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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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This election is the easiest multiple choice test and people are still going to fail.

Trump called Hillary out on pretty much all of her fuck ups over the last 30 years. Which highlighted how are government has been awful for at least the last 30 years. That guaranteed my vote for him tonight. He's not part of the establishment. Trump certainly isn't my first choice, and frankly he's at the bottom of the list, but he represents change.

Hmmm "change" that sounds fairly. Oh yeah we supposedly had 8 years of that! Now look who we're voting for.

But when Trump says he will jail his political opponent if he wins thats cool? Thats not awful government? Thats not a fuck up? Explain.


For people that hate Trump is very hard see that he won, but honestly as someone who is watching from the outside (I'm not american), he won.

I still believe Hillary will win the election, but tonight The Donald scored more points.
I think people are underestimating the positive case Hilary was able to make for herself.

The "Bernie judgement" and "30 years points" she judo flipped, and it sounded great.

I think she looked much better focussing on what she wanted to do and how she wanted to do it. Trump couldn't answer those questions. She also looked like she made real connections with the people she spoke to. Yes, Ken Bone included, he was nodding along with her answer.
Who cares; you actually think people give a shit? If reality and rational matter politics wouldn't be in the state that it is in today. Optics, stagemenshiop, etc. is what matters for the vast majority.

if this were the case Trump wouldn't be losing and losing big. This is a loss for Trump because nothing he did tonight increased his chances at winning. And we are a month out. People projecting this "His base will think he won!" and "This stuff got him this far!" bullshit is getting old.
Guys I'm back from my debate watch party and I'm almost back in bedwetting mode; Trump landed more hits than I was expecting and Hillary failed to make a bunch of points I would've expected her to make. I still think she won but it wasn't the absolute destruction that it should have been. Now excuse me while I catch up on all the threads.


Drumpf called Hillary out on pretty much all of her fuck ups over the last 30 years. Which highlighted how are government has been awful for at least the last 30 years. That guaranteed my vote for him tonight. He's not part of the establishment. Drumpf certainly isn't my first choice, and frankly he's at the bottom of the list, but he represents change.

Hmmm "change" that sounds fairly. Oh yeah we supposedly had 8 years of that! Now look who we're voting for.



People need to dig into Trump for directly telling Clinton that he plans to put her in prison.
That's shit a dictator does!

Not if what your opponent has done is illegal. For example perhaps Trump should be in jail for running a fraudulent charity.


Some of these posts are a depressing reminder of how apathetic people can be towards others, even on Neogaf. If you seriously think Trump won and are voting for him, you're either extremely ignorant or just don't care about the wellbeing of other people. This isn't like a normal debate where you have two evenly matched candidates, no, this election is between a women fit for president and a sexist, raciest, homophobic monster.

Nobody is saying Trump convinced them, but Hillary needed to bury Trump tonight, and she didn't. And that was the expectation from the rest of the world, that the leak of the video on Friday was the start of something.

Of course, the reality is that no, while Trump is still on his way to losing, this isn't going to be as easy as leaking a video and that's that.

There's still ~28 days left in the campaign, and Trump might well continue to collapse, but it won't be because of this debate.

Hillary will also have to work on those Wikileaks answers. Nobody gives a fuck about the emails, so leave that alone. But the Lincoln retort from Trump will hurt her with some undecideds.

Not as much as the video hurt Trump with undecideds, but it won't give her the +8 or +10 point win we want.
Honestly look at the posts here and compare it to the last debate. She lost this debate, she is still going to win and I'm thankful, but she really should have played more aggressively.

Video should have came out after.


Trump called Hillary out on pretty much all of her fuck ups over the last 30 years. Which highlighted how are government has been awful for at least the last 30 years. That guaranteed my vote for him tonight. He's not part of the establishment. Trump certainly isn't my first choice, and frankly he's at the bottom of the list, but he represents change.

Hmmm "change" that sounds fairly. Oh yeah we supposedly had 8 years of that! Now look who we're voting for.

Ooooh I'm excited to see the replies to this!


Trump was a miracle worker tonight.

He completely flipped the script from his audio tape to the emails and then proceeded to bash Hillary with almost every single question.

Hillary didn't pressure Trump enough and her answers (Abe Lincoln) were weak at times but had the better answers.

What should have been a bloodbath for Trump ended up being a fairly even battle.


Even if I put aside my personal views of his politics, it's still difficult for me to say Trump won tonight in any way.

He needs to appeal to undecideds, moderates, establishment Republicans, white college educated women, people of colour, etc to win this election. His base isn't enough, and he's already underwater after the first debate and the sexual harassment tape.

In this debate he discounted his sexual harassment as locker room talk, and did the strangest pivot to ISIS I've ever seen, said he'd try to jail his opponent if elected, showed the temperament of a five year old (apologies to five year olds) and openly contradicted his own VP in an extremely confused, blase tone. All the while sniffing and squabbling with moderators over time.

Yeah he threw tons of red meat at the base, which probably helps him in the unfolding civil war with the GOP but fuck it he did a single thing to improve his general electorate position.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
People need to dig into Trump for directly telling Clinton that he plans to put her in prison.
That's shit a dictator does!

People think we are exaggerating when we draw the parallels between Trump and Hitler, we are not.


Trump managed to stop the bleeding, yes. But, like the rest of the Republican establishment concluded over the weekend, it won't matter in the long run.

They probably know that even more videos are coming.

If they do decide to stick with him on monday on the basis of this debate then they're short sighted idiots. They'll just be doing more of what got them in this position in the first place.


Imagine a president candidate saying he avoided taxes via loopholes for years and still be running for president.

good Lord.

what a mess of country.


Trump called Hillary out on pretty much all of her fuck ups over the last 30 years. Which highlighted how are government has been awful for at least the last 30 years. That guaranteed my vote for him tonight. He's not part of the establishment. Trump certainly isn't my first choice, and frankly he's at the bottom of the list, but he represents change.

Hmmm "change" that sounds fairly. Oh yeah we supposedly had 8 years of that! Now look who we're voting for.

Wow, you bought the "hillary has been our dictator for the last 30 years" bit. Amazing. So she was responsible for all the great economic booms during that period too, right?


Some of these posts are a depressing reminder of how apathetic people can be towards others, even on Neogaf. If you seriously think Trump won and are voting for him, you're either extremely ignorant or just don't care about the wellbeing of other people. This isn't like a normal debate where you have two evenly matched candidates, no, this election is between a women fit for president and a sexist, raciest, homophobic monster.

I think every single person who says that Trump won in this thread is saying it with a heavy heart. I'm not saying that his performance will sway people with actual brains and basic human empathy, but it will play well to his base and to many so-called "independents".

He came into this debate with a campaign in full meltdown, and he held up relatively well and had Clinton on the defensive.

Clinton mismanaged it, came off as inauthentic, kept telling people to go to HillaryClinton.com and generally didn't land punches where they were both easy and necessary. He fucking threatened to jail her and she just appeared flummoxed.

Given the exceedingly low expectations and the shitty state of his campaign, he did well. This should get the tape off the news and stop his bleeding. It probably won't be enough to get him close to Clinton but it's a step in the right direction for him.


Trump was a miracle worker tonight.

He completely flipped the script from his audio tape to the emails and then proceeded to bash Hillary with almost every single question.

Hillary didn't pressure Trump enough and her answers (Abe Lincoln) were weak at times but had the better answers.

What should have been a bloodbath for Trump ended up being a fairly even battle.

Yeah, this was a huge success for Trump, he changed the storyline all together. This new one about his VP might not be good, but it's an improvement over the one where he enjoyed to sexually assault women.


I think Trump did slightly better this debate, and Clinton slightly worse. It did nothing to close the gap on how well they did in the debate, the problem is Trump is graded on a curve upwards, and Clinton downwards. I'd give Trump a D+ and Clinton a B-. on a linear scale, Clinton was a 7, and Trump a 3 (last debate, I'd say Clinton was an 8-8.5 and Trump a 1-2).
I'd just like to say that Trump had MANY low points that Hillary never pounced on. For example: Trump basically called that one audience member a terrorist (I recall calling his answer "horribly offensive.") That would have been the PERFECT opportunity to pounce and say something like, "This is what Trump thinks of the average American" or "I'm sorry for what Mr. Trump has said to you."

Trump pounced on every single low point of Hillary's.

I think this was the strategy Hillary and her camp went in with, and I disagree with it
Trump was a miracle worker tonight.

He completely flipped the script from his audio tape to the emails and then proceeded to bash Hillary with almost every single question.

Hillary didn't pressure Trump enough and her answers (Abe Lincoln) were weak at times but had the better answers.

What should have been a bloodbath for Trump ended up being a fairly even battle.

if you think the story with the tapes and Trump's issues with women are done, it's going to be a very interesting week for you. The fact that you think the script is back on "emails", a topic that has yet to gain any real traction no matter how hard Trump pushes it, makes me think you don't have an accurate read of what is going on.


But when Trump says he will jail his political opponent if he wins thats cool? Thats not awful government? Thats not a fuck up? Explain.

Got to say at least I know who to ignore on GAF when these Trumpers come out of hiding. There's that. I'm not going to try and talk to those people. Why bother, they lalalalalala until the cows come home.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I am watching this on DVR, after hearing Chuck Todd said it was a tie.

Donald just said,

a) Russia is new to Nuclear.
b) Supported Russia and Iran in the same sentence
c) Said that there is danger betweenthe Mossull and Iraq
d) Suggested that the trick was to do a nighttime Chuck Norris ninja attack on the ISIS instead of warning them all the time
e) Almost fell for her "Baghdadi" as person/town lure.
f) Then played victim about 1 minute
Trump called Hillary out on pretty much all of her fuck ups over the last 30 years. Which highlighted how are government has been awful for at least the last 30 years. That guaranteed my vote for him tonight. He's not part of the establishment. Trump certainly isn't my first choice, and frankly he's at the bottom of the list, but he represents change.

Hmmm "change" that sounds fairly. Oh yeah we supposedly had 8 years of that! Now look who we're voting for.

Go back to lurking. He represents hate, racism, sexism and abuse of power.
Nobody is saying Trump convinced them, but Hillary needed to bury Trump tonight, and she didn't. And that was the expectation from the rest of the world, that the leak of the video on Friday was the start of something.

Of course, the reality is that no, while Trump is still on his way to losing, this isn't going to be as easy as leaking a video and that's that.

There's still ~28 days left in the campaign, and Trump might well continue to collapse, but it won't be because of this debate.

Hillary will also have to work on those Wikileaks answers. Nobody gives a fuck about the emails, so leave that alone. But the Lincoln retort from Trump will hurt her with some undecideds.

Not as much as the video hurt Trump with undecideds, but it won't give her the +8 or +10 point win we want.

No she didn't. She's in the lead by a huge margin. Trump needs to catch up. If nothing changes then Hilary still wins because she's ahead in the first place
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