he became President.

I'd rather not have an authoritarian President, thanks.

Exactly what I was thinking.
Trump appeared to do well because he had the best zingers and stayed on the offensive most of the time. Hillary also fumbled major opportunities to hit him hard.


Are you all just forgetting the part when Trump threatened to jail his political opponent if he wins? Like, seriously? Is that just normal in the US? I'd shit my pants if somebody who might run my country talks about jailing his opponents.

He is a monster but she handled it terribly.

She could have just said: "Donald, don't threaten me".


the line about jailing hillary was so fucking chilling. it will be forgotten but it's one of the worst things he's said.
Audience reaction was confusing. Not sure if laughing at the obvious confirmation that he should't be at the helm, or.. ???
Just drop it man, not sure what you're going about on. Government officials disagree with each other all the time, publicly and behind closed doors.

To answer your question, I'm not voting, I'm not American.

He said he doesn't talk to his running mate, that's not a disagreement, that's literally ignoring him. And of course those talking about Pence dropping out plan on releasing the evidence that was in fact the case on one point.


And she did what exactly?

Honestly, I'm a supporter of hers, but what did she do. He came in as a defeated candidate, get out now, quit, everyone is leaving the ship. This is what you have?

Debates are expectations and performance, she lost. Sorry.

IMO she answered policy questions in fantastic style while Trump just attacked her with every answer.


TYT says Trump won.

I think they meant in the sense that each candidate was really only speaking to their own core bases, Trump did a better job of appealing to his base than she did. They don't think the debate even really moved the needle in terms of how people will vote.
okay fine let's grade them

DJT: Threatened to jail his political opponent should he win, thus affirming every indication the man is an undemocratic fascist cancer.

HRC: a 7?
And she did what exactly?

Honestly, I'm a supporter of hers, but what did she do. He came in as a defeated candidate, get out now, quit, everyone is leaving the ship. This is what you have?

Debates are expectations and performance, she lost. Sorry.

She answered the questions and called him out on his lies.

What was she suppose to do? Fly?

You have a dying dog, do you kick it or do you treat the situation with grace?
Are you all just forgetting the part when Trump threatened to jail his political opponent if he wins? Like, seriously? Is that just normal in the US? I'd shit my pants if somebody who might run my country talks about jailing his opponents.

But he did it BIGLY

Listening to callers on C-SPAN and hearing them pretty much parrot posts here saying Trump won is disturbing because these are people who care enough to 1)use a phone and 2) give their names. They're probably actually going to vote.


So who won? I called the first one 66-33 for Hillary. I called the VP debate 51-49 for Pence.

This one? I dunno. There were huge expectations for Hillary and low expectations for Trump. And I don't think Hillary met the expectations and Trump did a much better job than I thought he would -- and a lot of that had to do with the questions (emails, the Affordable Car Act, etc.)

The first part of the debate was an absolute clusterfuck for Trump, and he would have lost handily if it was based on that. But like the CNN folks were saying, it seemed like Trump "stopped the bleeding." And that is almost a win in itself.

Another thing I want to note: Trump was aggressive. Hillary wasn't. But it wasn't off-putting like it was for the VP debate. But that's because Trump is naturally aggressive; Kaine isn't. So it didn't feel phony or desperate. You could "feel" Trump with his aggression. Kaine was more of just saying it aggressively for special effect.

With that said, I'd say 53-47 Trump.

I don't feel good giving it to Trump, but I get the perception that Trump survived something that could have been a complete catastrophe. The tapes didn't get enough airtime in the debate, and that may have been Trump's saving grace (and the fact that it occurred earlier in the debate, rather than in the latter half)

That is only true if you consider debates self contained and detached from reality.

Pence had the better of the debate but he lied through his teeth about Trump's policies. The Donald even called him out on it tonight.

This debate will get broken down and Trump will have lied countless times. If this debate was close it is because the Town Hall is a waste of time. No great questions and I can't think of a killer quote by either candidate.
Trump threatened to jail his political opponent on national TV like a third world dictator. The fact that this is now in play as a political strategy is a permanent stain on The Republic. It's beyond the pale and anyone who said he wasn't a fascist before has no leg to stand on.

This man shouldn't be the nominee of a major party. This petulant little child shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the presidency.

Lord have mercy on us for we know not what we do.
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