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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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Hillary won this.

What in this debate will keep Republicans from leaving?

What in this debate will get undecideds to vote for Trump?

What in this debate does anything positive for Trump?

He lost. She won.


One thing for sure, Trump was HORRIBLE in the first 20 minutes or so.

He did hit more of his bullshit stride after a while but man, that first bit was horrible.


Come on, that's not cool to make fun of others like that.

ON topic - Drumpf won the debate, hands down! :)

He was a child.
He lied non-stop.
He avoided the questions.
He projected his faults onto her.
He etc. etc. etc.
He lost. And he (and all Republicans) only continue to terrify me as an LGBT american. As a human being period.


People always shit on the media for "horserace narratives", and rightfully so, but people IN GENERAL do it. Seriously at everyone freaking out over Trump "winning" right now.

He was a disaster in all honesty, but it looks like we're gonna go down this road anyway -_-.


Guys it is politics. Donald Trump aside the rest of the political world can continue to work as normal.

Being pissed off and nearly done with Trump is not incompatible with publicly stating support.

2) What does it matter who I would vote for?

That just happened, literally, and yes saying you don't talk to your VP is absolutely ridiculous. No question.

So, you're voting for whom, exactly? It shouldn't be too difficult to answer.


He was incoherent for 40 minutes
He didnt describe any policy
He lied at an incredible rate
He hurled insults and interruptions
He suggested he would have her political opponent jailed

If any of you think he won, you are either insane or you watch too much anime

This. Clinton did as well as one can do in the face of someone with no regards to the truth. As one of the mod pointed out, Trump kept refusing to talk about what he would do (because he knows he has no substance) and was just attacking Clinton non-stop instead.

I'm saddened by how easily people are fooled by constant aggressiveness.

And did you guys see his answer about the muslim question? Good lord, it was disgusting. Clinton's answer was great.


the line about jailing hillary was so fucking chilling. it will be forgotten but it's one of the worst things he's said.

Yep he literally threatened her right on stage. He lost his cool with that and even threatend to put a committee together to go after her.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
I hope the American people aren't stupid enough to believe that elected officials have the power to implement everything they want.


Trump did awful. Literally didn't answer any questions, zero policy talk, lied like there was no tomorrow.

Just "disaster" this "disaster" that, rambling on and on and complaining like a baby.

Clinton did much better, one or two hiccups, tried answer and to talk specifics but hard to get a lot in with an idiot trying to throw any shit he can against the wall.


semen stains the mountaintops
If you think Trump won this debate, please lock yourself in a closet until Nov. 9th, because you're incredibly stupid.

He didn't win but he also didn't get decimated which will look good for him.

I don't think this debate will do much for any side.


I think Trump came out of this on top... For the first few minutes when the videotape was discussed he looked like a kid getting put in time out, but he really kept viciously attacking the rest of the time and Hillary did not do a good job of countering him. That deer in headlights moment where she was obviously stunned and didn't know how to even respond was embarrassing... I thought she was prepared for this shit. She was blatantly deflecting and avoiding answering a few questions, and a lot of her speech sounded like scripted campaign fluff.

It didn't help that Anderson Cooper was aggressively trying to rein Trump in right from the start; they really played into his narrative that the media is biased against him. Granted, most of what he was saying was bullshit, but regardless, Hillary did not look great up there tonight. Trump may have utterly failed to present much of any clear reason to support him, but he did go after Hillary as hard as he could have and I'm sure his base ate that shit up.
Hillary could have buried Trump tonight and that didn't happen. The fact that he's still afloat means he won.

He survived. That may be a win for his campaign, but it doesn't mean he won the debate. If his campaign weren't already in crisis, this would've hurt. Since it is, it didn't really do any more damage.


Trump won this one, sorry guys. It's an expectations game and he exceeded while she disappointed. I expect this would stop the bleeding for Trump and reverse his fortunes, at least until another scandal.

dammit Hillary get your shit together we are all going to die
Trump won this debate given the current atmosphere. Really can't spin that.

Trump won this one, sorry guys. It's an expectations game and he exceeded while she disappointed. I expect this would stop the bleeding for Trump and reverse his fortunes, at least until another scandal.

dammit Hillary get your shit together we are all going to die

I can't believe people call this shit a "debate". Nobody "won" cause it wasn't a fucking debate. Also, it's not Hillary's job to destroy Trump, he does it more effectively, so I'm not sure why people were expecting that. Clinton was handicapped cause she actually considered the Q being asked, while Trump didn't give a fuck about the Q and just lobbed random, hyper-sensationalized missiles everywhere.


Can't see how people can think that Trump won because he looked strong and calm.

What's being strong and calm worth when all you say is shit and lies?


"Trump gave 5 apologies already!!!"

Thats the fucking problem CNN lady... Having 5 things to apologize for is too many for a potential president.
She doesn't want to get into the mud to wrestle with Trump, instead preferring to focus on her policies. She could retort back in a more forceful manner but I fear she would come out the worst. Nobody does verbal diarrhoea better than Trump.

I think this is the problem. She could go all in, but policy is her strength and being a snarky shitslinger is Trump's, so she'd 1) be fighting him on his terms, and 2) just give ammo to the depressingly, inconceivably large percentage of the US and global population who actually believe these two people are equally terrible.
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