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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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sparkle this bitch
She wins this election by doing nothing, especially if there are more tapes to come.

She just needs to not say anything dumb in the next month.

Agreed. Trump is already in the noose. Why give the Reps any reason to look at you. It was a fire sale this weekend. It's not like Trump looked any worse than the first debate. You couldn't look worse... so it's why he looks "better"


He was incoherent for 40 minutes
He didnt describe any policy
He lied at an incredible rate
He hurled insults and interruptions
He suggested he would have her political opponent jailed

If any of you think he won, you are either insane or you watch too much anime

Which is why she did great, she didn't need to do anything else. If she was more aggressive he would have played the victim card for his idiot supporters like he always does. He answered almost nothing and managed to fit emails and isis into almost every single answer.

He couldn't answer the Aleppo question at all which just shows he knows nothing about the situation and he will literally be the guy who has other people do the work for him ie a puppet. It's sad that everyone wants this to be something like a reality tv show when real lives are at stake.

I thought Hillary did a good job of answering important questions while orangutang was just be plain obnoxious. The audience questions were incredibly weak if they were any tougher Trump would have been even more fucked and props to the moderators for calling on his bullshit of not answering anything.
I can't believe Hillary didn't go after him more for the "it was just locker room talk" statement. But I was glad that she had a good answer to his "she's been there 30 years!" statement. So whatever.


Just said on PBS, Trump's performance was good enough stop the bleeding of his party but he didnt do much to make up lost ground. I agree with that. He definitely won the debate.

Side note - I wish they had more time to respond to questions, iirc Obama and Romney had at least 3 minutes.
I really dont give a fuck how foolish gary johnson would look. I dont know shit about him. Thats the problem. There are more than 2 people on the ballot and this country consistently focuses on these same 2 every year.

You have a two party system.

That's the election. Two choices, for the presidency at least. That's just reality.
He was incoherent for 40 minutes
He didnt describe any policy
He lied at an incredible rate
He hurled insults and interruptions
He suggested he would have her political opponent jailed

If any of you think he won, you are either insane or you watch too much anime

good summary.


he did so with CONFIDENCE AND COMMAND, therefore he made a good impression on low-information, "undecided" dipshits.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
If you think Trump won this debate, please lock yourself in a closet until Nov. 9th, because you're incredibly stupid.
It's just that both sides are exactly the same


Ric Flair

I'd give hillary a low 6 on the debate based off a shaky overall performance and Trump a 0 based entirely off him offering nothing of substance.


Mike Pence ‏@mike_pence 10m10 minutes ago
Congrats to my running mate @realDonaldTrump on a big debate win! Proud to stand with you as we #MAGA.

hmm.. canned tweet or maybe he isn't dropping out


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Has anyone confirmed that Pence wants off the ticket or are we being trolled?

Please let thus be true. All time level fuckery


Sums up most of my feelings on this debate. Anderson and Raddatz actually did a good job, they really went after Trump for going off on unrelated tangents and ignoring the questions. Trump didn't win shit, he was just throwing another tantrum as usual, placing the blame on the moderators for moderating the debate instead of letting him dominate it completely.

Clinton did worse in this debate than she did in the last one, though. While she was more coherent than Trump (shocker), she still avoided answering a few questions and kept reverting back to fact checking. I would have liked it if she had spent more time focusing on her policies, and while she did do that to an extent, she could have done more. We already know that Trump is a liar.

The "show" wasn't for people who already know that, it's for undecideds, and whatever we might think those people are, at least for the people that were there live, Hillary tried to address their concerns directly and Trump often talked right into the opposite of what they wanted to hear. Whether she didn't attack Trump enough or whether she didn't outline her policy enough is less of a matter as long she addressed those people's concerns and show she could do it.
I'm fine with giving it to Trump, it gives the GOP more hope that he'll win and they'll stick with him for a while longer so that they're trapped with him when the next tape hits.


CSPAN caller on locker-room talk:
"Even Jimmy Carter had lust in his hear"

This shit is gold! What a time to be alive.


Hillary deflecting questions bugged me off. As for the last question, she should had leave it at the children point, and not go for 1 minute of self propaganda; as Trump sounded more sincere, he won the "heart" of the debate, for better or worse.


Neo Member
I can't believe Hillary didn't have a better answer on the public/private thing.

Her ACA answer seemed like a non answer.

Her response to Islamaphobia was great.

Trump had a hard time just saying that he never sexually assaulted anyone, for Christ's sake.

Trump said nothing of substance and his continued line that Hillary had 30 years to do something about it was so silly and showed his lack of understanding of politics.

His last answer was the only good one.


the line about jailing hillary was so fucking chilling. it will be forgotten but it's one of the worst things he's said.
So who won? I called the first one 66-33 for Hillary. I called the VP debate 51-49 for Pence.

This one? I dunno. There were huge expectations for Hillary and low expectations for Trump. And I don't think Hillary met the expectations and Trump did a much better job than I thought he would -- and a lot of that had to do with the questions (emails, the Affordable Car Act, etc.)

The first part of the debate was an absolute clusterfuck for Trump, and he would have lost handily if it was based on that. But like the CNN folks were saying, it seemed like Trump "stopped the bleeding." And that is almost a win in itself.

Another thing I want to note: Trump was aggressive. Hillary wasn't. But it wasn't off-putting like it was for the VP debate. But that's because Trump is naturally aggressive; Kaine isn't. So it didn't feel phony or desperate. You could "feel" Trump with his aggression. Kaine was more of just saying it aggressively for special effect.

With that said, I'd say 53-47 Trump.

I don't feel good giving it to Trump, but I get the perception that Trump survived something that could have been a complete catastrophe.
How is "surviving" a win though? What did he present that has any merit at all? And can you say he ably defended himself against any of the accusations made against him?

All the pundits keep saying it's a dark day for politics, but that's because people are giving performances like Trump's a pass. He was terrible. You raise the bar by holding people accountable for their words and actions, not for handing out gold stars because he didn't completely implode.


I caught the last hour or so, and it certainly seemed like Hillary won. She actually spoke about her policies and experience, and didn't deflect as much from difficult questions.
For example in response to the question about Aleppo, Clinton gave a very reasonable and well thought out response. On the other hand, Trump's answer to the same question was accusing Hillary of poor judgment and then talking about why her performance around Mosul was bad.


Like the guy on CNN said, he lost because he failed to appeal to the demographics he is doing poorly in like the Muslim lady and the Black man.


Unconfirmed Member
Anyone ever think about how unbelievable it is that candidates have to court independent voters in debates such as this one when they could and should just read up policies on each candidate's respective website? It's unreal.

Then again, if you're still undecided at this point then it's probably because you're an idiot.


Junior Member
There's no way anyone can classify Trump 'winning' this debate. He barely answered any of the questions and acted like a child for majority of the debate. Clinton on the other hand was the complete opposite of Trump, in that she actually put effort in this debate and answered the damn questions.

He's a rich white man. He can act anyway he wants.
Tomorrow’s main #debate headline will be about ___________.

A genuinely good question.

"Locker Room Talk" perhaps?
Wonder what the spin will be.
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