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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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Trump managed to stop the bleeding, yes. But, like the rest of the Republican establishment concluded over the weekend, it won't matter in the long run.

They probably know that even more videos are coming.


this fucking forum


is that windows vista?


Yep and it means she failed at hers. She might as well as not showed up.

Still voting Clinton, still think he is shit tier, but I can admit optics.

I can see what she was trying to do ignoring his attacks, but ignoring him completely and plugging a URL was definitely a bad move.

That being said, I don't think Trump achieved his objective. He generated a shitload of headlines by throwing Pence under the bus, calling for Hillary to get thrown in jail, etc.


I couldn't even finish watching until the final softball question.

Clinton "won", but that's not saying much given that the whole thing was an absolute travesty. Commentator from PBS was spot on when he said there was "Nothing uplifting about this debate."


many also said he won the first debate because he was louder and interrupting. they said it was because low information voters eat that stuff up.

This is true.

I mean, if you look at the actual SUBSTANCE of anything he said... what did he actually SAY?


Nah. In terms of the overall debate. I would say B- for Trump and C for Hillary. He came in ready to be destroyed but openly threatened to jail Hillary, said a lot of lies and bs that went unchallenged and wasn't caught with his fly down. This debate is a slight win for him.

Do you even read what you write?
Nah. In terms of the overall debate. I would say B- for Trump and C for Hillary. He came in ready to be destroyed but openly threatened to jail Hillary, said a lot of lies and bs that went unchallenged and wasn't caught with his fly down. This debate is a slight win for him.

He was caught with his fly down plenty of times, dude.

Openly disagreeing with Pence
"You could've done that as a senator" even though she doesn't have the literal power alone to will shit into existence
Openly admitting to the 1b loss just to avoid paying taxes
Constantly arguing with the moderators like a petulant child


Nah. In terms of the overall debate. I would say B- for Trump and C for Hillary. He came in ready to be destroyed but openly threatened to jail Hillary, said a lot of lies and bs that went unchallenged and wasn't caught with his fly down. This debate is a slight win for him.

That is not a positive. That is straight out of an African dictatorship.


Nah. In terms of the overall debate. I would say B- for Trump and C for Hillary. He came in ready to be destroyed but openly threatened to jail Hillary, said a lot of lies and bs that went unchallenged and wasn't caught with his fly down. This debate is a slight win for him.

Hardly. He looked like a maniac. Period. If you think he gets that score, then I'd hate to live in your world in my opinion.


Some of these posts are a depressing reminder of how apathetic people can be towards others, even on Neogaf. If you seriously think Trump won and are voting for him, you're either extremely ignorant or just don't care about the wellbeing of other people. This isn't like a normal election where you have two evenly matched candidates, no, this election is between a women fit for president and a sexist, raciest, homophobic monster.


If scientific polls show people thought he won fuck the American voter.

You can blame the media. The scandals are what's important because it's what gets viewers and that's what they focused on. Anytime some unintelligent person hears what they think is a zinger in this "scandal" battle they decide that they're the winner. Trump just blows shit out of his ass and Hillary doesn't play that stupid game of throwing fake facts out so it makes her seemed reserved or that Trump has won. If the media had stopped worrying about scandals during the GOP debates. We wouldn't be in this dumb predicament.


hillary wrecked him and it wasn't particularly close imo (although it was closer than last time)

he completely threw his running mate under the bus, couldn't defend his policy positions, couldn't stay on topic, and could apparently neither breathe nor keep his eyes open


It was heartbreaking sitting here with my boyfriend and he looked at me after Hillary brought it up and asked me that if Trump won, marriage equality could be overturned? Trump is a sack of shit and shame on anyone here who supports him.


Already a major talking point from this debate is Trump's threat to imprison his main political rival. This is serious shit folks and I do hope the news media hound the Trump campaign relentlessly over this.


Except none of them would face jail time, only career-related repercussions (i.e., loss of job).

Ok, but even if you remove "jail time," they would still face a career ending experience which she has not. A lot of people feel that is due to her position in politics and who she knows. It's a huge disconnect with the American public that some try to sweep under the rug as a "whatever." The cheering to Trumps comments and the social media response is proof of that.
Trump is like a weapon of conservative opinion news more than an actual political individual. His entire content and approach is crafted from various conservative talk radio narratives and angles.
Nah. In terms of the overall debate. I would say B- for Trump and C for Hillary. He came in ready to be destroyed but openly threatened to jail Hillary, said a lot of lies and bs that went unchallenged and wasn't caught with his fly down. This debate is a slight win for him.

The fact that you view a threat to jail your political opponent as a positive tells me you have no idea what you are talking about and your grades are worthless.


Who is this person anyway and why should I believe him? If there was anything to this rumor, the mainstream media would be all over it.

Sr. Advisor; Democratic Coalition Against Trump

You probably shouldn't believe them until they come up with something concrete. It's mostly just them claiming sources and re tweeting people who ask about it or reply.


Neo Member
Hillary is a smart debater. Watch the points, keep yourself as even as possible because you don't want a weak debater to be replaced at the 11th hour. One more debate to go.
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