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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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I think you may want to take a look at electorate polling since...maybe the beginning of the general election?

And? I think Trump is more or less done. But I'm talking about the net impact of a single debate. It doesn't have to turn the tide for him to come out better positioned than he started.

Which republicans are those though, the ones who washed their hands of him earlier this year or the ones who washed their hands of him earlier this week

I'm talking about Republican voters - the people will still, by a pretty sizable margin, prefer to see Trump become their president.
Exactly, this isn't a reality based campaign. She looked like the wounded animal in this debate which is astounding given the past 24-48 hrs.

Optics, that is a debates these days. Not sure why this is getting challenged.

1st debate was the same but she won on both accounts, she lost this debate.

Because his optics look terrible coming in, and he did nothing to change around the optics on those key issues (looking like a bully, fixing his image with women and minorities). Every day that goes by, especially days where debates occur, between now and election day where Trump does nothing to grow his base is a LOSS. He is losing day by day.
And, finally, we would like to remind our audience that, due to the historically low expectations for Governor Palin, were she simply to do an adequate job tonight, and at no point cry, faint, run out of the building or vomit... you should consider the debate a tie. [ Palin nods in agreement ] All right, let's begin.



Exactly, this isn't a reality based campaign. She looked like the wounded animal in this debate which is astounding given the past 24-48 hrs.

Optics, that is a debates these days. Not sure why this is getting challenged.

1st debate was the same but she won on both accounts, she lost this debate.

I think she deflected the attacks, nothing stuck. They are great for the ~20% of "deplorables" who think Hillary belongs in jail but outside of that she won.
Exactly, this isn't a reality based campaign. She looked like the wounded animal in this debate which is astounding given the past 24-48 hrs.

Optics, that is a debates these days. Not sure why this is getting challenged.

1st debate was the same but she won on both accounts, she lost this debate.

I really can't see how this debate improved Trump's optics. Even if she didn't absolutely destroy him, she didn't really need to anyways
I feel as though most people agree Clinton is more fit to be president, but she is still severely disliked(don't forget these two are the most disliked nominees in the history of a presidential elections). Trump saying he would try to put her in jail created some cheers in the audience and social media. My opinion is that the public feels as though they would have been treated differently if they made such a mistake as the emails. It creates a dislike and unproportionate feeling.

Except none of them would face jail time, only career-related repercussions (i.e., loss of job).


Unconfirmed Member
It's like some people watched the debate and thought "Well, he didn't mention pussies or the grabbing of them at all. He also didn't say anything more racist than usual and he didn't literally shit his pants. I think he did way better"

Trump has been graded on a curve since the General race started. It's really really sad. The media acknowledges it yet persists because a horse race is good for ratings.


I still say he's working on an exit strategy.

Or rather perhaps the GOP has to work on then exit strategy.
Pence has probably been planning his exit strategy the moment he was chosen.

The only thing that changed is that he's now seen as the 2020 candidate that will go up against Hillary's replacement.


It's like some people watched the debate and thought "Well, he didn't mention pussies or the grabbing of them at all. He also didn't say anything more racist than usual and he didn't literally shit his pants. I think he did way better"
That's literally what's happening. But it's okay. The post debate media cycle will fact check his ass.


Hillary: C+
Trump: F-

Nah. In terms of the overall debate. I would say B- for Trump and C for Hillary. He came in ready to be destroyed but openly threatened to jail Hillary, said a lot of lies and bs that went unchallenged and wasn't caught with his fly down. This debate is a slight win for him.
The problem is that Hillary made the mistake of focusing on policy, instead of discrediting his bullshit.

People don't care about policy, they care about their candidates looking strong.

Eh, I disagree. I think undecideds at this point wouldn't be swayed by posturing. This is a pretty divided election. Either you are already voting for Trump, or you are or could vote for Hillary. I honestly don't think there's enough to matter that "would vote for Trump" that are not already doing so.

And I don't think the amount of people voting for Trump will win this election.


I hate that the audiences suck so much in these debates.

Stop whooping and hollering like you're at a fucking mud bog, you ass hats.


Hillary didn't do as well as should could have, but still offered some good details on her plans while punching back a bit. She clearly came out on top, just not as high as I hoped. Trump was incoherent and empty as ever in terms of substance, but I have to admit he had a few good counter punches.

I can't believe he openly disagreed with his VP, threatened to jail Hillary, and pivoted on the Trump tape to suggest that Isis is worse than locker room talk. What an idiot.


So it's Pence being spineless as ever. Sad.

That's the only quality a president values in a vice president.

I don't understand why people expect Hillary to waste time discrediting Donald's many lies. If that tactic worked Donald wouldn't be the Republican nominee. You call him on a lie, he spouts some other part of his platform, totally ignoring you. Or he just mutters "wrong" multiple times.

The man has +5 anti-truth armor. Truth weapons don't damage him. For fuck's sake, the audio tape comes out and what is his response? "Nobody respects women more than I do."
I don't think he won, but I do think the media thinks he won...which is what matters in this shithole of a world in which our doomed carcasses reside.

Well the media is pretty desperate in keeping this an interesting race which right now it isn't outside of the seedy Trump reality show that's going on.


Hillary remains the front runner, but Trump saved his campaing tonight. He's still in the game.

His performance is kinda surprising considering how bad was the week. Hillary played safe, perhaps too much.


I've never seen such a disgusting, tasteless and hateful performance from a political candidate.

Trump came across tonight like a host of a cheap sleazy gossip show.

I'm sure people will declare him the winner of the debate because Hillary was often on the back foot of his attacks, but she should be proud that she didn't go down to his level and remained dignified (for the most part) and she sounded most passionate when actually discussing policy.

I also can't believe that your country is so close to voting and yet the only solid policy from Trump is cutting the tax rate. Everything else is so vague and without substance.
Trump is like a aggressive boxer who throws 500 punches but lands 100. Some people find that winning for some stupid reason.

People love his confidence and his ability to talk shit. At the end of day the fucking guy has no clue how to run a country. After about 6(?) debates or s, he hasn't answered a single policy question without rambling off topic. It's fucking mind boggling.


And she did what exactly?

Honestly, I'm a supporter of hers, but what did she do. He came in as a defeated candidate, get out now, quit, everyone is leaving the ship. This is what you have?

Debates are expectations and performance, she lost. Sorry.

She did answer to actual question.

The performance is about answering the questions asked to you in a debate.

Most importantly, the answers you have to give needs to be related to the questions!!


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I honestly cannot believe I'm reading opinions in here that Trump won this debate..

I watched the debate with my very conservative father and step mom's family and they face palmed at a minimum of 5 times tonight. When Trump said he hasn't spoken to and doesn't agree with Pence on Syria my dad actually yelled "Son of a bitch" at the television.

The night ended with my dad taking the Trump sign out of his yard and vowing not to leave the house on November 8th.
Saying Trump won is directly proportionate to the intelligence of the person making the claim.

The orange man said nothing of substance and was literally making things up as he went along. He is not an intelligent person by any stretch of anyone's imagination.

It's embarrassing that our education system has failed us so dramatically.


get some go again
GAFers saying he won make me feel sad to be a GAFer. Did we watch the same debate? He didn't win shit. He admitted to not paying taxes, would jail Hillary if he became President.

I'd rather not have an authoritarian President, thanks.
many also said he won the first debate because he was louder and interrupting. they said it was because low information voters eat that stuff up.


What is especially terrifying is the audience applauded when he said he was going to throw Hillary in jail.

I mean, aside from "Make America Great Again" his campaign slogan may as well have been "Lock Her Up" this whole time, since his lunatic followers chant it every time he brings her up at one of his Rallies. Terrifying? Sure. Shocking for Trump supporters? Not at all.
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